
Ocean Exploration Quotes

There are 118 quotes

"About 95% of our oceans remain completely unexplored."
"With over 80 percent of the ocean still unmapped and unexplored, the enormous underwater realm remains a scary mystery."
"The deeper you go, the bigger and stranger things get."
"We only know 5% of the oceans; 95% is undiscovered."
"There's so many mysteries about the ocean. The ocean is the most unexplored place in the whole world."
"Eighty percent of what's deep inside the world's oceans remains hidden to this day."
"The ocean is so huge, and currents take you so fast... These things aren't submarines; they're submersibles."
"The depths of the ocean are fundamental to our future."
"The deep blue sea is an awe-inspiring place, and for centuries, us humans have speculated what insane and awe-inspiring creatures could be deep dwelling at the bottom of the ocean floor."
"The ocean is...most of Earth's surface, and so much we don't know, and frankly, you know, space kind of siphons off a lot of what could be attention also given to Earth's surface." - Neil deGrasse Tyson
"The ocean covers more than 70 percent of the entire planet's surface and remains one of the least explored frontiers on Earth."
"Who knows what other Fantastic Beasts are concealed in the Abyssal depths of our vast oceans?"
"All that's going to be left of the Titanic probably are the ship's frame still sticking up like ribs of a great dead whale out of the sea floor."
"The history of our relationship with the deep is written in unknowables. Time and again we declare something impossible only to discover it’s already happened, confine a phenomenon to myth until it proves itself beyond all doubt."
"What Lies Beneath our oceans are vast and cover almost 75% of our planet surface and yet they remain largely unmapped almost 80% of their wonders."
"The deep blue sea is as mysterious and powerful as outer space and perhaps in its own way even more."
"There's much more to the ocean than meets the eye perhaps that's why we're also fascinated by it."
"The realization that over 90 percent of Earth's oceans remain unexplored."
"Our oceans cover More than 70% of the Earth's surface but did you know that over 80% of them remain unexplored being too deep too cold or too dangerous these places are home to Secrets most people have never seen until now"
"This humanoid Marine Beast off the coast of Antarctica estimating it to be around 65 to 100 ft long for reference that's around the same size as a blue whale"
"The ocean world... it's below that surface area, it's that mystery place that is full of animals and sea creatures and aliens."
"This recent incident reminds us just how unpredictable the ocean is and how we shouldn't, as humans, dare to explore its deepest depths where crushing pressure could easily destroy a machine with even the tiniest fault."
"The committee is trolling the ocean floor to salvage anything."
"There is so much of our ocean that is still unexplored, and that's where the truth lies."
"The world’s oceans make up the vastest yet least understood region of the Earth."
"So 71% of the earth is covered in water and just how much do we actually know about what's going on underneath all that wet stuff?"
"There exists more historical artifacts under the sea than in all of the world's museums combined."
"The ocean may be dark and full of unknown horrors, but it's also full of wonder."
"Prepare to be amazed by the wonders of the ocean as we delve into the fascinating world of the giant Oceanic manta ray."
"Sending robots to explore the ocean's depths is paving the way for future space exploration, with lessons applicable to lunar missions."
"Until the day we can lay eyes on the dangers of the deep ourselves, the crazy creatures down there will remain shadowed in mystery and darkness."
"The amount of unexplored ocean is mind-blowing. We have much more to learn about what's in the depths below, waiting to be found with our underwater technology."
"The least explored spot on the planet: two-thirds of its ocean."
"I feel like it should be cameras everywhere... put more cameras in the sea... start discovering more things."
"The deep sea is one of the most unexplored and mysterious places on Earth."
"Walking the line of danger in uncharted places in the ocean takes a particular type of adventurous spirit that is exceptionally uncommon."
"The oceans are big, there's a lot down there we haven't seen or understand, and some of it is truly scary."
"Get your snacks and let's dive under the waves as we cover all six layers of the MCC iceberg."
"Dive deep enough, and you'll discover some nautical nonsense."
"The depths of Earth's oceans are a haunting place, shadowy corner after shadowy corner, each jam-packed with curious creatures unlike anything seen on land."
"Despite our advancements in technology and exploration, we're only beginning to scratch the surface of the secrets hidden by the world's vast ocean."
"Diver films mermaid in Australia: 'A diver caught a glimpse of what could only be a mermaid while diving off the coast of Melbourne, capturing footage of the creature with a long tail instead of legs.'"
"There's probably so much that we don't know about, so many sea creatures that we can't even comprehend."
"The Black Swan Project: Black Swan Project is the project name given by Odyssey Marine Exploration for its discovery and recovery of an estimated 500 million dollars worth of silver and gold coins from the ocean floor near Spain."
"He wanted to be out in the ocean, the real ocean, to be part of the real environment."
"James Cameron is heading back underwater in Mission Ocean X, a series for National Geographic that will follow a groundbreaking ocean exploration mission."
"Who knows what secrets the deep blue sea really contains?"
"He even built a submersible, the Deep Sea Challenger, which cost a fortune for the sake of researching the wreckage and descending into the deadly Netherworld of the deep sea."
"Deep sea diving is the domain of the badass."
