
Nature's Power Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"The sea once again proving, whenever you think you're good, it just humbles you again."
"Sometimes we need to be reminded of God's reputation. We need to be reminded every once in a while that the wind and the waves know who he is."
"Mammoth clouds are crazy things, almost unbelievable sights to behold, and an impressive feat of nature."
"Volcanoes are one of the most powerful forces on the planet. They can devastate whole regions and even affect global climate."
"Their journey marked by adventure and ended in mystery remains a poignant reminder of nature's unpredictable power."
"The plume billowed almost two miles above the already colossal volcano, creating a very beautiful-if intimidating scene."
"Whenever the wind begins to blow in your room, God loves tremendous adoration."
"Brother nature to me! With that, the largest wave yet slowly tilts the ship so that it's riding almost completely on its side."
"It doesn't let you forget the awesome power of nature."
"Nature and its power are forces to reckon with, ignore them at your peril."
"This once-in-a-lifetime storm on the east coast of Australia completely swallowed a whole beach."
"Sailing the Moor is like gliding across a Razor's Edge between a gale and a great swell, one wrong move and it will slice you open."
"The unpredictable force of Mother Nature can never be underestimated."
"Don't mess with this, Mother Nature will not be kind."
"When it comes to power, mother nature holds an extraordinary amount far more than us humans can even comprehend."
"The Grand Canyon is truly one of the world's natural wonders, a testament to the awesome creative power of nature."
"Every time you see a plant breaking up concrete, that's the wisdom of God defeating the wisdom of man."
"The mountain, you know, we'll take the mountain, will give the mountain. Doesn't lie, you know? If the mountain will let you go up, she will let you go up and she will let you have a good time. If she wants to take your life, she will do that too."
"The weather will always be the boss, no matter how tough you are."
"The land won the battle, unforgiving of what humans did, as families drove down the road for the last time."
"It's kind of crazy and very interesting to see how Mother Nature works and how the process of the Natural Forces that exist on this planet sort of create these wild environments."
"It is the mountain, not the mountaineer, that decides if it's your day of reckoning."
"the al-nosla rock formation is a great example of how nature is a serious force to be reckoned with"
"Man does not control the laws of nature. He only pleads the same role."
"The tide is King. We are governed by the tides every section of the way."
"I feel like it's so powerful to tap into the energy of nature and of the season."
"Experience the power of nature at the Weeping Wall and Avalanches."
"It would have been a picture of serenity if it didn't remind me of a wildfire rising up from the trees."
"I woke up to worlds unknown, where water is stronger than rock."
"Nature itself can create this on such a massive scale."
"You cannot cover a volcano; we have to appreciate the nature of the volcano inherently to eventually spew."
"The sea surged up towards the huts and ships, the armies clashed with a tumultuous cry."
"For me, it just screams out how powerful nature is."
"It wasn't about the weapon; it was about the wind."
"Roaring curtains of water, thunderous noise, glittering spray, all this is created by the mighty natural wonder of the Iguazu waterfalls."
"All that wealth and luxury can all disappear in an instant, especially when it comes in contact with water. Water is a destructive force of nature."
"I realized how easily nature will dwarf human strength."
"Absolutely beautiful, the power of nature in full force."
"The power of these animals quickly becomes clear."
"Waters of the sea, rise and overwhelm the palace of the king."
"The river was up; it roared with a ferociousness he'd never heard from it before."
"Because the mountains don't give back what they take! Oh no, there will be bloodshed, it's the only thing I've ever known."
"The skies continuing to darken and lightning bolts are flexing around the air."
"Mother Nature always wins, that's for sure."
"The earth quivered with the heavy horses, with the hammer of their hooves."
"Every 24 hours, the Amazon brings about 19 cubic meters of water into the ocean; this volume would be enough to cover the needs of New York for 12 years ahead."
"When standing at the brink, the raw, unfettered power of Virginia Falls, of the Nahanni itself, can be felt through your bones."
"The vision that I saw was wholly awesome: the heavens shrieked, the Earth boomed."
"A thunderous lightning burst out as if it could tear apart the sky."
"It's incredible what 150,000 cubic feet of water a second falling 192 ft can create."
"The power of the sky can be made to do men's bidding."
"The blizzard that rages unendingly around a mountain peak, the vortex that swirls around a remote island, or the thunderstorm that howls ceaselessly up and down a rugged coastline could in fact be the undying form of a storm giant."
"Pillars of wild thrashing light shoot upwards into the heavens, parting the clouds as two echoes of sorrow shook the planet."
"Despite its name, the Warrior Queen was no match for the unpredictable power of the Atlantic Ocean."
"When the sound of many waters is the voice of God, a waterfall is not a gentle thing; it's a very powerful thing."
"Ta Prohm is an incredible reminder of the awesome abundance and power of the jungle."
"I have always thought myself a very big and terrible, yet such little things as flowers came near to killing me, and such small animals as mice have saved my life."
"It's like fireworks on steroids if you get the engine off on the boat, you're sitting and listening in the quiet, you can actually feel the impact as it hits the water."
"The extent of the flow field from all four of the previous eruptions shows the impressive power of nature."
"Despite the raging storm that beset us on all sides, up on the top deck, it would be dry - as though the storm parted around the platform."
"Just shows you the resilience and the power of these crocodiles."
"The sun glared down, bright and unforgiving, as the eye of a god."
"When a lion roars, it definitely goes into you, just straight to your body, those vibrations are just incredible to experience."
"Despite how powerful Ramases was, the power of nature is stronger."
"And nature has proved once again that it is not subject to man."
"The roiling waves of a stormy open sea are one of the most powerful things."
"Mother nature will always win, remember that."
"An impressive demonstration of the incredible power of nature."