
Birds Quotes

There are 967 quotes

"Male bowerbirds construct elaborate structures made from twigs and sticks, demonstrating exceptional construction skills and aesthetic sense."
"The albatross courtship involves an intricate dance, strengthening lifelong bonds and facilitating successful reproduction."
"Satin bowerbirds' artistic courtship rituals emphasize the role of aesthetics and creativity in mate selection."
"We're all aware that parrots have the ability to mimic human speech, but were you aware that other bird species can also exhibit this ability?"
"But she is even more glad that the little birds will not be hungry."
"Birds symbolize nature's interconnectedness, and our next special guest is raising awareness of the importance of protecting birds in a changing world."
"In the Bible, the king of birds is the nesher."
"All birds evolved from a single species of dinosaurs."
"The most important take-home message... is that female birds of paradise are actually the ones calling the evolutionary shots."
"Birds are the direct descendants of a group of dinosaurs called theropods that survived mass extinction."
"The birds are clearly linked to the dinosaurs."
"Birds are descended from dinosaurs, and there's no disputing that fact."
"The studies suggest that the birds were domesticated in Southeast Asia around 3,500 years ago in rice fields."
"Spring is here, I hear the birds singing. It's amazing thing about a bird, none of those birds know anything's going on."
"So what? It's kind of unusual, but twelve birds have it."
"Stay in touch until next Wednesday everyone, have a very blessed and dreamful aspiring week."
"Chris crows and ravens are some of the smartest animals in the world"
"It looked like there were hundreds of starling birds in the sky and all of a sudden they just died and fell to the ground like a massacre." - Michaela Pritchard
"Birds are some of the most ingenious creatures on the planet."
"Birds are definitely messages from your spiritual team." - Chloe Taylor
"Are birds real? If anything is real, birds are real."
"Matilda the goose adopts a duckling, proving that birds of a feather can flock together."
"We now know for certain that birds are living dinosaurs. This is the consensus among scientists."
"Parrots: the highest dexterity of any bird, excellent tool users."
"Golden eagles: cunning, intelligent, and bold, they're one of the largest, fastest raptors in North America."
"We mammals started out as dinosaur buddies, and we still hang out with dinosaurs — now they're just in bird form."
"The birds rub their beaks together in a frantic motion called billing."
"Birds are the direct descendants of the dinosaurs so birds are very literally living dinosaurs and that is stinking rad."
"Owls are one of the coolest of all the living dinosaurs."
"Lyrebird: its vocal skills are the most elaborate, the most complex, and the most beautiful of all birds."
"The peregrine falcon has a top speed of 200 miles per hour."
"No wonder it's one of the most popular bird Pokemon ever."
"This one needs the protection of the bird aviary."
"These birds are very special to a lot of people; they bring deep spiritual meaning to a lot of people."
"We adore birds; birds are colorful, they're playful, they have really funny personalities."
"Birds are smart, a lot of people don't give them credit for that."
"Birds are one of the most relaxing things to look at, and just listening to their songs is such an awesome thing."
"Despite the claws on their wings, they are very similar to modern birds."
"The island has a pleasant aspect. There were a large number of birds."
"They are the only birds that can fly backwards and upwards and sideways."
"I love watching the birds fly, it's... you know, some bird owners clip their bird's wings so they can't fly, and I find that to be quite cruel."
"Welcome back to another beautiful day; come on, let's go wake our beautiful birds up."
"This is a good bird, just came in from Miami and actually going right back to Miami."
"I just fell in love with these big birds."
"Penguins are the fastest swimmers and deepest diving species of birds."
"Snow geese have been one of the winners in the expansion of agriculture, and their population started booming."
"It is so good to see the big birds now flying to the top of the Aviary."
"Jesus says, 'Look at the birds of the air, they s not, neither do they reap nor gather into buns... Are you not of more value than the birds?'"
"Pigeons can be extremely intelligent."