"It's amazing to think that there are still so many creatures living in the deep dark depths of the ocean that we have never seen before."
"The sea is filled with countless mysteries and endless breathtaking discoveries."
"Even though the Mariana Trench is so deep, so limitless, and so mysterious, it has not been spared the horrors of humanity."
"Humans have explored and charted just five percent of our planet's deep seas. We know far more about space than we do about the mysteries of our own oceans."
"How did this tiny little wooden-hulled minesweeper end up becoming the world-famous Calypso, exploring almost every inch of the world's oceans?"
"Yeti crab: With eighty percent of our oceans still unexplored, it's inevitable that every once in a while we'll discover a brand new species that will blow everyone's mind."
"This hilariously bizarre marine creature spends its life on the seafloor."
"More than 80% of the ocean has never been documented, captured, or even visited by humans."
"The ocean covers 70% of our planet and yet less than 10% has been mapped and explored. That means there are billions, yeah you heard that right, billions of life forms we have yet to uncover."
"Marine biologists see a whole lot of stuff out there in the big underwater world."
"Despite making up about 71% of the Earth's surface, we have only explored 5% of the sea, meaning that the majority of it is still unknown. Its mysteries."
"More than 80 percent of our planet's oceans haven't been explored yet. Who knows what we're missing?"
"Ocean is a whole big world and every time I speak to you know the team from Ocean curious I learned something."
"Forget about shipwrecks and ancient artifacts for a moment, feast your eyes on the Southern Ocean giant sea spider."
"The ocean remains largely unexplored and diving into its depths allows individuals to venture into a realm that is still largely mysterious."
"We still have barely scraped the surface, or under the surface, for exploring our own ocean."
"Exploring the oceanic depths has always unveiled submerged secrets."
"More than 80% of our ocean remained unexplored. It was essentially an alien world within our own."
"We've actually only explored 5% of our deep oceans."
"These deep sea creatures are the focus of our next video where we will explore why it is that creatures seem to get weirder and weirder the deeper in the ocean you go."
"The sea hides so many secrets beneath her surface."
"The oceans are not classified this has nothing to do with National Security because anything coming from thousands of light years away doesn't care about how we split the land on this rock."
"We're on our way to the bottom of the ocean."
"...thanks again, now get out in the ocean and explore."
"The deep sea is delightful and strange, and there are many more mysteries swimming about in the ocean."
"We've only explored 10% of our oceans."
"Ocean Explorer 1 is a paradigm shift; it views ocean exploration in a different way."
"They say the ocean is the space on Earth in terms of how much we've discovered."
"Despite the fact that it covers the majority of our planet’s surface, we know remarkably little about the oceans."
"We're heading out to one of our favorite places in the world, the Great Barrier Reef."
"With around 80 percent of the ocean still unexplored, we can only leave it up to our imaginations to wonder what sort of creatures might be living in the deep dark depths."
"She's going to be heading out into the ocean for tuna, going to be up in the San Juans, Puget Sound, you name it, this boat is going to be exploring."
"But I fear by delving down to the bottom of the ocean, we’ve awoken creatures that were never meant to be found."
"More than 95% of the ocean is unexplored, so who knows what could be down there."
"It's not necessarily only the fish, it's also just the fact that underwater you're just floating, feels like you're in space."
"Hey guys, thanks for tuning in. Check it out, today we are doing the finally in the ocean review of the Chasing M2."
"With 70% of the world covered by water, we've only begun to scratch the surface."
"...with less than five percent of the world's oceans explored, who knows what else could be out there."
"Hold your breath as you set out to find the ocean's most playful creatures, the Dolphins."
"Inside every ocean, researchers have made some fascinating discoveries."
"It seems like we've known more about space than we do about our own ocean."
"During low tide, you can walk right on the ocean floor and even check out some of the sea caves."
"We have only explored 10% of the Seas and oceans."
"We only explore 5% of the ocean. That's not true."
"No way, we get to explore the ocean? Well, I'm ready, let's do it!"
"So much of the ocean remains undiscovered, and that's one of my favorite things to get excited about."
"Aside from the distance, this mission will be extra challenging because it's the first time I've ever tried something like this in ocean water."
"The deep sea is an especially difficult environment to explore with crushing pressures, extreme temperatures, and complete darkness."
"More than 95 percent of the deep waters are still uncharted by humans."
"We'll have a whale of a time deep in the ocean as we dive; you'll see the smallest of whales and see how large they can thrive."
"For lakes, and hopefully in the future of the ocean, that's where this guy comes in."
"It's more dangerous to visit the bottom of the ocean than it is to visit space."
"It is estimated that only about 5% of the ocean's floor has been accurately mapped, leaving the other 95% to be currently a mystery."
"I think there's life in the ocean and Enceladus."
"Humans have never been to the bottom of the ocean. The pressure's too great."
"The oceans are just so massive, so it really makes you think what is still out there."
"Nothing can hide from me living beneath the sea; we can find anything in the depths of history."
"With an estimated 3 million shipwrecks unaccounted for still at the bottom of the ocean, it's no wonder there's a lot of intrigue surrounding shipwrecks."
"It's not just the creatures of the deep; it's the unknown part."