
Global Economics Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"The demographic trends are changing our world. For Stephen Chan, these offer a unique insight into global economics and politics."
"The richest 15 people on the planet have as much cumulative wealth as the poorest five billion."
"This map... actually tells you the exact federal sales tax rate in every single country."
"We need a financial operating system for the countries that don't have it."
"For about $10 billion a year, we could make sure that almost everyone in the poor part of the world, so that's almost half a billion kids in primary school, could be better, smarter, and make more money. That's worth more than $600 billion each and every year."
"If Putin decides to price oil in silver or gold rather than dollars, what might happen? What happens to the Petro dollar if the Saudis... decide to move away from the dollar?"
"The fact that if China were to take Taiwan, the world semiconductor market is we are beyond screwed."
"This price cap will benefit directly emerging and developing economies."
"The international remittances market... is larger than the entire foreign aid budgets of all of the world governments put together."
"If you don't like what the Fed is doing... the great thing about the global economic system is you can hedge your bets."
"The world has never given more in exchange for less."
"Russia and China between them actually owned something of the order of 54,000 tons of gold."
"We could see a global financial crisis of proportions not seen for many generations."
"An attack on third world countries... to keep the value of the money of First World countries."
"Russia is one of the largest producers of oil in the world... It's a really important player in the global energy market."
"The future for the currencies is most important... What Putin says is something we should listen to."
"The US dollar will not be the reserve currency."
"We are in an economic competition with China. If you think on a broader Global level, one of the things that we learned from this pandemic was the incredible dependency that we have when our supply chains are not secure."
"Don't fall for the great reset versus the global currency reset."
"China apart from being the largest economic state in the world will be the most resourced economic state."
"Capitalism will continue to grow in this country across the world. It's going to continue to grow. You need to stay invested."
"A new global economic order could potentially emerge out of Bricks commitment."
"The broader global implications of China’s internal and external debt problems that we have to think about are that cross-border financial contagion can be brought about due to a ‘common creditor’."
"How did global capitalism come to this point?"
"China's economy is back recovered to what it was pre-covered that was the epicenter that's where it came from and yet we have this continuing insanity."
"Domestic price inflation continues to rise around the world."
"Money makes the world go round even if you're a dictator."
"So we've all bought into this globalism, which is really predatory capitalism, which is a race to the bottom."
"Vaccine inequality it's like a great talking point at Davos it's the stuff of press releases meanwhile in reality publicly traded companies that run uh our pharmaceutical Industries they are selling their goods to the highest bidder."
"By 2023 I think the world is going to be in a really difficult Finance situation."
"Dollar dominance in question as Saudi Arabia considers yuan."
"The world wants dollars a hundred times more than it wants any of these other currencies."
"Get ready for the currency wars. We're on the cusp of it."
"China's central bank is loosening monetary policy while the US Federal Reserve is tightening."
"We are entering a phase where the US will not be the biggest economy in the world."
"We are used to revolutions in poorer countries; we have seen currency reforms in poorer countries, and it could very well be that later this decade it could come to the industrialized democracies."
"With trillions at his disposal, far beyond global GDP and beyond even the governments of the world's leaders."
"Banning bitcoin never works but what happens is countries enter into a global frenzy to accumulate and legalize bitcoin."
"The conflict in Ukraine was a contributing factor in an increase of roughly 100 billion dollars in Norway's earnings from oil and gas."
"I don't think this idea that some people have that we're a decade away from this happening is the case it's we're on the cost of major problems in the Western Financial system all the time now"
"The United States controls around 30 percent of the entire planet's wealth."
"The intertwined nature of Evergrande's debt poses a significant risk to the Chinese and global economies."
"Strong dollar is bad for emerging markets because it sucks global liquidity out."
"A massive tsunami of debt has engulfed the planet."
"The World Bank came with an idea so-called the framework project."
"China is weak, oil is an important commodity."
"If you have a One World Currency, you take away each country's autonomy."
"Trying to go to a resolution like a One World Currency, I don't think it will work."
"But when Deng Xiaoping rose to power in 1978, he began opening China up to the global market."
"We're moving towards a multi-polar-backed system."
"BlackRock is the largest asset manager in the world... it owns a lot of Russia as well."
"The world is shifting away from dollar hegemony. Countries want more options, they do not want to live exclusively underneath the United States."
"For decades, Saudi Arabia ruled the oil market with 266 billion barrels of low-cost reserves."
"When you're selling treasuries to buy dollars with one hand and you're buying gold with the other hand that starts to look a lot like a transition to away from the Dot from treasuries as a primary Global Reserve asset."
"And because the world capitalism is very shaky, a lot of people around the world are very nervous."
"There's a really fine balancing act here between buying Russian oil and keeping your trade going with the rest of the world."
"Are there stupid irresponsible investment strategies at a large scale going on like this all around the world especially in the United States absolutely."
"Silver's physical buying is off the scale globally, and that also puts COMEX silver into the crosshairs for delivery this month in very large size."
