
Courtship Quotes

There are 193 quotes

"Each animal reveals a unique approach to courtship, highlighting the astonishing diversity of Nature's reproductive strategies."
"The albatross courtship involves an intricate dance, strengthening lifelong bonds and facilitating successful reproduction."
"Peacocks use their iridescent plumage in a spectacular display to attract mates, exemplifying the role of visual cues in animal courtship."
"The cabin is not just any old cabin; it's a cabin of love where the young woman can have as many suitors as she wishes until she finds the one who makes her heart sing."
"Make a man court you, see if that's somebody that you want to be with."
"They want to properly date you, court you, and not just hop into bed with you."
"If a guy wanted to woo a woman... he would present himself as a good catch."
"Dating is not allowed in Islam... Courtship is allowed where you can meet with someone with a chaperone like a family member to get to know the person."
"I don't like that. I would like to be courted. Personal preference."
"Once we decide to enter into our courtship... the end goal is marriage."
"The satin bower birds... go above and beyond to woo and it's really quite adorable."
"When we meet, let's meet on the field where everybody can see; let's meet on the altar so that people will know that we are courting."
"She made her bear smack him for talking and proceeded to ask him on a date."
"Dating is courting, just getting to know people."
"The English king was renowned for hating the task of writing letters and yet between 1527 and 1528 he wrote Anne no less than 17 of them."
"I believe that there was some dynamic things that went on during the courtship with my wife."
"Your person is a natural lover and they're very traditional. They want to court you traditionally. Your person's sweet, I like your person's energy."
"Courting is about taking you serious and wanting to make sure our values align."
"Charles begins a relationship with Lady Diana Spencer."
"Make her earn you. Take your time. Make her work to get you. Women like guys they have to work to get."
"The soul of my son Shechem longeth for your daughter: I pray you give her him to wife."
"Y'all really going to have fun, and this person is going to court you."
"It's called courtship, it's a good thing. It's a good thing and we kind of lost it in the sea of everything else going on."
"A woman is not going to want to rush courtship, she's going to want to take her time which puts a man's defenses down and a man thinks to himself that this is a woman that I can actually give up my freedom for."
"It's better to have a broken courtship than a broken marriage."
"The king's attention now has turned to another woman at court. Her name is Anne Boleyn."
"She recognized that this was Henry the 8th, this was her suitor."
"People want to court you, date you, and spoil you."
"Friends first: it won't feel like you're dating at first."
"So, we exchanged numbers or whatever and started talking and, uh, he would take me out, you know to dinner to movies and shopping and stuff like that."
"I enjoy the process of courting and making you feel special."
"Anna grinned up at him. Jacob O'Brien I would enjoy being courted by you."
"Would you do me the honor of allowing me to court you?"
"This person wants to be very traditional when it comes to this connection. They want to court you and they want to take you out on a couple of dates, really nice dates."
"Now with Anna finally officially courting Josh she was closer to her dreams than she even realized."
"Is it not better to go on dates and court someone slowly and honestly?"
"A courtship is all well and good, my love."
"The courtship never ends. It's always ongoing. If you stop dating, courting your wife or your girlfriend, guess what? Eventually some other dude will."
"If my court lady fails to win the love of those whose intentions are impure, this does not mean she will lack for lovers, for she will find many of them who are inspired both by her merits and their own worthiness."
"A good courtier, particularly a seductive courtier, must be very, very careful never to produce the honor of the woman he is seducing because their honor and their reputation is everything to them."
"You shouldn't be trying to win any woman over. Let her win you over."
"A man's job in the courtship is just to create an opportunity for sex to happen, to hang out, have fun, to hook up."
"Women like to be courted by a man who is sincerely interested in who they are as a human being and not just because of their hot body and good looks."
"A woman does not want to pursue a man and wants him to pursue her because it makes her feel feminine and wanted."
"Your goal in courtship is to attend new levels of spiritual maturity together."
"And is this courtship or is Austen just critiquing and satirizing a process that requires such subtlety and finagling women might not even realize it's happening until a guy pops the question?"
"Courtship is intentional, it's dating with a purpose."
"If he pursues a woman in the right way, he can win the girl."
"The male white spotted puffer fish creates such intricate patterns in the sand to attract the female."
"They're performing a courtship dance. This is how flamingos find their perfect partner."
"Dance it says here that when a male golden pheasant wants to get the attention of a female golden pheasant it dances."
"What you do to get a woman to fall in love with you is what you do to keep her in love. The courtship never ends."
