
Narrative Engagement Quotes

There are 211 quotes

"I devoured this book; I read it so fast and I didn't want it to end."
"When you go super hard on the storytelling, there's more of a chance of a conversion rate of people actually getting the story."
"I think mythic only phases are really really cool especially when we have that cool story hook like the toggle example you just used was a perfect example."
"The quests in the game feel interesting, making each one its own story."
"The most important aspect in determining if the novel was indeed a remarkable escape not from reality, but into reality, is if a reader reflects on the words after the last page is turned."
"Conflict to me is synonymous with problems so in any story the audience is most interested and engaged when there is some kind of problem that someone is actively trying to resolve."
"I'm so excited. This is the story of a man named Stanley. I'll never skip. I'll never skip you."
"Every development in the story just makes it that much more interesting."
"Let's talk about the lore and the cutscenes. I'm not a big story guy, but I'm following along with the current act one story and it's pretty interesting."
"I appreciate its world, I appreciate its attention to detail, its story has surprised me."
"The game has a very powerful ability to strongly incentivize that you don't do whatever you want."
"Excessive telling directly gets in the way of your story getting across to readers in an effective way."
"Hollow Knight's story will easily be able to Captivate you the same way it did to me."
"This game was hella cozy for me and I adored that comfortability for it allowed me to bask in the game's characters the narrative the atmosphere without being too stressed out"
"Half-Life has an incredibly captivating story."
"It's about both the journey you're trying to convey but also the player's own journey."
"The first 20 minutes was just joy and fun bundled up into it."
"I think the game succeeds in being a great addition to the franchise and delivering great gameplay on top of a compelling story while changing things up enough for it to feel fresh and not enough for it to lose its identity"
"That's where a story can really get me, if they can do that."
"It's got a serious strength if you can buy off on the story elements and having that feeling of just doing something crazy."
"This is the kind of character moment that I relish from a fight like this where the stakes feel real."
"The promise of being able to focus on characters I actually already know and care about is enough."
"Narrative transportation theory: the process through which an individual is transported into a media narrative."
"It's one of the most engrossing worlds I've seen in a long time... something special."
"These chapters are filled with wonderful action of numerous varieties within which I finally felt as though I was starting to understand Kishimoto's rhythm as a layout artist."
"Chapter by chapter, I find myself more and more endeared to who he is. He shoulders the narrative extremely well."
"Scenes without conflict and obstacles usually end up being straight exposition. This is boring, lazy, and definitely something we want to avoid."
"I have never been as enthralled in the story that a game has presented as I was in the story of The Last of Us Part II."
"It's truly such a well-written story it really feels like a movie to me."
"Baldur's Gate doesn't just show you a bad situation, it has you talk to the people living in it. It wants you to feel for them, it wants you to connect with the situation and feel something toward every NPC you meet."
"It's an awesome amalgamation of what's basically a choose-your-own-adventure alongside a really solid tactics engine and great storytelling."
"Suddenly You Are Not Alone a phantom Voice issues from the wood itself oh stranger do you know the spell which controls the gate uh no I do not."
"It's a story that'll keep you entertained throughout."
"As long as you hold on to the bucket, the many disorienting contradictions of the Stanley Parable will feel perfectly normal and perhaps even comforting."
"Code Vein has my interest mainly because of the aesthetics and the story."
"I remember just being so enraptured with the story... I almost forgot I was acting in the scene."
"I want to see him actually do it and be savage."
"The characters are all still pretty likeable... Sarah and Deacon are great."
"It's kind of a little bit sad but it's also just so great... once again, that nostalgia really brought me back to the story."
"The plot is really freaking good. This is the final mission of the Phantom Thieves."
"There's so many instances where I as a player was left wondering if I'm even supposed to take the plot seriously at all."
"I love feeling conflicted about stories and characters."
"Each individual character has its own personality, its own story, and each one is one I genuinely found myself really invested in."
"I really need a deep, rich story narrative game, and if Vampire Survivors came along and I was like, 'Oh, this is it, turns out this is exactly what I needed.'"
"We walked to the end of the block. We turned the corner. And 200 yards in front of us, the Intourist Hotel." (Laughter)
"I found myself more invested in this story than I've ever been in a Diablo game."
"Whitebeard just solidifies himself as someone we love."
"Just when you think the story is over, there is a twist."
