
Spiritual Resilience Quotes

There are 292 quotes

"If we actively trust in the Lord and His ways, if we are engaged in His work, we will not fear the trends of the world or be troubled by them."
"God works best through broken vessels who have been crushed by the hammer blows of the devil."
"I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
"Allah does not burden a soul more than it can withstand."
"Yusuf Ali Salaam holds on to the spiritual favor while constantly losing the material favor, and eventually, both come together."
"In an environment you cannot avoid, armor up more with dhikr, guarding your senses, and armoring your heart."
"Let us rejoice in Your Holiness's presence and rededicate ourselves, knowing as the Indian political leader Jaya Prakash Narayan said many years ago: 'Is Tibet lost forever? No, a thousand times no. Tibet will not die because there is no death for the human spirit.'"
"When darkness covers the earth, it's our greatest opportunity to demonstrate the light of Christ in our lives."
"This joy I have the world didn't give it to me, and the world can't take it away."
"Most of the people that enter paradise don't enter paradise by a good deed that they do, but by the way they responded to a hardship."
"God wants to know that he can trust you to use the spiritual when the going gets tough."
"Blessed is anyone who does not stumble on account of me."
"God is not looking for people to tap out; he's looking for people to tap in." - Ivan Orji
"We need to have spiritual resilience because things are going to happen in the spirit so quickly that if we can't move with the Lord, we're going to be left behind." - JD
"As the world grows darker the light shines all the brighter."
"In the worst pain, when you praise God and have an attitude of thanksgiving, He brings great hope."
"I pray God you've give them the Freedom and the Liberty to say ouch the Freedom and the liberties say it hurt the Freedom and the Liberty to say I was afraid but I'm going to choose to be more amazing I'm afraid."
"God gives us the grace and the tools that we need to bear those crosses."
"A faith that's been tested is one that can be trusted."
"May we learn to steal ourselves against these kinds of experiences by listening carefully to Your Word and taking it in and believing it and embracing it, and by praying for divine strength as we face the temptations."
"Spend time alone with God. Now this secret of resilience and this secret of stress resistance may be the secret that you do the least, spending enough time alone with God."
"Don't fear the man that can kill you but not touch your soul because all he is doing is ushering you into the presence of jesus."
"Whenever they tell you to stop praising God, that's when you know you're close."
"When you accuse us, we triumph over the accuser with the blood of the Lamb."
"There is an ability to choose to trust God in the midst of trials."
"When you've tested positive for faith, nothing by any means can hurt you."
"You're outnumbered, but don't you worry about a thing, you keep going because there will be those that will put you to death thinking they're doing God's service."
"The key is not necessarily the absence of trials or pain but rather an openness to God's instruction."
"Not today, devil! Not today! You are not going to rob what God blessed me with!"
"First, the gates of hell shall not prevail against you."
"They won't prevail against you because you're gonna have the power and the ability through covenant and ordinances and commandments and law to not let those gates of hell prevail over you."
"The enemy may come in like a flood but God can raise up a standard against it."
"When we fall down man the most high picks you right back up amen."
"Our ultimate strength comes from God challenging us to Anchor our lives in the Eternal unchanging nature of God's love and power."
"Failure doesn't erase God's call on your life."
"How spirit may strengthen to bear an unbearable world."
"Love is logical, relationships need to be logical. Love does not need to make sense. Love will never make sense."
"Jesus said, 'Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.'"
"When the devil can't cause you defeat, he makes you feel defeated."
"In this world, we face the wrath of satan and the wrath of man. Jesus never promised to protect us from that but rather to be with us in the midst of that."
"God's love never wavers even when we are unfaithful."
"Just because everything in 2020 is canceled like prayer is still on and God is still powerful and God is so good."
"Spiritual warfare is about standing your ground no surrender no retreat no rear view mirror."
"The gates of Hell cannot prevail. Write this down: in the kingdom of God, death cannot separate the citizen from the jurisdiction of the king."
