
Drinking Quotes

There are 314 quotes

"It's fine, it's fine, it's fine. She's drinking you under the table."
"The idea just to encourage you people, especially when you're at home enjoying your drink, to remember to drink responsibly."
"It's late, and you know what that means... you have to get a drink at 3AM."
"I've been drinking since this hearing has started."
"Enjoy your drinking days, you guys, because they'll soon be behind you."
"I feel sorry for you people that don't drink."
"I'll never steer people in the wrong direction. Drinking with your friends is fun, but always be responsible."
"You have no idea how much I drank during this video. No idea. A lot."
"No drinking, cause when you're drinking, you get really emotional."
"Every time I have a z-biotics before drinking makes such a difference the next day."
"Drinking is borrowing happiness from tomorrow. You're drinking baby poison, straight up baby poison."
"The groom missed the dance because he was up drinking in the bridal suite."
"Get their mega pints in, ladies and gents! Go, go, go!"
"Just how many martinis have you been drinking this morning, ma'am? Stop."
"Beer was safer than water to drink in polluted areas."
"I mean I was already hit earlier with a lot, go you add the aiow tricked and you don't know how much liquor pouring in here."
"Drink responsibly and you'll feel your best tomorrow, this stuff works."
"I cannot promise I will be sober because I am going to pop down the pub a little bit later."
"Let's pop the champagne, have a big Swig of it, and say it's over. Thank God for that."
"That's why I want to know, how many drinks would it take you to leave with me?"
"Walt himself was not someone opposed to social drinking and regularly enjoyed alcohol himself."
"Just give me one more drink and then I'll leave." - Logan
"I refused to drink home alone because I did that once and I felt so like this is a problem."
"I can't even explain how many people I had nothing in common with except drinking."
"After drinking, it's so good, it's so good in general, but especially when you're dehydrated."
"We have to learn how to drink responsibly."
"When they drink, they tell secrets."
"I decided to try and compromise; he was a pretty heavy drinker and will get drunk pretty often."
"I'm going to carry on drinking until they catch Jaws! The shark isn't called Jaws, Jeremy. The film is called Jaws. Of course, the shark's called Jaws!"
"This movie has drinking in it and will necessarily make you wish you were drunk. There's a difference."
"You have more fun than everybody else, especially if you're drinking."
"Drinking's not the problem, it's the being sober that's the problem."
"It's so refreshing. Oh, do you chug it? It's not a shot."
"Was it a real beer? It was IPA or whatever. Oh Toby, no wonder you don't like drinking. Is alcohol-free? Yay. What is the point of alcohol-free? Just get a juice, surely."
"You feeling so sexy when I drink out of glasses like this. So I have to lift my pinkies and go between my pinkies."
"Tasting and drinking are two very different things."
"Biggest sign you're lonely is drinking alone."
"If you're concerned, if you ever don't fancy a drink, then you're probably not an alcoholic."
"So, in my experience, and I'm not trying to expose your tea, but if you are finding yourself trying to control your drinking, here's the thing."
"Drinking's fun. Being hungover is tough. Not a hot take obviously, but being hungover stinks, especially when you're around people who are not hungover."
"Let's go! Dog! Oh yeah, I'm not gonna drink until probably the second half of the series."
"So kids, we're going to the Melted Shoe. You know what I'm saying? We're gonna get some mead, some grog, then we're gonna talk this through. It's like 10 o'clock."
"I began to laugh because it sounded like something Gloria would say after a night of drinking," she recalled.
"I really shouldn't be drinking this, y'all, 'cause we about to be doing some drinking."
"Hangovers are a lesson that getting drunk is a mistake."
"'Last night, oh, for Pete's sake, shaking off the chill of liquor.'"
"I was so proud to be able to say, 'I can drink any man underneath the table. Try me, please.'"
"I feel like I've gotten worse at drinking spirits as I've gotten older."
"As long as you're nice to people when you're drinking, I think so."
"Smiles on, put your drinking hats on."
"I really didn't want to be drunk in the middle of the day, you know. It's gonna be a fun Saturday night when you're just drinking by yourself to '365 Days'."
"People love watching me get drunk."
"I finally quit drinking for good now I drink for evil."
