
Cultural Roots Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"The roots of fantasy go far deeper than mere dragons and elves."
"Country music is a black art; it has black roots."
"Philosophy and science, art and architecture, democracy itself have their roots here, and they're all embodied in the serene lines of one of the most famous buildings in the world."
"He's such his roots are so firmly in Liverpool... and he belongs to that very kind of close-knit community in Manchester."
"It brings me immense joy to return to these roots."
"It's easy to forget what's important. You start thinking about why have you to remind me I miss telling you don't forget your roots, don't forget your God, don't forget your family or religion, your rituals just because the world is ending."
"Middle Eastern music and European music have common roots."
"Don't forget your roots, don't forget where you came from."
"They are indeed what I call people who yearn after the country and its origins."
"These are pyramids meant to heal the way music is being."
"Let's get back to the true roots of what music was made for: to heal and to go back to the source."
"Can these guys stick to their roots and give the world another look at the Russian nuclear apocalypse?"
"Country music for me, because I grew up in Ohio."
"Traditional gospel bass lines... all those churchy black gospel songs."
"You got roots in Louisiana." - Daniel Cormier
"Metalcore itself is alive and well... it just went back to the roots."
"You guys got power... your roots are in Egypt, in some kind of deep, powerful magic."
"China's rise to become a leading power of the 21st century is closely tied to Confucius."
"The true mother and father of hip-hop is God, meaning circumstances and situations that are unexplainable by the human mind."
"What we want to do going forward is we want to get back to our roots."
"To truly understand this experience, we have to understand our ancient history."
"We want people to go back to their traditional roots and scripture rather than this secular liberal ideology."
"We started that's what hip-hop is about."
"If you look at the origins of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, you will see without a shadow of a doubt that they are rooted in ancient African spiritual traditions." - Anthony Browder
"I believe in 2040, I'll be a part of the group that's leaving North America in the migration going back to the lands of our ancestors' Nativity."
"The Abrahamic religions have some of their roots in the Proto-Indo European religion, the same religion that spawned other religions and cultures across Eurasia, from the Vikings to the Greeks, to the Hindus."
"The root of Afro-American music and the root of all American music."
"I think the biggest market would be Nigeria but you know though I mean I think for me that race it's not so much it's racism identity it's about so growing up in Nigeria had red roots I knew I was I mean black oh or that I I came from a group called me group."
"Clinging to your roots is extremely important to anybody in life."
"We have to get to a point where we're returning to the source."
"Memphis definitely has its roots in my home."
"Stories are the best. Our roots run deep and dark through the forgotten places of history, stories so old we don't even realize how old they are."
"History is important, very important, because history gives you your roots."
"Stay positive, stay country y'all, and stay true to your roots."
"Barbecue actually has its roots in African, Caribbean, and Native American cultures."
"It's important to remember hip-hop's cultural roots as a method of self-exploration, rebellion, and anti-white supremacist advocacy."
"In order for them to know where they're going, they have to know where they're coming from."
"Cedar is all around us, the roots are deep, they're strong, just like our people."
"There are about 70 million people with Irish roots scattered across the globe."
"Roots, reality, and culture, fire never stop blaze, fire never stop burn."
"We need to maintain the root, because without the root, we cannot continue to survive."
"An absolute delight to have the chance to get to our roots."
"If you don't know your roots, you don't know your destiny."
"It's super important to keep in touch with the roots of where things come from."
"Let's come back to our roots, let's come back and build our own Africa."
"I am Chicana, a woman born here in this country but with very strong Mexicana roots and Indigenous roots and whose life is dedicated to social justice."
"These are both common versions of stories that have been used to describe an elusive creature that has its roots in Iberian, Latin, and Filipino folklore, known to many as the Duende."
"It comes from what people sang in the fields, is what people sang in church."
"The feeling of the rhythm of the music, as well as the harmony, came out of work songs and gospel music from Black American slaves."
"Personally, I look at music as a tree, and all the branches are different types of music, but the tree is African."
"We bring our roots with us wherever we go because the Electric Mayhem is totally like a family."
"African-American roots is a primal, powerful rhythmic force which could easily gain more power in creating everlasting positive outcomes."
"I'm strongly analytical because of my Turkish roots, I am a natural tradesman and I have the entrepreneurial mindset."
"The root of agriculture is culture."
"The Iranians in this historic city are not only connected to their roots but passionate, diverse, and dynamic."