"Every single one of these birds in the sky right now came from somebody's backyard in the United States."
"Beautiful mystery... two loving birds with their heads nestled in each other's wings."
"I always think of herons as quite solitary birds but they actually hang out together at times."
"The birds had sensed the earthquake long before I did, warning me of the danger and guiding me to safety."
"Ravens are incredibly intelligent animals."
"Parrots are already some of the most colorful creatures in the world."
"Feathers are no longer unique to birds; they were found in therapod dinosaurs."
"Prison is not only full of convicts, inmates, guards, gay guys, shanks; prison is also full of birds."
"The birds are in one of these two groups. Try to guess which one. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised."
"Birds downtown, birds are from a different planet."
"The winds started to pick up dramatically, and this flock of bluebirds was using it to their advantage by fluttering against the wind and suspending themselves midair."
"Their agility is unmatched in the air, and it's incredible watching them maneuver so effortlessly in their hunt."
"I could be a celebrity here, I can have all the birds, I can be all-time [ __ ] me."
"Honestly, seeing the birds live freely in the aviary, you appreciate the birds in a different light. Like, seeing them in their own element, it's just a different thing than when you keep them in a cage, you know what I'm saying?"
"This is like my dream, guys, for the guests to be able to interact with the birds."
"I hope the birds win their war against you [__] [__] us."
"Centurions are awesome and I like birds."
"Depending on where you live, you're going to find that a lot of people have superstitions around birds, especially those in the corvid family."
"So it sounds like there's lots of evidence lots of pieces of the puzzle that points towards cryptochrome 4 as being the basis of this sense in birds."
"No, look, I think it's safe to say birds all evolved from dinosaurs."
"By the sounds of it, my sweet feathered friends are ready for this gorgeous bird bath and bird feeder."
"Crows are so terrifyingly intelligent."
"Some birds aren't meant to be caged."
"I'm hoping this will help you a lot as far as doing birds, don't be afraid to give it a whirl, it's fun and it's fast and I know you can do it."
"Now what's the furthest a bird can fly? 300 miles and come back and come back."
"...birds are crowned dinosaurs..."
"No wonder these birds decided to make the town their habitat."
"Is it possible then that birds could actually have fun when they do things?"
"It's hard to find these birds, especially as small as they are. They'll bury themselves in the grass and just hunker down."
"Birds make great sky circles of their freedom."
"If someone was to suggest to you that most of the birds you see in the sky aren't actually birds at all, you'd most likely think that they're joking or you've been grossly misinformed."
"You’ll also know that these scrappy birds don’t need a lick of human care to thrive."
"...what happens if you can't take your birds with you to college?"
"Birds need cover. Providing cover is vital for their safety."
"He was a lover of nature. He constantly used nature to illustrate things, particularly birds."
"The similarities between the anatomy of birds and dinosaurs are too great to be a coincidence."
"They are often referred to as raptors, which comes from the Latin word raptaire, meaning to seize and carry off."
"Ospreys are classified as piscivores, an animal that survives almost entirely off fish."
"Owls are one of the most admired orders of bird, often portrayed as mysterious, wise creatures in popular culture."
"We'll call these birds 'nearly flightless birds.'"
"A lot of people ask me when I do these Q&A's, 'Why don't we see baby pigeons?' Yeah, why don't we see any baby birds?"
"I've got the Bernie Sanders family back apparently. I've got two birds tag teaming building a nest over my desk."
"I love the characters of these birds."
"I really like birds, I just think they're neat."
"What are those little gerbil birds?"
"Birds like to dress up, especially male birds. They're pretty much like James Bond, some have adult suits."
"Meet the golden pheasant a bird so vibrant and shimmering that it seems to have been dipped in liquid gold."
"This bird doesn't just wear its beauty it performs it with one of the longest tails among birds and a dramatic display."
"Graceful and glowing the silver pheasant looks like it's wrapped in Moonlight."