"I don't think karaoke should about singing I think karaoke should be about screaming and drinking 100%."
"I had every now and then, I have a drink, but it's weird because I don't view myself as the bad influence."
"Drink and be yourself, for us by us."
"She takes me down, we get a bottle of wine and then another bottle of wine, and my mom doesn’t drink."
"Hey Mike, I was a frat man I know what it's like slow night, nothing to do, have a couple of beers, stealing mummy."
"I will drink for any occasion as long as I'm not doing it alone. Literally, it's Tuesday, Frankie, you want a beer? We'll have some beers. I'm in. There's nothing better."
"I like it when you drink for a reason, you know what I mean?"
"I feel like me doing this for 2 months not really drinking will help me practice saying no in the future as well when I am drinking and people are always like let's take that next shot."
"He is the next big drinking comic in my opinion."
"He's so content when he drinks, it's ridiculous."
"I just quit but you know I love being drunk, you like the feeling."
"I think it's quite good for the kids to see have an example of one parent that doesn't drink at all and one parent that drinks in a healthy way."
"If you get no points, you gotta take a drink until either your team wins or you black out."
"...what's it like to drink with Andre the Giant brother? He'd take that mug and drop down inside that pitcher of beer and he was drunk from the pitcher."
"I drink four times a year: Christmas, New Year's, and weddings. That's it. I could live a little."
"The innkeep leaned close. 'Never mind you that one, sir. All he does is drink and talk about his dreams.'"
"Because I do them in competitions. I drink with purpose."
"He's just gonna be like, oh yeah, I'll drink it. Done, let me in. That's sick dude, that is sick, what a sick talented."
"Before anyone says anything, I'm not drinking because I'm sad or this or that. People drink just to have funsies. So there's no crisis. There's no cry for help."
"The fact that you felt the need to mention that you won't be drinking at the party makes me even more worried that you'll be drinking or worse … doing drugs."
"Please drink responsibly and we'll see you next time right down here with Trent and me in the good old basement bourbon bar."
"Nobody's drinking light beer. It's like, why just drink the whole thing like me? You're already ruining your body."
"You don't have to sip it... You can chuck it, drink it really fast."
"I'm gonna do half of this, bro, cause I'm gonna get drunk."
"Hey, how many Miller Lights are you going to have today? Maybe one more, maybe one more."
"She was certainly not an alcoholic she liked it she liked to drink but she wasn't an alcoholic."
"There's a confidence about drinking."
"I drink to get [__] up, so I never drink beer because beer is like the weakest way you can consume alcohol."
"You're old if it takes you multiple days to recover from a night out of heavy drinking. I don't drink anymore."
"What you drinking, are gonna hurt you?"
"Copious amounts of red wine, chased with beer and shots."
"I wasn't going to drink today, but I'm glad I did."
"Well can I just give you an example I'm going to a wedding in Ireland next summer there's zero percent chance I'm not drinking at a wedding in Ireland right exactly and gotta have a Guinness."
"He did not succeed, but his first time getting very, very drunk was at one of my house parties."
"A bar cart, it goes without saying that people in the dark academia aesthetic will love to drink."
"Your 21st birthday: You are gonna get so messed up. Oh, you're gonna get so drunk. Oh yeah, and you might even hate it. You might hate your 21st birthday very much."
"Drinking should be a fun thing, not a coping mechanism."
"I would beat you by a few glasses and go home all excited, and you would've gone home with a pretty girl."
"You drank Madden under the table."
"I drink cause fun is over. People drink to drown their demons. The problem is, demons float."
"I have a system too," he said. "I don't pay for liquor that I haven't asked for and haven't drunk."
"Well, Piper's passed out wasted, Leo just finds her drinking alone in P3, raises 'em and passes out on the floor."
"Then came the chug bud, the new revolutionary way to chug a beer with the combination of a beer bong and a shotgun. This drinking device is scientifically proven to help you chug your beer quickly and easily. Oh and did I mention it fits in your pocket?"
"Should we get a party house on and have a drink?"
"Ice cold, 0 degrees fah, is how you should be drinking your Jagermeister when you're at the bar."
