
Investment Risks Quotes

There are 162 quotes

"A lot of people that buy Dogecoin based on Elon's implied guidance are going to lose money."
"If you're aiming for unrealistic returns, then you're probably going to get hurt."
"There is no sure thing with regards to investing; there is always a risk that you're taking on, no matter how confident you are that something will play out."
"I've learned that Tesla stock could remain irrational longer than you could remain solvent."
"Even if you lose money, I promise you guys, these will be some of the most important learning experiences of your life."
"I'm really concerned, a lot of these SPAC products, companies that went public, who shouldn't have."
"Too many people just end up holding bags and not cutting losses."
"Are these methods actually legit? Today we're gonna break down in simple terms what crypto yield is, the different types of crypto passive income yield, and the risks associated with it."
"You do not want to be buying the top if you're getting new to NFTs because that's the most expensive ones and the highest risk ones you can possibly get into."
"If someone's playing this game against you and they're printing you perfect diamond setups, then why wouldn't they just use that against you?"
"The last thing you want to do is give dangerous idiots money."
"Settlement gives investors the chance to redeem their cash. Case illustrates the inherent risks to spec transactions."
"If venture capitalists, if future investors begin to see every potential MMORPG as a scam then we will be robbed of any potential future game we could have had before it even gets off the ground."
"For decades buying property was considered a safe investment in China. Now, instead of building a foundation of wealth for the country's middle class, real estate has become a source of discontent and anger."
"It’s a disaster for everyone from the billionaires to the small investors who see their retirement savings go up in smoke."
"Nobody who is an influencer should be telling people where to invest their money."
"This is Bitcoin, this is what it does. You can't gain hundreds or thousands of percent in anything without getting your teeth kicked in sometimes."
"The highest yielding stock might not be the best for your portfolio. In fact, you could actually lose money if the stock price falls or if they cut that dividend."
"There is a way you can lose money: double thinking, entering too late, having too tight of stop losses."
"Picking stocks without doing your own research is incredibly dangerous."
"These wild fluctuations are just the latest indication that many private equity firms, hedge funds, and other investors... are treating the stock market like a casino."
"Everybody knew that buying these shares in these companies was risky."
"No risk no reward whether you're getting real estate stock market bonds even no risk no reward."
"This is the kind of market where whatever you invest in just goes up in flames."
"I think it's incredibly troubling... the people that are going to get burned are going to be the people that have the 401k." - Host
"Higher risk comes with the potential for higher reward."
"Don't want to bet the family farm on crypto."
"What you don't want to do is you don't want to be the person that buys it at the very top."
"I think it's very important for crypto outreach and lobbying and influence to kind of warn newbie investors, here are the pitfalls and here's how not to succumb to the fear and greed."
"When you have greater risk, that means you have the potential for greater returns."
"That stocks can go up tenfold but they can only go down 100 percent."
"I've made quite a bit of money... but if some guy who doesn't know what he's doing puts his life savings in there, he's probably going to be in that 75."
"Investments in our region are not as risky as they are being profiled."
"Everybody even Warren Buffett loses money on certain deals... It's just a part of the process."
"Money is real, stock market trading is real... If you're investing your money in the market, this is money that you might not get back."
"Even if a project seems reputable, you still have the risk of bugs and smart contracts or hacks in the network."
"Cryptocurrency is money that I'm not afraid to lose."
"The market has a cycle. It doesn't go on forever, unlike what moon boys want you to think. They're there to take the money from you and sell you on a hope and a dream."
"Purchasers may be unable to sell their securities."
"Volatility is the price of admission, but there's no better wealth generator than Bitcoin and crypto."
"Raul Paul got to end with this of course you know crypto is risky you could lose what you put in but we are headed west this is the frontier it's not for everyone but we're glad you're with us on the bankless Journey Don't f it up."
"Nobody should or will force you to invest money, the only person who will lose money is you."
"Always be wary of an investment or financial opportunity that sounds too good to be true because it probably is."
"Bitcoin and all the cryptocurrencies could go to zero... That's what it comes down to, it's confidence."
"There's an argument that you have a bigger risk not investing in cryptocurrency then you do have a risk of losing your money investing in cryptocurrencies."
"Do not invest in a company just because they offer a huge dividend."
"The feeling that that people are are caught up in something that they really don't understand is overwhelming."
