
Personal Learning Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"The sea once again proving, whenever you think you're good, it just humbles you again."
"Most of the time I learn that the way the story is presented by the press is not how it happened."
"At least I have learned now not to date people off of Facebook."
"You have to understand how to pull the wisdom out of your life experiences... life is my guru."
"You can learn a lot from her. She just does whatever she feels."
"No disrespect, the man was a god in his kitchen, and I learned so much there."
"Don't be discouraged if you don't finish a course or you leave it early because really it's about learning and getting comfortable with learning."
"You definitely don't have to go to art school to become a successful artist, but depending on the type of learner you are, it may be very beneficial."
"I think Kanye is the type of person... when Kanye wants to learn about fashion... he just wants to learn."
"Communication is key, I've learned that from the onset."
"I think I've almost learned everything about the Second World War at this point."
"Forgive ourselves for not being more attentive... how can I learn from that?"
"So my YouTube channel was really just a place to start uploading videos that I was making as I was tinkering with these things."
"He taught me about chamomile tea, and acorn paste, and bobcats and coyotes."
"I'm the type of person that likes to learn things and I'm curious."
"We're all in a different place in our skincare journey and we're all learning at different rates."
"On a more personal note, if it's one thing this show has taught me is that I don't ever want to be in a place where I feel stuck and unfulfilled in life at the hands of someone else."
"I wish my school had taught this way, I learned more watching the videos."
"You can study the Bible for yourself and let the Holy Spirit teach you."
"I love self-learning, knowing more about myself objectively."
"I hope you learned his lesson here not to ignore his instincts."
"Just do your own research and see what happens because when right now I'm listening to people talk."
"I did so much research, and through that research, I just want to share with you guys like what I've learned."
"My entire YouTube channel is really just a monologue of y'all learning from my mistakes."
"You learn at your pace, not somebody else's."
"Books are also the way that I have learned a lot about the law of attraction."
"Maybe this is what we're all learning about self-love."
"Nursing school update: halfway done and feeling accomplished."
"It'll be a cool little series to kind of cover and explore more articles and topics that you might not know exist in myself as well because I learned quite a bit from this video."
"That's one thing I learned: you just have to forget it and be passionate and go deep within your art."
"What is this teaching me? What is this saying about us?"
"I probably shouldn't have believed people that I knew had nothing to do with Dermatology."
"A lesson I learned from this guy right here is when we'll start asking for samples."
"Every other day, I learn something new about myself."
"Majority of the comments are just like, I've learned here more than what I've learned in school for four years."
"Sometimes it takes a lot of pain for me to figure something out."
"Despite that heartbreak of a love that never got to be, Kelly did learn a lot of stuff."
"I like it, I like it. It's fun, and I learned a lot about dating and men."
"Trading has caused me a lot of pain in my life and actually it has taught that I am not as smart as I think I'm not as strong as I think and I'm not as mentally stable as I think."
"I know what I know about love because of where we come from."
"Isn't this really the way that people learn?"
"There is no shame in being a healer, Hank taught me that."
"I honestly think I learned almost nothing in that environment."
"Whatever it is that you're into learn about it bro."
"Curiosity is key, if I had to condense everything that I've learned both personally and scientifically to one word it would be curiosity."
"It was a very interesting day... I learned both how door locks worked and that my mom knows how to pick locks with a hairpin."
"In my opinion, it is better to study with a teacher than it is to study alone."
"The cold is my teacher. To me, it's like God."
"I hope you learned a lot and I hope you finally discovered what hair type you have."
"Thank you for giving me that honor. Thank you, learned so much."
"The best thing I learned from Judge Faith today was honesty."
"I'm not interested in anything that I don't understand intimately and where I don't have a variety of contacts who can help me understand those things that I don't know."
"Did I ever mention this though? I didn't know what a proverb was until a few years ago."
"Ultimately, learning to be gentle with yourself is the greatest secret I've ever learned."
"You may be learning tarot because the last time this came out they were telling me it came out because the person was learning tarot."
"She's like I'm strong and I'm learning and then another way she's like but I have I deserve to do drugs."
"I feel so educated. I learned more today than I've ever learned in any theme park."
"Try to teach other people what you've learned." - George
"I learned that contraception is very important."
"I have a daughter and as I read about this stuff and learn about this stuff it's the last thing in the world that I'd want to have happened."
"The biggest thing I learned was the consistency is important."
"Only upgrade guitars you like... it's more of a research thing, you know, it's what I wanted to learn, I wanted to find something out."
"Learning is different for everybody... learn the basics of the thing that it is that you want to start and then start the thing."
"I learned more about the human psyche than all my college classes and all the documentaries that could have prepared me for this."
"What I learned the most from this experience is how important it is to spend time with your family to ask questions and to learn about your history."
"The very first new word I learned as a college freshman was hubris."
"I'm learning from my own personal experiences as well as analyzing the data."
"I wanted to learn how to live off the land."
"Whatever your situation, you can learn something about yourself."
"You can only depend on yourself, and even in this case, literally learning from myself."
"Feeling okay if things don't work because I'm learning who I am."
"I learned that justice belongs to God and to God alone."
"I think you learn something from every relationship you have."