
Whales Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"Whales have strange bones that look like shriveled hip, thigh, and shin bones where land mammals have hind legs."
"Knowing about stranded whales is vitally important, largely due to human causes."
"The ultimate effect of whales pooping is less CO2 in our atmosphere."
"The whale's transition from four-legged land mammal to the giant of the oceans is one of the most extraordinary stories in the history of evolution."
"Whales contributed to over 70 percent of the food in our diet, especially in our early spring."
"This haunting call whales truly are some of the coolest animals on earth."
"That's amazing - I never knew that whales could be this big."
"Did you know that whales are bigger than literally every single thing in the universe that is smaller than a whale..."
"Grey whales undergo the longest mammalian migration in the world."
"Whales that hold anywhere from 1,000 to 10,000 Bitcoin have added 266,000 more Bitcoin since the start of 2024."
"Whales, especially orcas, never lose their magic."
"These rocks look like three whales swimming together, the beautiful design created by Nature became known as three whales Rock."
"Whales are able to dive to extreme depths thanks to the flexibility of their bodies."
"Whales began adapting to an aquatic environment around 50 million years ago."
"The whales are basically the salvation."
"At noon tomorrow, in what is sure to be a media circus, the whales get shipped out."
"Whale shows like this featuring healthy, well-cared-for animals in spacious surroundings have converted humanity from fear of whales to respect, even love."
"But as the young whale rises to take the prey its father has provided, it's growing up into a generation of whales which has won the understanding and protection of our species."
"The Starship Enterprise returns to San Francisco in Star Trek 4, seeking the help of humpback whales."
"The whales between the world of living and the world of the Dead are very thin during this time."
"Whales make lots of sounds, including squeaks, whistles, and long low booming sounds that scientists call ‘songs.’"
"...but with whales I should say it's not as accurate as it is on TV so we can't say that we were you know eating cheerios in uh you know off the A1 last week."
"The heartbeat of a blue whale can be heard from 2 miles away."
"Whales are the largest animals on Earth. They are magnificent creatures that live in the ocean."
"I've never seen whales before and we saw them not just on the water, but like jumping at the baby. Oh my God."
"He's also one of the few human bonded whales who have learned to hunt and live in the wild."
"Whales from different regions sometimes sound different and they maybe don't even... we don't know, this is only speculation, I'm speculating, maybe they don't even understand each other like I would not understand someone from Russia for example."
"We're going to save two killer whales."
"Whale songs are arranged into elaborate but predictable patterns and phrases that are repeated over and over, no different from a complicated piece of classic music."
"We saw 21 whales, humpback whales, it was absolutely amazing."
"Whales are smart, they're intelligent; this behavior is amazing."
"Whales are mammals too, it's how they nurse their young."
"I don't believe that whales should ever be in captivity."
"The migration of southern hemisphere humpback whales have put on shows for us, from playful breaches to underwater serenades to extremely close drivebys."
"About 47 million years ago, whales had legs and lived both on land and in the sea."
"We just saw another whale... there's like two of them there."
"She gives us hope because blue whales were almost hunted to extinction."
"I was blown away by seeing those whale skeletons for the first time."
"I've learned a lot more about whales which I never knew."
"My money is on mountain climbing whales."
"At the site of such a huge group of baleen whales, conservationists felt hopeful that the population of these animals is increasing."
"We're talking whale big, like orca whale big."
"The symbolism around whales is very significant in this energy, whether you have been seeing whales or not, the whale is here for you, it's coming towards you."
"Whales have an intuitive nature to protect other animals, including humans."
"Whales are attacking ships now, the whales have declared war on us."
"We have a very good set of bones saved from fossil records showing that the whales evolved through a long period of time from animals around land to animals in the water."
"The backbones of the whale were bent with such force that the pressure smashed their neighboring vertebrae."
"Its tongue can weigh as much as an elephant."
"Whales, especially humpback whales, are not in the business of hurting people."
"These things kind of happen, you know. Whales come out of nowhere, they just scoop you up."
"Whales holding have increased by a hundred thousand Bitcoin in the last three weeks."
"Right now, it is migrating season for the whales."
"Hey Ahab, will you be home in the next hour? I've got whales in the oven."
"We saw a pod of 17 whales that are using this bubble feeding technique."
"We had a pot of killer whales come in on us one day."
"We might actually see some whales in the wild which will be really, really amazing."
"We've seen dolphins, we've seen minky whale."
"We're heading back into port now, we've seen quite a few whales."
"Baleen whales evolved longer snouts and bigger skulls in comparison to their bodies."
"When the whales are hungry, you have to be there to feed them."
"I've always wanted to crack the code of the humpback whale song."
"Whales are the largest animals that have ever lived, bigger than the dinosaurs."
"Blue whales are big but not a lot of people understand how big."
"We'll have a whale of a time deep in the ocean as we dive; you'll see the smallest of whales and see how large they can thrive."
"The open ocean is home to the largest animals on the planet, including 200-ton whales, 5,000-pound great white sharks, and a thousand-pound squid."
"I'm Charles Vinnick, and I'm the executive director of the Whale Sanctuary Project."
"The loneliest creature on earth is a whale that's been calling for a mate for a long time and is believed to have never received a response."
"This is a lot of whale excitement; it's amazing."
"I like whales, but I don't know what they do."
"Whales are the closest extant relatives to the hippopotamus, another ungulate."
"Whales unsurpassed for scenic grandeur."
"Whale songs are so peaceful, they are so cool, I love the sound of whales."
"Guys, we came across a whale in the wild. Oh, so cool! So we saw like five or six different whales."
"We didn't really catch anything out here today, but we did see like 10 whales, so in that sense, we didn't fail completely."
"Humpback whales use a bubble net technique while swimming in an upward spiral, they blow bubbles underwater."
"Most people know that humpback whales sing beautiful, haunting songs under the ocean."
"We were really lucky on our trip because our captain had spotted a group of humpback whales."
"They are whales, the giants of the deep."
"Whales are intelligent creatures and perhaps even smarter than man."
"The whale even pushes non to the surface of the water with its head and mouth."
"To see these whales in their natural habitat is just fantastic; it's breathtaking."
"Humpback whales are fascinating. Different groups of humpback whales from different geographic regions have different sounds."
"The whales like to play with the boats."
"Whale Valley in Egypt is quite possibly the most important site where we have discovered fossil whales or rather proto-whales."
"Whales depend on their tails for propulsion, not their legs."
"That whales are mammals that used to be on land but evolved to swim instead."
"It's nearly time for Life Beneath the Waves; there's a special report on whales."
"For decades, biologists had realized that whale populations were being put under extreme pressure."
"These whales winter in Hawaii and they don't feed there; that's where they go to breed, that's where they go to have calves, and then they come back here to feed, to forage in these rich waters."
"It is hoped that mapping the migratory movements of the pygmy whales will help conservation efforts for these endangered animals."
"They communicate like whales communicate through infrasounds."