"It felt like they were experiencing a new story in The Wizarding World and how the story will really hook you in from the start of the game."
"There's a lot of excitement from beginning to end."
"The story kept me engaged to the point that even when I was frustrated with the gameplay, I wanted to keep playing to figure out what was going to happen next."
"The audience spent so much time rooting for that, the heroes were convinced they saved, is fantastic."
"Theres a reason why you hang on to every word that is said in Halo 2, of course its written well, but each character has a different way of expressing themselves, they have unique discernible personalities."
"That when Joel is looking at this woman, and we hear that theme, we feel it. We feel the loss. I feel it every time."
"What makes the world so believable that despite having the wackiness it still allows you to suspend disbelief?"
"I love... loved just the best experience with The Last of Us Part Two in the worst way."
"I actually was pretty invested in the story."
"Interact with the narrative naturally as if you are a character who's living and breathing in the world."
"The fight begins at the dam and a third of the way through Clayface begins chasing you down the sewers... kept the fight interesting."
"But the rest of the movie was put together so much better that I'm not knocked out of the movie and I'm along for the ride."
"A lot of people love Ayaka, especially with her story quest."
"This chapter is so cool so far. It's just like crazy."
"It felt like there was true progress to their relationship."
"I like seeing a set of characters contend with a variety of scenarios."
"Scammers can also fall under the good ole entertaining, get rich quick fantasy narrative genre."
"Without that information, it can be easy to feel distant from the character’s emotions, from their central struggles and conflicts."
"If I don't very quickly understand and care about... we soon meet then I'm not going to care about some great evil coming to destroy their world."
"The unfairness laid upon Saitama is our reason to care, is our reason to root for him."
"Jak X is a satisfying combat racer, with a slick aesthetic and vibe and a cool story."
"When Sauron did his little monologue I believed it, I believed it."
"If you're rooting for anything in this show, you're rooting for these characters to win their battles against themselves."
"The story of Boku no Hero has never been so intense."
"If you take the story seriously, you'll end up having a bad time."
"If you're a fan of first-person dungeon crawlers, if you're a fan of the art style from Disgaea or the narrative tone from Witch and the Hundred Knight, you owe it to yourself to see this review through to the end."
"The sorceress is engaging precisely because she's self-absorbed and completely unsympathetic."
"Meg as a main character is one that I find just so easy to root for."
"I'll attest until the end, it's the definitive slice of Mario's transgalactic life."
"Every game is a brand new self-contained adventure with challenging combat, lovable characters, and epic stories that can be enjoyed by anyone regardless of their history with the franchise."
"If a game's got good characters, a setting I like, and a story I can get invested in, I'm gonna like it."
"Let's get on with the show, this is an interesting story."
"It's like you're invested in it right? It's like you gotta just see the end, it's like a movie that you just don't know how it's all going to end."
"Unexpected twists and turns keep readers hooked."
"That's when it started getting real interesting."
"I'm really starting to like these characters and really understand what makes them tick."
"I just think this is such a good storyline to go and play."
"I'm overwhelmed and excited... I love Wano so far."
"Epic! Three-wide with our two rivals in the F2 story mode."
"The combat felt much more fluid and it helped that I didn't have to worry if I hadn't finished off an enemy."
"The story is compelling for the non-book reader and you get a much deeper understanding of the characters if you're familiar with the lore. Also, it's just plain impossible to unknow stuff." - Dwan Williams
"The tension was off the charts and I loved it."
"It's a big testimony to the power of stories and the power of movies."
"She goes into everything with her eyes wide open... That makes her character so much more compelling."
"Once we established the more personal stakes and the connection between the two, it does become a lot more engaging."
"There were some pretty hyped moments, the sheer venom in Sylvanas was great."
"I think this season has had more characters that you could just outwardly directly sympathize with from the get-go."
"Persona 5 is a genuine masterpiece of a video game... it has an immersive world beautifully created characters and just a compelling story from start to finish."
"One of my favorite parts about this was the way it really felt like the story was happening in real time."
"It was almost as if Kirito sensed that Asuna got hurt, the guy was crawling out of his wheelchair to go to her."
"What truly captivated me in this game is its main story."
"One of the things I loved about Spider-Man: No Way Home was that they were actual supporting characters. Yes, exactly versus just fun cameos."
