
Inner Struggle Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"The darkness inside will consume you if you do not have a light to conquer it."
"Being chased in a dream can symbolize a spiritual struggle, an inner battle between good and evil."
"I still feel that demonic itch to jump back in."
"Anybody can be struggling just because they are pure, very happy, and positive and strong on the outside does not mean that they are really feeling that on the inside."
"Monsters have part of the person they were still inside them."
"The enemy wants to keep you trapped, stuck, and bound."
"It's proven to me right now that you literally have to actively fight against what's inside of you if you want to do certain things."
"The true jihad is to struggle within yourself to purify your soul and to fight your negative ego."
"Batman isn't about the looks as much as it's about believing that you have a real dark side to your personality."
"There's a beast in every man that needs to be exercised."
"One's inner demon can only be defeated by oneself."
"I don't need to fall victim to my thoughts, you know feel like I'm the prey of my own fearful mind."
"It looks like Broly's awakening the beast. Now he needs to tame it."
"God has witnessed my Triumph today... nothing but a shallow husk of a man is left."
"Embrace those demons and use them to empower us."
"You now seek to exert control over that beast within."
"This is the song of ice and fire, the battle within Jon’s heart."
"Jon will be torn between Targaryen R’hlloric fire power, and his icy Stark morality."
"Deep within, we want to overcome that."
"That monster within that eternal struggle you had, it left you, it died off."
"You are on your own worst nightmare."
"It's literally a battle in your mind."
"Finally controlled the ogre inside him."
"You're fighting your demons. Is what you're doing, demon fighting for me."
"Every hero's journey is a reflection of their inner struggles and ideals."
"I beat that weird feeling inside me, at least for now."
"Thorfin's conflicting emotions of love and hate tear him apart."
"They really battle their own demons and come out on top."
"Invisible sadness behind visible happiness."
"...the Green Goblin shows that we are all capable of evil... that the will to do good is a battle against our darkest tendencies..."
"Despite his newfound might and the fulfillment he sought with Lady Death, the emptiness within Th persists. Deep down, he remains the hurt, lost, unwanted boy yearning for acceptance."
"The dark knight of the soul. Not everything is all pretty with your twin flame."
"Your battle is not a battle against sin."
"There is this kind of struggle between the dark and the light... spiritual war goes across the heart of every human."
"It's like fighting your shadow. You just don't know where he is. You could try and stamp him out, you can try and crush him, but ultimately, he's still there lurking behind you."
"The defeat is not due to the skills and combat savvy of an opponent of flesh but rather a defeat at the perilous hands of a far more sinister foe—the demon of self-doubt which haunts each and every one of us at one time or another in our lives."
"Part of Catelyn wanted to clutch the grizzly trophy to her heart, but she made herself resist."
"Life is a race between you and you, a fight between yourself and those thoughts that constantly knock on the door."
"If you think it's you against the world, chances are it's just you against yourself."
"You're basically in a battle with yourself the entire time."
"The warrior must overcome the hunger within him lest it possess him entirely."
"The Dark Knight of the soul is real and it's taken me the last few years to curate this incredibly valuable stack of psychological literature to hopefully guide you through these turbulent times."
"Life has many battles but the most difficult battle of all is to overcome our yetzer to overcome our evil inclination to do the right thing to do as we're expected to do."
"What if I'm fighting the urge I've buried so deep?"
"The struggle was inward and I had to forgive myself."
"How long can you hide the monster within?"
"What is causing quarrels and fights among you? Don't they come from the evil desires at war within you?"
"He thought he had encountered his fiercest battles abroad but it was when he got home that the real fight for him began."
"He wished there was a button to turn off the monster inside his chest."
"The enemy's game is self-sabotage."
"...the greatest war you ever fight is within yourself."
"There were many demons inside of this individual."
"The Spirit wars against the Flesh, and the flesh wars against the spirit."
"The inner life of a survivor of trauma is a battleground between the forces of discouragement and the forces of hope and determination."
"I'm doing the very thing I do not want. I'm no longer the one doing it."
"Your biggest enemy is the enemy inside of you."
