
Romantic Gestures Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Dating yourself, doing little romantic gestures for yourself makes such a huge difference in like your day-to-day life enjoyment and your relationship with yourself."
"He's buying all of her favorite snacks, putting it in the pantry, he's got a cake ready for her, he's hanging up new paintings in the room, just making it perfect."
"Long gone are the days where a man would stand at the front of a woman's house playing a love song on a boombox."
"They want to surprise you, they love the act of just spontaneous surprises."
"He stays up with her, he takes her to a sleep clinic, he sends her flowers at work."
"Expect over the next seven days a romantic gesture from them... in their own way."
"There's a great romance in being able to have the right saying at the right time."
"Getting dumped is like skinning your knee as a kid. I'm just the kiss from Mom that makes it feel better."
"He saves Anne from a kid that's harassing her and asks if she had any dragons that needed slaying, implying that he wants to be her prince charming: 'You're welcome.'"
"Valentine's Day is almost upon us, so why not treat a loved one... with the gift that will get your boys ready downstairs for that special occasion."
"My boyfriend got me flowers in the shape of my dog and I am in love."
"I thank everyone for their support... incredible so thank you thank you so much."
"Speaking to your needs is the most romantic thing ever."
"Since I wasn't communicating with him and I wasn't talking to him, he started sending me flowers to work every single day."
"Get yourself someone who gets excited to see Venus every evening."
"Rosario can we hold hands on the first date just hands? I'm not sure I I have to think a lot just just the pinky I just want the pinky."
"They want to say sorry so bad, like the knight in shining armor, to sweep you off your feet and make amends."
"So this year and last year I did all the romantics."
"I send my wife 1-800 flowers because that's the kind of husband I am."
"They just make you feel so special, like you're the world... if you're out with them at a party, it's just them and you."
"They make sure that you know that you're their world... expect flowers as a surprise, expect little gifts out of nowhere."
"They make excuses to see you... if they make some kind of excuse like that they want to see you."
"Absolutely amazing product to buy your girlfriend or your boyfriend for Valentine's Day."
"It turns out, Akira plans to give the most beautiful gift to Hinana on her birthday."
"I want to take you out somewhere. Make the reservations let me know."
"Buy her flowers. Make a habit to buy your wife flowers regularly."
"I'm happy to take my player two on their dream vacation without blowing through my budget."
"Jewelry and flowers have a game theoretic value precisely because they show genuine sacrifice, not just possible disguised self-interest."
"Chivalry is not dead, this is romance coming towards you."
"They've been holding off until it's the right moment to give you the best of the best."
"There is nothing more heartwarming than a man's refusal to realize that he should change and instead thinks they can just make it up with one big gesture."
"Your person has some coins, they want to spoil you."
"You were right all along because they offer some big fat ass love offer... what's going to shock you is that they actually took the initiative to actually tell you or to express it."
"We want someone to want us so badly that they would humiliate themselves in public or plan the perfect date because they listen when we speak and know what we dream about."
"Valentine's Day gifts are like roses and chocolate and stuff... this is much better than that."
"Instead of just buying flowers on Valentine's Day, just buy them when you think that your wife might want flowers."
"He said that she could ask him for anything she wanted, and he will fulfill any of his requests."
"There's going to be romantic gestures taken towards you."
"That's the sweetest thing you can take to say to a woman - at the time I thought it was like a stupid-ass song."
"It's going to be the best bet, romantic gestures."
"Life partner hack: buy some flowers on a consistent basis."
"There's nothing weak about showing the woman you love love."
"They deeply care and love so they would just want to shower you with gifts."
"It's been 10 years and four kids later and I still get surprise date night I still get flowers delivered I still get random gifts because he's thinking of me."
"Planning a big romantic gesture for someone that doesn't like you back displays a lack of emotional intelligence."
"You know, when I kiss up these arms of yours...it just makes me want to kiss you more."
"I would say I'm attentive and I'm a hopeful romantic so I like to learn people and do little things like write them notes and just pay attention to their favorite things to make their day in little ways."
"We really shouldn't do gifts for Valentine's Day."
"People professing the Eternal nature of their true love by snapping one of these locks on here. Always nice to see that, isn't it?"
"Some people are worth melting for. That boy is a smooth one."
"Is it just me or do you guys look at your girlfriend like that? Not that it pertains to every one of..."
"Y'all, instead of buying flowers, instead of buying chocolates, instead of buying fondue dip strawberries, instead of them giving them a fire hot stone back massage, giving them kisses, telling them you love them, making them dinner, just route them to a specific [ __ ]."
"He writes me like letters and like notes and so that's cute."
"He wanted an autumn proposal in a beautiful location since it's my favorite season."
"This is news and messages in communication about love and emotions, this is the expressing of feelings, romantic gestures, romantic offers."
"There is never a bad time to get your wife flowers."
"Saying 'What can I do to help?' is fantastic. Stepping in and taking something off our hands feels to her as if a couple of dozen roses were dropped in by parachute."
"Express your love, go ahead and make the romantic gestures."
"I'm telling you, love offer, engagement, agreement, wish come true."