
Investment Performance Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"If you hold it long enough, [Bitcoin] does extremely well; it does better than the FED balance sheet, better than any other asset in existence."
"A 5% allocation to Bitcoin would have boosted the cumulative return of the traditional portfolio by 65% since 2014."
"Berkshire Hathaway historically... has had a track record of severely outperforming the S&P 500."
"Only 22% of actively traded funds have actually beat the market over a ten-year period."
"If you miss out on the best days, your profit goes down significantly."
"This technique outperforms 99% of all actively managed investments."
"A lot of the stocks on our list might not pay the highest monthly dividends but they produce a great return and grow your portfolio."
"You haven't cashed out at 300X. The reason why you haven't cashed out at 300X is because you don't know how to play the game."
"The average return of all stock picks since inception of service is over 500 percent as of January 2021."
"The real story is just this: sixty percent of cryptocurrencies have not seen any gain of value long term whatsoever."
"Bitcoin is outperforming everything in two, four, six, eight, and ten years."
"Our renewable energy plays also did very good today."
"Gold has outperformed everything on the planet since 2000."
"Bitcoin is not down and out. Bitcoin is up over a thousand percent since a year ago."
"Only four percent of stocks actually make more money than the average return of one month treasury bills."
"With just 20 percent of cryptos in a normal metal fund, the new combined index would actually outperform the nasdaq 100 and do so with lower volatility."
"If you took one cent and you put it in bitcoin 10 years ago... it outperformed everything."
"$10,000 invested into the Vanguard Growth ETF since inception would have turned into over $74,000."
"The current value of my long-term dividend growth stock portfolio is one hundred four thousand seven hundred seventeen dollars with ninety one thousand eight hundred twelve initial dollars invested. This puts my total return at 14.06 percent."
"Still overall ARK does win on performance against QQQ, which is a huge accomplishment."
"Bitcoin has actually crushed all of these strategies since it exists."
"Gold has been the best performer since the year 2000."
"If they perform over the next five years could be worth double."
"She's done incredibly well in an area where the most professional investors struggle to even match the index."
"No asset over the last decade has outperformed bitcoin... any form of asset you can think of even gold and silver."
"We know the winner so far in 2023 is Bitcoin with gold coming in second and stocks coming in third."
"Index funds outperforming managed funds in terms of tax efficiency."
"The index fund outperforms 88% of other investments."
"On a 15-year basis, 90% of actively managed funds underperform the index."
"The people in the stock market that have portfolios that perform the best they do nothing."
"Unless their investment is yielding more than inflation, they're losing money."
"The more time you spend on your analysis, the better you perform."
"I believe Ethereum outperforms and it has greatly outperformed Bitcoin."
"Positive EPS growth—a trending long-term attribute for every company he invests in."
"Bill Ackman gets natural growth and multiple expansion, leading to market-beating returns."
"Titan has consistently outperformed all major indexes and robo investors."
"On average, large cap stock funds showed the biggest difference with passive funds outperforming the active funds by over 2% per year."
"A return on investment of 24.93%... that beats the stock market, real estate investing, any type of investing I've ever heard of."
"Cryptocurrency, specifically Bitcoin, is the best-performing investment you could have made this century."
"What investment have you ever owned that has gone up fifty percent in seven days?"
"Multi-family has been hard to beat because of these numbers."
"REITs have outperformed stocks even through the worst real estate crash in US history."
"If you went to them, it's like, 'Alright, we need you to make 15-20% a year,' which is really good if you're managing, you know, billions of dollars. I mean, that's a very good return."
"If you miss the 10 worst days, you increase your returns by four and a half times."
"I'm beating the S&P 500 without needing Tesla in my portfolio."
"My portfolio in combination has an average weighted compound annual growth rate of the free cash flow per share of 17 that is over double the average of the S&P 500."
"Bitcoin is the best performing asset ever not just this year but forever."
"Cryptocurrency is not going to go away it's the highest performing best asset in the history of assets there's nothing that has ever outperformed cryptocurrency nothing as far as price appreciation has gone absolutely nothing." - Richard Hart
"The performance of the portfolio is still up about 94%."
"This group averages almost a 14% dividend growth rate, and that's pretty awesome."
"Past performances don't equal future results."
"Gold has been averaging over 9% in US dollar terms per annum since the year 2000."
"If portfolio performance is really strong in this Red Zone, this will mean great things for your retirement."
"I am very happy with the portfolio performance and overall, I do think that the businesses in the portfolio are all extremely high quality and will continue to compound over the longer term."
"Over the last 20 years leading up to the pandemic, REITs were the best performing asset class in terms of total return."
"Make sure if you're doing this as an investment, that they have been performing."
"Human biases being one of the biggest reasons for underperformance of people's investments compared to the market."
"Even though beating the S&P 500 is the goal, if I end up trailing it but I still built a really strong income stream that outpaces inflation, then I may have technically missed my goal, but I'm still overall winning."
"The higher the Sharpe ratio, the more return you are getting per unit of risk taken."
"If you're looking for a dividend performer, VIG is a fantastic dividend ETF."
"Nearly 90 percent of actively managed funds don't beat the market."
"Real estate over time has been the best performing asset."
"Over a decade of performance, the Vanguard Growth ETF has done very well."