"I really had a lot of fun with this you know I didn't listen it helped I wasn't up that drinking my mama's wine Sweet Lucy I took a picture The Mystery of the sweet sweet wine is solved my mother loves his syrupy wine I just start drinking anyway I'm just used to it"
"Blacked out, nah, there you go brother, put down another one, another one, dude."
"There's no such thing as drinking too early at COC K."
"I picked the wrong week to quit drinking."
"You don't have to drink too much, Allen, down the hatch, finish it, Owen."
"The boys, me, the Applebee's waitress refusing to serve me a seventh margarita."
"We got absolutely obliterated over the next hour on tequila and keg beer."
"Life is short, nature is hostile, and man is ridiculous. I don't think there's any more to concern, except that I must finish my drink and go."
"Are you supposed to drink out of that? Yeah, I think you fill it with tequila."
"Just give me a minute, I just gotta drink a little more."
"Behave yourselves. If you're drinking, get an Uber."
"The worst part about drinking was quitting."
"I'm a blackout drunk. So I would drink until you pass out. Well, not, no, not passing out, no memory, all right? Okay. Yeah. So, and that's the difference, blackout drunk and passing out drunk is two different things."
"Forget the hangovers, the very best part of drinking... isn't as good as not drinking."
"When I'm drunk I put YouTubers through so much drink that I need to have a taste of my own medicine."
"They all head back in for more drinks."
"I'm Scottish so I'm all about the quick, cheap, and efficient option for getting drunk."
"We're not binging wine, we're pacing."
"When you drink this, what you are doing is you begin to download strategies."
"The drinking age in Belize is 18, so come here, enjoy a brew, and have an amazing time."
"I always down my drink so fast and everyone always has a full self, but I did notice when you were drinking your coffee that you were finished before mine, so I was like, 'Oh, she does this too.'"
"I think I have a problem, I have an addiction to buying drinking apparatus."
"I was drinking a little, uh, mom water."
"If you drank a Bud Light for each time they mention Bud Light on this show, you would wake up tomorrow morning in a pool of your own vomit."
"People whose friends, that is, their peers who drink regularly or excessively, are also more likely to drink too much."
"When I'm writing a new act I feel like I can drink a little bit because I'm trying to figure out the jokes anyway."
"You get to about half nine, ten o'clock in a pub with people who are drinking and they become unbearable, and if you're not drinking alongside them, you wish them death."
"Not drinking alone if the dog is home."
"White boy taking his first beer at a party be like 'Dad, I'm not ready for beer yet.' White boys when they drink their first Corona at a party: 'I'm going crazy, man!'"
"Going on a night out, drinking with your friends is something that most people do in their 20's."
"I don't think this one is meant to be sipped neat."
"How do fish drink? Well, actually, fish don't really drink in the same way that we do."
"Maybe he got himself a drinking pal, that's all."
"I will not be drinking any more shots of Malort that people buy for me. I can't do it."
"I love that he took a sip of beer, I'm like hell yeah man, that's how you do it!"
"I had some things I'd come up, I'd drink to forget and drink to fall asleep."
"I'm not drinking alone if the dog is home."
"The Greeks mixed their syrupy fresh wine with water to cut it, and if the symposium was getting out of control, they put more water in it, and if conversation was lagging, they'd put less water, and then might drink six or seven of these in an evening."
"It's important to have a friend who'll have a drink with you anytime."
"We don't drink because of the bad stuff; we drink because we missed the good stuff."
"Apparently there is an online drinking game. Anytime that Stan and I talk about the vibes, so there could be a healthy buzz in the fandom worldwide."
"The recurrence rate of atrial fibrillation was significantly higher in the group that kept on drinking."
"You're gonna get a pub beer every time."
"Saturday night in the crooked billiton a bloody good piss up."
"I've been drinking like, I don't know, like a drink or two every night this week, which is, that's a lot for me, that's like every day."
"I mean, who the f*** doesn't drink in their 20s? Like, come on."
"I got buzzed, so no hard feelings. It was all right."
"The first glass a man drinks wine with, the second glass the wine drinks the wine with, the third glass the wine drinks the man."
"I started drinking less and I started drinking better beers."
"I always hated New Year's because that's when everybody else drank like I did all the other nights. Ah, it's an amateur hour."
