
Visual Effect Quotes

There are 326 quotes

"You actually want to parachute pretty much anywhere, and then you're going to see the duffel bag actually appear on you."
"It has this really cool effect where it lights up, changes color, and it's just kind of like something fun in front of my house."
"Long exposures create a total serene, ethereal feel that I love."
"What I've done effectively is I've made my shadows cooler, my highlights warmer."
"Hopefully, you'll give it a try; it is definitely a fiddly and more advanced stitch, but if you crack it, then it creates a brilliant effect."
"I love the softness... there's such a motion in the foreground, motion in the background, there's even a little bit of softness on the subject... it feels like it's in motion."
"That's going to give our site this really cool parallax effect where the image stays in one spot but the rest of the website is moving."
"It's such a juicy, glowy dream. It's like, it's more sheer, it looks gold but then when you start blending it in it really does just give a very sheer impactful wet looking glow."
"That's how you paint stuff that you see through transparency."
"Ocean of blood: Hormuz Island's crimson waters caused by ferrous oxide."
"This creates a really nice illusion of depth."
"Look at that, they're both fully grown. And in the darkness, look at them glow!"
"The crystal serpent fires a pink projectile which shatters and explodes."
"There's a strobe so that you see out the window of the train, one frame, the next frame, the next frame, and it makes a little movie."
"I am loving this uranium effect. That is awesome!"
"She had this light... it was almost like she had a little light in her dress or something that's shown on her face."
"Let's set a transition on the opacity property."
"This heavy metal Midnight Cowboy glitter makes the inner corner pop out a lot more."
"The Infinity Gauntlet, if it is releasing radiation and that radiation is smashing into the air around it, it could produce a flash of light."
"We want to add some roughness and some grunge to our metal."
"But notice Spider-Man Noir who still only glitches in black and white."
"I love the brick wall effect, that's really cool."
"A dolly zoom utilizes both a dolly movement and lens zoom to create something called the vertigo effect."
"The next thing to do is add the impression of some veins."
"I think these look so cute, you can see how there's like some little water effects coming out of it as well."
"I love watching it, I love the shockers when they start pinging around."
"Max lip gloss formula literally makes your lips look like glass. I love it!"
"Slow motion, 20 seconds long and it's going insane. Look at this!"
"I think it's fun, now you lost a little bit of definition here but no bigs because we're just gonna add our galaxies right back over top of that which gives it a cool effect and kind of makes it pretty trippy but I'm totally into it."
"Addison's white hair was glowing bright blue at the end of the sequel."
"The reality is this blur is called depth of field and it's the idea of just having an out of focus background."
"The moment I placed an intermediate, the array started to glow brightly."
"This is genius, like this color with like the brighter under eye."
"Work on the hair in terms of sections...make them look 3D."
"It's just cool because from the angle depending on how you're looking at it, you can get like a really cool green sheen."
"I always think the teasing step is so powerful because even if you're not down for this like huge gospel hair fantasy if you tease your hair it allows it to kind of grip on to whatever style you're giving it."
"Oh [ __ ] oh what the [ __ ] what's the upside down what the [ __ ] that was trippy"
"On fire like flaming arrows but without the extra damage."
"All the whites kind of play the role of the sunshine."
"Every layer was a matter of blending so he wouldn't go on to the next step and apply powder until he knew that the foundation looked like her skin."
"That will tell the viewer that it's three-dimensional, that it's poking out from the black a little bit."
"A perfect way to open this film, the effect was used to set the tone, a leaf floating on the wind."
"Visually cools things down, but it can actually cool things down."
"Let's make it go from Full opacity up top down to fading away."
"Oh it makes such a difference, it like blurred out this whole like ugly part of the house."
"Just getting any kind of movement and then combining that with a dynamic light, that's when things really start to look cool like I did here."
"The degraded VHS effect visualizes the self-destructive conflict between Jimmy's urge to erase his past and the reality that he is a product of his past."
"Using the garage door as basically one of those things that you put in front of a spotlight mount and it's just giving us a nice splash of paint on the wall."
"This way it looks like just a bunch of little lines which are going back and forth and that's a really cool texture that we can add to the bark."
"I'm working... just to create an effect by changing the grain direction... so by changing the grain direction you get a light-dark effect." - Tim Coleman
"That's how you get that kind of grungy look on this like glass Crystal type material."
"Be prepared to see some sparkles."
"Dude, in the camera, it looks so cool. It's just a black silhouette. You can see Calvin's floofy hair just dancing around."
"I am a huge fan of this infinite light tunnel effect that they've got going on here."
"I like I think that's why I gravitate towards like doing like little Speckles dust particles Stars petals anything that kind of cuts in front of the character kind of gives it a little bit more depth."
"You've got this really nice halo effect around the outside."
"The flooring's super cool, it creates an awesome sort of illusionary effect."
"Now we can finally see what is called the dichromatic qualities of the famous Cremonese varnish."
"The smoke done in the white ice cream pieces is a classic but great technique for smoke."
