
Brexit Quotes

There are 565 quotes

"If you were going to do a U-turn and Rishi Sunak's not stupid, he knows that one of the biggest reasons Conservatives have lost their popularity is because of Brexit."
"The way to restore trust in politics is to get Brexit done and move forward."
"Johnson was absolutely categorical that he will not allow privatisation of the NHS as a result of his Brexit deal."
"The vote for Trump and the vote for Brexit signify is just a sense of exhaustion with the old establishment."
"If people want a clean break Brexit, there's a heck of a lot of them."
"It was this House that decided to give the British public the referendum in 2016."
"We should actually go out and go with the No Deal, be forceful about it."
"Are we being represented properly by our political parties? They're breaking apart, as it would appear Brexit is just too difficult for them to cope with."
"Brexit has resulted in many changes for the UK, many of which have negatively affected the economy."
"He got Brexit done, he fixed a broken Parliament, he led us through COVID."
"The main message behind Brexit was to be able to trade and open up routes to the rest of the world."
"Brexit... is part of a global philosophical project to roll back grand international institutions and restore the nation-state."
"Brexit was simply, 'We would like the keys to our own house back, thank you.'"
"It's better than a kamikaze clean break Brexit."
"There is no point looking back, we've made a decision, we are leaving the European Union, and we must work together to make it a success!"
"Ultimately you can't stop the river and I believe really strongly Nigel we're gonna get this brexit is gonna come through one way or another."
"Ruth Davidson insisted that she had stared Boris Johnson in the eye and heard the assurance that he was trying to get a Brexit deal."
"Let's get Brexit done as soon as possible, as quickly as possible, as honestly as possible."
"The big significance of last night: Brexit is now happening."
"I don't think either of them has a strategy that really works to get us to leave."
"I couldn't care less who's P.M. as long as they deliver a no deal Brexit."
"He has given indication every indication since he was elected of being for the country and for Brexit."
"Every single version of Brexit is going to leave the UK less well-off."
"The Tories' Brexit deal will make people worse off."
"Brexit is a project of the right, for the right, by the right."
"Why would they want to lock us into what they think is the best of both worlds?"
"People did not vote two years ago to be poorer."
"Brexit done it was one of the most effective election slogans you've seen"
"Brexit isn’t just detrimental to Britain’s economy - it’s damaging its culture."
"People who voted to leave are afraid of a second referendum; they just note that the only people who want a second referendum are those who lost."
"I've benefited from freedom of movement... most of my works in Germany... if we leave especially with no deal, I will have no choice."
"When is she gonna wake up... and think about it... she's just so focused and she's blinkered and it's not working well for brexit if she gets this deal."
"But be careful what you wish for, because Brexit might have long-term devastating consequences on the United Kingdom’s stability."
"There's no other subject that seems to encourage people to change their minds than if they change their views about the economic consequences of Brexit."
"The default position is that we leave on the 31st of October."
"Well, we're reassured... because it's very clear now that this cannot be left to chance and if anything No Deal is the only certainty on the table at the moment."
"Are you ready to push for us leaving with a clean break no deal on the 31st of October oh absolutely."
"I did anticipate 25 years fighting and leave the European Union to leave the European Union treaties to sign a new one."
"All I care about is we get a clean break from the institutions of the European Union."
"He's the one man in the entire Conservative Party who genuinely understands the point, purpose, and value of Brexit."
"Brexit is impacting inflation... food production has been lower, food rotting in the fields... prices go up, it's obvious."
"Brexit is so crazy that in order to sort of... you need people with that sort of craziness about them to form a government to deliver it."
"Now a majority of the population want to to reverse brex to rejoin Europe."
"Tony Blair says a No Deal Brexit would lead to potentially devastating consequences for the peace process in Northern Ireland."
"No one could responsibly propose this. It would be economically very, very dangerous for Britain and for the peace process or not in Ireland. It would potentially be definitely devastating."
"Brexit is our golden opportunity, and I'm very excited as to what the future holds for the UK."
"British politics has quickly changed from left versus right to leave versus remain."
"We are leaving the European Union, but we are not leaving Europe."
"Our vote to leave the European Union was no rejection of the values we share."
"We do not seek membership of the single market; instead, we seek the greatest possible access to it through a new comprehensive free trade agreement."
