
Faith In Action Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"You don't have to live 2000 years ago in Bethlehem to be able to sacrifice, and study, and search, and give gifts to the Lord Jesus Christ. You can do it today."
"Faith without action is dead, but genuine faith will result in the power of God moving and working in our lives."
"Have faith today, but also act on your faith."
"My faith is not that God is going to do the specific thing I ask Him. He will reward the faith."
"Let's fight on our knees and let's believe God."
"Faith is not that you don't see the mountain, faith is that you see the mountain mover."
"When faith becomes action, the impossible becomes possible."
"You exercise God's Authority in the sphere He's given you, you lay out the odds that are against you before Him based on the realities of your life, and then you lay claim to His victory and watch Him turn the numbers in your favor."
"I appreciate your faith, and it is faith, you know. It's faith of stepping out and trusting God no matter what happens."
"It's not just about having faith, it's about taking agency."
"The battles we face today are an opportunity for us to witness God's power at work in our lives."
"Every time you go back to that job... it will be a step of faith."
"Those who take God at His word are going to engage in good deeds."
"Pure and undefiled religion before God is... to visit orphans and widows in their trouble."
"Put that label on your life. God is able to do anything he wants to do."
"Faith is acting upon an instruction from God and trusting Him for the outcome."
"Speak to your finances, speak to your government, speak out just stand up in your living room and start talking the word of God."
"We have to act on faith with the sure knowledge that we are pursuing the right goals and doing the right things."
"You can't be in charge of the miracle, but you can be willing to let it come through you."
"Belief should lead to action, to living out the commands of Christ, not just knowing them."
"We're here to rise up and say we're gonna stand in the gap and say what he says and time is about to catch up to his decree because his promises are now intersecting their moment."
"Faith takes God at His Word, altering how you live your life."
"God makes exceptions when we cry out to him and stretch on him and seek Him."
"The question now is, are you going to act on it? Because nothing happens for this woman until she moves."
"Resting in God is an Act of Faith, believing He is at work even when unseen."
"God, if you say it, we will do it because it's only crazy until it happens."
"On those days, you just need to dig in deeper and ask God to give you more grace, to help you represent Him well."
"Faith requires action. It requires you to move with intent. It means that you have to stretch out into the unknown and believe in something you cannot see immediately."
"Thank you for being the hands and feet of Christ."
"Y'all might really love each other, sometimes y'all got to be apart to realize, you know what I'm saying, that kind of situation."
"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase."
"Faith without work, like they say, is dead. What if you're on the other end? You see somebody that's mentally, mentally ain't right, and what should you do?"
"When you speak things into existing, things will come. All you gotta do is declare with God."
"That's been such a prime example of putting your faith into action."
"When the Father directs something, and you never know when these situations will happen, you have no idea what's going to happen when you get up."
"When I'm working a principle I'm expressing faith and Faith moves God."
"Increase faith is an active operative principle because faith without works is dead."
"We're not supposed to do things on our own. Do you think that David could've done what he did without God?"
"If you let God get involved in your life and not be afraid to follow Him, nothing is impossible."
"Take steps that give validation of your faith, faith is demonstrated by the movements you take."
"But I just really believe god in this we gotta do our part though we can't just pray and sit around we gotta pray and we gotta act we gotta move we gotta move and pray we gotta walk at you gum at the same time."
"Now you need to be active. We need to start acting on our faith."
"Faith without action is not gonna get you fed."
"God's power will always back his word, but his presence backs his people."
"Real faith acts. Real faith has corresponding action. Real faith does something."
"Sometimes we have to do the ridiculous before God will do the miraculous."
"We must also spend time practicing our unity and harmony in faith, and putting God's teachings into practice so that we can become the salt and light of the world."
"We've been training in our churches far too many people to be biblical scholars but they're not living their faith. It's time for us to change."
"When you make a move, you'll see His hand of favor, making things happen that you couldn't make happen."
"May I be a believer who does more than just declare my faith. Holy Spirit, help me to be one who puts it into practice."
"These are his resources that he allows us to use to build his kingdom. So, that's why when it says we're the body of Christ, we literally are the body of Christ. So, he can touch people through us. He can see people through us. He can love people through us. Are you tracking?"
"We can actually move the calendar of eternity closer by inviting people into the kingdom of God and living a life that honors the Lord."
"For God's heart, for God's passion, for God's vision to go forth, there needs to be work."
"There's so much power in the Word of God. Apply it into your life."
"Live for God, do what's right, keep worshiping Jesus, and he's gonna make a way for you where there is no way."
"Unused faith ain't worth nothing."
"Any faith that doesn't lead us to go into action with good deeds is worthless, it's dead and useless."
"When you allow your faith to show through action, God honors that."
"And you'll have such a faith then it will be evident in your action."
"For God so loved the world, it cannot be the end of the verse because it is absent of demonstration."
"If you don't put action with your faith, your faith is dead."
"Faith without works is dead; faith without action is dead."
"Faith in God without it being expressed in our deeds is valueless."
"What God's really looking for is not people who proclaim Jesus as Lord but actually live like it."
"Let's trust God at His Word; let's make this happen because this is important."
"Faith was active along with his works, and faith was completed by works."
"You have no idea what God might do through one moment of obedience today."
"In all my temporal and spiritual concerns, I pray to the Lord and expect an answer to my requests."
"Have faith in God and know that faith without works is dead."
"Faith is going forward through the uncertainty."
"It was a faith that related to people where they were, challenge the things in society that the gospel would challenge."
"We stopped saying that we're Christians and we live it out in front of the world."
"Christ cannot help coming in where there is a living faith, a full faith."
"I have never seen a church this small accomplish so much... they called upon God as though he was real."
"The day you believe you're righteous, you can start doing righteous."
"God who has raised up this work through me, God who has led me generally year after year to enlarge it, will still help and will not suffer me to be confounded because I rely upon Him."
"Faith without works is dead, and you can have faith, but you got to do your part."
"Faith apart from works is dead; when it is deprived of hope and charity, faith does not fully unite the believer to Christ."
"For in Christ neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision, but faith which worketh by love."
"Rahab's courageous act of sheltering the spies and aiding them in their mission demonstrated her faith in the God of Israel."
"If we don't have anything to show that affects the poor and most marginalized of our faith, then we have to question if we're really following after Jesus."
"Christianity walking in shoe leather on the streets of first century Pagan Rome is Christianity in action."
"Christian faith isn't an escape from living; it's thrusting your faith into living and being real with the issues of today."
"When you dream with God, even the impossible becomes possible."
"Faith believes that God will send rain, conviction says I'm going to follow God's leading and build me an ark."
"It's all about prayer. Prayer without works is dead."
"A man is justified by his works and not by faith alone."
"There's no such thing as a Christian who doesn't do good works."
"As believers, we should take advantage of the opportunities we have and do what we can for Jesus, instead of worrying about what we cannot do."
"Faith looks at what Jesus has done."
"I am confident in Christ; with Him, I am able to accomplish the impossible."
"Righteousness comes through faith in Jesus Christ."
"You're the only Jesus someone's gonna see."
"Set your eyes on Jesus, focus on Him, take your first step, then the second, and see yourself walk on water, doing the impossible in human eyes."
"Do it now. Now faith over walls, now faith over water."