
Health Recommendation Quotes

There are 122 quotes

"Ensuring you're hitting your iodine intake would be prudent."
"Intermittent fasting should be recommended as part of standard care for conditions like obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease."
"Autophagy is a core part of the recommendations I make, which is do whatever it takes to cause your body to turn its protein digestion mechanisms back on you."
"I do recommend people take a plant-based EPA and DHA...we keep it packed in dark glass and we have it shipped to us in refrigerated trucks."
"Pediatric experts recommend that children under 12 years old should avoid caffeine entirely, and teens should limit their intake to 100 milligrams a day."
"Morning light is the one thing that I'd recommend for people for their health."
"Swaps recommended by every Professional Health Organization in the world lower risk."
"Consider going plant-based is the one thing jack guys over 50 do."
"Coconut oil is probably the safest one on the market."
"The best sunscreens offer protection from both UV lights, not all sunscreens are broad-spectrum so it's important to look for it on the label."
"It's completely frame-shifting and I think that it, I feel the same way. Like, let's get that guy a steak, let's get that guy some liver."
"Train yourself to go to bed at the same time every day."
"Take your B12. Please, take your B12. It is so, so, so important."
"Minimum eight hours gap is what is recommended."
"Moisturizers are in fact evidence based on evidence-based recommendation."
"The best way to get B12 is to take a supplement, period."
"The best thing in the world you can drink is spring water."
"Try that cold shower, my brother, it's powerful."
"If somebody who was considering therapy came to you and said I'm considering therapy, what would you say? Do it. Yes, I highly recommend."
"Regular dental checkups every six months are essential."
"I recommend one because it's really okay for kids to get adjusted."
"You need to be getting 10,000 steps in a day, it's good for your health."
"Please go see your aesthetician or dermatologist to get that shit treated."
"Sunscreen even in the winter, especially in the winter."
"I highly highly, highly recommend both of those vaccines in pregnancy."
"CDC continues to recommend that everyone age five years and older get vaccinated."
"You've got to eat the whole food. Eat the olive, eat the coconut, but not the oil."
"Figure out how to get that eight hours of sleep."
"The first key to sleeping better is timing... between 10 pm and 2 am is known as the golden time."
"Low carb diets wonderful for trying to lose weight."
"Sunscreen is amazing. If you guys don't wear it on your face every single day, I don't care how old you are, I don't care if you want to get a tan, you're still gonna get your face tan."
"When is the best time to go to bed? Ideally between 10 and 11 o'clock p.m."
"So I would say for that reason you if whenever possible you should buy organic."
"It is so so easy to get dehydrated... bring one of these bad boys and just keep filling it up."
"Leafy green and dark leafy green juice is probably some of the most nutritious and healing juices on the planet."
"Guys, I always recommend hop on a skincare routine ASAP."
"Stick with high quality and Whole Foods for a great start."
"Before we get started I'm aware that n-acetyl cysteine is a very good over-the-counter supplement that generally everybody should be using."
"Make sure to have a variety of colors on your plate every day for a diverse nutrient intake."
"Break up your seating time. Every hour, make sure you move, take a few steps."
"It's actually recommended that you don't bench there."
"Unscented soap is the way to go for vaginal health."
"If you only do one thing out of everything I've just shown you today make it be SPF."
"Of all the oils that exist, extra virgin olive oil is the one that I would reach for." - Dr. Will Bolsowitz
"I cannot say enough good things about red light therapy, I would highly highly recommend it."
"In those first few hours, if you can eat the right foods, drink the right liquids."
"You are 150 minutes of moderate intensity cardio a week. That's what you really should be doing. Can you do more? Of course."
"If the skin is thin, buy organic for the win."
"It is really important to make sure you eat fruit and vegetables and fiber."
"Drink a lot of water, okay? I really recommend close to a gallon a day."
"Keep those lungs open; should never be holding your breath."
"Avoid all sugar, grains, and vegetable seed oils."
"Increase your fluid intake... try to increase your fluid intake okay family."
"I recommend you go and get the shot if you're over 50."
"Chiropractic care: two thumbs up, highly recommended."
"I feel like everyone should incorporate that into their day-to-day."
"The recommendation is to aim for about 30 minutes of body movement on a daily basis or about five days a week, and trying to hit a total during the week of about 150 minutes of body movement or physical activity that's intentional."
