
Societal Function Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"If you believe in freedom, what you're saying is we should be who we are, that you trust people to do the right thing."
"Ideology is, of course, not in the sense of big worldview vision to impose on society, but ideology in the sense of complicated network of ethical, political, social, whatever prejudices, which, even if we are unaware of them, still determines the way we function."
"No family, no community, no country can work if you wash forgiveness out."
"I believe we are both from a tradition in which we believe that honorable disagreement is important and it is essential to society functioning well."
"When the police protect the rights of the people, this country functions properly."
"Men are important. The world wouldn't function without men."
"I'm pretty sure that we all agree on some level that society functions best when we all cooperate with some basic rule of law"
"War is about eliminating the other society's ability to function."
"If we do not have the capacity to distinguish what's true from what's false, then by definition our democracy doesn't work."
"Let's work together, live together, listen to others, respect each other, and work with each other."
"In order for society to function, police need to be able to arrest people... You win in the courts, and they did." - Tim Pool
"Freedom of speech is necessary to the functioning of a society like ours."
"The vast majority of work that is vital for society to function could be performed on a part-time basis."
"The purpose of government is simply to protect you from bad guys...fraud and force and invasions."
"Democracy can't work unless you can face the facts of what's really going on."
"For people like us, the point of politics is utilitarian."
"That's part of what's supposed to make us great is that ability to have different opinions and still get along and still function."
"They are so committed to their ideological vision of how the world should work that they are neglecting how the world actually does work."
"I'm strongly committed to the idea that a fair world functions much better."
"So all in all if it weren't for the vaccines we would be absolutely screwed um the vaccines are keeping us in at least uh the kind of uh level of functioning that as a society that we've got at the moment..."
"Trust is important for society to function, but trust should still be earned; Jeremy exploited a number of weaknesses related to how people decide who to trust."
"Whatever the deficits in religion, it was an attempt to properly Orient people towards the sacred when functioning well."
"This is not really a government function this is about people working together."
"Money is a system of effectively societal memory."
"The things that make different populations function differently have to do with a lot of arbitrary things that are not inherent to the creature."
"We need to talk about how democracy functions."
"There are certain things that we got to do to make this country work."
"The stories seem to recognize that shared suffering and ultimately shared mortality are necessary for society to function."
"The cops are not there to provide you aid, mutual aid, or any kind of aid. Look what they were doing. They're there to protect property. That's what the cops are there to do. They're protecting crop property."
"Contracts make the world go around... obligations and commitments."
"Not racist is not only a real category but in fact, I would argue, it is the only long-term basis on which society can properly function."
"Governments are formed to stop all of the worst aspects of corporate greed."
"Democracies only function well when the truth is acknowledged."
"Contracts make the world go around, my friend."
"Forgiveness is crucial; without it, society cannot function."
"The ultimate unit is a human being, the individual, and that society is a means whereby we jointly achieve our objectives."
"Paying taxes allows the country to function."
"It's the only institution that exists for purposes of stopping."
"If you want to have a justice system in this country that works, if you want law and order in this country, then Law and Order has to apply to everyone."
"Gossip is a social tool; it's how societies function."
"I think free speech is the bed of a functioning democracy."
"If an economy does not work for working people, then it does not work at all."
"The point of humor which is to make this hellish experience a little better a little lighter and a little more fun."
"Civilization depends on there being some place that we can talk."
"The democracy cannot function without a free press."
"Most things in the world fall apart if there's not some kind of incentive behind it."
"In order to have a functioning democracy, you need an informed electorate."
"Good government never saved anybody. Only thing it does is suppress evil so people can live in a sane society."
"You need information for a society to function and therefore the people should kind of have a stake in control of the information."
"Taxes are important, they make society function."
"Money is a piece of paper. It has... to basically just stop us from killing each other."
"Jon Stewart: Free speech is the great pressure release valve in a Democratic Republic..."
"If people just said no to the government, the government would not function properly."
"Domestic workers make all other work possible."
"There is something I find disturbing about believing things that are almost definitely false so that society will function more smoothly."
"We journalists do a good function for our society. That's why it's number one."
"Honesty being honest and showing integrity is necessary for a society to work."
"This world functions on trust, it doesn't function on contracts."
"Was this social organization working for most people for most of the time? The answer is yes."
"The production of law and order is the primary function of the state."
"The only way for society to work at all is if the majority of people feel that the system is worth working within."
"This system doesn't work unless you have a moral people."
"Privacy in our financial affairs is not only possible but it's integral to the functioning of a free society."
"Slaves were everywhere; they were the engine of the house, the engine of the economy."
"Society cannot function without large numbers of women in the workforce."
"We still need to have a country that works for at least as many of us as possible, if not the majority."
"She's a school teacher and functioning member of society."
"We need to be able to function as a society and also find ways to have clean air and water."
"If you have a money that's hard and that is working for society, then we're going to be effective at pricing things around us and we're going to be able to buy the foods that we want and society is going to function."
"We live in a society and a society functions greater when there is greater diversity."
"I am so impressed continually that society runs as well as it does."
"I think that's what makes society function, I think that's what makes the world function."
"If we look at the manner in which economy functions, in which society functions, surely you must be able to say the skills that we are producing from the universities, of what use are they?"
"I think society would function better if people would stay together and work together to raise their children."
"Every single job is vital for everyone else to be able to function."