
Narrative Intrigue Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"I felt like every paragraph, every chapter, had something to pull my attention in."
"The Night Mother may seem like a frail, decaying corpse, helpless without her keeper, but beneath this guise, the Night Mother is powerful."
"Disconnected cultures talking about the same strange and specific things that really make a compelling case."
"Some of the best horror is one that always leaves you questioning."
"It fits a beautiful woman connected to a lost childhood with bittersweet undertones and a dark twist that prompts the question where do we go now, yeah that is Angela in a nutshell."
"What makes the story of the Booth brothers even more interesting is."
"The brilliance of the Comstock daughter mystery trick you."
"The show constantly keeps you engaged and thinking."
"The fact that this part of the night is so deliberately not shown in the edit makes me think Laurie may have cut off the bus with her car, causing it to crash in a roadside ditch."
"But I am personally I'm digging it while there is plenty about both the narrative and the characters that is unexplained I feel like the Intrigue is presented in a way that has my interest peaked."
"Why does Toffee know so much about the Butterfly family and magic?"
"An unstoppable force meeting an immovable object, and it's cool, it's pretty interesting to see that happen."
"It doesn't reveal everything in one go and it keeps you coming back."
"But perhaps the most important question of all is: who is Lady Allison Hightower really?"
"Is this a slow insidious invasion where we can't trust who is a void ethereal in disguise or not?"
"Now that is what you call a really cool hidden storyline message that is phenomenal."
"In the war of jokes and riddles, who will have the last laugh?"
"It's beautifully done, it's absolutely gripping and I don't know it's all about rebirth."
"The scene of poochie in the taxi has a radio broadcast announcing Jolene and armies as fugitives."
"As I was reading deeper and deeper into the book and how, like, he planned to do all this thing to, like, this entire family, I was like, 'Damn, this guy just, like, really came in and just, like, [expletive] up this entire family for no reason.'"
"Kawamatsu has now changed these odds quite a bit. I personally think it would be just like Oda and very clever to sort of hide that you're dropping this game-changing information."
"The character I was most intrigued by was Finn."
"They turned the whole search for Aegon into something really interesting, with twists and turns."
"The extra conflict between Otto and Allison adds intrigue to their dynamic."
"It's a story that really makes you ask what happens in the woods when we're not looking."
"The greatest answer to a mystery in a TV show or in a story is not a what it's a who."
"It's memorable because it presents a fascinating tale of the foundation going simply too far, largely as a result of the influence from the global occult coalition, an organization focused on terminating anomalous items."
"Even if the story is not Supernatural, which I don't think it is at this point, even if it's not Supernatural, it's this guy, whatever monster Mr. bear is so convinced that it's real that he's willing to kill over it. That's terrifying."
"Nothing gets people more excited and captivated than watching plots twisting beyond expectation."
"He realized that he was about to uncover his grandparents' secrets..."
"Licorice Recoil is real, real good, you guys, and I've done my best to avoid revealing too many of the twists and turns it has lying in wait for you."
"A little glimmers of understanding these stories allow make excellent bait, drawing us further in each time we catch a glimpse of the bigger picture."
"Danzo was much more afraid of Hitachi than he was of Sasuke."
"He's a very apologetic psychopath, which kind of psychologically makes you feel sympathetic in a weird way."
"The potential implications for the future of Morty's character are something that have me really intrigued."
"Without any more waiting, I present to you the story of a loving, obsessive father who slowly descended into madness and along the way discovered the secret to eternal life."
"He is one of the few people alive who actually knows what the One Piece treasure is."
"What, that's how the game starts? You get one quote from a dead guy and that's it."
"The story is fascinating, it's really unique, you haven't really seen anything like it before."
"It's like an action story, it's like a mystery detective kind of story, it's really interesting."
"This book sounds like it's going to be amazing because it has that 1920s glamour but there's more to it"
"He may have been a renegade... with a sure thing site."
"It was done in such a way that made you ask questions, and when you see all the pieces come together, you're just like, 'Oh my God, okay, I understand why you're like this.'"
"Villains' motives are well-explained, making them fascinating characters."
"I love political intrigue when it comes to fantasy stories."
"Void constantly tries to lure her into possible futures."
"This whole effie storyline is going to be very, very interesting."
"It just gave us this intense villain you want, but with layers to them."
"Aaron is being set up in a way that I love as a villain."
"It's so interesting when people are able to tell stories like that."
"Maybe there is a god at the top and we just don't know who it is."
"We were accosted by a dark soulful beauty."
"It feels like they want to do something with the Court of Owls."
"I'm hooked, I haven't been this enamored by a mystery in a good couple of months."
"Everything surrounding the question of the succession of Driftmark was very interesting, very engaging."
"He's such a good villain... he's got really interesting reasons; his rationale is fascinating."
"The mystery is so compelling, the fantasy world is so interesting."
"Last chapter was really interesting."
"I am super intrigued by him, he better not be dead because I am super intrigued."