
Personal Background Quotes

There are 185 quotes

"I'm one of seven kids born and raised in Wrightsville, Georgia. My parents taught me about faith, family, education, and the love of country."
"Gilman on the other hand probably had one of the best and cleanest upbringings out of everyone."
"I think it was my background really, the way I was brought up. I was raised in a fundamentalist sect called the Exclusive Brethren, and I think as I entered adulthood, I became very aware that upbringing had affected me in many ways."
"My doctorate is in New Testament and early Christianity from Durham University across the pond, where they filmed a lot of Harry Potter."
"Once you are living your life, you don't have to be bound by where you came from. You can really choose to take your life where you want it to go."
"I grew up in Quebec, one of the largest French-speaking provinces in Canada, and when it was time for me to go to college, I had the honor of being proposed a scholarship by McGill University, often considered by many as one of the most prestigious universities in Canada."
"He's running, he's six five, he played in the ivy league YMCA."
"Diddy is going down, down, down. Listen, that's another thing where is Diddy's mom? She owned everything. Where's Diddy's mom?"
"The son of a factory worker, Princeton history professor Stephen Cotkin has one of the most fascinating minds I've ever encountered."
"Mom was born and raised in Savannah Georgia... that's where I'm coming from."
"James McAvoy remained a simple guy from the street."
"With Lawrence Horn's roots in Detroit's music industry."
"I'm not a politician. I'm a mill worker's son who dares to defy the odds."
"What a lot of people don't realize about me where I came from is before I made a YouTube video I taught at private art schools for 15 years."
"Beto's brooding and privileged past didn't stop him from aspiring to the presidency. From punk rocker to politician, he's now vying for the highest office in the land."
"He grew up in a very small, poor farming village in southern Greece... He always wanted to come to the Minnesota State Fair. It's the biggest event in the country."
"JD grew up in Appalachia, grew up in working-class environments, was a Marine, who went to Yale law school."
"I stand on this stage tonight as a daughter of a maid and a janitor."
"George's childhood was relatively peaceful and stable, but the Harrisons were not by any means wealthy."
"I've never regretted that I wasn't raised in a more liberal establishment."
"He comes from an unbelievably supportive family in which he's the only son."
"I'm from prison, I'm from a street gang, you know, and to see it become this global phenomenon..."
"Reasonable people have different views based on their backgrounds, based on their heritage, based on how they grew up, based on a range of other issues."
"I grew up in Louisville Kentucky, so that's not a sensible thing to do when you grow up there."
"I grew up very Catholic, very conservative Catholic."
"My name is Fabian Ramirez. I'm from Sarah BJJ out in Long Island. I grew up and I was raised in New York City."
"Our Christianity goes underneath our national background, our profession, everything."
"It shouldn't matter where you come from, what level of education you have, or what your current financial circumstances are."
"Jacob Balon, whose parents are from the Philippines, moved to Hawaii when he was a kid."
"This is such the antithesis of the environment I grew up in as an athlete."
"People talk about where I'm from, my level of education, they talk about my father, but they won't talk about the perseverance."
"I am from the United States specifically Orange County in California so yeah I know where I'm from."
"What I know for sure is it don't matter where you come from."
"People look at us as celebrities; we were still just some little broke kids."
"Can you tell us a little bit about your folks and how all this came about?"
"Stay hungry for your goals because of where you come from."
"Me and Terrell did not grow up in the streets."
"That money should have gone to the people. This is not socialism. I'm not a socialist. I'm a refugee from Vietnam. I fled communism. I am not interested in seeing communism. I'm a capitalist."
"Young Thug really did come up in these streets."
"These pop stars have proven that a person's background is nothing but a life fact."
"Stephen was at the time 19 years old, he's a twin, he was born to humble beginnings."
"I want to run for the U.S Senate because I want to help people like me when I was in some Dire Straits whether it was dealing with PTSD whether it was being poor at 14 and trying to live the American dream."
"Oakland is the city that made me and I owe a lot to the just sort of the culture of that place."
"I'm serious, like this show, you know, just from the interactions that I have with people, that it means so much to so many different people."
"I'm from the Philippines, born and raised."
"A young man from Texas, from a very hard scrabble upbringing, is playing for the Dallas Cowboys."
"I'm not sure if you knew this but I am from Florida, it's about 30° outside, this is cold to me."
"Kurt: 'I have a background in math and physics, mathematical physics. So I've always been interested in theories of everything since I was a kid.'"
"We weren't rich, but I had what I needed. When my grandmother died, she left 115 grandkids and great grandkids. That was just one side." - Chadwick Boseman
"Known as 'Ike' to his family and friends, he excelled on the football field at West Point and later became the Supreme Allied Commander during World War Two."
"Put too much emphasis on money, money, and I get it. We all from areas in life where we didn't have."
"I care about what degree you got, I don't have no degree, my degree is very low, very low."
"It was the only thing I knew because as my brothers had been pros and there was nothing else at all." - Bill Shankly
"Growing up with such a unique background and being different from everyone else around me was hard but it ended up being a gift."