"The size of your prayer must match the size of your opposition."
"When the rubber meets the road, the testing of our faith will come to any true follower of Christ."
"The Lord expects us to have faith, to believe he can do what naysayers say he can't."
"My hope is in God, and I know that one day again I will praise Him."
"It is written: neither death nor life nor angels nor demons..."
"Hope in Jehovah, be courageous and strong of heart."
"Should we fear the devil's efforts to break our integrity? Absolutely not."
"How do we abide and how do we stand firm?" - A reflection on maintaining faith amidst adversity.
"God never puts on us more than we can handle."
"Faith doesn't exempt me from the challenges."
"Just because we're going through a tough time doesn't mean God has forgotten about us; actually, it's quite the opposite."
"Even if you got the limp, you're gonna land right and you're gonna be able to hold your ground - the shield of faith."
"You can't stop the gospel. You can't stop a move of God."
"Faith knows no crisis or problems. It is designed to only bring answers."
"The gates of hell shall not prevail against them."
"If you're in distress, don't let that drive you away. Draw nearer, closer, like Jacob and say, 'I'm not gonna let you go until you answer me.'"
"No weapon formed against me shall be able to prosper."
"Those who are anchored in Christ will not receive the mark of the beast and we will not be tempted."
"I will put my hope in God and I will praise Him again."
"Every storm is made of wind and water... Jesus dealt with the wind and the water."
"Your standing here this morning is living truth that if we come into agreement, no weapon formed against you shall prosper."
"Jesus has broken the curse, he has never lost."
"I don't tell God about my problems, I tell my problems about my God."
"Just because your heel has been bruised doesn't mean you can't crush the Serpent's head."
"Worship when you are in warfare, worship when you are winning, worship when you are at war, worship when you are healing, worship when you are hurting."
"Do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for if you are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail."
"But all it's going to take is a remnant to stand, to say there's no way to beat this in the natural. So, I'm not going to try that way. I'm going to stand up in the spirit."
"No one is hopeless whose hope is in the Lord."
"The dark gets darker, but the lights get brighter."
"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." - Philippians 4:13
"Don't give up on God because God has not given up on you."
"You can't silence blood because you can kill the body, but the life and in the body it's in the blood."
"Resurrection never looks like what died... Resurrection makes you absolutely immune to anything that the devil can do."
"In Christ, we have a living hope that overcomes despair."
"Resistance is belief. It is believing what God says about you."
"God is faithful, and you will not be triumphed over."
"All glory to God... I'm not going to let these haters get me down."
"Do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul."
"When everybody else is freaking out, you're not in crisis, you're in Christ."
"For those that are aligned to Christ, it'll be good... Those who were walking close to God, no matter what they faced, came through because God was with them."
"My god is a god who shows up in my wilderness places, in my desert places."
"Sometimes you do have those moments where you remember that talk we all love: Sunday will come."
"Scripture fortifies our way of thinking so we're not swayed by false teachings or ideologies of men."
"Lord, you are the reason why we cannot be intimidated by the devil. We refuse to be oppressed, suppressed, or depressed by the enemy."
"Count it all joy when you fall into diverse temptations."
"You can touch his material things but you can't touch his soul. I'm a miracle I'm not supposed to be here today."
"Faith brings powerful results. Withstand the onslaught of the enemy with faith."
"Trusting him and not trusting that even when there is pain in this life, that the gospel gives you hope."
"From the time of chaos, the Lord said, 'Chaos, but my people shall rise above it.'"
"I'm not going to allow darkness to shut my praise down."
"The strongest faith is a faith that grows through your doubts."
"The one who overcomes will not be hurt by the second death."
"Just because there is every kind of heresy out there with regard to the person of the Holy Spirit it does not mean that I am going to allow them to take the ministry of the Holy Spirit away from me."
"Count it all blesses if you are in the truth."