"Apparently, it's all part of mating and courtship and stuff."
"Penguins offer their potential mates precious pebbles essential for building nests."
"What makes you attractive is that it's a well-known thing that you're a hot commodity... you have people who really want to court you again."
"When God leads you to the one, that's when you begin to date, that's when you begin to court."
"When you say like he was consistent, you mean like as far as like what y'all say applying pressure? Like as far as like courting you and trying to get your attention or whatever?"
"Gaining a lady's favor couldn't be too difficult."
"Shorter the courtship, shorter the marriage."
"He's saying things like, 'Yes, I'm single, yes, I can be trusted, I believe in loyalty, I wanna start a family eventually with the right person.' This is the type of stuff they was talking about, Your Honor."
"You know one of the chief verses that on this matter of dating around versus courtship is it says in First Corinthians 7: if you're single you are to see how you can please the Lord and if you're married you better see how you can please your wife or your husband."
"Courtship has become a catch-all phrase to describe something better than dating."
"Courtship has been around for centuries."
"Courtship is the proper way to find a life partner."
"I think he needs to bring this up early on in the courtship phase."
"Friendship, courtship, marriage - the three steps for Christians."
"Pursuing is making a woman feel safe with you while showing her that you are interested in her."
"This is why, again, pursuing a woman correctly is the ultimate solution, both for you and for her."
"Women want and expect you to pursue them in a relaxed, confident manner."
"We claim you before we even start dating you."
"A girl will make it known to her friends: 'This one's mine and suddenly you're ours.'"
"You've got to figure out a way to impress her and that's the time."
"It's how they find their partner. In fact, male lyrebirds often get together to practice their song and dance."
"It's more about courtship than anything else."
"You want to take me out? Court me properly, date me properly."
"What kind of suitor does not make even a basic effort for his lady love?"
"If a man acquires a woman cheaply, he'll treat her as someone who is cheap and not have any kind of attachment. But if he had to sweat to get her, if he had to jump through hoops to have her by his side, he's going to see her as a woman of value."
"The disappearance of courtship has had huge and serious consequences, especially for young people."
"I love the courtship, you know, the guy that chased and pursued, that's beautiful. Don't ever change that."
"The act of courtship is putting your best foot forward."
"The way Mr. Darling won her was this: the many gentlemen who had been boys when she was a girl discovered simultaneously that they loved her."
"The most important part of courtship isn't love, it's financial."
"Women usually think like, 'I want to meet a guy the way my mom did, my grandma did. It was so sweet when he came up to her, he swept her off her feet.'"
"I want to be fully courted. I want somebody who is pursuing me to pursue me."
"They're thinking about courtship."
"Men still like to chase, they like that, and if a girl is too easy to get, they're not really valuing her."
"It's customary for a fella to send flowers to a girl, isn't it?"
"Never stop courting, never stop dating, never ever take that woman for granted."
"Dance, that's right Junior Rangers, male big belly seahorses attract females with a courtship dance."
"Men are hunters; if you hunt them, they won't be interested. Let him come to you."
"If the girl accepted the spoon, the man was in favor."
"To attract a female penguin, a male bird puts on a display of flipper waving, head rearing, and raucous cooing."
"I've courted you, my beautiful Bathsheba, for a very long time."
"This courtship here is part of your destiny pathway, and it brings great fortune and Southern will."
"We got married 16 months later; we dated and courted and had an incredible time getting to know each other."
"What if you're what I want, my lady?"
"The outcome of this meeting will bring about the real courtship between the lady and the man."
"We have come to pluck a beautiful flower in your compound."
"The long-distance courtship had offered the once divorced and socially awkward scientist the chance to find a wife without really leaving his lab."
"If a man is truly interested in me, I want to see that with him taking me out on dates and getting to know me as a person outside of my job."
"There is a difference between a guy who has genuine interest in you and is courting you, and a love bomber."
"Respectful courtship is okay with parental guidance within the dignified fashion."
"Respectful courtship is okay with parental guidance."
"The gentle spirit of moving words can no way change you to a milder form, I'll woo you like a soldier at arms end."
"He was hoping to court and win the precious hand of Pepita."
"You should court a woman and treat her right."
"You don't pick a husband, he picks you, after you've picked him."
"When men are the ones in oversupply, the dating culture is more likely to emphasize courtship and monogamy."
"The way that I met my wife was pretty funny. I used the ADA formula: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action."
