
Subscriber Engagement Quotes

There are 173 quotes

"Also, if you're new to the channel, go ahead and drop us a sub because you do not want to miss any more videos like these."
"Before we begin, guys, if you haven't hit subscribe yet, make sure to do that now for Bleach content like this every single week."
"Dear subscribers, today we are filming the second part, the continuation of The Hunger Games, because you really liked the first one."
"Total videos, thank you guys so much for supporting, if you would consider subscribing it would really mean the world to me."
"Easily collect subscribers, build connections, Drive sale with personalized emails."
"I just want to say a huge thank you to all of our new subscribers." - Stephen Butler
"Please subscribe to the channel because it's the only way I can gauge the progress of time in my life and what I'm accomplishing."
"Thank you for watching and subscribing. Your support means the world to me."
"And don't forget to subscribe for more content just like this."
"I've gained about 500 subscribers in just two days, so welcome everybody new!"
"I highly recommend sending something free to subscribers like a free ebook."
"It's so easy to get caught up in, I want 100,000 subscribers or I want a million views, it doesn't matter if you're not focusing on the people who were there with you from day one."
"If you guys are new to the channel and enjoy the content at all today definitely feel free to hit that subscribe button."
"We have videos dropping every day so make sure to subscribe to Channel Frederator, your cartoon central on the Internet."
"I just want to say thank you guys again for the 20,000 subscribers. Obviously, I could not do this without you guys."
"There's another YouTube growth coming next week, so make sure to subscribe. It's going to cover the seven unbreakable rules of YouTube growth."
"Subscribe to this channel if you haven't already, that really helps these videos out."
"If you think that I've earned it I would appreciate if you hit that subscribe button right now it genuinely does help me out."
"I still want people to watch this and go 'this is why I'm subscribed to this channel for this quality of the you know.'"
"I was gaining hundreds of thousands of subscribers a month."
"Hey guys, a small percentage of people that watch my videos are actually subscribed. If you want to support this channel and make this channel reach the one million mark, please consider subscribing. It's free and you can change your mind later."
"I need to say thank you to those of you guys who pressed the subscribe button."
"If you want the skateboard, you subscribe. You get the supreme skateboard."
"Subscribe to the channel if you like content like this."
"Subscribe to don't subscribe, that one's fair enough."
"Make sure you subscribe to my channel so you never miss an important astrology update."
"Subscribers mean so much to me. We're hitting another milestone, almost 20,000 viewers."
"Thank you guys for subscribing, I appreciate it."
"If you're subscribed, thank you. We definitely greatly enjoy having your presence with us."
"If that is interesting to you, subscribe to the channel."
"Please do sub because the subs go a long way."
"Collaborate with other YouTube artists with similar subscriber count."
"We made it through the night and we made it through the 1 million subscriber prank."
"Knowledge is power. Click that subscribe button and that little bell so you don't miss anything."
"Before we hop into the first shooting tip of this video... subscribe to the channel."
"We'll be working even harder to earn your support next year. See you next time!"
"Hit the subscribe button right now. There's gonna be like 60, 70 thousand of you that watched this video and over half of you are not subscribed. Hit the sub button, you know you're coming back."
"Be sure not to miss any of my reviews by subscribing—it really does help."
"You don't want a dead channel with subscribers; it's pointless. What matters is your audience who genuinely likes you."
"Consider subscribing if you want to see more fun content like this."
"If you're someone who has even a few thousand subscribers, if you're making 2 or 3 bucks per T-shirt, and they're buying regularly, then you actually have a real shot at making some decent money."
"Give people a reason to subscribe to your channel."
"Thank you guys so much for the support have a great day expect a lot of new videos on the channel."
"Subscribe, ring the bell if you guys are in the notification squad."
"I'm hungry for that 600K man, so if you guys can help me out and smash the subscribe button down below if you haven't already."
"Subscribe to this channel if you're interested in the head and heart of being a better version of you."
"Subscriber goals by the end of the year I obviously don't expect to get anywhere past 250,000 but as you can see here there's some pretty pretty tasty ones so"
"If you enjoy our content please consider subscribing."
"Make sure you subscribe to my channel which is completely free and click the bell icon and select all to receive notifications when new videos are posted."
"Achievable in my opinion because out of 10,000 subscribers that's 300 sales."
"3 and 0 so far today, intense like close games too. Hopefully this is the content you sub for. If not, subscribe, the heck's the matter with you?"
"Thanks again for all your support, welcome to all the people smashing that join button subscribers, and of course people screaming glory to Rap Toria down below, you've all been wonderful."
"Once you guys subscribe, it will pop up here, so make sure you guys do subscribe and hit that like button if you guys want a free skin!"
"If you've enjoyed the video, feel free to subscribe."
"Thank you to all the new subscribers, to all the old subscribers, to everyone that's been tuning into the show and supporting the movement. I appreciate you."
"Subscriber growth really occurs as a result of consistently posting over time."