"...if you're worried about your drinking, talk to people about it."
"You should drink before videos more often."
"Drinking games are so fun, God, I love drinking..."
"I used to watch videos about that when I first started drinking to be like in case once I start drunk driving I'm gonna have to know how to beat a breathalyzer."
"The legal drinking age in Melbourne is 18."
"It is possible to have balance. First of all, you have to have about four hours a day for drinking."
"You done partied with more people than this, you done drank with more people than this, come on, don't act like that."
"Not the A-hole. Day drinking is a normal thing that people do."
"'I watch these guys, they were drinking [ __ ] with ice whatever it was in tumblers they're slamming them.'"
"As soon as I stopped drinking, I was feeling better the next day and, you know, I could go run, I could do whatever."
"It's like drinking water. Are you going to drink that? Yeah, no, Darren, yeah, why not drink it?"
"If I was like, 'sure, sure,' now here's my question: Are you drinking today with us, Kevin?"
"You gotta drink when you date. Dating without drinking is like bowling without drinking."
"There's always drinking going again."
"One in eight adult women admitted to binge drinking in the past month."
"It feels a little crazy to be drinking a beer in this temperature in this situation, but..."
"Remember to make Zbiotic your first drink of the night."
"These shot glasses give the phrase 'let's take a shot' a whole new meaning."
"...when do you think we're ever going to stop drinking like fully I mean like I could see it how old do you think we'll be babe..."
"One leading lady who had many drinks, I'm sure, with Lana was Ava Gardner."
"If you don't feel the need to drink, then please don't feel pressured to. But if you do choose to drink, it's best to do it responsibly."
"We just did a round of flip cup, just the two of us, just like drink a little before. We're so lame, I know. This is like the worst vodka soda ever, it tastes awful. Do you want to try it? No, I really don't because you did it with mango."
"And I like to drink and we don't pretend not to drink and we just are ourselves."
"They came in a little bit later so I was like you know what, the boys ain't drinking, ain't nobody got nothing in their hand."
"We should double sip, we should double sip. AC, double sipping, presented by New Amsterdam Vodka."
"Be careful when you're out drinking, guys. Drink responsibly, drink as much as you can, and always check your house and stuff like that."
"Everyone must believe in something. I believe I'll have another drink."
"Bacchusmon. One of the Olympos XII, it styles itself the Digital World's foremost drinker."
"Keep drinking Punjana, that's what we're saying."
"I need to gain my drink confidence back."
"Let's make a drink, I want to have a little drinky poo."
"I'm not drunk. I haven't had another drink since December 2018."
"But Gen Zers are taking it slow as they enter adulthood, either by not drinking at all or drinking less often and in less quantity than older generations."
"Courtney looks like someone's stepmom who'd be like, 'No, it's totally cool you guys can drink as long as you're at my house and no one's driving.'"
"Last night we drunk. It is super rare that we drive, only a handful of times if we ever drunk."
"When you're drinking, you always need to enjoy it."
"You better call in sick for work tomorrow because I think you're gonna be drinking a lot this video because that is bloody Epic."
"I feel like a little six right now with my second drink, but yeah, I'm about to go downstairs, make my next round."
"You haven't had a drink for how long now? We don't give a [ __ ] bro, go to the pub."
"It was a race to see how far can I postpone my drinking to start today."
"People who drive after drinking risk heavy fines, higher insurance rates, loss of driver license, and even jail sentences."
"Thank you very much. I couldn't possibly drink 400 bucks worth of beer in one sitting."
"It was my fault that I got drunk."
"It's still guesswork, a bit of it isn't it? That's why I just don't drink at all before you get behind the wheel."
"Enjoy your day and that's why we drink for sure."
"As always, remember to drink responsibly, enjoy."
"Legal drinking age in Canada is 18 or 19, significantly less than it is in the U.S."
"Drinking is not big and it's not clever, but when you're an adult and you get to go out drinking with your own family, it's awesome."
"Stay hydrated in between your drinks if you want to be sensible."
"Be a responsible drinker, please know when to say when, a reminder from Budweiser."
"To drink or not to drink, that is the question."
"It's just nice, it's just easy drinking."