"These books are like cozy armchair literature, offering bite sized brilliance, quick thoughts, and captivating narratives that can be like a gift in those stolen moments of tranquility."
"Trust the plan. Q has said, reminded us right in the beginning of 2018 that we were watching a movie, and that a good movie required good actors."
"I absolutely ate this book up, her writing is just so easy to read."
"Good filmmaking is king because, you know, there's over heels in the film."
"I think she's really an interesting character."
"I liked our main character a lot, I also liked her handler Dell as well, I liked her relationship, I liked how that developed."
"Overall, I feel like this was kind of my perfect science fiction novel."
"This book, I just, I mean how could you not love it? Like it's really, really, really good."
"I'm really glad that I read this book, and I totally understand why Starla enjoyed it because again, it has that strong, stubborn main character."
"More than anything else, it's a really compelling story."
"It makes it seem tangible too, like a place you could actually go to."
"Our version of Arthur Ford not making it to the clock in time."
"The story was really well told, the world itself is engaging because of its lore and how well thought out it is."
"It's easy to follow, it gave me characters that I felt engaged with, and the pacing was so fast."
"A raid is kind of like its own separate instance that has its own storyline."
"Most of these people are going to die, and you are going to watch them do it."
"All of this, in combination with tightly written scenes and amazing chemistry between the Prince and Farah, leads to countless moments of wit and charm."
"It offers a wonderful method of interacting with a touching and impactful story."
"It lends an air of real believableness to it all."
"But outside of that truly I am just loving this story so much."
"Can we rekindle the spark that once set Meltdowns on fire? Not literally, but also there was a literal fire."
"All in all, it was a fantastic experience that took us on a journey through the history of JoJo in a really compelling way."
"So you want to hear a story, huh? A tale of adventure across the stars?"
"Young, morally pure Wade, inscribing Carpazo's letter like how Nimik inscribes his manifesto."
"I love the puzzles in this game, and the working together, and the story... as you're trying to figure things out."
"I feel like I'm actually really invested in what's happening right now."
"Yuji Itsadori is an enigma of a character... compelling enough to keep us coming back for more."
"That's what makes the universe of Kim like believable because you feel like okay like these are people who can actually exist."
"There's something about this type of fantasy that is immersive in an uncanny way."
"And it's still kind of stuck in my head and that kind of experience even though I got the bad ending is still really impactful because I'm still thinking about it."
"The game has some serious charm that anyone interested in good story-driven games would get a kick out of." - Slopes Gaming
"This game made me feel things that I had never felt playing a game before."
"The mechanics themselves are just as good as MGS two and three with simplified CQC, a plethora of customization, a variety, and a story that keeps you invested."
"If the writing's good, you're in there entirely."
"It's a unique universe, and the game just put a lot of effort in storytelling with a very nice story."
"The brilliant atmosphere, challenging combat, and superb storytelling are a magical recipe that any potions master would be proud of."
"At least the story and characters were able to hold my interest this time around which typically doesn't happen."
"Obvious telegraphing aside, the story itself was gripping."
"It's pretty close next week you get to play this I like love season 1 of The Walking Dead like it that's you know telltale heyday."
"These stakes of it at that point were really good... I still found myself completely invested." - "Xenoblade Chronicles 2's climax delivers a wonderful payoff and keeps players invested."
"It was a fascinating story, I liked it a lot."
"It's good storytelling, and that's what actually makes it for us."
"An issue I had with Cold Steel is that the game never really moved me away from Marine, and as such, it felt like I was watching how class 7 interacted with him rather than how they interacted with each other. Tokyo Xanadu fixes this issue."
"I feel like my reading experience was heightened by the fact I didn't really know much, but yeah, I really loved this."
"Seems like the perfect time and place for a scary story."
"Welcome back to Top 10 Nerd... anything about gods and myths just gets me going."
"The bonds formed in Oasis, whether with Harold or the tree minders, leave a lasting impact."
"Phelps really laid into him, trying to force a confession. It felt off, but still, I love the interrogation feature here."
"I genuinely love the characters, like I really really love the characters."
"It's kind of a fun fun storyline on that one. I'm rooting for these two... here's to healed individuals choosing to move toward each other when the time is right which seems like it's now for these two."
"The appeal of the story is not the plot itself but the interaction of the plot with the person trying to wrangle the plot."
"Luz's goodness, rather than make her boring, is what makes her so compelling and complicated."
