
Deep Sea Quotes

There are 132 quotes

"In the deep sea, the male anglerfish becomes a permanent fixture on the female, showcasing nature's adaptability in ensuring survival."
"Eighty percent of what's deep inside the world's oceans remains hidden to this day."
"Our descents into the abyss have proven worthwhile. Unworldly wreckage, perilously retrieved, precipitated a torrent of technological breakthroughs. At last, we are ready to journey beyond our oceans."
"In the depths of the ocean, life moves to a slower tune. This place is a world within our world, a place of silence, emptiness, and darkness where wonders are found drifting in a formless void."
"There’s actually a concept called 'deep sea gigantism,' the paradoxical phenomenon that in the abyss, where food is scarcest and pressure is most severe, organisms get bigger."
"Imagine being in the deep dark icy waters and hearing that sound it is straight up out of a horror movie."
"At this extreme depth, the Mariana Trench is immersed in complete darkness and the temperature is close to freezing."
"Eldritch horror deep down in the ocean you expect to see some pretty crazy creatures"
"That fateful day fedorov hauled up this fearsome fish its fleshy pink mouth scaly body lizard-like tail and grotesquely protruding eyes make this pure nightmare fuel"
"Feast in the Deep: giant isopods make the most of it."
"The deep sea being one of the last ecosystems on this Earth that has been largely untouched by humans."
"Imagine this type of creature swimming right up to you deep down in the ocean." - Joe Rogan
"The goblin shark: a true Marvel of the deep sea realm."
"Footage from a remote-operated vehicle revealed a massive set of bones with an intact spinal column spanning about 30 meters or 98 feet long, sparking speculation about unknown deep-sea creatures."
"Some deep sea life can survive and thrive without ever seeing the sun."
"The deep sea also has limited resources, limited predators, and is isolated from the rest of the ocean."
"This is the Magna Pinna squid... it remains to be one of the mysterious animals that lurk in the deep sea."
"The deep sea is one of the most unexplored and mysterious places on Earth."
"Approaching the hundred-day mark - becoming explorers of the abyss."
"Sperm whales: the deepest diving mammals on Earth, hunting giant squid in pitch-black darkness."
"It’s a good starting point because despite its retro-style graphics, I believe that, short of falling into the Mariana Trench, it’s the closest you can get to experiencing the terror of the deep sea firsthand."
"The ocean has its silent caves, deep, deep, quiet and alone."
"So just remember: it doesn’t matter where you visit, there is no vacation in the deep sea where you’re always considered prey."
"A whale fall provides a sudden concentrated food source and a buffet for organisms in the deep sea."
"Giant squid sightings are incredibly rare due to the creature's elusive nature and the fact that they usually live very very deep in the ocean."
"Gigantic sea spiders roam the depths of Antarctica's oceans, reaching sizes beyond expectation."
"Could the answers to some of the biggest mysteries actually be hidden in the deep dark Waters of the ocean?"
"Some of the things we have discovered in that small segment of the deep sea are far stranger and more terrifying than anything you might have imagined living on Venus."
"The vampire squid is exactly as alien as you would expect from a vampire animal living in the murky depths of the ocean."
"The goblin shark is undoubtedly one of the most nightmarish animals lurking in the deep sea."
"We've actually only explored 5% of our deep oceans."
"The lander is 8178 meters below the surface. No true fish has ever been seen this deep. If one appeared, it would be a record."
"The first hint of how truly Abundant Life is in the deep seas didn't come until as recently as the 1960s."
"In 2012, film director James Cameron recreated Rolex's 1960 trip to the bottom of the Mariana Trench with a Rolex attached to the outside of the submersible."
"The deep-sea lizardfish, an apex predator that hunts at depths of 8,500 feet."
"The deep ones are associated with Building Stone monuments, idols, cities underwater cities just offshore."
"Forget about Mars, if you watch this clip you will see that if you swim deep enough you'll arrive on another planet."
"Countless life forms that have never seen the sun and care nothing for solar heating."
"Mariana snailfish: translucent and the top predator at 8,000 feet below sea level."
"You may never look at the deep sea the same way again."
"The phenomenon of deep sea gigantism is defined as the tendency for deep sea animals to grow much larger than their shallower water relatives."
"Unexplained deep-sea circles: enigmatic formations with remarkable symmetry and intricacy, sparking speculation about their origins."
"Since they stalk their prey a mile beneath the surface, witnessing an actual kill is impossible."
"What's inside the deep sea goo here? It's just a great emote. That's so cool, guys. Thanks for watching, be sure to like and subscribe."
"It's like something grabbed him and pulled him off into the deep. That's just where my mind goes with it."
"The deep sea life finds a way, in this unforgiving environment some of the most incredible and bizarre creatures on this planet have made it their home."
"The Deep oceans cover over two-thirds of the surface of this world."
"The entire team had agreed they were going to leave the diving company. Their fear of the deep sea and remorse for the job were too great."
"The deep sea is delightful and strange, and there are many more mysteries swimming about in the ocean."
"In the middle of the South Pacific, a thousand feet below the surface of the water, a huge vessel is discovered resting on the ocean floor."
"With around 80 percent of the ocean still unexplored, we can only leave it up to our imaginations to wonder what sort of creatures might be living in the deep dark depths."