"We're right there - exactly average for when the world reserve currency should change."
"China is the world's premier industrial power with twice the industrial capacity of the United States."
"Russia knows that it's in a very strong position right now because it's holding around 60 percent of the available supplies globally."
"The global market for specialist insurance,
with Lloyd’s of London at its center, is already
pricing in a hit."
"Calling for debt cancellation...should be an automatic global response."
"The richest 1% make twice as much as the rest of the world."
"Bitcoin could one day replace the world's Reserve currency."
"China would have a hand in just over 40 percent of the global gross domestic product."
"What underpins of world order is always the financial system."
"They want a world of consumer cogs who live and breathe within globalist market conditions."
"I became successful when I understood Global liquidity."
"Even if they just say, you know, a higher global corporate tax rate...I'm getting them, those corporations."
"India was the perfect replacement for China in the global supply chain."
"Once China's grain production is reduced, it could lead to higher food prices in high-income countries and food shortages in low-income countries."
"The entire great reset hinges on two things...a global digital currency and a global digital identity."
"Perhaps one day [RMB] would even rival the US dollar."
"Rihanna reaps the benefits of capitalism in the USA to make her career but farmers in India cannot reap the benefits of capitalism."
"Currency war is hot, and it's been going on for years."
"What they were engaging in is basically putting the world into the debt of basically a in a nutshell a spirit."
"The burger is a lie, so is the cake. It's all foods liars cook."
"Bitcoin is going to Nestle itself on the asset side of the global balance sheet it's going to continue to get bigger and bigger and bigger and this is our Trojan Horse."
"The IMF will use its full toolbox and one-trillion firepower of lending"
"Decentralization is actually the key for us as humans to start living in a new concept of democracy in global economy, enabling trusted transactions and helping us make more accurate decisions."
"The only game in town is going to be, you know, countries such as India which is going to drive and add to the aggregate GDP of the world."
"Dedollarization is happening, and the fact that BRICS is even talking about a new common currency is a huge development."
"None of us has ever lived in a world where the largest economy is governed by authoritarians, but it seems like that's where we're headed."
"Another great speaker who's going to talk about cost on a global scale is our good friend Tom Luongo."
"This is going to be the largest wealth transfer in history and foreign central banks are well along I would say they're not even one quarter done maybe not even 10% done dumping the treasuries and buying gold."
"When we feel a shock wave from FED policy, oftentimes the rest of the world feels that shock wave."
"The correlation between Bitcoin and Chinese equities has strengthened, influencing crypto market sentiment. Interestingly, the correlation between Bitcoin and US equity markets has decreased."
"When the dollar spikes, that causes problems for everybody."
"The whole world uses this system today and it's allowed us to expand our economies to where they are right now."
"Russia accounts for almost 17% of the global supply of wheat."
"China and Russia... purchasing a huge amount of gold... they know what they have is going to skyrocket."
"Corporations can sue some of the poorest countries in the world for huge amounts of money."
"In 2014, China's share of the global GNP became bigger than America's. A non-Western power had emerged and become number one."
"Earth-shattering news in my opinion: The Fed Chair Jerome Powell stated it's possible to have more than one reserve currency."
"Let's replace the dollar as the global reserve currency with Bitcoin."
"We're not even the biggest economy any longer. They still say that China is number two. You know that China is the biggest economy, the biggest superpower on earth now."
"The world is moving on from the dollar, and this is what has the Western world, led by America, terrified."
"When China starts to slow down that will have a massive knock-on impact for the rest of the world."
"China would love for their currency to be treated the same way in the global economy, and they are doing their best to try and get it there."
"But even for rich countries, there's much more benefit than there's cost."
"I think that this is a worldwide transition of wealth. We're at the next Bretton Woods, a period of complete change in the financial system."
"Food prices can only go one direction when China starts buying massively across the planet—up and up."
"Politicians and leading economists worldwide, they're all warning people that we are very likely sinking into a prolonged global recession."
"Central Bank digital currency will have an impact because it will allow nations to escape from sanctions and reduce the cost of using the dollar."
"We are now in a world where people are actively and publicly looking to be less reliant upon the dollar."
"Any interruption in the american-led economy and geopolitical realm will result in a conflict that China could never dream of seeing."
"China and India had half the world's economy... for so long. And the answer... comes back to geography."
"But there's so many people that are selling at the same time because it's like, it's pretty much a global... it's like, it's turning into like, a global currency, you know?"
"In a global market, you can simultaneously have massive deflationary forces in one currency and massive inflationary forces in another."
"There's so much happening in this ecosystem, um, the BRICS nations, the battles we hear more and more talks about negative interest rates."
"Incredibly insane to think that within the next two years we could see a decoupling already from the US dollar around the world."
"The creation of a new international economic order..."
"When you add up all the relatively minor characters like this one in all of the 195 countries of the world who sit in the local banks and insurance companies, we're talking massive amounts of money."
"Free trade is always a good thing."
"The big returns to investment in the coming decades are largely in the low- and middle-income countries."