"I love the red effects around the glass piece there; that's really nice looking."
"Whereas when we turn it to the positive side, our foreground subject becomes softer with the background bokeh becoming crisper."
"The beauty of this is most of the flakes lay flat."
"Moonstone supposedly brings good luck and can create a floating blue effect when exposed to light."
"It's going to create a beautiful Milky Way effect."
"The bokeh and shallow depth of field kind of looks dreamy."
"I've got this red one that's kind of full-on; it looks really cool in a venue with the haze and stuff for the peak moments of my songs."
"It's really loose and that's what gives this lovely open effect."
"I'm not going to lie, it is pretty cool seeing the base color morph into a different color as you turn the figure about."
"It's creating a little stripes on there already because of the way that I ripped off the fiber."
"I've offset the panels from the wall slightly, so you get this really cool back glow effect."
"That's what we want for this aurora borealis look."
"I think that when you start adding softness and sort of like a slightly misty effect, to me that's one of the nicest elements in a drawing or a painting."
"It's a bit like a cloud shape; it's picking up the light on the top edge."
"The whistle steam smoke effect just looks great."
"We can see now the teeth are being backlit."
"You get this like shimmery glass look, and it didn't take long to add that bit of aqua shimmer pen to get that look."
"That's how we get that really cool fading layered effect."
"I think that shine just gave it a lot of great polished letterpress, just gives a cool look."
"The blue just shimmering through the holes looks incredible."
"I love using pencils, we got a bokeh effect background there."
"Creating a mirror effect and even light distribution throughout the entire wheel."
"Look at that pearl effect and the metallic flakes, looks really awesome."
"Anamorphic bokeh always looks really nice."
"This fabric is so metallic that it almost looks like metal plating or armor once it's sewn together."
"Conqueror's Haki is cool because the effect emanates past your body, past your fist."
"This just gives shots so much freaking atmosphere."
"It gives that sparkle effect without obscuring anything."
"Believe it or not, this background is done with layering stencils and it gives a really cool look."
"The bokeh blur... it's really blooming out all of the light sources."
"I really love watercolors that look almost wet even after they're completely dry."
"Now you have this super cool kind of blurry spiral effect; it almost looks like a fish eye effect."
"It creates this really cool reality Distortion effect on the videos."
"I can add movie bars with an anamorphic look over it to make it stylized and cinematic."
"You can do a lot of contrast in your bead choices and really see that spiral going around and around."
"By darkening the sand near the water, you kind of add that extra element of sort of wow factor I like to think into it."
"Purpletop creates this wonderful purple haze effect."
"I want them to look as if they're just suspended."
"Using non-absorbent surfaces like oil prime linen will give your work a more painterly appearance."
"Although no one will see those floats on the back of the work when the project is done, they will see the effect those floats have on the appearance of the front of the work."
"This gives an amazing effect; it probably ends up looking like you've used some kind of specialty die to make this."
"Just like a beautiful, beautiful magical 3D effect."
"Blood vessels often do look blue beneath the skin, so the blue pigment certainly adds something to the paint job."
"I think it just kind of gives this glowing effect around the bee and I think it's beautiful."
"Can we just appreciate the sparkle happening?"
"The sense of light comes from all of these little variable changes that happen over the surface."
"It creates the illusion of depth by making the foreground in focus while the background stays out of focus."
"I love the burning orange kind of spikes that we have sticking out of here where I presume the spine would be; that is just such a sweet attention to detail."
"It looks like the letters are kind of sticking out off the wall itself."
"It really adds some depth and some interest to the text and the image."
"This involves using several background images layered on top of each other to give a perception of depth and almost like add a third dimension to the game."
"That's what gives this a 3D effect."
"The parallax background is essentially just a bunch of individual backgrounds layered on top of each other."
"Immediately you can see we have this sweet galaxy effect."
"This will make it look a bit more fleshy and make it look a bit more like food."
"Watch, all I do is flick the paper, and the color of the heart magically changes from white to red."
"Notice how it fades. It's very cool, I like that a lot."
"It gives a glass effect which is really, really pretty."
"Okay, so you can see that we've got something that was so simple to create and it actually adds a really nice effect to the overall letter."
"It looks like Speeder bike is hovering which is a really cool great detail."
"If you turn this up, it's going to be a bit more noisy and look a bit more cracked and kind of beat up."
"This should seem to create some sort of brilliantly bright bubbling eternal storm at the center, which would be quite a cool effect I think."
"I quite like how it gives that 3D look for lack of a better word to images like this one."
"We have glowing green particles around us."
"Now I want to add a little bit of haze and kind of like an atmosphere to make these mountains look like they're very far away."
"It's definitely making it look more hazy and the mountains look farther away."
"Shininess comes from switching from light to dark, light to dark."
"Edge along the bottom like there's snow kind of piling up and starting to fall over."
"It will give it a halo effect, a color from behind it all illuminated from behind, and that will really help settle into the sky as well."
"The black light effect is so cool on him."