"We do not approach these negotiations expecting failure but anticipating success."
"The deal doesn't save the Brexit fishing industry."
"Labour voters are more anti-Brexit than actual remain voters."
"Brexit is a means to an end, not an end in itself."
"Brexit is the opportunity for the nation to come back together."
"I thought we were such a democratic country that the result of the 2016 vote was just taken."
"Brexit is gonna happen whether it happens this Friday or not, public opinion is moving more and more in favor of Brexit."
"Is our democracy, our whole governmental process being held hostage by MPs who simply don't want brexit to happen?"
"Brexit was thanks to Brexit very largely that we had the fastest vaccine roll out in Europe."
"I wish we could have gone with Nigel Farage."
"We are now committed, all of us, to leaving the European Union."
"We can't allow the Good Friday Agreement that brought peace to Northern Ireland to become a casualty of Brexit."
"Donald Trump in the White House provided a kind of political and intellectual comfort and support indirectly to that kind of head-banging pro-Brexit far-right aligned tendency within our own country."
"Our failure to deliver Brexit would be a catastrophic and unforgivable breach of trust in our democracy." - Nigel Farage
"The brexit must be delivered." - Nigel Farage
"Forget John Major, I want to hear from you." - Nigel Farage
"The people voted to leave, they backed it up in a general election."
"Brexit is more important to me than any party I've aligned with."
"Brexit and my father's election are one and the same." - Donald Trump Jr.
"The UK wanted to leave Europe... they're better off without Europe and Europe's better off without them."
"The European Union will remain a very important trading partner of the United Kingdom."
"The impact of a No Deal Brexit will be significant, damaging, and long-lasting."
"She said yesterday that preventing a no-deal that may threaten the livelihoods of her constituents means a great deal more to her than keeping the Conservative whip."
"What we're looking to do is deliver our big promise... to respect the referendum result."
"I genuinely believe that the reason we're in this crisis is because the remain side didn't accept a democratic result."
"I think leave won against another referendum."
"Brexit is still a profound and long-term national diminishment."
"Brexit could have been so brilliant, so bold, so beautiful, but it's been ruined by the Brussels bullies and the remain traitors."
"Brexit was somewhat a pushback against the super state, it was about individual independent sovereignty."
"Being free from the shackles of the EU can only be good news."
"I met a guy during the referendum who came from Colombia and he said 'oh yes you know I support Brexit.'"
"One thing I found very interesting I've met a surprising number of people who are foreigners but not Europeans who are very Pro Brexit."
"When the Brits decided to leave, they made it clear that it wasn't leaving of the world or of Europe, it was just leaving the EU system."
"Brexit was a step in the right direction because it was a move away from centralization to decentralization."
"The person who is honest with the country about Brexit, about the compromise, if you want Brexit, you're gonna be poorer."
"Brexit also restored confidence in a way because what it did is it put popular sovereignty on steroids."
"We still don't know what Brexit means. That's the weirdest thing of all."
"Brexit creates a huge opportunity for optimism, for growth, for renewal in the United Kingdom. We've just got to grasp it."
"Brexit is a huge opportunity for supply side reforms."
"We will leave if we can get a working majority, if we can, then we will come out on January the 31st at the absolute latest."
"Brexit should never be seen as an end in itself."
"Brexit was an instruction from the people to our government to turn around the ship of state by 180 degrees and start sailing in a different direction."
"Brexit sparked an identity crisis in Britain."
"It's in everyone's interest for there to be a deal."
"Staying in the European Union, stopping Brexit, surely that's the sensible thing to do."
"Brexit has reinvigorated democratic politics in this country."
"The question was clear: Do you want to leave or remain? People voted to leave, that's what we're going to do."
"We would still protect EU citizens' rights, even in the unlikely event of no deal." - Prime Minister
"The way to ensure No Deal is to agree a deal, that's the best way to ensure that there is not No Deal." - Prime Minister
"The whole country can sleep soundly in the knowledge that we are going to come out of the EU."
"Crashing out with No Deal would be an unacceptable outcome damaging to our economy."
"Brexit highlights the difficulty of leaving a beneficial union."