"Country music for me, because I grew up in Ohio."
"Cherry Joe Bates: described as being a sweet and outgoing girl, Cherry had dreams of becoming a flight attendant."
"Westmoreland was born and raised in semi-rural South Carolina."
"I think that a lot of people they forgot or they they guess that we've all gone to like their most amazing schools and we had all this money but um it was probably exactly the opposite."
"Moreover, one cannot forget the excellent generalship of Stanley Savage, the butcher's son from Morwell."
"I always like to intro I guess my life in the sense that I was born a sinner because I think sometimes we could talk about all the things that happened to us when the root cause was like I was already inherently jacked up."
"Even if they don't really live the lifestyle of a poor person, they still know where they came from."
"Beautiful, beautiful, I grew up with just my mother in a housing project."
"Doctor Sebastian K Matthew belongs to the 1992 batch of the Indian Revenue Service."
"I grew up on a housing estate, working class, with a very outdoor lifestyle. The Boy Scouts were like a fundamental part of my childhood and growing up."
"Look at me, I come from a little Austrian village."
"I grew up either middle class or upper middle class depending on who you talk to in Texas in Oklahoma I knew I wanted to go to Harvard when I was in seventh grade I worked all throughout middle school all throughout high school to do it."
"I grew up with none of these books inspired by a god."
"I probably wouldn't have been a rapper if I had my dad in my life."
"Part of the problem with the political situation is that there's such a bias against people who have led successful and/or complicated lives."
"I grew up on the east side of Atlanta about five minutes away."
"So, people ask Jimmy and I all the time about our origin stories, you know, where we came from, what did we do before we started making magic content."
"Yes sir, son of a steel worker, Ron DeSantis worked his way through college, joined the Navy, got a bronze star in Iraq. He never backs down. Ron DeSantis for president."
"Both come from a very similar background... now look at both of you."
"You can you just give us a quick background in terms of how long you've been married how many kids have you got..."
"My dad was very progressive, a progressive thinker. He was a photographer in his own dark room."
"I was born in the largest city in Brazil to two loving parents."
"Genetics are a mother, also he played basketball for 20 years."
"I mean I got a call after she researched my name and everything she found out that I worked with the Warrens but she did not know me when she called my name out."
"Patrick never obtained a college degree and went from the army to selling health club memberships before entering the field of financial services at age 30."
"I grew up really poor and like $180,000 is like so much money to me."
"You know, I tell people I was lucky to be able to grow up in Oakland."
"Growing up where I grew up, it had consequences."
"Mayorkas and his family fled communist Cuba themselves in the 1960s."
"New York City is going to see Dave during this race."
"Vladimir Petkovic is a Bosnian-born refugee and a naturalized Swiss citizen."
"I always wanted to rap, I rapped at church, that was before I had a computer and was making music for Green Day."
"I'm still around the people that I grew up around."
"Hopefully over time we're getting to a place where there's an understanding that everybody has their own background."
"Wilson, this very sort of stark man, very somber, former university professor, former university president."
"Harry's upbringing is going to be called into question."
"Look, my father is from Brownsville, Minnesota, just across from Lacrosse, Wisconsin."
"He had a mom and her sister who were the most important."
"I come from the hood, I come from where a lot of you all come from so that don't change with me."
"Before I was a medical esthetician or did cosmetic formulation, I was a consumer first."
"I was a country boy, I've always been a countryman. I was a farmer. Yes, I've always loved nature. I've always thought of that as my first teacher."
"It was like from the ghetto but you know how you would be, you could be a kid from the ghetto but and you want to do, you got ideas."
"I am originally from Fort Lauderdale, Florida."
"I'm also from Indianapolis originally, the east side of Indianapolis."
"I think interracial relationships are great, you know. I mean, I'm the product of an interracial relationship."
"You won't get this man to trash talk, and we love you just the way you are."
"Lewis Powell was a redneck from here in Virginia where I'm from in Richmond and was high in enriched pathologist."
"I did come from a single parent home, a single working mum who did her absolute best by both my brother and I."
"I respect the hell out of you and I love your background."
"Jim Helwig was born in Crawfordsville Indiana United States as the oldest amongst five children his childhood was marked by the challenges that came with growing up in a large family."
"I mean, I love food man, it's my upbringing, it's the area."
"I don't come from wealth and even if I had, I wouldn't flaunt it."
"I'm very, very, very thankful that I was born into the family I was born into."
"Growing up, Patrick Justin McAfee grew up in Plum, Pennsylvania, just outside of Pittsburgh."
"I never make songs to disrespect women or to judge people about the way that they living but the way I am is based on the life I was given."
"I'm Nigel Ben's son, you know, it's just it is what it is."
"This chick, the half black conservative, she tries to hide her background."
"He's like a very like multifaceted Creator and so he also comes from a similar background as me cuz the first time I ever cared about content was Smash Super Smash Bros and he was a a figure in that community at the time."
"Teaching piano was actually my very first job. I started teaching piano lessons when I was 16."
