
Marital Advice Quotes

There are 132 quotes

"A scholar wrote volumes of books about how to please your wife... what is wrong with us?"
"Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her."
"Sitting with your wife, it will be more productive to be vulnerable and remove the cloak of anger with her."
"You should always show your wives you love them, always fight, treat them with love, and do everything for them."
"You need to love her as Christ loves the church."
"You need to, husbands, enter her world. Know your wife."
"Give yourself over to your spouse, truly give all of you."
"The best of you are those who are best to their wives."
"You have to look at yourself King, you have to look at yourself and say are you being the best version of yourself and of a husband?"
"If your husband seems bitter and angry, you might consider whether you have given him any of those things."
"Failure to clarify the husbands and wife role in a relationship is a major cause of marital disruption."
"Know who you're marrying, know their true self."
"Choose your spouse based on what you're called to do."
"Marriage isn't about struggling against each other, it's about struggling against your own ego."
"Be willing to grow and change together, and allow your spouse the room and support to do that."
"Your wife surprised you with this policy and she wanted you to pay the house off... honor your wife and pay it off."
"Sex belongs in marriage, the same way fire belongs in a fireplace."
"Listen brother, it is better for you to be on top of the roof than for you to be in the house with a quarrelsome woman."
"Find a wife who has done the work, just like you're doing for yourself."
"Show your wife that she is the most important and most beautiful object on earth. Don't casually throw jokes about a second wife in front of her."
"Sexual satisfaction in marriage is intended by God as a dam against the flood of adultery."
"The most important decision you'll make is who you partner with for the rest of your life, specifically your spouse, specifically who you decide to have kids with."
"Words matter: 'I love you' never goes out of fashion."
"Communication is the very foundation of marriage."
"Husbands love your wives and do not be harsh."
"Go to your spouse and forgive them from words that you put on them, release them from those word curses."
"Wasn't that a master class on marriage, absolutely powerful, I love it."
"What can I do to make my marriage better today?"
"Love your wife, stay married... having a mother and father is such a blessing."
"Is divorce the right option? My take on it is to really look at your situation and have real honest earnest conversations with Allah."
"There's something that deepens in the intimacy of your marriage when you truly go all in."
"Husbands love your wife like Christ loves the church."
"Don't sin against your spouse even in the way you speak."
"A happy wife is a happy life... even when you're wrong."
"If you want to get your marriage back, get on your knees and surrender."
"You can't like the way to love your wife is just love her."
"As a husband, consistently tell your wife how much you love her. It will bring her great happiness."
"The best among you are those who treat their wives in the best possible manner."
"We need one partner in the marriage to decide you may sin but I'm not going."
"Speak the love language of your spouse; learn what makes them feel loved."
"One of the skills you need for marriage is getting really good at listening."
"Health is wealth, mental health is wealth as well."
"The reason you should listen to your wife is because if you listen to her enough she'll tell you what's wrong and what she wants."
"Don't bash your own marriage, it poisons your relationship."
"Communication is key in a successful marriage."
"Part of your job as a wife is to stop your husband from doing impulsive, self-destructive things."
"Only work on yourself and pray for your spouse, you can't change them, you can only change you."
"The guy who's married for 26 years telling men not to get married. I mean, make that make sense."
"If you determined to love your husband or loved your wife, God will give you a heart and eyes for them."
"Husbands love your wife as Christ loved the church."
"Sex is amazing part of marriage, but it's not your marriage."
"Men will tell you, if your wife ain't happy, everything will start going downhill."
"Wives, respect your husbands. Treat them well, laugh together, have fun, and be kind to each other."
"If we can shift the energy within the community from amateur detective work and more towards informed educational criticism of the judicial system, then the people who enjoy true crime can positively impact the world's understanding of justice."
"You have to communicate, especially as a woman if you're married to a man."
"To avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife and let every woman have her own husband."
"Don't settle on who God has called you to marry because when you wait for the one that God has appointed for your future, it's the most beautiful life."
"I would say the best piece of advice that I could give would be marriage is incredibly hard, marriage is incredibly rewarding, and totally worth it if you find the right person."
"The wife is always right. Absolutely. You're probably happily married."
"Husbands, love your wives; wives, respect your husbands."
"Your first ministry is your wife and your children; a man that loves a woman is always available."
"Every marriage is built on love. In the absence of love, it is not easy to make anything work."
