
Feedback Loop Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"Enjoy the positive feedback loop when you do something people appreciate, and then you want to do more."
"The compassion that you show yourself is then reflected back at you from the world, and it becomes this beautiful feedback loop."
"I think it's very important to have a feedback loop, where you're constantly thinking about what you've done and how you could be doing it better."
"If it gets a good engagement like 50,000 views within five days, guess what, you'll get more freakin shotgun reviews."
"Everything about the game is set not only to guide the players but for everything the players do to feedback into what the GM ought to do next."
"You can't separate the biology from the behavior of an animal. Biology informs a lot of the behavior and then the behavior informs the biology. It's this big feedback loop."
"He's a savvier political operator than people realize... how effectively can you troll the libs... it's a feedback loop that has worked for him."
"100% of the team's time is going to be focused on listening, responding, iterating, and then tuning. All right, excellent, thank you."
"Tesla is constantly putting things out and changing their process and then learning from that change... it's a compounding exponential feedback loop."
"The easiest way to prevent any of this from happening... is to block the positive feedback loop."
"Efficiency is in service of the superorganism to a large extent, so efficiency will just feed more money into that system in a positive feedback loop, and we'll use more energy in the future."
"The lack of active involvement from the customer... whenever the iteration is complete, working piece is delivered if customer doesn't respond or provide the feedback then moving towards the next iterations will become difficult."
"Once you're working with your manager towards your goal and discussing where you're going and you're helping each other, the magic of the Loop is just go around and around."
"You sense by moving, you move by sensing. It's a sensory motor loop."
"To try to craft [meaning] yourself without a healthy feedback loop with other people could put you at fundamental conflict with everybody else in our lives and every institution that we are enmeshed in."
"Continuous feedback loop from operations to development happens when a particular thing would be pushed back to the developer and feedback given to him."
"When you are dealing and struggling with obesity, there's sort of a feed forward mechanism."
"It creates a feedback loop, and it makes the story feel effortless, that it just surges along."
"A self-reinforcing spiral of badness."
"Keep feeding it positive data, and it'll keep producing positive things."
"How can we break the vicious cycle of not using 3D because there is no data, and not having data because we almost don't use 3D? That's a very good question."
"Feedback is important, feedback is critical to this entire process we are here with this material because of the feedback we've been receiving for years."
"With an ever growing corpus of AI generated text appearing on the internet, there’s a danger of a kind of feedback loop."
"Ship things at lower fidelity to a smaller audience just to understand how they do."
"A feedback loop happens when a change in stock leads to a further change in that stock."
"We are actively asking them every day what do you think? Tell us what should we do next, and then we make business decisions based on that."
"There's a virtuous cycle where one input leads to something even better."
"A big part of any gaming project, a specific game itself at least, is it has to have a very good feedback loop."
"We have this constant feedback loop of issues, fixes, evaluations, and then rinse and repeat."
"Our job is really to try to decrease this negative feedback loop if we can convince people to get into an exercise program that is slow and steady."
"It's almost like something's trying to split us apart. It's a feedback loop. The slime stirs up ghosts, and the more scared the city is, the stronger Vigo grows."
"The four stages of habit are best described as a feedback loop."
"The gamblification of social media has many of those same qualities. For example, we post something on the internet, we get this great response, we want to keep posting or keep watching."
"An op-amp with negative feedback tends to maintain a zero voltage difference in the input terminals."
"I realized I was in this negative feedback cycle and I just heard the voices of my patients complaining of the same things I was going through."
"That's a feedback loop because you want to listen to people who disagree with you and find ways to adjust your valuation."
"With this one loop, we can now have unity gain; if we put these decays at one, we can sustain forever."
"Helping customers succeed also provides an opportunity for feedback and suggested improvements."
"Agile requires constant feedback and constant interaction with users."
"When you put positive out, you get positive back."
"The negative feedback mechanism regulates most body systems and maintains homeostasis."
"Psychedelics are really a kind of connector that will allow a feedback loop."