"In 100 days of Minecraft super flat, I built farms for extinct mobs, defeated the Ender Dragon, got way, way too many sheep, defeated the Wither, asked you guys to subscribe, I'm so, so close to four mil."
"It's awesome to see the subscribers and stuff continue to grow."
"It would mean the world to me, literally, if you'd hit that subscribe button."
"This is what you guys subscribe for. Wacky food combos!"
"If we reach 5,000 subs, I'll definitely do a hair reveal."
"Press the subscribe button and join Curtis town today."
"A large percentage of my viewers are not subscribed to my channel so if you do end up enjoying this content please subscribe it's free and you can always change your mind."
"86 percent of you guys aren't subscribed, and my overall goal on YouTube was to hit 100k."
"MSI said they're giving away a brand new computer for my 1 million subscriber giveaway."
"Thanks everyone for watching. Smash the like, make sure you subscribe and hopefully we can get back to some normality on this channel whilst continuing this fight to get these people out football."
"This o P is freaking incredible so much so that I had to reevaluate my top 10 LPS of all-time list that I'm doing for my 100,000 subscribers special."
"I want to let you know this is the right time to subscribe."
"I just hit five point two million subscribers so shout out to all of you who hit that subscribe button."
"It's a heartfelt thank you from me. Thank you for subscribing, I really appreciate it."
"You guys are smashing it by the way. Heartfelt thank you to all the new subscribers, I really do."
"If you like the video, press like, subscribe for more videos like this in the future."
"Thank you for badgering all your friends and loved ones and making them subscribe and watch the videos."
"All my channel members out there you guys are amazing you guys are a part of the tribe you guys are fantastic folks I love you guys to death."
"Thank you so much for watching, give your thumbs up, subscribe for more incredible Minecraft tutorials every single day of the week."
"Welcome aboard to all the new subs, and thank you to the long-time supporters. You guys are amazing!"
"You'll probably wanna go ahead and subscribe to Possessed by Horror."
"If you enjoy my content and the topics I talk about, you'll probably wanna go ahead and subscribe to Possessed by Horror."
"I want to welcome the almost 1,600 new subscribers."
"We will continue to cover the entirety of this trial... please make sure to subscribe."
"If you were new here to Comic Explained, make sure you guys hit the sub button to become part of the Rob core."
"If you have not, like he said, hit that subscribe button, no time to really grind because I'm hungry time to cry."
"Click that Bell notification and as always Nick strength empower signing out."
"That's so cool, we've got a lot of new subscribers coming in and maybe that's you, let me know if you're here and you're new."
"If you haven't subscribed please hit the subscribe button many of you have been unsubscribed you've told me or you've lost your notifications."
"If you guys do enjoy this sort of content and wish to stay up to date with the channel, please do consider pressing that subscription button alongside the bell notification."
"You'll get notified every time I upload new videos and new giveaways."
"That ensures that you get all my stuff sent directly to your sub box, very, very important thing to do indeed."
"This has been the largest month of subscriber growth on the channel ever."
"If you wish to be subscribed to my immature antics, feel free to hit that subscribe button."
"Once we hit a million subs, it's like, whoa."
"Thank you guys all for joining us and for subscribing. You guys are, thank you, thank you!"
"Thanks to your support we have just scaled the 300,000 subscriber mark."
"We practice for these videos, so if you're enjoying the content, make sure you subscribe."
"Thanks for watching, and I will catch you legends in the next one. Like and subscribe. Bye!"
"Stand for truth: 'Subscribe for truth... hit subscribe on our YouTube channel and thank you so much for watching.'"
"Best way to support me is hit the subscribe button."
"Let's go ahead and do that right now. Hit that subscribe, we are doing a giveaway for this Batman killing joke CGC 9.8 once we hit 110,000 subscribers."
"Emergency parachutes inside this plane. If you think so too, subscribe to this channel in 3, 2, 1."
"Thank you all for subscribing and all that fun stuff."
"If you are new here and you haven't already, subscribe to me and you can watch my full YouTube video that me and my sister did with my cousins to see the straight hair to naturally wavy hair transformation for more tips and tricks."
"The support has been incredible on the channel recently, hitting the subscribe button at record paces."
"This is a channel about you guys this is a channel about the subscribers so I'm just a man I'm just I'm just the face of the channel you guys are what makes the channel."
"So of course guys thank you for tuning into endless scrap mechanic make sure you subscribe for more endless scrap mechanic it's always a blast in the live stream."
"It doesn't matter how many subscribes you have, it matters if you enjoy making the videos." - Very true ring
"Make sure you hit the subscribe button for more tutorials!"
"If you guys like the content that I provide on a daily basis be sure and subscribe to the channel."
"Thanks for being here, thanks for being subscribed... have a great day."
"Strawberry Squad, if we hit 4 million subscribers, we will keep on ordering more cakes like this."
"You guys were the best subscribers on all of YouTube. Literally think you guys are the best subscribers on all of YouTube."
"Before we get started, please make sure you subscribe to my channel."