"The green peacock dazzles with its own radiant green plumage."
"Struggles are real when it comes to bird in flight photography."
"There's a lot of birdified Jedi out there and some are combinations like Stella and Leia and others are brand new like freaking Yoda bird."
"Murmurations are a mesmerizing natural phenomenon where large flocks of birds come together to create stunning aerial displays."
"I will never not think about birds again."
"Birds, indeed the theropod family, has survived the crisis."
"That beautiful two, we'll take those birds."
"I feel like a lot of people just been paying homage to you know Birds on everything like that."
"Birds evolved from dinosaurs, there used to be a debate, but once you find feathers on dinosaur fossils it's case closed."
"Birds may have developed wings gradually, starting with gliding like flying squirrels, and eventually evolving into powered flight."
"What's the most successful bird species? Is the chicken."
"All the birds are singing this morning."
"Feathers were still are to a large extent the diagnostic trait of birds."
"When we look at modern birds and how they use their feathers, we can learn quite a bit."
"I just decided to put all of the most common birds on here because I felt even though I can't use feathers from them, I can still call on them through fake feathers."
"Birds symbolize flight, imagination, and freedom, connected to the future and bringing prophecy."
"Birds just enjoy it, you just can pick it here, put it into the birds and they are happy."
"Canadian geese, the jerks of the bird world."
"What a grand sight on a glorious day! And thousands of birds came flying in from miles around to stare at this extraordinary old woman in the sky."
"Our job as a bird photographer is not only to capture the photograph of the bird but also to move it to a little bit different level so that it's not just an ID shot."
"We should be showing these birds as if it were portrait photography, that they are Regal, that they have personalities."
"The sight of those gliding, circling, soaring birds had filled his heart with joy."
"And I would suggest if you are worried about birds, then I would think about keeping your pet cat inside as a much more impactful thing to do than opposing a local wind farm."
"All of our international trip we've been talking about birds specifically crows are a sign of like evil."
"We've added so many caterpillars to our yards we've added the birds that require those caterpillars particularly when they're breeding."
"The birds invented wingmen and we just sort of glommed onto."
"...they're standing on one foot they're looking slightly fluffier than normal their heads are slowly sinking in they're grinding their beaks it is time for them to say good night."
"Hey, did you know that penguins are birds too?"
"The gizzard is a small pouch that has a lot of muscle. It's a really important body part for turkeys and other birds."
"How could you ever feel stressed if you listen to the sound of birds?"
"Give your birds some place to bathe and cool off."
"After returning to the states, Mark speculates that there could have been other events in which large numbers of birds died."
"The birds know exactly where the best upwash is. They knew exactly where to fly because they can feel it."
"Banding hummingbirds is almost like taking a human census."
"Putting those uniquely numbered bands on those birds, we get to know them as individuals."
"What is a male bird that goes cockadoodledoo? Rooster."
"Chickens are now more diverse than any other bird on earth."
"Sunflowers is one of the best things to attract dove."
"They're almost ready to fledge. You can just tell the difference between the adults and the juveniles."
"These guys are so neat. So we got these guys as chicks and they grew into six foot tall giant birds."
"When people know where the grain is, they put scarecrows around them to scare the birds."
"What do birds do? They gotta fly, go ahead and fly away, bird, fly away!"
"Birds compose the most beautiful of all living creatures."
"The diversification and beauty of modern Birds, or perhaps we should say avian dinosaurs, is what has driven the human race to adore them as such."
"Many species of bird may not live up to the nature of the infamous Tyrannosaurus Rex, but the science has proved that these little fluttering creatures are direct descendants of the amazing reptiles that once ruled our planet."
"Rewilding incentives and conservation efforts are doing all they can to protect this, but those in charge still need to do more to ensure that these amazing descendants of the Earth's most wondrous creatures persist long into the future."
"Rows of birds are something that I've always painted and which I like."