"The methane could create a deadly new climate feedback loop that has the possibility to dramatically change global climate as we know it."
"One of the main reasons that this feedback for development cycle is very long is that you write code, you commit, you wait for a deployment to happen."
"Searching means that you do an open-ended search for what works, you get feedback on what works, you have the incentives to make it work, and you're held accountable for whether it works or not."
"The feedback cycle of playing and reviewing... it does seem to lead to progress."
"Engagement is one of these metrics that has a reinforcement cycle."
"To be able to do something and see that it provides value and then you get the feedback of gratitude, it's a great loop."
"Incentivize the user to provide feedback."
"Iteration is key here; we built something out, we get it out, we get feedback, you have to iterate on this."
"You don't have to feel relaxed to appear relaxed, and that is the first step in building the right feedback loop."
"It makes you want to play more because you're feeding off what you're getting from the speakers."
"This dramatic collapse is the product of an even more dramatic positive feedback loop."
"This feedback loop serves to generate the hottest object in the universe."
"Continually close the feedback loop back to the developer when the build fails."
"Life is a kind of feedback loop in which the things that happen to you shape the things that can happen to you."
"The output stimulates the input which increases the output which increases the input, and it just goes in one grand circle of self-destruction."
"We've gone beyond text feedback now into a visual feedback loop."
"...you're actually able to lock in a positive feedback circuit on intelligence production..."
"If we include abrupt thaw in models, it will double the permafrost carbon feedback this century."
"A positive feedback loop is one in which the product of the action produces more of the same."
"We have a tremendous user community, pilots community, and they're constantly giving us advice and feedback."
"Please keep asking questions as part of the comments because that gives me ideas."
"The negative feedback loop ensures normal levels of hormones in our body."
"Social media... is real world. People are going to listen to your ideas, they're going to try them, and they're going to come back and tell you, 'Hey, I tried to do what you said, and look, it's worked.'"
"You can make a loop out of it, feed your simulation or ROM data results back to your data connection, and have a feedback mechanism."
"The job is never done... our customers are always asking us for new things, which is fantastic."
"Negative feedback loops are processes that are going to bring something back towards a middle value, towards a set point."
"Our actions and our belief create a feedback loop to our brain."
"Remember that binding is two ways; we don't only want to read the value, but we also want to accept the user input as feedback."
"The homeostasis is going to be benefitting by a negative feedback loop trying to get things back to where they were or to a range that's appropriate."
"It's like a feedback loop that creates a larger audience for you."
"The kinds of things that we output for people to act on, then serves as further training data for input into your system, so you end up amplifying even further these different kinds of implicit biases."
"Feedback can be used to stabilize an unstable system."
"The release of the methane will accelerate the increase of warming, which will release more methane."
"The essence of agile: You write some code, and then you show it to people, and then use the feedback from that to decide which code to write."
"This is a feedback control system."
"Carbon dioxide hasn't always been the initial cause of the warming, but in every case, when the CO2 levels did start going up, they amplified the heating by setting up a feedback loop."
"A servo has a feedback loop built-in; a motor just goes, it doesn't know where it's at."
"The increased release of a hormone will then create a variable that will then stimulate the reduction in the release of the hormone."
"I generally believe in fast sprints... push something out, get feedback, take a brief rest, do another sprint."
"This positive feedback loop helps me in storing this data for a large amount of time."
"What I really want to happen is when I click on that button, I want it to turn green or red and then pause for a couple of seconds and then go on to the next question."
"Having that visual feedback loop of you do something and there's a cause and effect. That's that motivation that has someone that goes away and wants to go and tinker some more."
"Computer science is the one discipline where instead of you telling your work when it's done, your work tells you when it's done."
"Your goal is not to eliminate system tests; your goal is to speed up your test suite, get faster feedback, get more fine-grained failures."
"The shorter the feedback loop is to a test failure, the faster and easier it will be for you to address it."
"So it created this positive feedback loop of engagement, of people saying 'Okay, I can get involved and things will improve. I'll see the results right away.'"