
Faith Challenges Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Walking with God often includes contradictions. Faith on one hand, fallacies on another. Promises on this side, problems on that side. The greater the promise, the greater the problems."
"God can take impossible situations and turn them around for his glory."
"hindus are low hanging fruit uh because we ours are so usually connected to our faith we don't know where to go for answers and uh that makes it uh yeah very easy for us to you know get drawn to other faiths as well"
"When Allah loves a worshipper of his he tests him and he will test such a person more the greater the test the greater the reward."
"Blessed are you when they persecute you for my name's sake."
"A lot of Catholics are confused, hanging onto their faith by a thread."
"Help my unbelief - faith is not always without doubt."
"I don't want to base my salvation on a book where there are human copy errors, inconsistency, differences."
"All who live Godly shall suffer persecution."
"I think it's a true dilemma that even as a believer you face."
"How do you know everything contained in the Bible and contained within the church and the church fathers isn't a lie?"
"Jesus Christ is true and he is good, and he's worth it, he's worth all the whether it's misunderstandings or strained relationships or whatever it is he's worth that."
"We go through so many things in life believing things without needing proof for it. The problem happens as soon as God comes into the equation."
"For you or for me to reject Christ... is a jump into La La Land."
"If prayers are not being answered, it's not God's problem."
"You want to be mad at God? He's actually a rather big God. He will bend down and box with us a little bit if you need to fight and wrestle."
"God will allow the things we trust in to be shaken... to get our attention."
"The challenging situations in life are opportunities for faith to grow."
"When you do [lose faith], Satan will show up and he will usually show up with an imposter."
"Great faith is born on the battlefield of life. Sometimes when your very existence is being threatened, great testimonies are the outcome of great tests."
"If you're not allowed to see any nuance at all, your belief can easily be shaken."
"Real faith pushes through the doubts to even a deeper faith."
"When my faith gives way to my fears, I'm going to make a mess of things no matter what. Don't forget this lesson when your faith gives a way to fear."
"When faith gives way to fear, we get in awesome trouble."
"If you're saying, 'Oh God, come,' and then if you don't see anything special happen, saying, 'Well God wasn't within a hundred miles of that place,' that's unbelief."
"Hail Jesus Christ and you'd pick it up and kiss it right and trample the crucifix if a cardinal handed you a baseball bat and said smash this statue of Mary or throw this bible into a fire you would say no I resist you right."
"Denying Christ before men is rapid among believers in this generation."
"The restored gospel's answers are breathtaking, and I've never seen anything like them to help people navigate a life of faith in a day of doubt."
"If your faith can be destroyed by evidence, it deserves to be destroyed by evidence."
"Your doubts, your losing your faith, your anger, your hurt, is all part of it."
"The most insidious diabolical attack consists in trying to extinguish faith in the Eucharist."
"God's looking for somebody that doesn't get offended by an unbelieving believer."
"It's hard to remain a Christian if you believe Jesus was a liar and a false prophet."
"Faith doesn't always work like that. When there is no momentum, a lot of times, there will be no certainty."
"For you to move out and step out in faith there will be obstacles to your path my child, but even through the difficulties that you may face I will even use them for many others even to continue to expanding my kingdom."
"The main target of these things is a person's faith and belief in a person's internal moral systems."
"Satan's strategy: get Christians to doubt God's Word, then deny it."
"Trust issues shift—what do you do when you keep on praying for Rachel and you roll over to Leah?"
"The biggest doubt that Satan is using to move people away from Islam is the idea that someone has to be perfect before accepting Islam."
"Your doubts are not a disqualification of your faith."
"If the devil can convince you you're stuck, what he just convinced you is that God is a liar."
"This is the amazing story of a woman who was programmed for a life of success and faith and struggled to find the common ground."
"One temptation is to destroy your faith; trial is to increase your faith."
"I'm struggling with what it means to be a Christian."
"Sometimes it's hard to follow something that you can't see for yourself."
"The worst part is trying to sever you from your religious beliefs, make the world seem like God never existed."
"We're shedding our foundation, so one of them is going to go is Christianity."
"The Christian must always pray, but there are particular problems in the Christian Life when if you just continue to pray, you will never solve them."
"It's important to know that we live in an anti-faith world."
"This is a spiritual battle, spiritual warfare."
"The foundation of our faith is not everything going our way."
"I think in the age of the internet, where we can really easily challenge a lot of the views that you couldn't traditionally challenge, the old faiths just don't stand a chance."
"What do you do when God goes off-script? Another thing you got to choose resilience."