"It's executed pretty damn well overall, and Game Informer would write 'Headhunter is not without its blemishes, but I really got into the game, beating Metal Gear and wanting more. Get some head, goddamn!'"
"We want the stakes to matter right, we want people to really care about what's happening in this universe but at the same time have a lot of fun with it."
"The progression of this story was engaging and pretty believable."
"People demand it. They say take me to the story's end. I want to know the last page of the book before I even finish the first page."
"It's a moonlit night, there's a storm brewing there, it's snowing beautifully and softly, and it just calls you in like a great storybook illustration."
"It just felt like an extreme level of attachment for characters."
"Questing in RuneScape: a lack of typical kill and collect quests, with fully formed, narrative-based experiences."
"Secret of Mana has held a special place in fans' hearts for over two decades: vibrant visuals, compelling story, memorable characters, and simple yet effective combat."
"It's heartbreaking and it's awful, and that type of conflict honestly, for me, endeared me to the king's suffering."
"Character design is more often overlooked despite being the undervalued treasure towards finessing the potential of Storytelling."
"The story was structured enough to keep me interested but it was still that who gives a crap attitude that made it a fun ride."
"Seriously every time he meets someone new who kind of like joins up with him in this arc I'm like, oh you're cool."
"The father-son-esque relationship between Illness and Gihon is one of the most enthralling parts of the show."
"I like how this game does have the ability to make us actually care about characters that we absolutely despise."
"I care about the characters immediately right off the start and that's saying a lot, I think they're interesting, the designs are interesting."
"Hestia's agency in the story of Danmachi gives us more reason to care about her."
"Great Expectations is my favorite Charles Dickens book... this story always kept me on the edge of my seat."
"Writing a compelling story that really draws you in is a lot more difficult than just creating a gameplay loop that isn't horrible."
"I don't want this to end. These characters are great."
"I think we all you know that's what we all went yeah but even before the fight we all had goosebumps because we're ready for them to you know ready for this especially after all the [ __ ] Colonel dead in the entire Series so far."
"The best kind of villains are ones that are given enough development to turn out as an actual character."
"I hate him, Mason. Well, I feel like a right fool because yet again we have been drawn into the world of the Matrix I asked you to build."
"The storytelling really compels me to continue playing."
"That, and the realistic character interactions always give me the vibe of, 'Oh, I would absolutely be this sassy in this kind of situation.'"
"At this point in the story, I'm just... I just got a mix of emotions, you know? Like, I'm mad but I'm also sad and I'm also still trying to hold out hope that there's just going to be some type of way to save Tick."
"It has a story that sucks you in, a ton of replayability options, and frankly, it's one of those games where if you like Fallout, you'll almost certainly like this one."
"Every character instantly grabs you with their unique charm and quirks."
"Metro Exodus on its own had me gripped... strapped in for the ride."
"Not since Game of Thrones have I been so interested invested in a show."
"Suspect number two is Wilhelm the innkeeper this guy seems to be the only person in town other than our fee that actually seems to care about this girl."
"I don't want to root for Griffith, but in that moment, I kind of did."
"What actually makes them replay the most is a great story."
"It's not very action-heavy, but I'm invested in the story."
"I like all the characters who were introduced this time I really learned about it was good I feel like I don't have too much to say it was just it's just nice and kind of getting into the into the groove of things."
"There's something about that that is a, like, a character that I think that's once again what makes so much of this work and compelling is that it all feels more layered."
"The action in Children of Dune is far more cohesive and engaging."
"It genuinely makes the jokes funnier, it makes the story flow better, it makes me more invested in these characters."
"I'm feeling connected to the story in some way I can't explain."
"Just so unbelievable, man, just getting more of the story just makes you enjoy it that much more."
"This show has grabbed me by the rib cage, ripped it out, and thrust it into the heart of caring about the plot."
"It really packed an emotional punch that a lot of the others didn't really ever seem to try and do."
"I enjoy it because of how much I love the characters."
"Sometimes the story is so compelling that people want to explore that."
"I don't think a recap would bug me too much because both of them are really good stories."
"I'm completely in love with this film, the characters, the storyline."
"This whole thing just feels so epic, and I'm really, really invested in the characters."
"Make sure you stick around to hear the entire story."
"That's the kind of storytelling that draws me in, not necessarily seeing someone in the Boba Fett armor."