
Political Opinions Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"I thought it'd be very interesting that I used the title 'I Was Wrong About Trump.'"
"Opinions on politics can't be avoided in today's climate, but promoting division is not something I'd stand alongside."
"Even if they're not doing it, the fact that they have the ability to do that and they could literally, if they wanted to tomorrow, change the algorithm to feed you 'hey, don't vote for this guy because he sucks'... is the worry right now."
"Let's not kid ourselves, we know why people are voting for Trump and it's not because they're tired of the bullsh."
"People who voted to leave are afraid of a second referendum; they just note that the only people who want a second referendum are those who lost."
"Most Americans aren't interested in seeing a rematch between Joe Biden and Donald Trump in 2024."
"That's fine. That's actually a totally reasonable position."
"Whenever people say they don't like politics in video games, what they really mean is they don't like your politics."
"Gamers hate politics, and yet we can see with our own eyes gamers love politics."
"I stood next to Joe and I looked at Joe. Joe's not lasting two months as president. Okay, that's my opinion."
"What makes him charismatic to some makes him unappealing to others, not his policies."
"Americans would have to get to the point where they are ill-informed enough to think that Trump would help the economy."
"He is exactly the sort of person that should be nowhere near a future Democratic administration."
"Brexit could have been so brilliant, so bold, so beautiful, but it's been ruined by the Brussels bullies and the remain traitors."
"If Logan Paul can get away with half of the stuff that he's ever done, we're all safe."
"Remember that Obama was the worst president the press ever saw."
"Many of us were saying all along it cannot be Dr. Oz."
"One thing I found very interesting I've met a surprising number of people who are foreigners but not Europeans who are very Pro Brexit."
"Almost 60 percent of Americans believe she's qualified...and she is."
"It is stupid to me when people are like Trump's a failure I'm like no he's not he's a millionaire."
"I can't imagine a person who doesn't have biases right like how could anybody in the entire world not know Donald Trump not have an opinion one way or the other on his criminality or whatever like I just don't even understand how it's possible."
"Flat taxes is going to take a very... I'm with Adam on this."
"When you start to enforce your political or social opinions through violence, that's when there's a problem."
"I legit can't be friends with a Trump supporter."
"Just because I voted for Biden doesn't mean I am stupid."
"Conservative women actually can think for themselves just as well as men can."
"It's okay if you like Donald Trump and you disagree with Donald Trump."
"Trump can say a lot of stupid stuff... but I do not believe he would say, 'Why should I go because these people were suckers for getting killed.'"
"Is it sexist to vote for Hillary Clinton because she's a woman? According to... the answer's no."
"If you want to ask me if there's a correlation between white racism and voting for Trump, I'm gonna be honest and say yeah, there probably is."
"You hated the last president, you hated the Republicans, and what we did for the economy."
"Whether you agree with him politically or disagree with him politically the guy clearly cares clearly cares he he empathizes with what the hell the is plaguing our country."
"Probably Trump just because DeSantis is doing things and Trump just opens his stupid ass mouth."
"This is genuinely the best we can fucking do. Have you considered the government isn't this perfect little thing because everyone has disagreeing opinions on what the government should even be?"
"I don't believe anybody should justify voting for Donald Trump over any of this."
"I actually don't think so, I think a lot of them were thinking like thank God Trump's not in office."
"I think this will not hurt Democrats. It will hurt Trump because it just makes him seem extraordinarily chaotic."
"If you're righteous, you would be for health care for all... but it doesn't make you more righteous to vote for that."
"I find it still unconscionable that one should vote for him."
"Socialism will never happen in the United States."
"Regular Americans in the American voter base are not for this."
"It's bad, it's not good folks. Didn't he call Trump like the great man, like a king or something?"
"Donald Trump, whether you love his policies or not, on one hand you're going well there are certain lines, when he pokes fun at the but he means this."
"If you are for a wall, we can assume you're a racist."
"Malay hates wokeism, hates socialism, hates the media, hates excessive government spending, hates the political Elite and loves his country. Legend."
