
Economic Commentary Quotes

There are 129 quotes

"It's all a story, as ever, of too much leverage."
"Inter-generational wealth creates inter-generational wealth. The lack of access to that wealth creates inter-generational debt."
"Most Americans don't have $500... That's why his company is doing great. That's horrifying."
"It's very, very common to see individuals, especially on YouTube, fearmonger and post charts and say, 'Oh, look, housing prices are high.'"
"If you could work a minimum wage job and have quality food and technology, it's a better life than most people have had throughout history."
"In an inflationary environment as we are in right now, when highly profitable companies are using their profits to buy back shares and they are raising their prices at the same time."
"One of the reasons the market's doing so... it's a great thing. It's an amazing thing what our people have done and what they've endured."
"Steve Diggle said, 'This is a very bad time to be rich,' and he's even more right today."
"The average person would need to work full-time for over a million years and they still wouldn't be as wealthy as Elon Musk."
"David thinks um those go hand in hand with layoffs right in fact actually I take that back they didn't talk a lot about it but but David actually did put some um numbers around that."
"The person who gets paid the most. Let me explain: this video is brought to you by Design Bro."
"For as much as I'm sympathetic, colleges pay for this."
"It's about the bottom line, it's about that money."
"If this was Super Pitfall it would have made a million dollars."
"It's not about the money. It's about the money."
"One man's construction site is another's gold mine."
"We are in a very strong home owning market because if you are a homeowner well chances are your home's worth a lot more than what you paid for it."
"They print money holy moly they print money."
"Money would have been flowing like crazy and our economy, you know it's always struggling or Tanked, how about it's in the black and can't come out of the black for a change."
"We are in a financial system which is being held together by duct tape effectively at this point."
"Meanwhile the economy continues to sort of Teeter on the brink the latest inflation reports came in inflation is indeed slowing which is precisely what you would expect when you jack up the interest rates."
"Even the pros sitting here would understand that everything we also smashed expectations on the unemployment rate."
"The biggest financial mistake you will ever make was being born after 1980. Homes are unaffordable."
"When you lose your property-owning middle class, what you also lose is your customer base."
"This is the age of free money, I'm calling what it is folks."
"After the failures of Obama and Trump, the American Dream runs on your parents watching their own grandkids and also them giving you thousands of dollars."
"Inflation, it's just pumping a whole bunch of hot air into the economic system."
"It's not the butter on the bread, it's the bread under the butter."
"The world can't afford more expensive dollars."
"Money buys the world once again, and billionaires just proved it."
"So here we are now the final point I'll make is this dude Bolivia has like over 50% of the lithium reserves in the world lithium is what's used in making batteries like batteries that are used for like electric cars but also for cell phones."
"Americans have $33 billion worth of unused gift cards just sitting around, according to a new report. GameStop values hit at six bucks, so I'd rather just use it as a paperweight, to be honest."
"The economy is booming, the Democrats can do nothing but try and lie, and they look silly doing it."
"I don't see any particular reasons that we couldn't be at the bottom... It's been an extremely messy last month."
"He's an investment, it's literally... they fuckin are."
"This is a mess right, I mean this is a basic financial crisis 2.0 if you will."
"One in ten was what not Chinese, wow, okay, oh one in ten was not Chinese, yes, oh so 90% of everything you own is Chinese, yeah."
"Hey, when someone pays you minimum wage, they're saying, 'Hey look, if I could pay you less I would, but it's against the law.'"
"Speculation's gone, and that's a good thing."
"Part of this plan is... buying a single Bitcoin... until... completely unaffordable... fiat currency."
"Capital is not King, it's more like the court jester. Confidence is King."
"Employers cannot find employees because the ones who want to work have found work, and the ones who don't want to work have no incentive to go back."
"You know what, this isn't some overheated market."
"The most unloved, underappreciated bull market I have ever seen."
"Experts can only tell you what was, they can't tell you what will be." - Nobel prize-winning economist Paul Krugman
"Gold is money, silver too. Therefore, it's not a gold price, it's a gold dollar exchange ratio."
"Facts have been spat: not only can, but will, the pricing is going to be more than right."
"Cash is trash, or should I say fiat currency is trash."
"Exactly. In our modern economy, you are supposed to have choice. Just look at all the streaming services out there. If there's a Blockbuster 2.0 superheroes and old racism anime probably crashing on you right now, no idea, no idea."
"Capitalism is the worst possible way to run the economy except for everything else that's ever been tried."
"Bernie is always keeping it real on the economic issues."
"The American middle class is no more is no longer here."
"You might wonder why we're doing this. I guarantee you what you do know is how expensive groceries have been."
"You know the value of the minivan, pickup, sedan, or whatever you drive probably appreciated significantly last year."
"Life is good right now, except you're probably paying more."
"Cash is trash and you need to find a place to put your money that isn't in cash."
"We're literally in an inflationary depression."
"America seems to be for sale and, uh, oh baby yeah."
"Corporations call this 'a labor shortage'; to me it looks like the free labor market at work at its best."
"The FED has lost complete complete complete control of the markets."
"If you liked the last three months, dollar up, treasury yields up every frigging day, you’re going to love next year."