"When we leave the European Union, we are looking to ensure that we have trade deals that do enable our farmers to continue to be able to export their very, very important product."
"If this is correct or even nearly correct, then Boris Johnson has achieved what he set out to achieve."
"Why can't you respect democracy and respect the fact that the majority of British people voted to leave the European Union?"
"Brexit will not necessarily be a big success, but at least it should allow us to control our own destiny."
"There will be a dip in the pound if Britain leaves, but it's not the end of the world."
"Most economic modelling has found that a Brexit vote would make little difference to Britain's economy."
"Mrs. May's deal so awful I'm prepared to take that risk."
"We agreed today that as the UK leaves the European Union, we will pursue an ambitious US-UK free-trade agreement."
"We will be leaving the European Union and we are leaving on the 29th of March 2019... that's what the British people voted for and that's what we will be delivering."
"Brexit is like, 'No no no, it won't'... Yeah it will."
"Brexit's been a relatively peaceful process."
"Britain's leaving the EU as being very much like Henry VIII's break with Rome."
"Brexit is the biggest geopolitical change in the West since the fall of the Berlin Wall."
"It's not unserious; it is one of the ironies that the Brexit process, a plan designed to make Britain stronger and freer in the world, could actually end Britain."
"Brexit has made the case for Scotland becoming an independent country."
"Brexit is the worst foreign policy decision in my lifetime."
"Brexit created this weird space in which really, really poor people could profit... intellectually poor, politically poor, or poor in terms of integrity."
"The consequences for Scotland and the United Kingdom are some of the deepest reasons why I think a No-Deal Brexit would be deeply damaging."
"We voted to leave, why is this even a question?"
"Let's be very clear: we will do anything necessary to stop a No Deal Brexit."
"I think people were sending a very clear message, a simple message to both main parties: just get on and deliver Brexit."
"Looking both ways on Brexit has harmed the Labour Party."
"Local issues inevitably played a part, but all politicians know it wasn't bins voters were angry about but Brexit."
"We've always said it: the only way to have a soft border is to be in a customs union."
"The chaos we're seeing in Parliament now is a product of the fact that Brexit cannot be delivered."
"The single most shocking message conveyed during the Brexit referendum campaign was 'don't trust experts'." - Richard Dawkins
"The citizens of the UK went to the polls to vote on whether or not to leave the European Union, shocked the world when it came back in favor of the decision to leave."
"The EU is crumbling. Britain is pulling completely out, putting together some really good trade deals. The UK is going to be fine."
"Brexit is a powerful statement of sovereignty and independence."
"Far from being a cliff edge... If we leave with no deal, we save 39 billion quid."
"We wanted to leave because we think we can do things better for ourselves."
"Let's get Brexit done and let's bring this country together." - Boris Johnson
"I believe we have made a dramatic momentous error in leaving the European Union."
"We have voted to be poorer whatever sort of brexit we get."
"He's saying we must keep our promises and deliver Brexit, no ifs, no buts."
"He's very, very clear when he says we must keep our promises and deliver Brexit, no ifs, no buts."
"If we crash out in March, the impact on our economy, I hear it from so many businesses, and the consensus across many businesses is there, it will really damage us."
"Brexit could have gone completely another way."
"Any single part of Brexit is a mountainous task."
"Boris did say at the election, 'Get Brexit done.'"
"Tony, at least on Brexit, he's getting it right."
"There is a feeling amongst many that the civil service have been a real block to Brexit."
"Manifesto said no deal was better than a bad deal. Boris Johnson is delivering on the manifesto."
"This is the biggest political issue of our decade... decided by the electorate with that very large 17.4 million vote in favor of leaving."
"Boris Johnson says he'd rather be dead in a ditch than ask Brussels for another delay to brexit."
"I think Boris Johnson is playing poker because he wants to leave without a deal."
"Why doesn't he just do this simple common-sense thing and call second people's referendum?"
"Britain outside the EU will become the European Union's arguably most important partner."
"After three years of conservative failure, get Brexit sorted... give the people a final say." - Jeremy Corbyn
"Very happy to support a prime minister that wants to deliver a clean break Brexit."
"Surely now is the time for the Prime Minister to recognize that she has to stop banging her head against the brick wall of her defeated deal."