"Be faithful in your marriage. Stay faithful in your marriage."
"There's an importance about keeping that little intriguing mystery there even when you're married."
"It is the understanding man you should marry more than that, otherwise you won't be happy in life."
"Men ought to love their wives just as they love their own bodies."
"Do not get married. It is a contest men cannot win."
"Accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, who you marry is the most important decision that you'll ever make in your life."
"Do not stop going on dates when you get married."
"Please don't give your wife away, please hold on to her, you have no idea the blessings that are connected to us standing strong in our marriages."
"Serve each other and you can have the marriage of your dreams."
"We love what it says about our spouse, we just don't like what it says about us."
"If you marry a woman of virtue, you're gonna have a happy life."
"Open up to your wife. In so doing, the enemy will have nothing to use against you."
"Marriage is hard work, but it influences positive changes."
"Each man must love his wife as he loved himself and the wife must respect her husband."
"Love is not enough in any marriage. Love is not enough at all. If the actions don't match the words, then what's the point?"
"Don't ignore red flags for the sake of just being married."
"It's a part of your wifely duties to satisfy your husband sexually if you plan on having a successful marriage."
"Raise your kids, love your husband, keep talking to him honestly about what you think and feel."
"Here's to you, son. May the later years of your marriage be happier."
"Physical intimacy is really, really important in keeping that marriage alive."
"No physical appearance is not everything, but if you want your marriage to last, it matters if your spouse is attracted to you."
"Husbands should love their wives and wives should respect their husbands."
"Your spouse should be your key, completing each other."
"Marriage is the single best self-improvement tool that exists."
"Love your wives, man, just like Christ loved the church. There's a benefit in it."
"Treating each other as equals doesn't just give you a better marriage, it gives you better sex."
"The truth about marriage is it is far more important and far more significant the preparation you have before it than the promise you make."
"Be sensitive to your wife's needs and don't make her nag or beg."
"What's the secret to 57 years of marriage?"
"Make sure that you have a man that fears God, a man that is decent and disciplined, a man that has less propensity to bring in drama in your marriage."
"It takes some playfulness, keep flirting with your wife, keep flirting with your woman. Game is forever and game should be fun. Game shouldn't be manipulative, it should be a fun thing."
"If you haven't been caught yet and you worry whether your spouse will forgive you, you're better off to stop the behavior now and probably better off to tell them now."
"Be careful who you marry. Let me say that again: Be careful who you marry."
"Learn how to agree and say yes dear, you know, that's the easiest way to handle all situations."
"Be kind to them. Your spouse comes first, always in everything."
"Every person that's married or about to be married should ask this question: What do we want our home to feel like?"
"When the scripture says 'he that endureth to the end, the same shall be saved', it's going into our marital trials."
"You should be a doctor in the kitchen because you are going to be your husband's way of life."
"Know how to lift a man and motivate him because as a woman if you can do that you would be an amazing wife."
"You want to have open communication with your spouse and you want to let them know here's why I want to leave, here's what I see for the future."
"Love your wife well... love her as Christ loves the church, put her before your new child."
"Husband, love your wife like Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it."
"The best of you are those that are best to their wives."
"Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence, and likewise also the wife unto the husband."
"The Bible says love your wives, respect your husband."
"Before marriage, please keep both eyes open; because after marriage, you gotta close one eye."
"However, each man among you, without exception, is to love his wife as his very own self, with behavior worthy of respect and esteem, always seeking what's best for her with an attitude of loving kindness."
"Looking for loopholes rather than scriptural truths... the majority of the divorces that I know about are not biblical."
"The moment you stop investing in your spouse is the moment you stop getting a return."
"Guard your heart; remain loyal to the wife of your youth."
"The best way to cultivate and nurture a thriving sex life is by showing your genuine enthusiasm about being with your spouse both inside and outside of the bedroom."
"...the best of you is the one who is best to his wife and I am the best of you to my wives."
"Use your phone to build your marriage, not to be a distraction from your marriage."
"The best of you are those who are best to their wives, and I am the best to my wives."
"Love your wives. Love is an act of obedience."
"Discover the keys to marital success."
"If you love God and love your wife, you'll be in good shape."
"We don't condone a brother telling his wife to sin."
"If you really love your wife and your kids, you're not gonna do that; you're gonna try to figure out a way to work it out."