"You're not morally superior because you think climate change is more important than preventing regime change."
"They were grossed out by Trump's tweets but support Little Nas X."
"You either love him or you hate him and you hate him with a passion."
"Nobody is happy with the current system right now."
"But I think he feels that what’s happened in this country was a bad thing and bad for our country."
"I'm not a big fan of their political pundits for a lot of their opinions. I think Tucker does a decent job, but a lot of things I disagree with him on."
"I said no because I love Trump, I think he's great, but also it has to be able to really honestly critique Donald Trump when he does great things or when he does bad things."
"The left seems so adamantly opposed to the policies that have delivered us a 4.2 percent GDP rate."
"Nearly a third of the people say they are personally worried about missing out on career opportunities or losing their job if their political opinions become known."
"The most troublesome thing about the research is that nearly a third of the people say they are personally worried about missing out on career opportunities or losing their job if their political opinions become known."
"I say I learned to hate liberals... boutique activists who have traditionally been and remain utterly irrelevant."
"These big tech companies are getting away with it, and I gotta tell you, I am upset with Donald Trump specifically."
"they bought that crime was a big problem they bought that open borders were not something we wanted and they certainly bought that the Biden Administration was headed on the wrong track with the economy."
"You can be the smartest person in your field but still have a terrible opinion on politics."
"If Trump was the best guy in the world, I get it."
"Bernie Sanders is just better than Joe Biden."
"There is a future where Donald Trump getting elected would have been better for the entire world."
"The economy is in the gutter because of COVID, many people are smart enough to realize that's not Trump's fault."
"If Chinese people had a chance to actually vote, they would probably not be choosing what the CCP tells them to choose."
"Regular Americans might vote for Trump; this stuff might scare them."
"Saying things that government doesn't like, having unfashionable opinions, or opinions that are out of step with Joe Biden's opinions, that is not a crime."
"A record 60% of Americans say they would be fine voting for an atheist."
"It's almost like you can think both of these people were [ __ ] bags okay you could think Osama Bin Laden was like a scumbag who deserved to die and the American government is a shitty force of evil around the world."
"Don't forget all the people who said Trump was going to destroy the world and we're still here and everything's fine."
"Brexit would have been a disaster, a catastrophe, the sky would fall in. Just as they thought the Brexit vote would make that happen, but it didn't."
"Everywhere you go in the world, like Australia especially, people all hate Donald Trump because he actually says what he thinks."
"If any liberal says he's not experiencing some type of decline, nobody on the left is saying that though."
"My opinion right now is that Lynn Wood is off his rocker and he is doing more damage to the Trump and the Trump movement than any individual person could."
"Trump is real about terrible things that he believes and wants to do."
"You're against universal health care during a pandemic, that's embarrassingly stupid."
"It's become very difficult to argue against, you know, Zelensky good, this hero, Putin terrible war criminal."
"The spectrum of views among members who have signed the amendment."
"We hate Obama, we love Trump... the people who would disagree with him some of them wouldn't much like Rush but they listened."
"A completely out of control criminal Empire that's run by a money printing criminal cabal which masquerades as a legitimate government."
"I'm open to being convinced that Caitlyn Jenner is that person, but I've seen no indication of it so far."
"Democrats are worried about Joe Biden's age when it comes to facing Trump and I'm like Trump is what two three maybe four years younger than him but he's old as [__] and also is insane and stupid like you said like right."
"If you're saying that most of the Republican party wants Donald Trump, you're just as out of touch as the people who say absolutely nobody wants Donald Trump anymore."
"Republican voters are not sacrosanct. That 28% that say they might want to kill you, not sacrosanct."
"I'm happy that Democrats are losing right now because they deserve it. They don't have nowhere to go."
"Sam taught you that it's okay to have strong political opinions without ramming them down your students' throats."
"...there are nice left-wing people and nice right-wing people and they're horrible left-wing people and horrible right-wing people, and that political allegiance is not really a suitable enough shibboleth on which to actually judge people's moral character."