
Media Perception Quotes

There are 191 quotes

"I thought it'd be very interesting that I used the title 'I Was Wrong About Trump.'"
"The media wants to paint gun owners and gun ownership as this thing that's stuffed into the dark underbelly of society."
"I'm tired of people saying I'm a victim of my fame. I hate that."
"Whenever a new form of media comes out that particularly older generations don't use and don't understand, it's very, very common for that new media to be blamed for a variety of social ills."
"I'm amused to see that the New York Times is finally recognizing that capitalism raises people out of poverty."
"Check out their videos; they're not mean people trying to hurt anybody."
"Worldstar is the hood news; if those videos were on CNN, we wouldn't point the finger the same way."
"When President Trump says 'fake news' and people resonate, it's not because they are blindly following President Trump."
"Can you smell the fear? I can smell it... you can smell it all the way across the street on CNN." - Observations on perceived panic over Trump indictment.
"There's real humanity behind the political figures that are known to media pundits."
"Everything on TV is a production. They don't want the sisters thinking like that."
"The Simpsons made everyone stop to adjust their TV sets, but the picture within was never broken."
"The preppers were right all along. Even the left-leaning media admits it now."
"Real life violence is real life violence. Movies are movies. I can watch a movie about the Hindenburg disaster and get into it as a movie but still feel it's a horrible real life tragedy. It's not the same thing at all."
"Elon Musk is a disaffected liberal... the media treats him like he's a far-right maniac."
"I really think that Donald Trump's speeches are like the ultimate way to get a feel for what the media is actually thinking."
"The majority of Americans feel differently than what you see in the media."
"It's framing, alright? This is Tim Pool coming to grips with the meme reality."
"Honestly, it feels like a TV show with like a laugh track in the background. It kind of helps."
"Drake ain't scared. Why you think Drake's scared, bro? It's crazy."
"Squid Game, a show that feels ancient thanks to our completely skewed perception of time that came out what 50 years ago."
"It's Bob Iger, it's not Jesus, it's Bob Iger."
"Be grateful at this particular time, it's the most beautiful time no matter what they tell you."
"If the media ever decided to turn out like people are treating her as a durable top-tier candidate I'm not so sure that's true."
"This whole mess with frenemies and all the related stuff after it actually casts Paytas as a more sympathetic character."
"Suddenly according to the media, the world's in danger because they were in danger."
"I believe JD is only suing for the truth to get out there. Why should Turd be allowed to defend JD and JD just cop it? AH has been caught lying." - Georgina Lakitus
"Maybe she is a victim, but this trial convinced me that she is also clearly a perpetrator. I'm disgusted that she made herself a figurehead of Me Too." - Megan Laporta
"The way that the clip is edited together makes it seem like everybody is gonna die."
"Yellowstone now is the reason I say it's right-wing. It's doing incredibly well in the south and it's not happening in the coastal cities."
"First impressions matter when you even title this video mockingly I'll be it but you titled this video you know it's cuz women and sjw's well that is inextricably linked to the marketing because that is how people see this game."
"That's like there's a makeup team and like that's not real, no you guys don't have that in SF."
"I'm God." - "First impression of watching the trailer."
"Media savaged him as the worst person... now you're calling him a hero?"
"Beyoncé did what, 300 something, and people would be like, 'Oh, it's her lowest sales weekend,' I'm like, if she's 25 years in." - 50 Cent
"I think her failure was that thing that you know a lot of people talk about when but when you've interviewed Bill would he sat down and you thought wow there's something there's something truly transcendent here."
"I think people are looking for sane an honest voices and I've always been a saying honest voice."
"Viewers can see that, viewers are some of the smartest people, like, you know, they can see when there's a problem when you didn't even know there's a problem sometimes."
"What makes this smell kind of porky to me is even in all of their own press material."
"I would actually hang out with all these people individually... and you see something in the media and it's totally different than what you thought."
"Things are typically not as bad as the media makes it seem and things are typically also not as good as the media makes it seem."
"Despite the headlines, all hope is not lost."
"He called the bluff on this thing where even today we saw on one of the news channels where NATO is now pulling away from helping Ukraine."
"China is absolutely terrified of any bad press at the moment."
