
Political Values Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"People on [the left] side of the aisle tend to value, or at least claim to value, equality, welfare... Therefore, liberal politicians...will try to appeal to these values."
"The issues that are most important to me are the ones that are inclusive of the most people."
"My politics is based on fighting to preserve that American Dream which is uniquely American."
"We need to bring trust and integrity and decency and honesty back into politics."
"We need to stand on the founding fathers' principles and not move, not budge, be like trees planted by the water."
"Russia invaded Ukraine, fighting a war against our values."
"I want to preserve American constitutionalism."
"Truth is a liberal value, truth is a conservative value, truth has never been a left-wing value." - Dennis Prager
"We choose hope over fear, unity over division, science over fiction, and yes we choose truth over lies."
"Truth is not a left-wing value; it is a liberal value, it is a conservative value."
"Character, compassion, decency, science, democracy – they're all on the ballot."
"Joe Biden continuing the core values of this nation... 'everything that has made America America's at stake.'"
"We believe in the Dignity of work and of moms and dads supporting their families."
"One of the key differences between us and those adversaries is the fact that they shut down newspapers, broadcast stations, and social media platforms. We do not." - Representative Jim Himes
"It's about decency and integrity versus misinformation, manipulation, lies, and half-truths."
"Democracy is precious, democracy is fragile."
"Putting country above party puts you squarely on the right."
"These aren't Democratic values or Republican values. They're American values."
"We end up taking way too many of these Progressive values for granted and we forget how to defend them."
"It's important for the next Senator to have a respect for the rule of law and the Constitution."
"Patriot mobile shares your values they're not going to charge you hidden fees and they're also here's the big catch here guys they're not gonna send your hard-earned money to Planned Parenthood or other left-leaning causes."
"Those who cannot accept the result of a free and fair election do not deserve the joy of Victory."
"I'm proud that we could be consistent I'm very proud that we are on the right side of History through this whole thing because all we had to do was go back to our Lefty values."
"This election is about freedom, your freedom."
"Institutions matter, right? Because what Trump's election is, is a negation of every single value that somebody under 35 in this country has."
"Why don't we create a politics... where I believe that being true to our Democratic and our human values will actually be the greater win?"
"Liberalism is what we are doing here these are the values that we support regardless of the contextual party politics of the day."
"They do not stand for American value, they do not stand for the Constitution, they stand for autocracy."
"In Pennsylvania we value real Freedom, the kind of real Freedom that allows women to make decisions over their own bodies, the kind of Freedom that allows people to marry who they love."
"This November is about returning kindness, respect, empathy, and civility back to the White House."
"Progressivism is great, but we need to understand the value of conservatism."
"What I'm fighting for is the Constitution, what I'm fighting for is the perpetuation of the republic."
"Character is on the ballot... whenever I think that there is a reason for doubt, whenever I've had my own doubts, I think of you, the American people."
"We want the same things most Americans want: free enterprise, limited government, freedom of speech."
"Character is on the ballot, compassion is on the ballot."
"I stand on the side of the American Revolution. I'm one normalcy. I want compassionate leadership. I want people who believe in science."
"They're voting for a person who they perceive to be one that can defend the values of our society."
"I think at the end of the day what we have got to ask ourselves is what do people stand for? Do you believe that women have the right to control their own bodies? Do you think that climate change is real?"
"The one issue that matters to me more than any issue in politics is the issue of life."
"Our great Founders did not want and would not condone false and fraudulent elections."
"Democracy requires people who will defend it."
"Ethics, Integrity, honesty means something in politics."
"We need leaders that will tell us the truth."
"We believe in the freedom of individual Canadians."
"I really do think that perceived honesty and integrity mean a lot when it comes to candidacy."
"This is a must-pass bill. You've got to pass it. This is the time to fight for our values."
"We choose hope over fear. We choose unity over division. Science over fiction. Truth over lies."
"We choose hope over fear. We choose unity over division."
"The Good right-wingers, the real right-wingers, the real American conservatives, are for Freedom, they are for the Republic, they're for the Constitution."
"Free speech is a big seller for our younger generation."
"The majority of young people...value our relationship with the European Union."
"There is no left in America, and if we stay true to our Lefty values, they're going to call us right-wingers. That's what they've done to you guys already."
"You have to vote according to the Bible. You cannot vote for that crowd to be a Bible-believing Christian."
"All Americans should value constitutional protections like the electoral college."
"Thanks for joining us today, my name is Alan reminding you that my allegiance is to the Republic, to democracy."
"The real issue here transcends political affiliations, it's about the core values of our nation."
"We don't support violence as conservatives. We believe in law enforcement, law and order, and security."
"We believe in free and fair elections, supporting our true allies abroad, and supporting NATO."
"Defending religious liberty, defending the unborn... that's probably better than socialism."
"The pursuit of democracy is as vital as ever, no matter the obstacles we face."
"We will never stop fighting for the values that bind us together as one America."
"Democracy is slowly falling down the ladder of values and virtues for the Republican party."
"Character counts. That used to be the Republican platform for decades."
"I can never, ever vote for someone who is for the killing of children in the womb."
"For me to vote for someone who was for the killing of children in the womb is like me voting for a Nazi who wants to slaughter Jewish families."
"Our ideas, our conservative values, and the solutions that we champion are the key to lifting up everyone in this country."
"Values that Josh Shapiro and John Fetterman stand for, values that Joe Biden stands for, values that were enshrined in our founding documents." - Barack Obama
"I feel that the American voters will reward principle that, they will reward strength and people who will stand firm."
"Value freedom is interesting because it is the number one word it's the number one value out there." - Celinda Lake
"Cruelty is a conservative value and kindness is a leftist one."
"The Senate impeachment is a chance to send a message back to the world about what America stands for."
"The Republican party is the party of at least some sense of values... whereas on the left it's really anything goes."
"Freedom and democracy are the long-term winners, while tyranny and caring about one's own legacy are the losers."
"Ukraine has reminded so many people of why our political values exist."
"Democracy is more important than our own personal trifles."
"What made America great is your right to freedom of speech."
"Focus on democracy and freedom, taking back the mantra of freedom."
"Every value he has related to Drakov and the old regime is already an interesting prospect."
"That commitment to making democracy the only game in town really is a serious moment for democracy."
"The Republican Party is the party of Abraham Lincoln... we stand for so much, including Martin Luther King's dream of a nation where our children are judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."
"They want honesty first and foremost."
"I will always stand up for democracy in the state of Montana."
"The message of the Democratic Party, which is truth and justice, freedom for all, and independence for everyone."
"Democracy really, really matters and we should cherish it."
"Of all the successor states, the Federated Suns makes the most of keeping alive the principles of democracy and promoting the cause of personal freedoms."
"Bring decency, honesty, and integrity back into our politics."
"What the NDP has always represented are those values and that's the type of government that I'll lead."