"The monster within Isagi has awakened, and Isagi uses that monster in his own way."
"The greatest enemy beloved that we will face is not out there. We have more to fear from within than we have to fear from without."
"The enemy is always working in our minds for us to give in to desires with no self-restraint."
"Sometimes I can't control the beast."
"The real battle of Armageddon is happening in your heart and in your mind."
"I knew there was a good man in there, and if I could get those demons out, life would be easier."
"...there will be a war carried on in your heart."
"We all have these two wolves inside of us that are kind of at war."
"Fight your soul with the swords of self-discipline."
"You've got a darkness in you, buddy boy."
"There's a darkness inside of me, it followed me, and it's gonna keep coming for us."
"The victory over these trials does not come from vanquishing external enemies, but from mastering the self, from the dissolution of the ego's hold and the emergence of the true self."
"Darth Vader was ultimately unable to completely extinguish the light side within him."
"Everybody's got a monster inside of them."
"It's about the battle that you are fighting with yourself."
"It's the pain beneath the pain; it's the pain of despair, loneliness, depression."
"There's a bit of darkness in all of us; it's a choice on our part if we allow that darkness to consume us and drive us, or if we conquer that darkness."
"The wolf inside Grubbs is calling out to him, begging him to give in to the change."
"It's about what's happening in your own mind, and it's about the battle that you are fighting with yourself."
"His only weakness is the mental battle he has with himself, trying to contain the void, the evil dark persona that lives within him."
"To have the courage to look inward, to confront everything about yourself that you dislike."
"To fight aloud is very brave, but gallanter, I know, who charge within the bosom, the cavalry of woe."
"The mind of truth in ourselves is forever fighting the mind of gratification; it is a struggle between spirit and body, it is between soul and the soulless."
"We all have demons inside; my demon tends to bow."
"They conquer the murderer inside themselves, as you and I did, as we all did."
"There's a [__] darkness within you."
"He's got some darkness in him for sure, and he's trying to keep that beast locked up inside the cage."
"I'm not scared of the devil as much as I am with the devil within."
"She has a lifelong flirtation with the darkness inside her."
"Trying to convince her to embrace the darkness, she is forced to confront the darkness within herself."
"The greatest battles that are fought in this world are in the confines of the human soul."
"Your formidable opponent is a mocking heart."
"It puts you in a position of deep inner conflict and it takes time, negotiation, and patience."
"Piccolo has suppressed his true self for too long."
"Authentic power channeling to resolve my inner struggles."
"The dark night of the soul comes in as a design for you to transcend those things."
"The wrestle that we end up having is not with God, it's with ourselves."
"Man's soul is a battleground, a war to the outer end."
"The Beast is within the self and that's the thing you need to conquer because that'll always be your worst enemy."
"Can you be the best possible version of yourself? Can you fight your darker urges?"
"Bright mask wanted to help stoneleaf but he feared if he seeks more Bloodshed he could be lost for good."
"Can the darkness of his soul be overcome?"
"Your biggest battle is overcoming the stuff inside."
"I want to make people smile and laugh even though I am broken inside."
"The beast will always be within you, snarling and spitting, battling to break free when the moon sings to it, but you're in control."
"Nina’s real life begins to mimic the Swan Lake story and the fight between the ‘white swan’ and the ‘black swan’."
"The head and the heart were absolutely playing a tug of war."
"The insecurity is a problem in itself, and it's not going to be in your BBL, it's not in your weight loss, it's in you, what's in your mind."
"You always fight some type of pain, you're always fighting some type of demons."
"It's not a battle that's out there... it's a battle within."
"We can be dying from the inside, but we're not gonna let it show."
"No matter how hard you try, you can't run from yourself."
"The biggest battle that man fights is within himself, not nobody else."
"It's an epic battle between the soul and the ego."
"The biggest battle will be sort of in my mind and my heart, just to keep it that way from now on."
"It's not a rampaging murder monster, an energy-infused Samurai, an angel of death, or the master of illusion, but Wolverine's inner demons by far represent the greatest challenge he has ever had to face down."
"Fight your inner demons; do not let your mind, your emotions, and your ego control you."