"But lastly I just want to say thank you you guys the guys that watched the video was whatever you are in the world however long you've been subscribed that's why sake thanks."
"If you guys want to see Noir get about 100 more pounds and grow even more, all you have to do is go right now and subscribe below."
"If we hit a million subs by the end of the year, we'll give away a total of five next-gen consoles to one of my subscribers."
"A big congratulations to every single one of us because we have hit a million subscribers."
"Universal basic income or a guaranteed income of like 500 to a thousand dollars per month for certain families to qualify if you're new to the channel make sure to subscribe down below."
"Click the subscribe button... what are you waiting for?"
"We have what, 5.5 million subscribers on Psych2Go? If everybody, even if like 10 of those people donated like a dollar, five dollars, ten dollars, hundred dollars, this could be some powerful movement."
"I almost got attacked by a wasp. Oh yeah, hey, but I won and you guys are not winners yet unless you subscribe."
"If you want to perform a true show of devotion to your god, be sure to subscribe."
"Lastly, if you're interested in future Orlando vacation content, don't forget to subscribe."
"One of the other best things that I bought this year was my subscribers."
"Thanks for watching and please subscribe to my YouTube channel for more videos about technology for teachers and students."
"Make sure you subscribe for daily Clash content."
"We're almost at 200k Subs on YouTube. Welcome once again, subscribe to the channel, like the video. It helps us out a lot. I used to not believe in that but now I do. Thank you, thank you, thank you."
"Thank you so much for watching my first video of 2024, it's going to be a big year on this channel so if you've not subscribed already then make sure you do so you don't miss out."
"Guys, hit that subscribe button if you are enjoying the content. We're nearly at 200,000 which is mind-blowing, but if you're not subscribed yet, do so because there's miles more videos to come."
"So make sure you're subscribed to my channel, and if you like a shout out like these three lovely people, all you have to do is make sure you're subscribed and you turn those post notifications on."
"I hope that you guys enjoyed the tour. If you want to see more of my plants, make sure you are subscribed to my channel."
"And according to YouTube Statistics, over half of you watching aren't even subscribed."
"If you haven't already, please subscribe and we'd love to hear from you, so any comments below put them in, let us know how you're getting on with your training."
"If you guys are new here, make sure that you subscribe down below so that you don't miss another video."
"Once again it's my great pleasure to welcome you to another subscriber request Tuesday."
"Be sure to subscribe and press that bell icon for all the latest updates."
"I'm stoked to color in these bars once again, thank you."
"So please subscribe to this channel, and for those who have been subscribing, my returning subscribers, thank you so much."
"Subscribe for more tips, tricks, and behind the scenes on this YouTube channel."
"It's having subscribers to your channel like that who really care and get something from you."
"If you enjoy reviews, comparisons, band scans of new and classic portable radios, make sure to subscribe and tap the bell icon so you don't miss any of my future videos."
"Landing in your subscribers' inbox is still a tried and true method for making sure they see exactly what you want them to see."
"And don't forget to subscribe to our channel if you want to see more videos like this on your feed."
"Hope you're subscribed to this channel because it just keeps getting better."
"Thanks for watching guys, if you like the content remember to subscribe to the channel for weekly Unity tutorials."
"We are so close, and I would love for you, if you haven't already, click that little subscribe button on YouTube, click the little bell."
"If you're not already subscribed to the channel, please do remember to subscribe for more scam baiting and scammer takedown content."
"This channel is about to change from just a place where people subscribe to get value to a thriving community."
"This YouTube family has grown exponentially."
"Thanks for watching, and if you like this video feel free to subscribe."
"Every hundred thousand subscribers, I change the logo to the shirts now."
"Thank you guys so much for watching, and to continue to watch me, make sure to subscribe."
"So as always, we greatly appreciate everyone who supports our channel and subscribes to our channel, and we hope to see you in the next video."
"I know that so many of my subscribers really loved my university content."
"If this channel and my content pleases you, then it would please me to have you as a subscriber."
"This cute little iPad or tablet cover... was requested by a subscriber who sent me an email and asked me if I could help her out."
"I hope our subscribers will take advantage of this benefit."
"I give away $50 every single week to my subscribers here on the channel."
"If you want to subscribe to this channel for more content like this, please do so, I would really appreciate it."
"What matters to me is that I just see you subscribe and that tells me you like my content."
"Stay tuned for more, a lot of big stuff coming for this channel, so be sure to subscribe and stay tuned."
"And also, if you're not a subscriber, please go ahead and do so now, really appreciate all your support on here, all your positive feedback, and we will see you guys very soon, thanks again."
"Once someone has officially subscribed, you can send them an email saying, 'Hey, you know you're the best person ever, you know you're gonna have a lot of fun, thank you for subscribing.'"
"I love to have fun with makeup but I also love helping my subscribers save money."
"I love being able to feature my subscribers' small businesses."
"If you're an existing subscriber of mine, just be sure to hit the little bell so you'll be notified every time I upload."