"I grew up in the 60s, and my sisters listened to The Beatles and the Stones." - Rick
"Basically, we're gonna go to Brazil for a whole month! And if you just happened to randomly click on this video, yeah, I'm from Brazil, so Eileen is coming with me."
"I grew up in the southern United States... professional wrestling NASCAR cops and Jerry Springer were high up there on the list..."
"Morgan Nick grew up in the small town of Ozark, Arkansas, a picturesque area surrounded by breathtaking views."
"Marlo Mike grew up in the same neighborhood as Boosie but was definitely less fortunate... he became Lil Boosie's new enforcer."
"I don't come from a political family. I didn't think about the possibility of being President of the United States."
"My name is Clara Sanders. I'm 35-years-old, unmarried, and come from a loving household with parents who made it their goal to prepare their little girl for anything life could throw at her."
"I'm a preacher's kid; I grew up in the church."
"I call it mediterration style eating. It reflects my own background. I'm Asian, I grew up eating Asian food."
"I don't really know my mum's parents because my mum's mum died when she was young, so my mum grew up in foster care."
"So let's jump right into the tour, and as we learn more about this gorgeous decrepit old house, we'll also fill in some background about me: who I am, and why on Earth I decided to buy a house I'd never seen, in a city I've never even been to."
"I grew up in Bedfordshire in England but I live in Cambridgeshire."
"...I was born in Southern California, I'm the oldest of eight children. My mom and dad also cradle Catholics..."
"Jessica Buchanan was 32 years old and living with her husband in one of the safer areas of Somalia."
"I actually come from the exact same circumstances as Kevin, I was born to a teen mom and adopted very shortly thereafter."
"I was raised LDS and I've been married for 9 years now and have two awesome kids."
"For me, just bio real quick for you guys who haven't known me or anything like that as uh, you know I had to really learn the receiver position from the bottom up. I mean, this is only my second year coaching receivers at the division one level."
"...a little bit about me and the tribe I grew up in."
"they are the party of the Rich and yet he wants to save a little special disdain for hopix because she was born rich and worked for a monster"
"I've met guys who grew up in households without running water, you know, who didn't finish high school. So the challenges that they face are far greater than just being able to wake up one morning and be like, you know what I'm gonna do right today."
"That's the greed part. I mean, a lot of these guys like me didn't grow up with a whole bunch of money."
"Our commutes to New York are manageable. I'm from Jersey too. I'm the Jersey breed of Indian."
"I'm born in Kumasi, you know. I used to live in an area called Krofrom, which one of the very, very, very, you know, bad place. I came from a very, very poor family, you know. So I never thought, you know, I'm going to be a successful footballer from beginning."
"As you can probably tell from my accent, I'm from Australia originally."
"He's a lifelong Georgia resident, he's 66 years old."
"I grew up in a small Ohio town that had been touched by the histories of the American Revolution and the War of 1812."
"My background is Cuban, but I'm from New York City. I'm a Latin from Manhattan."
"I pride myself on my background and my education and my work experience."
"I'm from a little town called Blytheville, Arkansas. Been in church all my life."
"For those of you that don't know me, my name is Ty Crandall."
"I'm from Miami originally, and currently, I work in the international business community."
"I'm in a million-dollar house right now, and I still ain't forgot where I came from."
"The house I grew up in is older than the United States."
"I'm a librarian's kid; I'm very archive conscious."
"I grew up on a farm in Iowa; my dad taught me that you don't run away from challenges."
"I'm not from a rich family, I grew up with holes in the floor."
"I'm super proud of coming from where I come from."
"Trevor came from a remarkably large family; he had 21 brothers and sisters."
"I was born in Iran, I sometimes like the joke that I come from a long line of lukewarm Muslims and exuberant atheists."
"I'm from Toronto, born and raised, I'm an artist, producer, engineer."
"I'm Chinese, but I was born here in L.A. My mom's from China, and my dad kind of grew up in Hong Kong."
"Mrs. Rhoden is a divorced English and history teacher at a secondary school who has two children aged 15 and 13 respectively."
"I don't care who you are, I don't care if you come from money, if you come from the streets, if you have come from privilege, if you don't have privilege, if you have an education, you don't have an education, it's all the same."
"Students with backgrounds like my own can achieve anything."
"I'm from New Orleans but I live in Atlanta."
"For context, I came into Canada in the fall of 2021, and I'm a Nigerian."
"I got a lot of respect from anybody that come from the same community that I come from."
"I didn't grow up in an affluent household."
"I am a journalist, a trained journalist from Morgan State University, an HBCU. I'm a product of Baltimore, Maryland."
"Toronto is very big on healthcare; my background is in health, so that kind of drew me to come here."
"Born in Dallas, raised in Chicago."
"I was born and raised in a village where we didn't have electricity... so here we are today, standing in that area."
"No way I'm not scared of tornado season. I come from the mountains where there are volcanos, so."
"I'm originally from Sri Lanka, a small island in the Indian Ocean."
"What are you passionate about? What is on your background? What are you capable of? Your interests, it's always good to show this."
"I'm a logical person and I was also a school teacher for 10 years."
"A king and a queen, with my background."