
Art Philosophy Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"Art gets the audience to think; propaganda does the thinking for the audience."
"Art exists because we exist, and our desire for artistic expression is purely a manifestation of human desire, period."
"The painting is not about replicating the world, it's about interpreting and improving on it."
"All art is communication and interpretation, and if we only stick to the obvious stuff then video games will be unable to portray more complex ideas to us."
"The goal of art is to have fun painting and enjoying it."
"There's no line between fine art and illustration. There's no high or low art. There's only art." - James Gurney
"Our art is the story that we tell about ourselves to ourselves. It's how we grapple with the problem of existence. It's how we search for deeper truths."
"Art is not a competition; it's a way of engaging."
"Rauschenberg once said that the whole world was his canvas."
"It's not just about the outcome when it comes to art; it's about the process."
"Painting is not about replicating the world. It's about interpreting, improving on it, showing something you see."
"Art in aesthetic terms was often coined as showing that which cannot be said."
"Realism, not photorealism: capturing nature's beauty."
"It is through its very incompleteness that art becomes complete in beauty."
"Inside every block of stone there's a statue and the task of a sculptor is to discover it."
"Art in all of its forms should be unapologetically authentic even if that means it offends people because the point of art is to say something."
"I suddenly realized that by capturing the moment, photography was able to achieve eternity."
"There's definitely something liberating in the idea that you keep on choosing because in the art space there is a softness when you choose to exist the way you want to exist."
"As long as you're doing art and you're happy then who cares. It's like your diary dude, do what you want!"
"The whole point of creating art is you're never gonna create something truly original, it's just impossible."
"Art without a message is not art. Art without a message is doodling."
"I think art should challenge what we currently believe, not just regurgitate and reinforce what we already believe."
"A work of art that would stay with them rather than one that would make a quick buck."
"There were no mistakes, just happy accidents."
"There's no bad, there's no good, there's just does art make you happy."
"Mistakes can be turned into perfection. Like just like art. Sometimes there's no such thing as making a mistake when you're doing art."
"It is vibration that produces matter, finally. It is also vibration, of course, that produces the effect that art has upon us. All art, we know this best, we understand it best. Music, everybody knows, music is just vibration."
"Art is about expression, it's not about creating something meaningless."
"Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable."
"Once art has moved from the shadows of its creator's studio into the bright uncontrollable world, it belongs as much to those who see it as it does to the person who made it."
"Art supports life, not the other way around."
"Art must aspire to be beautiful to captivate the viewer and to tell a larger story or embody a broader theme."
"Art isn't really not art is divine inspiration."
"RM examines what it means to be an artist using quotes from the painter as inspiration: 'You should firstly be a human before you do some art.'"
"Creating art and showing love is important; it doesn't need to be reciprocated, acknowledged, or given monetary value. It's the act of creating that's important."
"All art is political, or actually said all artists' politics."
"All film is art and art will hit each individual person in a different and unique way."
"Art is not maths; you don't need to make everything mathematically correct."
"Abstract art is the most concrete of all because it just is what it is."
"All works of art are in some way attempts to make sense of the outside world."
"Good art equals realism is a misconception."
"Perfection doesn't really exist in art."
"'Art for art's sake' expresses the philosophy that true art is utterly independent of any and all social values and utilitarian function."
"Art is not just art, right? You know, it is always connected to something. That is the reason why we love it, you know? It is this ability that like when I write a song like that what I'm doing is I'm creating an emotional shortcut."
"...I always think a painting is best when it's 90% shadow, 10% light."
"When Chardin died, it was said that one of the things he had said as a painter when he was alive was, 'Who said one paints with colors? One employs colors, but one paints with feeling.'"
"Art isn't a means to capture truth but a means to expel it."
"It is the locus, somehow, of what art is supposed to be."
"Art isn't a one-way thing. It's not about the artist. It's about the relationship that you build with your language, with your audience, whether you see them or not."
"All art is autobiographical. The pearl is the oyster's autobiography."
"Art's more about the experience than the final result."
"Whatever is beautiful in art becomes thinkable in life."
"Art is not a science, and I believe that these guides were made to help us but not restrict us."
"True art has nothing to do with business."
"By selective recreation, art isolates and integrates those aspects of reality which represent man's fundamental view of himself and of existence."
"Art related to the elusive quality of beauty and that the purpose of art was concerned with the elevation of the spirit."
"Art was not an end in itself, it was a means towards an end."
"A method of painting is the natural growth out of a need. I want to express my feelings rather than illustrate them."
"I'm not too concerned about what my drawings will look like several decades after I'm dead."
"Art is not the same as religion, but one part of art is the same as in religion; it's a mythology."
"Painting isn't just an aggressive tactic; it is a conversation between you and the mini."
"The absence of limitations is the enemy of art."
"Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth."
"Art is communication and it's communicating an idea."
"True art must be created out of the spiritual; there is no other solution."
"If all agents in the cosmos disappeared, all the things that we consider art would still be art."
"A drawing is much more than a mere collection of details."
"He was a man who can move mountains, convincing art to release itself from slavishly reproducing the visible world."
"Art is nothing and everything at the same time."
"Real art is not born from water; it's born from chaos."
"Porcelain embodies philosophies of excellence and purity and refinement, punong is much more experimental, much more earthy, rustic in some ways, much more dynamic."
"This is not about trying to control the situation, this is about letting go and letting the watercolors do their thing."
"Art is a journey, not a destination."
"Art is never about naturalism; it's always about expression."
"All truly great works of art are about something beyond itself."
"There isn't really a right or wrong of art, or a mistake of art, there's just sort of how you feel in relationship to your painting."
"We are not interested in perfection here; that perpetuates the idea that art is a skill that you're born with or you're not, and it's not true."
"I think one of the most important things about art is just, it really is just play and having fun."
"I think this project is really in line with something that one of my professors said that I kind of live by."
"The primary purpose of art is to reproduce reality."
"Art is something absolutely fundamental to us as human beings; it is a means by which we both explore and express the nature of reality."
"Art comes from life and is above life."
"There are no mistakes in acrylic painting."
"Commercialism is simply a label for functionalism, and all great artists produce functional art."
"True art is an explosion; live fast and die young."
"Art is an expression of a person and individual ideas."
"The point of art is to express who you are, you should use your voice, your story, whatever you want to say."
"Art becomes a better philosophy... it is working out philosophy with regards to objects themselves, the objects that we interact with on a daily basis."
"The key to a landscape, I think, is also not doing too much to it."