"And his only study was how to gain the affections of the peerless daughter Van Tassel."
"I began giving madam gifts and saying good morning and good night to her every day."
"Distinct courtship customs... signals her dedication to the Amish way of life and prepares her for the responsibilities of marriage and family."
"When a male is trying to woo a female, they lift their wings up and rub these feathers together, vibrating their wings at around 107 cycles per second."
"Thou with mildness entertain'st thy wooers, with gentle conference, soft and affable."
"More black women should focus on courtship."
"So I to her, and so she yields to me; For I am rough and woo not like a babe."
"I'm a tiger who killed innumerable men for the chance to be your mate."
"They're going to want to court you."
"It's a two-way street, and so I want to offer you this rose, and I want to keep getting to know you."
"I met the youthful lord at Laurence' cell; And gave him what becometh love I might, Not stepping o'er the bounds of modesty."
"When a man is serious about a woman, his mindset is impressing you."
"Another sign that a guy might be falling in love is that he's doting on you, that he's sweet on you."
"You guys are going to end up dating each other; this person is going to start courting you."
"Beyond all others, she was famed for beauty and the envious hope of many suitors."
"He had showered her with gifts, mostly flowers, believing that would be the way into her heart."
"If you want to know the right way to court a woman, you got to look at what kind of life you want to live with her."
"This person wants to romance you and whine you and dine you."
"With the new year drawing close, courtiers and ladies sat to a double feast."
"He was very consistent during the time he was courting me."
"Definitely somebody that is an alpha male, doesn't mind courting a woman, knows what he wants."
"I'm like, 'What a gentleman, not rushing to get into my pants, we're taking this very slowly, it's giving 1980s kind of love, very slow about it, you know?'"
"In one of several spectacular courtship displays, a male and female fly high into the sky, lock talons, and cartwheel downward together."
"Did you know male penguins look for the smoothest of pebbles to present to a potential mate to express their love, somewhat like a proposal?"
"In the process of a man courting a woman, he is falling in love."
"It was always so romantic seeing those boys go out of their way to impress the girl they liked."
"Courtship is where you begin to set the tone for your marital experience."
"Courtship behavior increases the probability of successful mating."
"We have a courting process, of course."
"If a man truly wants to get to know you and he's truly trying to court you for a future, those other options are going to fall off."
"Women do not put hurdles in the way of men they want to get to know."
"Good morning, Mrs. Finch, you're looking lovelier than ever. When are you going to marry me and put me out of my misery?"
"It's not manipulative; this is courtship."
"Everybody and their brother wants to marry her."
"What is quite special about this particular garden orb-weaver spider is that she has a suitor."
"It's always interesting also I think to try and compare the sort of courtship behavior with that of human beings."
"Your majesty, my name is Prince Shining Armor, and I have come to request the hoof of your lovely princess."
"If a man is not going to do those things in the first few months of dating, by the first few months I mean the first month, you must sweep me off my feet."
"The only way I can win Anna's heart is through sincerity."
"Everyone knows the way to a female redheaded Weaver's heart is to build her a home."
"A girl wants to see that a guy that is trying to court her is a winner."
"Before love commences, the male needs to woo his valentine with food in the form of nuptial gifts."
"Men will try to swoon you by feeding you, maybe they'll take you to dinner, but if they want to swoon you even more, they will cook you dinner."
"A husband ought to pursue his wife like he did when their courtship was beginning."
"A prince surrounded by desperate suitors and deadly assassins."
"I mean, when you take out a beautiful woman and you're courting her, you're supposed to take care of her, cover her, protect her, cherish her, treat her well, right?"
"The sail could have been used to make the dinosaur look bigger, to scare off enemies, or maybe it was used during mating season to impress the girls with all its color and stuff like that."
"The male's courtship is a dance with death."
"The male has to go through courtship in order to impress the lady."
"They're going to properly court you, they're going to properly make sure that your feelings are adored, cared for."
"Falling in love, someone's gonna be courting you."
"You're on your path to courtship now, working together here."
"Old school rules, dating and courting in a traditional manner."
"I'm willing to take it slow, take my time, get to know you, date you, court you."
"Building a foundation and a relationship with someone, dating and courting."
"This person is very interested in you, who wants to court you, who wants to date you, who wants to express their feelings."
"Courting is not just about making an offer; it's about planting a seed for a future together."
"This is the person you're going to marry because courtship is coming through for me."
"He wants to come in with his best foot forward, he wants to impress you."