"Rest is proof of faith; find rest in Jesus, not in the absence of storms."
"Peace is an anchor in your soul that the world can't take away."
"Can we actually be a place where the charge stops, like where it hits a wall called the gospel and it dissipates?"
"Jesus is still as strong as he has ever been."
"Strong spiritual willpower—you can't touch me."
"My thought was if my faith can't stand the scrutiny of any given person on the planet then what does my faith matter?"
"If you master the wait, it ain't nothing the world or the devil gonna be able to do to you."
"If you seek all of God's Word... you're going to find out that you have a growing supernatural resilience against the temptations of this world."
"Remember, no matter the trials, salvation and a path to Heaven are always within reach through Jesus Christ."
"It's no big deal to have faith in God when times are good... it's when times are tough and you gotta hold on for dear life that's when you need to have faith."
"Even in the most depraved times, righteousness can still stand firm and God's grace remains available."
"That's what's beautiful about it, it can never be taken away."
"No matter what happens, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me."
"The ultimate battle to win the spiritual life is to keep clinging to Jesus."
"In the trial time you rarely will have energetic faith. You will have passive trust and that pleases the Holy Spirit."
"Forget about your haters... Jesus could care less about proving anybody wrong."
"Trust in God for the incredible spirit of my people and for the resoluteness with which I decided not to bow down beneath the yoke."
"The secret of the Lord is with him that fear him he wants to give you some secrets listen up he's going to talk to you about how to maneuver through times like these."
"When it was the hardest to worship and the driest, God is like loving it and appreciating it the most."
"For if we're experiencing personal disappointment if there's been a loss in relationship or health or a loss at all whenever we hit a difficult difficult circumstance it's okay it's valid to be disappointed and even to be disappointed in god"
"You'll always be able to find [the Mass] somewhere."
"Each morning with God is an opportunity to reset and recharge filled with hope and anticipation."
"When you're down to nothing, God's up to something."
"Glory in tribulation, for it is a manifest token of righteous judgment."
"Surely Allah will accept one of those tens of thousands of times."
"Every single pain and calamity is going to be used by Allah."
"Faith in the midst of crisis is a beautiful thing."
"I want this kind of faith that would not cower to the enemy."
"Even when people turned on Jesus, he didn't let a goodbye turn him into someone he was never meant to be."
"Stay in your faith and stay true to your soul."
"Stay focused, Daniel was taken captive he kept the Lord first."
"God can make saints out of people who aren't healed."
"The joy that I have, the world couldn't give it and the world can take it away."
"Don't forget that the strength that you need comes from the Lord, the strength that you need comes from his word."
"Spiritual preparedness... those who had a strong spiritual foundation were far more likely to survive."
"Faith is knowing to your core that the understanding you have concluded is unbreakable no matter what else is occurring."
"No matter what you might be in, God is able to help you to get out of it."
"Though Peter's body was bound, his spirit was not bound."
"God's looking for somebody that doesn't get offended by an unbelieving believer."
"Be anchored in the Lord in this season so when we see things get really bumpy we are prospering we are covered."
"Resilience is about enduring the storms of life with unshaken faith."
"Everybody has to have that type of faith where no matter if the pastor goes against him if my parents go against him if my wife goes against him I know where I had with Jesus."
"Praise is the only thing that you can do to bring God's presence into your situation. When you pray, you are going boldly before his throne."
"Regardless of the outcome, the God that we serve was worthy to be praised before and he'll be worthy to be praised the day the sun comes up, the morning after."
"Every failure didn't cause condemnation but it reflected the grace of Jesus Christ in each of those situations."
"The trial of your faith much more precious than gold tried in the fire." - 1 Peter 1:7
"Trust God and His word even when you don't understand."
"Noah teaches us that we can live in this world surrounded by corruption and be full of grace."
"Accepting God's plan isn't going to always be nice, sometimes it'll cost you more than you bargain for."