"The pressure on the ship would have increased by one atmosphere every 10 meters that it sank."
"Giant squid lurk around this depth."
"The anglerfish, a master of deep-sea fishing, has evolved fascinating adaptations to survive these extreme conditions."
"The fangtooth fish has some of the most terrifying teeth of all ocean animals."
"We have been thirty-five thousand eight hundred feet down to the bottom of the Mariana Trench."
"Look at these huge green eyes on them, really neat shark from the deep."
"We're headed out on a deep sea adventure targeting monster fish."
"Have you heard of the raptures of the deep?"
"These cute creatures live at a depth of three thousand to four thousand meters and are one of the rarest octopuses."
"The deeper in the ocean you go, not only does it get darker, the animals get stranger."
"The deep sea is harder to explore than outer space."
"It's hard to imagine there being much life down here in these zones, but in reality, it's teeming with life."
"Sperm whales range in size from 49 to 59 feet long and can dive to depths of 3280 feet."
"It's still drinkable, yes, oddly the conditions at those depths were almost identical to how you'd normally store wine."
"The bloop sound was heard deep underwater in the Pacific by multiple listening stations."
"The Factorian Deep is one of the deepest points of the world's five oceans."
"The ADS can be used for very deep dives of up to 2300 feet for many hours, and eliminates the majority of physiological dangers associated with deep diving."
"The deepest scuba dive ever recorded is only 332 meters, which took 12 minutes to reach and 15 hours to return from."
"Huge eyeballs, that's to allow as much light in as possible because down there it's pitch black."
"That's the cool thing about sport fishing, you know, you're fishing 1500-2000 feet down and you have no idea how big the fish is."
"The deep sea ecosystem of the Mariana trench once again proves how amazing and unpredictable our planet is."
"The creatures of the deep, the siscowet lake trout of Lake Superior."
"Most of those deep water species taste really good."
"The deeper you go into the gaping void of the deep sea, the more peculiar and otherworldly they become."
"Overall, deep sea sharks are understandably unique in the lightless, high pressure, and nutrient-poor depths."
"It's a very effective trick, the deep sea sea dweller that's the one that comes to mind for most of us."
"The giant squid remains a mysterious creature that finds its home in the deepest waters of the ocean."
"The Pacific barreleye fish... an extraordinary creature that lives deep in the ocean's waters."
"For 30 minutes we rested in the silt at a depth of 35,000 eight hundred feet, almost seven miles beneath the surface of the Pacific."
"It's just amazing that bright fish like this live down on the bottom where there's darkness."
"When it comes to deep sea mining, are the trade-offs worth it? What do we lose and what do we gain?"
"This unknown animal lives in the depths of the ocean where even sunlight cannot reach."
"Deep sea diving is both breathtakingly beautiful and crap your pants scary as hell."
"I know what I saw at the bottom, and I'm never gonna go back down there."
"We're finding out that large sharks are actually using the deep sea, and we don't know why."
"The deep sea dragonfish cuts a fearsome figure in the deep dark ocean."
"The deepest spot in the Marianas Trench is called Challenger Deep."
"The deep sea is a very different beast to the surface ocean habitats."
"Giant isopods grow to such enormous size because of something called deep sea gigantism."
"The dumbo octopus is the deepest living octopus ever known to exist."
"Biologists found a new species of pale shrimp at the world's deepest undersea vent."
"Many of the creatures in the deep like the barrel eye fish defy imagination."
"It's a time when vast numbers of deep sea creatures rise towards the surface."
"Like pale ghosts, the skeletal spine fish haunt these depths."
"That terror of the abyss was a squid shark, a highly aggressive fauna species that is the apex predator of this region."
"Funny enough, poop is actually, you know, animal poop is very important for deep sea nutrition because there's not many nutrients down there."
"Siphonophores are predatory deep sea dwellers made up of small clones that work together as one organism."
"The deep sea was alive, and there were things down there that we didn't know about."
"The traditional view of the deep sea is this vast unending plain of mud, but now we are finding that it really is not the case."
"The pressure at the deepest part of the ocean floor of the earth, the Marianas Trench, is about the same as the pressure at the bottom of Europa's ocean."
"ACH is built on the tongue of the ocean, which is 6,000 ft deep, one of the deepest spots in the world."
"The diversity of deep-sea reefs is actually similar to the diversity of shallow water reefs, meaning it's really high."
"I have now sunk deeper than any human has ever been before."
"Imagine being at the depths of the ocean. It's pitch black; you can't see anything. That is terrifying."
"An amazing deep-sea exploration event in the Gulf of Mexico."
"Imagine an ocean that has never seen light, that has never been seen by human eyes, waiting to be explored at the outmost limits of our solar system."
"This deep sea predator has evolved to blend in with the darkness around it."
"The deep-sea lizard fish is a bottom-dwelling species that lives in tropical and subtropical waters worldwide."
"The gulper eel is a deep-sea species that lives in temperate and tropical waters up to six thousand feet below the surface."
"An astronaut voyages through the stars, a bathynaut is someone who voyages through the deep."
"They live in a part so deep that there's absolutely no light. So they make their own light."
"Even in this dark and cold place, something amazing can be found: life thrives."
"In the deep ocean, there is no sunlight, but there is light, and the animals there are very well adapted to see it."