"The curtains are closed. I know when the cameras aren't running."
"The visuals do not look the best on YouTube, which is what a lot of people seem to be judging the game off of. It looks best in 3D on a new 3DS."
"I think crime is overplayed in the media. Being aware of your surroundings is the most obvious thing that you can do."
"The news can be a lot. There's a lot of good out there."
"If you protested for George Floyd, the media celebrated you."
"The detractors turned me into the poster boy for black women."
"We're not what media and the world portrays us to be. We're not scary. We're usually really good people who help people and spread positivity."
"Media care is nothing to be embarrassed by or shamed of."
"It's cool to have media like yourself and other people come here and just say, 'I can feel it's a little different here.' It really is because it is a brotherhood."
"There's no such thing as bad publicity, right?"
"Different people based on when they're born experience that media in different ways."
"It's the cool thing to hate on Call of Duty, but it's blown out of proportion."
"Believe all problems can be resolved, and a more graceful life experience is opening up for you now."
"It's a cult classic beloved by many, but for a newer generation, the Aeon Flux name is overshadowed by the live-action flop from 2005."
"Player driven media shows me how dumb people are."
"Bitcoin declared dead more than 400 times now."
"Oh dear lord, help me. Anthem has gotta be one of the weirdest things I've ever seen."
"If there's one thing that I really wish is that people would understand that... a lot of the stuff on the content creation side... everything is based on something."
"Let me know how you feel about young boy man black ball let me feel if you think he really ain't black ball he's just his situation be changing because he'll be handing out a out of jail and [] and he'll be fighting cases and []."
"The feeling is that it's always Portuguese press which is fine but the reality is that we've not really had much English press."
"Clearly there is a connection and I think at this point that seems to have been conceded by the mainstream media even that we have to admit that there is some connection otherwise it wouldn't be these guys doing it so much."
"Why does Lampard got such Grace with them? Teflon lamps."
"He's infectious and him being a troublemaker is very inaccurate as well because in all his time at Dortmund he wasn't the troublemaker it was only towards the end when obviously he wanted to get that move and stuff like that."
"The media have long decried Donald Trump as a populist, and now they are doing the same to PewDiePie."
"The outrage is more of a manifestation of American anxieties rather than actual outrage at the broadcast itself."
"It's TV. You are a villain. Like, she is very villainous. There's something about her, I'm rooting for you in all of your dark energy. I love it."
"This particular video is not just for Muslims handling that Muslims will watch it then they'll see the deception that's gone on."
"Just knowing that the media wasn't going to be on my side unless I was playing well fans not going to be on my side unless I'm playing well doing something right."
"I actually think this is happier news rather than sadness."
"In the end, it obviously wasn't the white man's fault that Oceans 8 got bad reviews; it was the movie's fault for being sucky." - Narrator
"Surprised by a lot that happens. I know that it seems like one of those trailers where it spills out the whole movie, no it doesn't, and I wish we'd said that."
"Once we got to the new class, but I also, you know, in the last two years, have been watching Zack Morris is trash on YouTube and boy does that reshape that show for you."
"Even if you hear the words unarmed black man shot by a police officer you don't know anything about yourself until you know something about the story."
"What was once regarded as a conspiracy theory just last year is now literally front page news."
"You do look bigger on TV that is true and and also but but it could be a learning tool you could get up the next morning and go over it like okay honey see when he did that when he turned around that was good rewind that like more of that."
"This situation is very telling; it shows that President Trump has been treated unfairly."
"Maybe all publicity is good publicity in the end."
"The Misfits is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on her legacy and a good reminder that it's not as flat and one-dimensional as pop culture often presents."
"But there's no shade of grey in the way that Russia is promoted and presented in the global media by global governments because all governments are ruthless our governments manipulate but the global perception of Russia has been way way out."
"This just in, Creekcraft's livestream hates British people apparently piggy fans hate British people the irony."
"I don't think 10 years ago, Trisha Paytas was like me or whatever."
"Love is here... it's in truth, not done for the cameras on Sunday morning."
"It was bad press for them, a hit with young teens, this video coming out showing a more adult side of the boys was certainly not good press for them."
"You can't be a proud straight heterosexual man now in Hollywood or anywhere really and be revered you're looked at as the enemy."