"It has glossy evergreen foliage that can provide cover for birds."
"The fruit continues on through the fall, the winter, actually into the next spring, providing food for birds through that winter season."
"There are many colorful bird species such as the red capped robin and the Australian ring neck parrot."
"The rookery, mocking the rook, habitually nests in large colonies crammed into noisy tree tops."
"Look at that wingspan, I mean, that is an impressive wingspan."
"There's nothing I love more than a birdie with its butt out we love it so much."
"Thank you for bringing birds into my life. It's so much more relaxing to sit and watch the birds and feed them than I ever thought it would be."
"The doves are called the bird of love right"
"Penguins are aquatic, flightless birds."
"They're just magical species because they chirp like birds."
"... so every single line on this map is made of one single bird trip."
"It is fun in the winter when you're stuck inside on a cold day to look outside and see some birds eating from the bird feeder."
"I've taken a great interest in the native corner and fauna, in particular the avian variety."
"Here we have a bird in a tree, there's four birds flapping in the sky heading due east."
"The frequency of bird songs helps to open the stomata of plants and trees."
"Many birds migrate to warmer countries in the winter."
"Every cockatiel has the potential to be noisy."
"Remember the birds, always remember the birds."
"I'm not sure if it's picking up properly on camera but there are just so many birds just flying across it feels like I'm just in Paradise."
"God has used birds all through the Bible to bring comfort to people."
"Birds are highly significant; birds are spiritual messengers."
"Lovebirds are just what they sound like: those two thump up against each other, kiss on each other, they kind of settle in and love each other for life."
"Kind of like feathered little airplanes that also like dead things."
"Birds will use anything they can find to build their nest, even old shoelaces."
"Birds are also amazing nest builders."
"The birds were talking. One bird said to Billy Pilgrim, 'Poo-tee-weet?'"
"Birds just enrich the whole experience of being outdoors."
"Red-tailed hawks don't actually get their red tail until they're about 2 years old."
"The evolution of beak size and shape in finches is an example of an adaptation in birds that has occurred through natural selection."
"This was the first of many birds to take my breath away."
"Birds are so musical; I love hearing birds just as much as I love seeing them."
"Hummingbirds can alter their appearance to convey a message."
"The high Andes is home to many mountain rivers where we try to find one of the bravest birds in the world."
"Did you know that birds are modern-day dinosaurs?"
"Just before four o'clock in the morning, the birds are gonna start the dawn chorus."
"It's perfectly natural for Bright Bill to eat a few pebbles; they help him digest his food."
"These birds that you see in front of you are about six weeks old."
"Hummingbirds are fascinating birds to watch feed."
"The jackdaws are as friendly as ever, look at them coming down to greet us."
"We enjoy taking care of the birds."
"Hummingbirds bring me joy, they're so beautiful."
"Looking for those fresh juvenile shorebirds that are really beautiful this time of year."
"I want to attract birds to my garden partly because I like to develop a balanced ecosystem that benefits me and my plants and the animals in my environment."
"Mountain blue birds stand out as they flit through the green scrub Bush."
"You can hear birdies chirping which is just so lovely."
"I wake up to the sound of a thousand crows circling us."
"At the right time of year and in the right light, these birds transform into living works of art where no level of color saturation is spared."
"The best way that I found to teach a bird how to talk is to make it meaningful for your bird."
"When you teach your birds how to talk meaningfully, they can communicate with you in ways that would not be possible if they were just to mimic what you say."
"Modern-day birds are descendants of feathered dinosaurs, evolving over the last 65 million years."
"The most important thing to remember is to provide a suitable atmosphere for your pet bird."
"Budgies have special power; they can glow."
"Everyone changed their thoughts about little budgies and they started saying how cool these birds are."
"The UV pigments on little budgies' feathers play an enormous role in their attractiveness to the opposite sex."
"To a budgie, the pigmented feathers show up very, very bright."