
Reading Experience Quotes

There are 356 quotes

"I devoured this book; I read it so fast and I didn't want it to end."
"For a book that was written so long ago, I was definitely not expecting to laugh out loud as much as I did."
"This was such an unexpected amazing read for me this year, and I just loved it."
"I like a very straightforward storyline. I don't have to sit there and put together a damn puzzle to read."
"You can't skim it... it's an experience, it's not something that you can just strip mine for meaning."
"This was the most visceral reading experience I've had so far this year and will stick in my mind for a long time."
"With books, I find that the book comes along at a certain time and you either pick it up and you read it and you can't stop reading it or you just don't get into it."
"Books with short chapters are really conducive to a fast-paced reading experience."
"What I find most unsettling as a reader is when the characters themselves aren't recognizing what's unsettling."
"There's a physical experience of reading a paper book that you simply don't get when you go from Facebook to your Kindle app on your phone."
"Narrowing all the books I read this year to a top 10 list was honestly incredibly difficult."
"I loved every waking second of reading this."
"This trilogy from beginning to end, I loved every single second of it."
"Do you know what it's like to read all of that at two in the morning by yourself in a dark room? It feels like a drug."
"Simply decorating the novel in this varied and consistently high quality way does add a lot to the experience of reading it."
"I read the book cover to cover and I could not believe what I was reading."
"It's the way that I literally read 50 pages of Jade Legacy and I'm emotionally drained like I'm not even kidding."
"Buying a book is always an act of faith unless you've already read the entire book."
"These books just make me so unbelievably happy because they elicit so many different emotions from me when I'm reading them and it's just such an engaging reading experience and that is just so rewarding for me."
"I have yet to have a reading experience like reading the entire Harry Potter series because that experience was genuinely like an alternate reality like I was in this world and nothing else existed."
"In a frenzy... read it cover to cover... could not stop reading."
"The sign of a really good book is when you miss the characters after finishing reading it."
"Turning each page almost feels like an intimate exchange."
"I read this book about 300 pages in 3 hours and 50 minutes or so, not too bad."
"The e-ink display provides a really nice, easy-on-the-eye comfortable reading experience."
"It's sort of like finishing a good book... it's done."
"The goal of this video was to hopefully fall in love with one of the genres that I read and become obsessed with it."
"I can't say that I had a terrible time reading this book, but it didn't do much to make me swoon."
"A book that feels like warm covers when it is cold outside."
"I read these books so fast, and there's a super slow burn romance here, I'm talking like K-drama level slow burn which I just find to be delightfully entertaining."
"There's something wrong with you if you don't cry while reading this book."
"It's a win-win so let's dive in with one of the most depressing books I've ever read."
"Every chapter you're like, 'Okay, now I need to get to the other one.'"
"It's just one of those books you can't put down because you like need to know what's gonna happen."
"Honestly, I had a lot of good times reading the book. I just genuinely felt like, holy [expletive], I didn't expect to learn this much from the book, but this is a god, this is like, this is a bible, this is a lingerie bible right here."
"This is one of the most unique reading experiences I have ever had."
"So I bought his autobiography, and I read it from cover to cover."
"This chapter was refreshing after the repetitive last chapter."
"Good progress is the thing that keeps you turning the page."
"When I tell you I couldn't put it down and I had to just keep going I couldn't stop I could not stop."
"I just want to read a good book for the first time again."
"I really enjoyed this, I feel like again I'm just like a different reader now."
"I had a great time reading this, I always have such a fun time reading Cassandra Clare books."
"There is not enough PR in the world, not enough degrees, not enough anything if you don't have empathy in your heart for people."
"Some books when you close them give you an exclamation point feeling."
"With those illustrations, these tales are just too disturbing to read in the day, never mind in the dark!"
"This book gave me, for the first time, one of those moments that you're reading, and you're like, 'No, no, no, no, effing way that just happens.'"
"You don't stop thinking about a book just because you finished it, that's true."
"The whole experience of reading this book was thrilling."
"I literally yelled out loud when I read the last couple of pages."
"Reading 'The Boxer' honestly feels like watching the growth arc of an antagonist."