"We don't think people are stupid who are watching our stuff."
"I hate the fact that we live in a world now where like, I literally can say that just don't be racist and don't use bad terminology and somehow, on social media, that's considered a hot take."
"There's a disconnect between you and the news."
"Is this a woman who is much more dimensional than the media is trying to give her credit for?"
"Is Baldur's Gate racist and sexist? No. Are the people who only see race and sex in everything they consume racist and sexist? Absolutely."
"Remember, all the criticism you see is from people who secretly liked it."
"I don't care if people... think it's been on seven news in Australia."
"There's no difference between the news and humor."
"Only Danganronpa can make mass genocide like we just saw still feel not that dramatic."
"But her Ryan Gosling's real so you know nobody should give a [ __ ] about what the [ __ ] happened to Ava Mendes because she's doing just fine."
"What is deep learning? Well, the media thinks that deep learning is this, you know, they seem to think that it's sort of like Terminator meets some sort of oppression system that's gonna take over the world."
"Kevin Gates has showed me so much growth, like it erased every negative stereotype about him doing media I've ever seen."
"I'm sure lil nos doesn't actually believe in Satan or care about hell or worship Satan. I don't think he thinks any of that stuff. I think it's a commentary on how religious people have shoved hell in our faces for so long."
"This is a cartoon. Why a cartoon? It makes them look like they aren't rapists."
"It just all felt like it was all the same Amber narrative that they're all just trying to keep the story straight."
"It's not as bad as everyone's making it seem, you know. I mean, there is a lot of hype, there's a lot of media, but it's really not that bad, so don't worry too much everybody. It's not that bad, take a chill pill."
"A small guy still having a platform at the end of the day is proof that there's no such thing as cancel culture."
"I think it's clear when there's something called the Nicki hate train that I'm not just pulling something out of the sky here."
"Evanescence actually has a much bigger Legacy than what you often hear in the media."
"Finally, yeah, I know it's true, like we said though, at least we're finally starting to see some positive headlines regarding Activision Blizzard."
"He actually believes the news or he believes some subset of the news that got him to this point. So, if you think the problem is with Sam Harris, again, you're being diverted. The problem is the news."
"They've made Trump into this fascist... We're being asked to deny what we see."
"If he's shot somebody in Cold Blood On TV they would say the same thing they are with this guy no matter what he does."
"I don't think I myself would hold that against Robert Pattinson completely."
"From the way people talk about Moon Knight, it's almost like there are two shows here."
"Nobody really acknowledged it because it wasn't a Premier League title."
"People ran to get my opinion. They thought I must have a take on this person I'd spent so much time with when in reality it'd been years since we talked and even longer since we'd seen each other."
"From comedy to controversy: Russell Brand's journey."
"The media is so hated at this point that when they smear something it actually gets more popular."
"I don't really feel like I'll fall into the same 'Oh I don't want to just be the 'Know Your Moves' guy' because I know I'm not like that."
"It's almost like they're trying to make it sound like a good thing to get people to be like, 'How could they do that to Chris Cuomo?'"
"Internet fame feels more real to me than old media fame."
"But also who gives a [ __ ] about them, you have your own audience whatever."
"I automatically look for 'allegation' or 'accusation' after seeing 'misogynist' or 'sexist'."
"If that's the media and they're covering this, I'd say those are the good guys. Even if they don't like us, the fact that they're covering this, that's good news."
"Chappelle was like edgy for black people which made it acceptable for white people."
"Oh my goodness, we're finally getting to see like in the actual edit what these people are like..."
"This ain't about the blogs, the hype, the media. This ain't really about that."
"This is not simply internet drama or entertainment but real people's lives."
"Oh, no, I'm not, it's from the elf's interview."
"I hope it translates on camera. I'll do here a troublemaker." - Jeremy John
"The media are shocked, they can't imagine that enthusiasm might be a little lower for Democrats, might actually be pretty high for Republicans."
"The gamestop mania may not have been the retail trader rebellion it was perceived to be."
"We shouldn't look at articles and immediately assume that they're bad. Regulation brings about regulatory clarity and legal frameworks that organizations and businesses can use."