"Common sense tells you that the only way to get past Brexit is a second referendum. I mean, Parliament is just not going to agree to any deal that comes back."
"Compromise, live and let live is what will be needed there with all with out brexit and that's really the point."
"Brexit means Brexit. There's not been for many years a choice that's aroused such passion."
"The British people have spoken and the answer is we're out. It was incredibly exciting."
"I think it's absolutely clear that we needed a Brexit Prime Minister that believed in Brexit."
"I've been waiting for an outcome to the Brexit saga."
"One of the reasons Brexit was pushed over the line...is because about two and a half million people who don't usually participate in politics came to vote for Brexit."
"What is best for this country is to leave the European Union with a good deal."
"We believe it's something that works for Northern Ireland while letting us leave the European Union."
"Brexit was about to open the Pandora's box of independence from Europe."
"The final killer question: If Parliament stops you coming out, will you hold a general election?" - Nigel Farage
"Treachery? MPs voted against a rotten deal." - Nigel Farage
"Can you guarantee that we're coming out on the 31st of October?"
"Without the Brexit Party, there will be no Brexit, and I promise you we are going to deliver Brexit. Thank you."
"The Brexit party is considered likely to win the most votes."
"Something big happened last night for Brexit."
"By upping Britain's preparedness for a No Deal Brexit, Britain is trying to split the EU27."
"Brexit would have been a disaster, a catastrophe, the sky would fall in. Just as they thought the Brexit vote would make that happen, but it didn't."
"Brexit doesn't mean we've lost global influence and we're not turning our backs on the world."
"We have not yet confronted some of the major personal impacts of Brexit."
"If this deal goes through, then we will achieve what the 17.4 million people asked us to do." - Nigel Farage
"I said Britain will leave the EU predicting again remember in 2015 this is and of course the Britain did leave the Union even though everybody said it wouldn't happen."
"It seemed to be either the Prime Minister's deal or a long delay, European elections, a softer Brexit, and more political uncertainty."
"The backstop presents a prime minister of the UK with an absolutely unacceptable choice. Abandoning our ability to govern ourselves...or to give up control of the government of Northern Ireland...clearly unacceptable." - Boris Johnson
"The solution must be for the whole UK to come out in its entirety from the EU and to find the solutions that are needed for frictionless trade across the border." - Boris Johnson
"We're gonna get Brexit, I know it's taking a long time, but we're going to get there in the end." - Nigel Farage
"I think the brexit has been the main cause for most of the problems that we're facing at the moment in this country." - Jonathan List
"Does it actually matter, or do you think getting brexit delivered and being a good leader is what matters more?"
"If the Conservatives don't deliver Brexit by the 31st of October, I think we will find it very difficult to succeed in future elections."
"I think following British politics, a big reason why Brexit passed is because the mavens of elite liberal discourse were telling them, 'You can't vote for Brexit.' And it was a big [ __ ] you."
"Brexit was an incredibly positive moment in British history."
"Strangely, no mention of Brexit, which is strange actually, yes, because you would think the Conservatives would be trying to hammer that point."
"Jeremy Corbyn, if he doesn't get off the fence in a second EU referendum, bears almost as much responsibility for that as Theresa May and the Conservatives."
"The parallels are always so clear we voted for brexit everyone said it couldn't happen it happened."
"Anything which fails to respect the referendum or which effectively divides our country would be a bad deal, and I have always said no deal is better than a bad deal."
"The majority of people in Parliament want a Brexit deal."
"Brexit was successful... the voice of freedom and that voice was splendidly heard by fifty two percent to forty eight."
"Brexit and also a village... I think it's a global thing it's catching on globally people are waking up to what's going on."
"Seventeen point four million people voted Brexit and they deserve to get it."
"Most of the people that are going to be most affected are the Forgotten people of Brexit."
"Brexit is a reasonable expression of nationalism in the British sense."
"I voted to remain in 2016 but immediately accepted the result... that is for me how democracy works."
"I think it was a huge mistake for Britain to leave the single market."
"Brexit ceased really, it died on the day it was born."
"Northern Ireland was always going to be the most difficult aspect of any Brexit settlement."
"No one seems to be denying us leaving or no deal would be on the 31st of December all over some fish."
"It's in the EU's interest for Britain to have a much closer relationship."