"What you hope is that somebody else comes along and pays you more money for them later on but then that person's got the problem in terms of value zero." - Warren Buffett
"Nobody is going to be comparing Bitcoin to Gold...it's a speculative asset."
"The losses are just the cost of doing business."
"There's never been a single asset that did not have a 50 to 80 percent decline."
"Nobody wants to be the bag holder who's riding this thing all the way down."
"So, these are the two sides to the story: on one side, Cathie Wood expects ARKK to reach 420.69 [nice] per share and on the other, ARKK's clear lack of diversification can easily spell the end for ARK Invest."
"Craft Heinz will likely go down as Warren Buffett's biggest mistake."
"Every time you go further on the risk curve, the asset you bought from the guy who was already there or gal needs to go buy a new riskier asset."
"The lesson from this crisis is buyer beware."
"California right now is a bad bet long term."
"There can absolutely be a lot of reward for people that are potentially early in a liquidity pool."
"You just can't time it. It's like winning the lottery. It's unpredictable. It's not egalitarian."
"The company can be doing fabulous, and as an investor, you can be losing money simply because you overpaid for the company."
"Investors may lose money? No, I'm not banking on you."
"If you're now stacking up your entire portfolio based on the expectation of surging inflation and we're gonna have a repeat of the 70s you may very well find yourself on the wrong side of the trade."
"You're not gonna make millions off of a couple thousand in this market right now unless you find some balls out crazy coin that goes 1 million x."
"Are there stupid irresponsible investment strategies at a large scale going on like this all around the world especially in the United States absolutely."
"There's no free lunch when it comes to risk and return."
"You're just not used to putting your money at risk, and sometimes that brings a lot of fears and concerns about jumping in right now, especially when there's all of this bad news and bad headlines going on."
"If you miss the best seven days, you lose three quarters of your profits."
"Equity in Hertz Global Holdings previously dismissed as worthless as the company declared bankruptcy in late May was bid up dramatically up 77 percent and up 825 percent since its lows."
"You do not get to have one without the other. And I think that's actually a really important piece of investing that people lose sight of, that if you want to achieve more returns, then you're going to have to take a little bit more risk."
"There's not a single investment out there doesn't come with risk."
"The price you pay to be in the stock market is a 25 to 40 percent decline—that's your ticket."
"If you're going into an investment and every single person is telling you Robert you're crazy what are you talking about you're absolutely out of your mind don't do that, those are the investments where you've made the most money."
"Do not buy the green and chase pumps because the pullbacks are very aggressive."
"There is literally no point in investing in the platform or your livelihood can be taken away like this on a whim."
"People get in trouble when they do a little bit of research in this particular pie slice and then they go ahead and jump in."
"If it's not real, you're going to lose 100% of your investment."
"Blood diamonds popping up are definitely more of a bearish sign."
"This rise would be punctuated by terrifying drawdowns along the way."
"A market correction like an impending execution focuses the mind when you think about losing your investment capital all of a sudden."
"Understanding that markets have risk and that not everything goes up all the time."
"The big danger as I see it is that many of the people that buy these things don't know enough."
"This is indicative of something... a lot of people who got into investing in the last two years on Robinhood and elsewhere, you are probably down almost... you almost certainly lost about 100 of your gains."
"There are risks pretty much in any investment class. There is no such thing as a completely safe option, right?"
"You've got a lot of reason to see red in the stock market right now, especially in the high multiple stocks which is exactly what you're seeing."
"Investment scams, regulatory challenges, and the evolving landscape of crypto market dynamics."
"There's no better lesson than losing some money."
"But when you're standing at the edge of the cliff by staying invested not only do you risk losing the majority of your portfolio, but you also miss what will be the greatest opportunity of our lifetime."
"With interest rates at their all-time record lows, you can't invest in a treasury bond anymore without pretty much being guaranteed to lose money."
"Trying to time the market is just gambling, it's totally speculating."
"The bigger risk to this strategy is if the share price booms higher and you miss out on some of those gains."
"The stock price can never move again for the next 10 years."
"The conditioning to buy the dip has been so deeply ingrained that is what is likely to be very very destructive on the way down."
"No matter how confident you are in an investment based on the information that's available today in Magic the Gathering in a stock or a bond or a crypto or real estate you cannot predict the future."
"Volatility is the price you pay for the world's best performing asset."
"Buying an asset at the very top? That's FOMO."
"You are not guaranteed to make money when you invest."
"There's risks in everything but I love the idea that the regulator is going to really you know but when they regulate it they're basically voting as a real asset class provided they don't regulate it out of existence."