"Let's Play is the most slice of life slice of life I've ever read."
"I still can't believe I finally read ACOTAR this year after promising myself that I would never read this book."
"I will read from all of these authors again."
"Every time I read it, shivers creep up my spine."
"It was honestly one of the most depressing things I’ve ever read."
"I am now jealous of anyone I recommend this book to, because they get to read it for the first time."
"If I could wipe my brain clean and read that book again, without knowing what's gonna happen, I absolutely would."
"Disco Elysium is so text heavy that it can feel like you're actually holding a kindle when playing it on a steam deck, but for fans of deep RPG experiences, it's exactly what you're probably looking for."
"I think paperbacks are prettier and they're easier to read."
"This book is making me like Charles a little bit more."
"I'm definitely on track to finish tonight. It has magic, it's dark and intense, but also just like gray characters. Really liking this book so far."
"This is the best chapter so far. I'm really enjoying it."
"One piece has been tickling us about Laughtale for like 25 years, but at least it kept tickling. It keeps tickling. Togashi just came and it tickled."
"A book where you wake up in the morning and you think yes now I can keep reading."
"You've spent decades flipping through the pages of their books, your imagination creates the details not provided, the stories between the panels ensuring a unique version for each reader."
"From the first sentence to the last sentence, I am hooked the entire time."
"Love From A to Z was a big surprise for me. I breezed through it super quickly. It is so sweet and wonderful."
"I read this while on vacation and literally didn't leave this book for like 24 hours until I finished it."
"It was probably the most emotionally moving book I read this year, it really impacted me emotionally."
"I flew through it, I read it so quickly, I think it's well worth it."
"It gives you so much context for the books... made me want to reread the series."
"Elevates visual reading to a completely different level."
"I like getting to read something that doesn't feel like it was written for robots or puritans or idiots."
"Revisiting an old childhood fave and so far so good."
"This reread was actually so easy breezy kind of coordinating right now loved it quest focus classic fantasy with great romance."
"So glad I spanned it out... typically wouldn't have picked up... really got to read a lot of great books... hope you guys enjoyed this ridiculously long feature length film video."
"This book was so surprising and so juicy and exactly what I needed at the exact time that I read it."
"This Dune book that you can read on any side."
"Picking favorite books is so difficult because I could easily talk to you about like recent faves but I never know which favorites are gonna stick around for long enough that they become all-time favorites."
"Every evening that I picked up this book from my nightstand to read it felt like I was putting a ticket in a slot to go on this like new Disney park."
"Literally all the books are in this one book, I don't know, it's genius."
"I'm so glad you read the book. Every reader is like my first reader to me."
"It was such a clever book, like I've never read a book like that before."
"It's so easy to consume... every single time I would read this book I would find something different to love."
"I absolutely loved that... what a fascinating read honestly."
"For the first time, for me reading that script, I was like wow."
"I really enjoyed this one, I thought it was so strong."
"It's absolutely worth the hype and I'm so glad that I read it."
"I literally read it in one sitting it was that good I just couldn't put it down."
"But I do think that some of you guys could end up actually really liking the book."
"That book was so good it fully lived up to the hype."
"The pacing of this story is absolutely wild, I couldn't put it down."
"This is the best thing I've ever read in my entire life."
"It's about 300 pages and it reads really fast but still fantastic messages fantastic uh topic and just concept."
"Definitely recommend reading this one because it will take you an afternoon maximum and it's very beautiful."
"Again, I didn't hate this book, but it was just a three-star read for me."
"I feel like this book is one of the biggest surprises of the year for me, I wasn't really expecting to like fully love a Penelope Douglas book this year again because their last couple of releases haven't been my favorite."
"But I'm just gonna read my way through the Heroes of Olympus and you'll get to see every single major reaction that I have."
"It's a special feeling when you find a story where not only are you able to enjoy what is on the page but there's this additional understanding that you hope is real of what the author is trying to accomplish."
"I love the feel of a good book, I love the imagination of a good book."
"Do not pick this book up expecting a light read. This is incredibly emotional."
"It was so unique and rare to read something that felt like it was its own thing."