"Jessica Lange told The Washington Post after her 1995 win for Blue Sky, there was a period of time I was so worried about being taken seriously."
"Modern footballers won't be fuming. They'll be like he's not mentioned me, makes my job easier if he goes." - Ben Foster
"People are a lot smarter than the media think."
"Why is it that the mainstream media praised and admired someone like Martin Luther King who's supposed to be a Christian Pastor?"
"This is not real life, this is a joke and we should be receiving it almost like satire."
"I'm trying to save my ass because there's people out there making judgments without having the whole context of my whole entire life."
"If you hear anyone talking about the royals, Anne is the unsung heroine. She's the hardest working royal, the least celebrity, she doesn't chase the media."
"If you watch something on TV and you hear one side applauding and cheering and screaming and the other side not you think it is indicative of something that's going on in that room but it really wasn't."
"There's never a point where I feel anything is just so bad or mediocre."
"You are what you are. What is important is what happens when the camera is turned on. None of this matters."
"The fact that this man did this interview, even though Nick apologized, even when he shouldn't have apologized, they're going to see this as a loss."
"The primary purpose he's serving...is to keep Democratic establishment and donor types from freaking out about Bernie Sanders' ascendance."
"According to the media, right? But then there's something that aren't that bad, and they put liberal on it, and now it's like either you're almost like forced to react to that."
"I don't understand the instant all of a sudden turnaround hatred on Bale or Nolan."
"That's very important: peacefully, I mean that word operatively, I do because they're going to try to make it seem like the people are actually with Biden and that stuff's not insignificant."
"One man's pornography is another man's bore."
"They get treated better there, like they're on regular TV shows there, you know what I'm saying?"
"Honestly, after all I've said, that's going to be 'Robert Irwin's Wife.'"
"I see this as really telling and I think this is in alignment with people in corporate news. They see themselves as humanitarians."
"I know who the people who call me biased are."
"It's clear to see that Bleach is not dead. The only thing that's dead in the water is your negativity."
"I didn't take a side of hating him or liking him, I took the side of fucking being entertained by him."
"I think people don't know whether they're seeing a complete representation of reality."
"Why would you think for one minute that movie was made for children?"
"He's been building this career and building this image for a long time showing them as the power couple unshakeable, unmoved, immovable, unmovable, immovable, whatever."
"Can't help, any publicity is good publicity, right?"
"It's incredible how the media paints a picture of Trey being this villain... when in reality, Young has defied all odds."
"I think Oprah and Gail and a lot of those crossover markets, I think they respect the crossover media and the white media more than the black media."
"This online engagement not only brings awareness to these issues but also encourages a shift in public perception and media practices regarding the treatment of celebrities."
"We are inclined to judge candidates very largely by their pictures in the paper and their appearances on television."
"More Americans feel differently than what's perceived on television."
"Suddenly the media is not just a teen book with vampires anymore, it's a bunch of adult women who appear to be lusting after a teenage vampire."
"The media generally always referred to me as being miserable and morose, and the Pope of nope, and things like that. That's what I don't get. I don't get the miserable thing at all. I find it very funny."
"The reality is a lot more complicated than what you see on TV, and there are a great many stories that rarely get heard at all."
"The UK has a lot more control than many media outlets might want you to think."
"Kids were tougher and more capable of handling dark subject matter than the executives of the network gave them credit for."
"I'm so proud of what we did and I feel that with the FBI is often maligned in the media and I wanted to be an advocate for what we were doing."
"People are a lot more progressive than the media lets on."
"It made me realize how much of a time and place thing our reception of a piece of media can be."
"And not to believe everything you see on TV."
"You should all visit Africa and experience this; you don't have to be scared of what negative media out there are saying about Africa."
"Every single preconception that you have about this country or all the rubbish that you hear in the media, it's just not the case."
"Every time the media describes BTS as a silly boy band for 15-year-old girls, I guess I'm a 50-year-old girl."
"If you don't watch the news, your perception of reality might be quite different."
"It's a misunderstood show that I think needs more people to actually watch it before passing judgment."
"With all the things that they say about us in the media, you still see so many people coming to Islam."
"We feel safe in Mexico because we're experiencing the day-to-day norm, not what the media presents as the unusual, the abnormal."