"The market sure has been a bit crashy crashy today, has it not?"
"There's plenty of money in this world... It's just in the wrong hands."
"If hedgies are doing this folks, hedgies got lots of money."
"These commercial Banks are losing money hand over fist now."
"Elon Musk represents not just the fact that, once you have a certain amount of money in our current economy, it's basically impossible to fail."
"Because even the weird, the gross, the obtuse, as much as the cute and lovely stuff, it all has its place."
"Mr Beast just unlocked a new form of capitalism I hate it here."
"Imagine today in 2020 how many of those 70 cents are just completely locked up in collections never to see the light of day again."
"Jerome Powell finally acknowledged that inflation is here and it's higher than expected in the short term."
"Remember, war is the most well-funded, most lucrative business in the world."
"Private military contracts are a very lucrative business."
"Low inflation and lots of liquidity all right." - Michael How
"Janet Yellen is telling us that the economy is kind of doing all right."
"Things are so expensive right now this is a better option for a lot of people."
"Every single day for the last 50 years, $2.8 billion in pure profit."
"This is more of an extended pause... versus a reversal." - Mike Larson
"So one of the best steerings ever now definitely so much fun."
"Numbers still look good right up until the point that they don't."
"Tesla has gone from not making any money to making a ton of money."
"Monopoly for socialists doesn't work. That's the joke."
"Bloomberg offers us a return of the real, the real real so to speak."
"The best ever advertisement for Bitcoin is what we're living through."
"Money isn't worth much anymore, it's about inflation."
"That's just one guy you got to get rid of that's the real trickle down economics."
"It's a new year and not much has changed: houses are selling in a week, interest rates are at zero, our government is still borrowing money—sorry, printing money—five trillion in new money to be exact. What could possibly go wrong here?"
"We're just getting other people rich, all we need is a desk and a computer."
"Warren Buffett said on May 1st at their annual meeting, 'We're seeing very substantial inflation.'"
"This too shall pass, but the shrillest, loudest, most profane megaphone screeching will not change those big red gas and diesel price signs."
"And the Fed, or I should say, the Fed is a conduit of that."
"We live in the richest economy ever in the history of humankind... but individuals are suffering scarcity." - Solana Rice
"Real estate guards making more of it, you know that..."
"It is an unprecedented time, meanwhile they're going to continue to try to convince you that we are at an all-time high for employment."
"The economy is bad because people are rationally afraid."
"You're doing it, yeah, it's full of money. Slow money."
"We seem to be living in economically turbulent times. The Biden people have hit the ground running over the past six months."
"Real estate has gone batshit crazy in this environment."
"As long as we process payments, people follow the crazy shit that people do. They follow the money."
"Once they burn through all their reserves, all they can do is make the money printer go Burr."
"Every hundred grand was probably worth 130 to 140,000 in literally free money."
"America has declined and at this point we're just living off the charity of the rest of the world."
"I love people that have no idea how wonderful they are and just wander around making the world a better place."
"It's a literal license to print money and Tesla's already printing money so now they have multiple licenses to print money which is exactly why I definitely don't own any Tesla stock and I'm not still buying with every spare Cent."
"New car prices are out of this world today, no one can afford them because they're insane."
"Who said money makes the world go round? They just didn't know murder runs the globe."
"We went from the best economy ever to the highest unemployment rate ever... Jeff Bezos will still have a yacht when all this is over."
"The US dollar right now is in a hyperinflationary collapse against Bitcoin."
"The ongoing softness in the real estate industry remains the most significant hindrance to economic growth."
"Anybody working 40 hours a week making less than $15 an hour is in fact living in poverty. It should not happen, period."
"Everything in Russia is flour-based now, so the world is in dire straits."
"We had the greatest economy in history, the greatest economy that we've ever had, the greatest economy that anybody's ever had."
"As long as the world reserve currency Remains the world reserve currency Trump's never coming back to office."
"Money is just an arbitrary political commodity."
"Money's kind of like meant to be burned anyway."
"The old American economy was benefiting the greatest competitor and lead polluter which is Communist China."
"The issue is no longer that there aren't enough jobs, but rather that there aren't enough educated workers."
"We just do not have enough supply of houses."
"This is not about trading, this is about a cottage industry of very wealthy billionaires who have been able to pound stocks into complete submission." - Charles Payne
"If you ain't talking about money you ain't talking about America."
"There it is right there so right there you're always looking for that back to 2021 January February there there's palette tier getting squeezed out as well."
"We have Bitcoin competing and showing the world the hardest scarcest deflationary currency."
"This is absurd, check this out. Two days ago we're at 14.55, now we're at 15.88 and that is insanity, that's stupid, that's ridiculous."
"No matter how bad the economy gets, you're still going to buy toilet paper."
"I long for the day when Central Bankers are no longer rock stars."
"If the gas is 6.59 a gallon, and baby, everywhere production needs to take him, he be walking."
"It's a meal for three to four people, that's a steal guys, especially in today's inflated world we live in."
"Living in Atlanta be so expensive... $100 going to the store is nothing but eggs, one pack of ground beef, and maybe a bottle of water."