"Part of me is like it's really fun that I read it now with the perspective of like 10 more years."
"I loved reading these chapters probably more than I've enjoyed reading One Piece chapters in a while."
"Started a new book and halfway through already. Colleen Hoover's novels are just too captivating!"
"It is so good it is one of the most fast-paced books I have ever read in my entire life."
"I personally love the reward of being able to turn the page."
"Maybe I didn't mourn all the previous times I'd read this because he'd never really come to life in those previous readings."
"One of the worst books in general I've read."
"The slow burn of it was so good read this book."
"Whether you're a bookworm or a casual reader looking to dip your toes into the literary world, these books promise a delightful journey through compelling stories and intriguing ideas, all without breaking a sweat."
"I absolutely ate this book up, her writing is just so easy to read."
"I've never had so much adrenaline reading a book, uh, ever."
"I had a really, really good reading year, probably one of the best reading years I've ever had in terms of quality."
"I'm going to be reading his back catalog after this... I thought this was just amazing."
"The story was interesting and engrossing and it was a fun adventure to follow."
"It's sat in this... it felt very cozy, it felt like a warm hug reading it."
"The banter and natural dialogue between all of them is just so much fun to read."
"I literally cried multiple times. I know it took me forever to read, but I did finish Reminders of Him recently and I loved that book."
"Buying this book is gonna read my journey with my sister."
"I read the bulk of this book in a day... that is how captivated I was by this book."
"The Humans by Matt Haig had me laughing out loud in public – a rare feat for any book!"
"It was just a flowing story and it was a really fast and I didn't have to like think too much which is the best when reading a fantasy."
"I feel like my reading experience was heightened by the fact I didn't really know much, but yeah, I really loved this."
"I genuinely found it very refreshing, even if you don't like that trope, I would 100% say read it."
"I loved honestly like every single second of this book."
"I'm specifically not reading the synopsis because I've heard that this book is very weird and I kind of just want to jump in without any impression about what the story is"
"I have never read a book so fast. Usually, I'll take two or three days, which I was like, I am flying through these books."
"This one was a big surprise for me, it's a pretty thick book and I remember reading it and it's like kind of binging the second half of it and just loving it."
"Simply one of the most charming, adorable stories I have read in a long time."
"Each book blew my mind multiple times, it also broke my heart multiple times, and was just truly one of my favorite reading experiences ever."
"It's one thing to actually read from the page... but when I went down to a local studio... that's when the real experience... started to feel really strong."
"This looks amazing, one of the better readings I've done in a long time."
"It's short, it's better than it should be, and it was the first experience of really being carried away by a sci-fi book."
"The attention is just incredible in those books."
"This is the book I think out of all of the books that I really felt I was holding like a meaty piece of literature."
"That was probably the best book I've read all year so far."
"Nothing has really caught my attention like a lot of my favorites have in the past. That was until I read Chainsaw Man."
"If you read a book a good book, you do the work for the first hundred pages and the book takes over."
"You don't really read Blame, you just kind of feel it."
"I love when books give me butterflies, I just love that feeling."
"Next, we've got 'Love at First Sight.' My reading relationship with you was opposite of your title. It was love at first sight for me, baby."
"It was so good definitely one of the most memorable things I read all year."
"I'm really enjoying it at the moment purely because of the plot and the different elements."
"I want to pledge that I'll donate a thousand dollars for every round I win."
"I'm greatly anticipating finding out how I actually feel about this book by the end... I'm intrigued."
"Reading a book is an entirely different experience that can't be replicated by watching a movie or watching a TV show."
"I just had a great time reading this. I think I'm going to give this like a 4.25 because it wasn't one of those books where I was like oh my gosh new five-star read I'm so utterly obsessed but it was really enjoyable really really enjoyable."
"I really had a great time reading this."
"I feel like I lived a million lives in this book alone."
"This was so far the best book I have read."
"You feel as though you've been sucked into a vacuum within the book."
"Reading this book feels like a cinematic experience."
"It's one of those books where it's like I have a hard time understanding leaving this book not feeling like happy like it just is an explosion of happiness."
