
Personal Expectations Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"I fear I can never live up to your expectations."
"The more forgiving you are with yourself and the lower expectations you have of yourself... the better you end up."
"Stop living up to others' expectations here."
"Whatever as easy as you think it's gonna be, that's life man."
"You don't have to be the best at everything."
"Are you tired of getting on dating apps and not getting the results that you want?"
"The amount of pressure I put on myself as a human being is it's so unhealthy."
"You can have a much better life than what you thought you could have."
"If you really want to get married but you don't hold men to any standards, good luck."
"What does a good relationship look like to you? What does your next relationship look like?"
"Maybe the standards that you have are too high."
"Shame, shame, shame. Why? Because you don't care about this person I made up in my head."
"I guess in my own head I was like well this is gonna all interconnect and it didn't need to."
"At the end of the day, that's exactly what I was hoping for."
"I love these steps into these directions so hopefully I'm hoping that this is good. I'm hoping I can still make fun of it and enjoy it. That's the best show I can imagine."
"You're like a fine line Scorpio, it's like you're not just gonna settle for anything less than what you want."
"I realized that in order to find a love that felt like it belonged to me... I had to go outside of every single expectation that other people had given me."
"Set as broad goals as possible... allow yourself to have a day where I am a bad friend or a day when I am a bad student or a bad YouTuber..."
"Not having realistic goals... set some realistic goals and expectations for yourself... have fun and be patient with yourself."
"Overconfidence in myself leaves me disappointed."
"This is the movie experience I hope to have one watching ghost in the shell and Dragonball Evolution way back in the day that I never thought I'd actually see realised."
"Give me that consistency, that's all I ask for."
"Gail wants a grandchild so bad... she just wants to see that happen."
"Letting go of your responsibilities, your expectations of yourself, how you expect others to show up."
"I think our standards are there because that is what we want and that is what we deserve."
"I needed to stop expecting me from other people."
"I'm scared to death because I've set the bar so high."
"For now, I'm cool with Dragon being one... I expect great things from this dude."
"I thought Suicide Squad was gonna change my life... it was a very embarrassing August for me."
"It's normal for me to have more than I have now."
"We want something more, we want the whole package."
"Sometimes, I feel guilty because if I don't accomplish that, then I feel kind of shitty at the end of the year, and I don't want to go into the new year feeling like I failed the other year, you know what I mean?"
"I want to give but where the [ __ ] is mine?"
"I don't want you guys to feel the need to swing to these extremes and then if you mess up or fall off to beat yourself up."
"The point of getting a job is to earn a paycheck, not for you to expect the company to revolve around your personal decisions."
"I think something majorly has the potential to clear up for you in the week ahead as something that you've been waiting on for a while."
"I remember thinking, 'I at least thought I was gonna be second.'"
"It's unfair for you to be held to a certain standard."
"We good at blaming the school system, the government, our parents. We don't have high expectations on ourselves."
"I'm excited to see their attempt and here's the thing is this the Dark Tower movie that I've been waiting for my whole life."
"I think I'm gonna look really good and I think I'm going to look the best I have in a long time."
"I thought by my age that things would get better, you know, and it's not. And I think that's what a lot of Millennials are struggling with."
"This person may be your miracle, embodying everything you've asked for."
"The very best is on its way for you this month."
"Hold on to your goals tightly, make sure they are yours and not anyone else's expectations for you, and stay determined, proactive, and focused."
"It's just insane to expect to agree with somebody on everything."
"I want them to enhance my life rather than just be, like, 'Hi, how are you?' I want them to make my life better."
"Crawfie was distinctly underwhelmed, not only by the condition of the palace but also its lack of warmth."
"I never felt like I ever had to live up to any of those expectations that they set."
"I don't know what's gonna happen tomorrow, but I can see on the future as best I can in the next months and years. I think we have a pretty bright space."
"If this game is not your game of the year... I'm gonna be disappointed."
"You're gonna get what you asked for this month, and you're going to get as much as you can."
"I don't need somebody to be perfect. I just need them to be real."
"You didn't want her because she was yelling at where she was... You're supposed to be home, she's at the meeting."
"He did the same thing last time. He didn't expect to win in 2016."
"That ain't your car, baby. You might be in a Corolla season, not a Benz season."
"We have to have realistic expectations for ourselves, you know?"
"I'm not gonna settle for something less than what I am."
"And while that might sound unrealistic, I don't think I'm asking for too much."
"Not only does a legend live up, but you also get to live up to the legend."
"Don't beat yourself up for something that you never wanted for yourself but other people wanted it for you."
"When you're living a life that is not from self-love, you're living a life trying to meet other people's expectations, and that sets you up to fail."
"I don't care about that. I want you to be the man who I know you are, a man who follows after God's own heart."
"If you think like that, chances are that your standards for fit are just too low."
"The subjective perception of your own expectations is at the heart of all of our happiness."
"Expectations come from your own experience, your own needs, and you wanting to tailor your future experiences based on your needs."
"I am empowered as I release the need to live up to other people's unrealistic expectations of me."
"I do feel that there's going to be an ending to a certain situation."
"Stop trying to make every man be perfect when we're just people."
"None of us knows what kind of year we're going to have, what's gonna happen, what we're going to have to deal with."
"Expect the best of yourself and of others in your life."
"It's about to be bigger than what you think."
"I was worried in the moment because I was like well I need to get this medium rare because that's what I think is intended although she never stated it was but I thought it was."
"I wanted more out of myself, but I'm not the microwave man."
"At the end of the day, I want to be happy. Like when I get engaged, I don't want to be looking at my skin."
"Let go of an idea of what you think your ten of cups is."
"Your health is very important... set reasonable expectations for yourself and ease yourself into things."
"Why aren't you fuller, richer, why aren't you what I want and how come you won't let me express myself to you?"
"You might have had it laid out in your mind, but the universe has something so much bigger planned."
"We're always being held to a standard that we didn't set for ourselves."
"For me, it's not about living up to expectations because it's something that I've been doing ever since I was a little kid."
"My biggest fear is more the fear of letting myself down."
"If suddenly you were to drop the idea that I need to be the best... how would you feel? Relief, calm, free, very open."
"Take it easy, give yourself room to recover, and give yourself grace with expectations you have on yourself to get back into things."
"Most people have an idea of what their gaming experience, what they want it to be like."
"I expect the standards to be 100%. I'm terrible when I go out; I expect the highest level of service."
"It's really our attention and how we do our self-perception of ourselves and what we expect from ourselves that forms our reality."
"Don't be what you think other people want from you; be yourself and be what you want from yourself."
"I personally was slightly disappointed by this one because I thought it was going to be something that it wasn't really."