
Wealth Perspective Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"Like finding a thousand-pound on the ground - if you're an average person, it's huge; if you're Bill Gates, it's nothing."
"Money is a byproduct, and it's always going to be there as long as you're creating positive conditions for people to exist."
"Naval ravacant has a really powerful take on this but the reality is everyone can be rich and we can see that by seeing that in the first world everyone is basically richer than almost anyone who was alive 200 years ago."
"Money is a measurement for the amount of transformation you create."
"I think those numbers are different relative to what you put in but that's the dynamic we want to create, a culture where you're looked to askance a little bit if you're making over a million dollars a year."
"Your wealth is going to be measured in time, not money."
"When you're sitting there and you're working months on end to take a good vacation that vacation is very valuable to you but if you're a multi-millionaire and you can vacation anytime you want it's no longer as good."
"All you need to have more than the average person on earth is $86 worth of bitcoin or 0.0018 Bitcoin."
"When you reach 20,000, you do not need more money. You do not need it."
"Until you own the assets you will never be truly wealthy."
"Better than I deserve because I'm a multi-millionaire."
"Money ain't everything, man. I mean, like, I don't, I never was, like, seven mil though or some shit."
"What good is it to have all the money in the world and still spend an eternity in hell?"
"It doesn't matter how much money you have, how much wealth you have, how much influence you have if you don't have God, you will be empty."
"As you get worth more and more, the only thing that really changes is that your worldview is so much bigger."
"You are already in the top five percent of wealthiest, blessed people on this planet."
"Success does not necessarily equate to how much money you have."
"Commit to being wealthy... reconcile the idea that just because you're wealthy doesn't inherently make you bad."
"We are rich because we're excited to be alive and we're healthy."
"Look, damn free Trump, be Trump till all the real ones get free."
"There's not any amount of money because I would just think like I could have that money or like I'm happy now with the money that I have."
"If you surround yourself with people that can afford to give a hundred thousand dollars... you take on their worldview."
"Millions is not a lot like if someone gave me three million a bit no thank you but 30 million maybe" - Trish
"I'm not rich because I have a lot of money. I'm rich, therefore, I have a lot of money."
"The bag don't matter to you once you're at a certain level of money. Your name matters, your reputation matters."
"It's not anywhere in the Bible where God says to be poor."
"Eleven point six million dollars is lunch money. That's chocolate milk money that I would use for good."
"Money isn't everything; some material things have made my life happier, but if you get a lot of them, it will do the opposite." - Warren Buffett
"If all you have is money, you're the poorest person in the world."
"This billionaire challenge was so I could show you what it was like to have anything you want, but I realize now that you don't need a million dollars or a billion dollars. You can have fun doing anything and all you need is your family."
"Those who are offended by wealth will never attain it."
"I just got paid three hundred ninety-one thousand dollars for my books... I'm not interested in gaining insane amounts of money for no reason."
"Money is never yours, it's just your turn to hold it."
"The more money you have, the less each dollar matters to you."
"Money becomes irrelevant. You know there is a point where a million, 2 million, five million, six hundred thousand, twenty dollars, thirty dollars, that's not why you do it."
"If you have food in your refrigerator, you're rich."
"If you know where you're going to sleep tonight, you're rich."
"If you got clean drinking water, the Bible calls you rich."
"If you've got clean sheets to sleep on, a roof over your head, and you can eat any time you want to eat, you're rich."
"If people know where you came from, they'll know that wealth was nothing to you."
"The point of financial abundance is to cause people to think and to recognize that you're going to reach a point in time which you have more money than you need."
"Becoming rich isn't the most important thing in life. The day I hit a seven-figure net worth, I really didn't feel any different."
"If I was a billionaire, this view would be worth it."
"Even with all the money in the world or all the fame in the world, if you do not have your health, then you have nothing."
"Once you're in a comfortable position financially, having more money doesn't improve your life."
"Money won't make you happy" is what most people say who don't have any money."
"You can have all the money in the world, but nothing is worth losing your life over."
"Who gives a damn about your status and your money when your health ain't together?"
"Money ain't making me happy, I can't take it with me."
"I'll take a big heart over a big bank account any day."