
Male Perspective Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"Women really don't understand or... give a [expletive] about the male experience."
"Men are very sensitive to us. They're extremely vulnerable in the dating arena."
"Every guy wants to hear that they're like a hard one to get."
"You drove them away, ladies. That's because a genuinely good man refuses to stay in a place where he's not respected or appreciated."
"The man is always the prize. You need to assert dominance and make these women qualify for you."
"Seriously Sydney, men deserve to be berated in public?"
"One of the most important things that guys can do right now is to understand the nuts and bolts of how women actually work."
"I think the ultimate end game is having your solid main chick and just stepping out occasionally. Is that not the end game?"
"The one quality that no woman possesses that every single man on this planet craves? Variety."
"Don't fear getting older, gentlemen. It gets better in life."
"Life gets better for men because we're born with nothing and we have to make everything up in life."
"Not one single man have I talked to who has really had a gripe about this, not one."
"When a woman finds you so desirable and so wanted that she says, 'You know what, here is this little prize I have,' guys really do appreciate it."
"A lot of the anger and resentment and the dumb [ __ ] that men do is coming from a place of not being able to be seen or heard right."
"You'll go from not getting what you want when it comes to you dealing with women to actually getting what you want, to being the guy women want to be with, women want to date, women want to have sex with."
"You never show women weakness, ever. You always show strength. Women need to always feel like you got the confidence to replace their ass at the drop of a dime."
"The reality of being a top-tier man is that every woman is gonna throw themselves at you."
"If a man says he doesn't care about your degrees, how do you feel? Great."
"There has never been a time in history where an average normal guy... can have women genuinely lined up asking him to contact her. That's powerful."
"He feels like the man cuz I got her right... God literally built men this way..."
"Everything falls back to how it makes a man feel about himself... very egocentric."
"Marriage is probably the closest to a panacea for a man's mental health."
"You got to have something that's alluring to a dude, especially an FBA dude."
"The interest in having children among childless men has decreased... a lot of the young dudes are actually wising up."
"When guys start to relax, get lazy, and stop chasing excellence, their value goes down in the eyes of their partner."
"Yes, we've all made our down payments. We've all been through fucked up relationships with women. But if you really want to live that life, guys, there is a price to be paid. This shit ain't easy."
"Man's greatest motivating force is his desire to please woman."
"Women will respond to you as a direct reflection of how you're showing up as a man."
"If society is failing men, then you cannot blame them when they decide to shift their interest to something that they feel does not fail them."
"To me, there are four pillars of male low sensual market value."
"The last thing your man wants to do is run the same gauntlet again for his wedding band."
"When men love a woman, they don't hide themselves."
"When we men want a deep connection, we actually want to make our partners happy."
"Men can hit their stride after 40. And your story is what men have been talking about for the longest. We know these things now."
"Men needed to be responsible for the state of their lives."
"The #MeToo movement has contributed to male sexlessness, yes, they don't want the risk."
"Real men don't let women walk in and out of their lives."
"Girls have a ranking system, gentlemen. When they choose to date men, they have backup plans."
"Nobody's doing that anymore. There's very, very, very few men that are now willing to be running up after you and trying to figure out what you talking about."
"The representation of male mental health in this story is amazing."
"Again, you're, I feel like, you know what that's like being a dude."
"Men are looking for women who are at the baseline self-aware."
"Men have to say a woman who thinks like this is beyond repair."
"Men don't get enough credit for creating life."
"We walking around here with y'all future Generations inside our ball sack."
"Men know if you're the one or you're not. All men can change, but there's only one woman that we're going to change for. He's just one."
"Words cannot describe how much you help me and other men learn about women."
"That headline with men, that holds a lot of confidence for men bro."
"You don't need to explain yourself to any woman. You demonstrate, not explicate."
"Men are too willing to accept the fact that any issue in the relationship is a result of your actions."
"If your woman isn't feeding you, giving you that love, warm feminine tender attention that you guys so massively crave, it's likely because you as a man have fallen short."
"And here's a secret that many guys don't know especially in today's day and age is that women love nice guys."
"Do you guys support men having the right to have a financial abortion?"
"Why doesn't he get a right not to be a father?"
"Stretch marks: not seen as something bad or gross by many guys."
"The only way a woman will love a man fully and completely is if she knows that if she pushes him too far, he will walk and never look back."
"A wound that has never ever had a child been bared out of it men find that men find Great Value in that."
"Men learn one time and then we move accordingly after that that's seriously how we move."
"Men are valuing peace, love, support, cooperation over everything, looks included ladies looks included."
"Approaching a woman is a very honest assessment of where you stand as a man in life."
"Guys are waking up and they simply are not going to deal with all the [ __ ] that they got to deal with."
"More guys are waking up to seeing reality how it is that's just it's a bad deal don't simply just don't do it."
"There's better ways to find out about girls than dating." - Jacob Stockdale
"Makes me feel less of a man. Yeah. 'Cause nobody wants to just be needed. You wanna be wanted in a relationship. Desired." - Mr. Wyatt
"Fulfilling his dreams, a man on his grind - that's all guys should be."
"When guys say they're alone, it means they're damn well alone."
"I think it's nice to get guys things that they wouldn't get themselves."
"It's also very important for men to find women that genuinely honor them, respect them, and value them for the man that he is first things first."
"When guys hang out together they are gonna talk about your ass ladies."
"Men care less about what you look like than you think."
"The male's idea of Love is how much a woman can take from him."
"Outside of the bomb, men are wired to look at what could potentially provide value. The valuable resources in this world are food, and to men, it's also women."
"Contemporary accounts of her life story were then written largely by men who were horribly offended by her actions."
"It's simply refreshing to see someone, especially a male, care so much about these issues."
"You ever have a concern about a woman or want to know about women or whatever it happens to be, always ask men, ask older experienced men because they'll give it to you directly."
"Men are physical creatures stirred by what they see."
"Men like to keep it short and sweet, so ladies, if this happens, please don't take this as a sign that your man is not interested."
"Men are craving boundaries and it's actually going to strengthen your relationship, deepen your connection."
"Not a single man has ever cared about what you do for a living as long as you're happy doing what you're doing for a living."
"Is she kind? I hear that a lot from men and essentially what I think kind means is like can she be vulnerable."
"As a man, we naturally look in the direction of things that we like, we're visual creatures, we not complicated at all."
"I think for every guy, we picked out kids' names."
"It's childless men, not women, who are likely to say they want to be parents someday."
"Men need to feel valued and appreciated as well as respected."
"Humanity is male and man defines woman not in herself but as relative to him; she is not regarded as an autonomous being."
"We're telling men that like there's nothing like oh you're privileged, you're privileged, and like yeah there are male privileges, I would choose to be a man over woman doesn't mean that men don't have problems."
"It's important for a lot of guys to be able to find a pro-male channel that isn't anti-women."
"Men bond with a woman when he feels like he can trust her."
"We need more men to keep it real with women and just warn them and teach them and educate them so that they're not out here getting their hearts broken over and over again."
"I would confidently say that most men want to settle down and have children, have a legacy."
"Men are easy to please; most men don't care if a woman's got money, they don't even care if the woman's in shape."
"Men are very simple when they've found whom they want to be with; they're not complicated."
"Men need to release regularly; it's how you're built."
"For jealousy is the rage of a man."
"I know that men are very logical."