"You can see the nice gradient happening and you can kind of see the effect on the car."
"I love the depth, I love like kind of that 3D effect."
"When the driver jumps out of that throttle, and we see those flames come out the exhaust pipe, it makes for a show."
"You see how you get that effect? It's really cool."
"Even if it's a simple severe splash into the ocean, you can make a story."
"Now you can see how the little iridescent stars shake in each of the windows."
"I think it would lift up as we scroll and you can really see the shine of that UV light."
"No matter what colors you decide to do, just do your petals in a light color and then bring a darker version in from one end and the other end, and you'll get that shine and that little bit of three-dimensional look."
"You can see that background that we're creating with lots of color; you've got a bit of glow to it because of that oxidation."
"Love the light up effect on this one."
"Really love the paint effect there."
"I just loved what the substrate peeking through a mark of a transparent color looks like."
"I think once the light hits it and creates the shadow from these pieces, I can imagine this looking really good with butterflies."
"It has a pearl effect so when you look at it under a different light, it gives you a different rate of reflection, a different color, a different depth."
"Now we have this nice out of focus view that adds a whole lot more depth."
"The titling down here has kind of a metallic bevel effect."
"It's these close parallel lines that create gaps you see through that make the colors change and give the illusion of movement that we're going to capitalize on."
"I love the transition from white to translucent red."
"This is such a beautiful effect, fabulous."
"It's just silhouettes; there's no shading, and it has a really cool effect once you're done."
"The 3D effect worked amazingly when viewed head-on at the perfect angle."
"It's like there's 3D glasses when you watch this; it's gonna come off the page."
"Do you see that? It like literally just smooths it over everything."
"These are glow in the dark figures, so let's go ahead, hit the lights, and see these guys in all of their glory."
"That's really nice how you get that effect of the outline of the fish."
"It's pretty amazing and it has just such a beautiful effect."
"You can really start to see the spiraling effect starting to happen here."
"You'll see it magically change to the right color."
"It looks mysterious, you know, you can kind of see how the effect no matter how you lean it one way or the other, you get a really interesting glow, a nighttime glow into this."
"Slow motion is pretty sweet with fire."
"The stunning visual effect is down to the fact that microscopic particles of gold and silver were added during the glass making stage."
"Now check out that shine in the background from the perfect pearls. It's almost like an optical illusion."
"You can see how those colors are blending together just like that."
"You gotta love the lightning around his eyes, it's phenomenal."
"Card warp is an amazing inversion, such a beautiful effect."
"V-neck tops... elongate as well, that lengthens and it draws the eye upwards."
"Look for vertical stripes, they lengthen."
"Give the background a parallax effect and that just gives the illusion of depth."
"I still think it looks pretty awesome and I really like that effect."
"We artificially punch a hole through the rain sheets at every time in the direction of the sun which gives it a quite a nice screenshotable moment."
"You kind of get almost an ombre effect with this darker color down here at the bottom, moving into a pink and a peach and up to a yellow."
"No matter how cool you think it looks on video and in person, the 3D effect is just so awesome how it comes out everywhere."
"Let's check out a preview, see how this looks with our original footage. Whoa, that looks cool."
"It'll hopefully look like it really just waves and dips down underneath."
"Seeing it on the screen doesn't really do it justice; the effect is mesmerizing depending on where you view it from."
"That gives the whole thing a random glittery shimmery effect."
"This creates kind of a cool effect."
"You can achieve that floating decal that looks really, really cool."
"I wanted her to look like she was made out of gemstones or crystals."
"The highlights are working really well on the rubber to show how it's kind of like a glossy rubber material."
"We're getting a much more of a ripple look."
"It's almost velvety looking wherever the die cut touched our inked background."
"Now you can already see like we have that glowing effect."
"The halftone style will transform any layer into a comic book pattern."
"That's the beauty of the effect; it looks even more organic."
"The red lights come out and then the cell phones look like fireflies in the Georgia nights."
"I love this mural because it has such a really cool 3D effect."
"We want kind of the intensity to fade from the inside out."
"Chromatic aberration... it makes the scene feel just a little bit more cinematic."
"It really only focuses that strong bloom on the highlights, and it's really a cool effect."
"It gives us just this explosive glowing effect; it's really kind of cool."
"This creates this glow effect, makes it look a little bit like an eclipse."
"Look at him glowing in the dark, doesn't he look absolutely incredible?"
"It creates such a beautiful effect because you have this gorgeous metallic color."
"That is some effect, isn't it? That's just so pretty."
"Seriously, tiny lights behind that is eerie, cool, creepy."
"Here is our star, and I have to say that the two-color one, like I did here, it does have more of a flower effect."
"Now we can see we have a kind of tornado effect of these ghostly spirits, and it looks pretty good."
"You can see it just inflates that sheath, so it looks like a gas bubble that's around the body of the caddis, which I think is just really cool."
"If I click my machine over to dark mode, you see we get this nice cool effect where it's all in dark mode."
"This is really the basis of our kaleidoscope effect."