"The American Diabetes Association typically recommends 150 minutes of exercise in a week."
"Stretching my legs, getting up, walking around. Highly recommend that you guys do the same."
"...ultimately comes from plants um the World Health Organization recommends an average intake of 0.66 grams per kilogram of body weight okay..."
"As far as hydration goes, I definitely think it's a good one, but I would recommend it specifically for dry skin."
"I think if I had to put a name on a dietary pattern that I think would be the healthiest, it would be probably pescatarian."
"Eat more fruits and vegetables, particularly vegetables."
"Getting as much natural light as possible... would be the prescription."
"Soy products are a very useful part of [a pregnant woman's] diet."
"Everyone on earth should try to achieve 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity per week."
"No shame in going for Pedialyte even if you're an adult; it's really good stuff."
"Everybody now, look, I know I got some people in their 30s who watch my channel, put sunscreen on your hands."
"I think we need to be taking vitamins; this is a very important time."
"Vaccination against influenza is highly recommended."
"Calorie restriction is good, but thymuses are good too."
"Everybody needs a prenatal. I've been taking prenatals for years at this point."
"The ketogenic diet is the most nutritionally complete diet that I've ever recommended as a doctor."
"This is my recommendation, this is the NIH recommendation, this is the recommendation from the ID Society of America, these are the professional recommendations that are data-driven."
"Refreshing REM sleep: Your length of sleep was a bit shorter than recommended, but you had good REM sleep during that time."
"We always recommend going the holistic way first and doing everything you can naturally before you go that way."
"Drink more water, aim for like three liters for most people."
"Everybody in America should have a sauna."
"Choose whole grains half of the time."
"The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists is extremely passionate about encouraging women to exclusively breastfeed for the first six months of the baby's life."
"Every man or woman should have minimum of 25g of fiber per day."
"Aim for 30 minutes, 5 days per week, if it's moderate intensity aerobic activity."
"The American Optometric Association actually recommends that all children have their first eye examination at six months of age."
"We should lower an elevated serum phosphorus towards normal in all stages of kidney disease."
"...we believe it's reasonable to limit dietary phosphorus intake and pay particular attention to the source of dietary phosphate."
"The CDC recommends 30 minutes a day, five days a week of moderate to vigorous physical activity."
"Clinical recommendations include the '80–90 rule': no more than 80% of the maximum volume on personal listening devices for no more than 90 minutes a day."
"Adults need seven to nine hours of sleep."
"Toe spacers should be worn for a few minutes to up to a maximum of a few hours."
"You're supposed to walk Barefoot every day."
"A healthy diet, particularly a plant predominant diet, is really being strongly recommended."
"All patients should carry an EpiPen with them at all times."
"Everyone should try an electric toothbrush."
"For immune system, I recommend that you take D3, get your level tested."
"Doing things to reduce inflammation is a good idea."
"The recommendation is exclusively breastfeeding for the first six months."
"Let her rest and recover, for like, I'm going to say a few weeks honestly."
"Drink water before, during, and after exercise."
"If you have asthma or if you have a child with asthma... run, do not walk, to a completely plant-based diet."
"Perform anywhere from five to 15 sets of resistance exercise per week... that seems to be the most scientifically supported way of offsetting any decline in muscle strength."
"My advice to people as soon as it's time for your vaccine, take a vaccine, it's safe."
"The best sunscreen is the sunscreen that you wear."
"We definitely recommend people with immunosuppressive conditions go ahead and get vaccinated."
"Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day."
"Make sure you're getting enough water, man. Just straight up water."
"Vegetables are much more something that you want to base your diet around."
"Physical activity is also recommended as part of treatment, with a goal of 30 minutes daily."
"Definitely take vitamin D, highly recommend it."
"Let's reduce the salt as much as possible."
"It's so helpful to have vitamins specifically recommended for me."
"Niacinamide is a fantastic ingredient and really all of us should be using it."
"If there's one product I had to recommend to elevate our health, it's AG1."
"Early morning sunlight exposure is critical, 20 minutes, no glasses, no sunglasses, and be outside in the bright Sun."
"It is recommended we chew our food 30 times before swallowing; however, most of us only chew our food five to seven times before shoving it down."
"Dentists recommend changing your toothbrush every three months."
"You need to eat a starch-based diet; it's no more complicated than that."
"I highly recommend to you guys having tea, honestly, it will energize your body so much more for longer."