"Accept everything in your life and know that the harder the trials you have the bigger the soul you have."
"Evil and defeated or the most high wouldn't have us here. He wouldn't have you here if he wasn't born for this moment."
"Prayer must match the size of your opposition."
"Even when things are bad, we should thank God for giving us hope and joy."
"Do not fear those who can kill the body but cannot kill the soul."
"Our Hope does not come from the words of men. Our Hope comes from the word of God that cannot be broken."
"Joy means if don't nothing go right, I will still bless the Lord at all time."
"God is showing up in our country, and no matter how much they try to turn the heat up against us... it's going to continue to backfire."
"If you missed devotions, that does not mean you lost your devotion."
"We serve a resurrecting king, we serve the kind of God who will show you that that good seed is still down on the inside of you."
"Understanding that you're defined... not by the hell you may be going through but by the heaven you're going to."
"In a world where wickedness did prevail, let God prevail in your life."
"What I received from the Pope is that he constantly loved and constantly hoped and struggled through all sorts of sufferings but kept on loving because he knew it was worth it."
"God's purposes will always prevail, no matter the storm."
"Your dark night of the soul that seems to keep you gripped in fear and doubt makes no difference at all to the eternal unchanging love of God."
"Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you."
"That's what faith is. Doesn't budge one bit."
"If our God can deliver us, He will. But if not, we are not bowing our knee to you."
"God is in control of your life, therefore you cannot be defeated."
"When the devil reminds you of your past, you remind the devil of his future."
"We need to have a gospel that's so strong inside of us that there is no falling away."
"The only way we can remain steadfast in these last days is by drawing from the wisdom and strength of the Holy Spirit."
"There's nothing about anything that's going to happen in our world that will cause the potency of the power of the Gospel to be weakened."
"Hope thou and God yet will I praise him who is the glory and the lifter of my head." - Unknown
"My scriptures ain't for sale, my soul is never sold, and I will never fall."
"Upon This Rock I will build my church, and the Gates of Hell shall not Prevail against it."
"The devil needs to know one thing: you're immovable."
"When we're rooted in Christ, we can survive anything."
"Don't be discouraged or confused by the growing Army of people who nay say the rapture."
"Ultimate protection, strength, and stamina as a spiritual warrior."
"The gates of hell shall not prevail." - Matthew 16:13-18
"It's not up to me to recant the words of God. We must stand firm in His truth, no matter the cost."
"We keep it fervent, we keep it hard for the devil to blow his cold breath over our heart by doing the works that God calls us to do."
"We have hope in something beyond this life. And if not for that, I just don't honestly know how I could possibly handle things like this."
"Peace is with God. You could be in the trenches and find peace."
"When you rebuke the Devil, he's going to flee like the coward he is."
"You have to overcome with the word, not your feelings."
"Jeremiah shows us what the God of all grace can do."
"He resisted because in faith he said, 'How can I do this against God?'"
"Consider Joseph; he resisted because in faith he said, 'How can I do this against God?'"
"In a hopeless Dark World, the church still has its lights on."
"If your identity is in Jesus, you will weather the storm."
"The simple secret is trust. Trust that even in brokenness, even in distress, even in suffering, you can trust God."
"Don't pray that the Lord removed the thorn, pray that he give you the strength and wisdom to handle the pain from The Thorn."
"Allah says, 'We will test you with fear and with hunger, of wealth, loss of life.'"
"God is always going to be good. How we decide to move during the pressing process, how we decide to move during the pulling process is entirely up to us."
"I've been through hell and back for this gospel."
"Count it all joy when you encounter these things."
"I won't give up, shut up, or let up until I've stayed up, stored up, prayed up, and preached for the cause of Jesus Christ."
"Allah has selected you because he sees you qualified. He will complete his favor on you."
"God's process is try again okay try again okay try again and this time."
"There is nothing, no man, no devil, no demon, no spirits, no outside source can do to stop that. It's already written."