"When you read, you don't see a scene. You see words and even punctuation. I'm looking at the way he moves words 'round."
"By the end it has culminated in a story that just leaves me feeling exhausted and I don't want to have an exhaustive reading experience."
"The manga reading experience of Attack on Titan might be one of the most incredible experiences I've had... it's like my second most viewed video on my channel."
"So those are all of the main things about the Kindle Paperwhite that to me over the past six months, make it better for reading on than a book."
"It's almost hard to explain... You just have to read it."
"The suspense and the momentum that's built throughout the story really added a lot to the reading experience."
"There's nothing better than holding a physical copy of a book."
"The main thing that made book one a like and not a love for me was that I'm a very character-focused reader."
"...I'm about 50 pages into the Running Man so far and this is definitely feeling like a classic dystopian."
"I think it is just really unique and just really good for people who want that kind of cool experience in a book."
"The original book is just unlike anything I've read, you know as a reading experience completely unique."
"By the end of the year, you will have grown as a reader and you will have thoroughly enjoyed your experience."
"This perfectly captures the experience of reading Gravity's Rainbow and gives reason for rereading it."
"I feel like when I read Memoirs I'm just like taking in the story and the voice of the person who is writing and not really the main ideas and takeaways so this is great for that"
"I finished this in one sitting. I read this cover to cover in one go on a Sunday afternoon simply because I just felt so strangely entirely compelled to read it in its entirety."
"I'm very excited actually to keep reading and see which books hit me differently or better this time around."
"I want to read in places I normally wouldn't film in places normally wouldn't and try to make all of my reading experiences cozy and beautiful and see if that changes the way I feel about a book."
"I felt like they were so connected I didn't expect to feel that connection through the pages but I did."
"I was reading the final pages of this book, guys, with misty eyes. And I am not being hyperbolic there."
"This is the best book I think I've ever read."
"Second person can change the entire texture of a story and make for a fascinating reading journey."
"Honestly, I love finding a good playlist to read with the book. It just genuinely enhances the reading experience for me."
"It just this book hits so differently."
"It was so good, it was like the perfect way to start a Sunday morning."
"This still manages to be such a heartwarming life-affirming kind of read."
"It reads so quickly like I feel like every time I give myself a moment to read it I just want to read all the pages at once which is just so fun."
"I strangely want to read the sequel even though I didn't quite enjoy the reading experience."
"Book one still is one of the greatest books I've ever read."
"It's going to be a special experience."
"When you've read a book that's been really difficult and you just want to find a book that is gonna completely just suck you in, this book did that for me."
"...the twist was so unexpected that I actually gasped when I read this part..."
"I want you to watch how scrolling works because now when I scroll and I'm reading through one article read this this is great really enjoying it get to the bottom there's the next article I can just scroll right through to the next article just like that awesome."
"I have now finished the 24 hour readathon but I ended up finishing a court of mist and fury and this was phenomenal."
"I've been reading this and it is amazing. Okay, it is so worth the hype so far I cannot put this book down."
"I kind of wish that I hadn't read it for this vlog because it's not a romance."
"I'm glad I read it but I kind of wish that I hadn't read it for this vlog because it's not a romance."
"I wish I had read these this way, I wish I have begun my Transformers journey reading them with the hardcovers with this suggested reading order because I think it is the perfect reading order."
"I didn't realize it was foreshadowing the first time I read it."
"If you're like me and reread the books every year, then this is definitely a new reading experience."
"I love books that just start out with a bang like some books it takes you a little bit of time to get into them which there's nothing wrong with but this book like I'm already hooked on page 10."
"I loved Once Upon a Broken Heart. I read the ARC in one sitting. I remember randomly picking it up one night and I stayed up till 4 a.m. reading it because I was mesmerized."
"It's not bad, don't get worried. It reads so fast, right? Because this is told entirely through like one to two-page chapters. It reads faster than a 380-page book should."
"I feel like I don't want to put it down and I don't get that often with books. Like, I just feel like I can't put it down. I have to finish it now. I have to know what's going on."
"Listening to an audiobook is a different experience than reading words."
"It was an extraordinary reading experience for me."