"Bitcoin can pull back 10, 20,000 or something... the idea that it can't do that just because of a few on-chain metrics is completely ridiculous."
"For every moon boy out there, you have to step back and just go, you know what, what is the flip side of this."
"You should not be chasing green dildos to heaven like you're going to lose this game 'cause you're going to panic sell if there's a correction."
"Don't always assume that just because it's rated investment grade that it's safe... in fact I think one of the cheapest things that you can buy out there is protection."
"It's really impossible to know where the rot is, only to step back and know that anytime there's been such excess."
"No, I didn't know. But what I think we're doing something films like 'Oh, we'll find someone else.' But I think he'll create problems for us. And this is our 9 billion dollars investment."
"Understand the correlation between risk and return."
"There's a risk for investing and there's also risk for not investing."
"I've got no doubt that from these levels the stock market provides negative returns annually over the next decade with a high likelihood of a big drop of 50 to 70 percent."
"Of all the long stretch of speakers we've had, they're all saying this is an incredibly dangerous time for investors."
"Not having exposure to bitcoin could be a riskier move than investing in it."
"The biggest risk as an investor is getting trapped in confirmation bias."
"Understanding market cycles: dump off, accumulation, pump."
"Ponzis are an augmented attempt at engineering a market for upward movement."
"People get lost for being greedy. They hold on for too long."
"If all of those are present, then we're in bubble territory."
"Investing in crypto: opportunity meets volatility."
"You have to understand if I have $100,000 and that's what my family is depending on," cautions against investing all in cryptocurrency.
"Instead, he made the unpardonable mistake of betting against Elon Musk, and his career paid the ultimate price."
"This could very easily be a $1,000 stock, however, this is not without a lot of risk that if things don't go as planned we could see a rather significant correction."
"Retail investors would face enormous risks from etps referencing thinly traded cryptocurrencies or cryptocurrencies susceptible to pump and dump schemes."
"The idea of buying and selling a lot ends up getting whips on every time you got to make a decision whether it's buy or sell you have to recognize that you're exposing yourself to being wrong."
"I have no idea cuz I, yeah, that's... I do know this, 100% of the time they go up and down and they've been up a while so they're kind of due to come down."
"Traditional investments are getting riskier, while the crypto industry is exploding, offering high growth potential."
"Prices have never been higher. Every single asset class is expensive. Nothing is safe. Not stocks, bonds, or even real estate."
"As I say often in these videos, I think this is one of the most treacherous times in living history to be an investor."
"Know that there's always someone betting against you. That's the business."
"Violence is never the answer well it is really a lesson."
"If you're fearful just know you're never going to get returns and anything else like you're going to get returned in crypto most likely."
"It's the job of a bear market to take as much money as possible from as many people as possible."
"It doesn't take much of a catalyst to really cause these massive, massive spikes."
"Being angry, being emotional is dangerous in an investor."
"There's been a reach for yield, leading investors to take on more risk."
"Liquidations: it's not a loss until you sell, but with liquidations, it is a loss, it's just gone."
"It's all fun and games until you wake up and your portfolio is down 60."
"Some tokens are going to die, some tokens are going to make it through."
"A sudden, when it comes to women, investing more means you lose."
"Bitcoin has taken a beating in the past couple of weeks."
"I sold my team guys, and I had some wins and some losses on our net. I probably was tunneled for the cable, you guys ought to understand. It's about half my net worth was in the team, and that's a lot of money to have if I'm not gonna use the team."
"Get ready for a very very volatile ride, you need to understand the game so you can't be played."
"If you are paying too much money to be wrong that's why trading encourages or brings on a lot of frustration"
"Investments with better potential rewards come with higher risks and losses."
"It's still possible to overpay and do okay, but... it's still possible to overpay for a good thing."
"The most important thing... if you're even remotely considering structured notes as an investment for your portfolio, is the risks."
"This is probably the worst business to invest in, in general, because the market's so variable."
"Market traps: risk disguised as opportunity."
"The biggest risk of all financially is never investing."
"Real estate investing often feels like jumping off a cliff... but ultimately, if you can find great deals and if you trust the system, this is what real estate investing is like."
"Bitcoin doesn't guarantee you anything; it isn't going to go up right away all the time."
"Chasing the hype may work short term, but long term it will destroy a lot of people."
"Falling for hype and FOMO is the number one deadliest mistake."