
Financial Trends Quotes

There are 208 quotes

"The big wallets are gonna thrive this generation. We're gonna have so many kids."
"Inflation is not going away, it's here to stay."
"The world is going to move on to wallets, not bank accounts."
"Wage growth just hit a 10-year high... and it seems like it's likely to keep accelerating."
"In my opinion, that number should triple in the next decade as more of our money shifts online."
"Inflation has eased to three percent in June, the slowest pace in more than two years."
"Goldman Sachs here is not only saying that institutional demand for Bitcoin is rising drastically, they're also saying that the digital currency demand is rising as well."
"Dogecoin is blowing up. It's at 33 cents right now and it's stabilizing around the 30 cent area."
"I remain pretty bullish on Bitcoin through 2021 because it's accessible for consumers around the world."
"Bitcoin is not going to now be steady... it's going to continue to be a roller coaster."
"Now let's talk about the thing that is on everybody's mind right now: the crypto winter."
"S&P Global rating study predicts crypto and decentralized finance will continue to grow in 2022."
"I still think we're seeing sideways action for a long time, and ultimately I do believe we see new lows."
"The biggest deleveraging in history has just begun and it can't be stopped."
"Crypto currencies are on the rise higher than ever before."
"Bitcoin was a beautiful trap when it first came out."
"Maybe futures will settle on a trend for Bitcoin."
"Bitcoin's dominance is the trend indicator to watch."
"Looking at the numbers, it really is amazing."
"We're seeing delinquencies really start to spike now."
"We are in a completely different investing environment today and over the next decade than we've seen over the past few decades."
"Billionaires in this particular space have almost doubled... in just the last year alone." - Josh Nichols
"Everything is crashing with Bitcoin and Ethereum hitting their lowest price levels since the year 2020."
"We're in a mania right now. We've never been here before."
"Whales are shuffling over 50 million xrp, and it has become routine to see large volumes of xrp transferred among whale investors."
"I think this is going to be an industrywide Trend over the next year or two that the chains that have tooling and Technology to support it are going to see as big of inflows from Real World assets as they did from the launch of stable coins."
"I hope we touch it soon because if you guys look back in the history... we then fall right back through it."
"Interest in saving money and budgeting is trending up."
"Quarter two has historically been one of the best quarters for BTC."
"Bitcoin will have the wind at its sails again."
"All this talk about cryptocurrency has been very, very interesting."
"Remember amp when it starts an upward Trend if we get it anywhere where it starts to cross over sentiment in any way that typically indicates a run coming in."
"Cryptocurrency is a little bit more established."
"Bitcoin continues to go higher and higher and higher."
"Sofi is positioned to benefit from a broader shift towards digital banking."
"Bitcoin will be considered as the biggest and the most liquid single asset in the world."
"Ultimately, it's like riding a bull. Riding a bullish trend isn't easy. But if you hold on, you end up being that guy bragging he held onto the bull."
"The cost of education beyond high school has gone up significantly. The total cost to attend a public four-year university has tripled."
"Now I see why he moved out so he could do this [ __ ] by himself."
"Bitcoin is gonna be a big part of the future."
"People are starting to make more money online with automation." - Crypto Stash
"But I think if you can afford to own some Bitcoin and some crypto, I think you should do it. This is an area that's not going, the genie's out of the bottle, it's too powerful that it's just going to go away now."
"But as you can see for the first time in 2022 the average battery pack cost has gone up by about seven percent compared to 2021."
"What we've seen transpire year to date has been a tremendous advertisement for Bitcoin."
"We may see a rebound here which we expect, you can expect Bitcoin to do four times as well and that's why I think we're still going above a hundred thousand dollars this year."
"This fiscal stimulus is going to be very effective and it's going to make sure that these trends that we've seen in 2021 such as rising GDP growth in the US, rising yields, and a strengthening of the dollar will continue for some time to come."
"I suspect once the macro Tides turn, you'll see Bitcoin really rip."
"April is a very, very bullish month. Thus far, we have not seen a bullish April at all."
"I think this next cycle will break the trend of diminishing returns."
"As far as candles are concerned on the daily we have actually put in a lower low right here we had this low and here we actually have a lower low."
"Dividends are out of favor right now in the market. It won't be like that forever."
"Crypto's taking over and becoming a new asset class."
"We've had 25 years of very low rates and now things are going the other way."
"October, November, December are typically quite bullish months."
"It pops up the value of these assets, makes a higher value, more speculative investors see the price of this rising."
"Loans that are past due on a state-by-state level have been skyrocketing."
"Bitcoin is part of everyone's future and everyone is paying attention."
"If Bitcoin goes up, ethereum is going to continue to go up and the whole Market is going to be going up."
"Liquidity was going to become the really important driver... it'll be the thing people talk about for this cycle."
"October is historically a good month for crypto."
"So what's gonna happen is the movement there's gonna be a movement and really where the money goes where the people are."
"There's always a correction in October in the stock market... it's always been, this is one of those times when you can use it."
"Roughly 160 million people have exposure to bitcoin today, but that doubles every year."
"The future of wealth is going to move to the crypto billionaires 30 years younger than the guys who made their money on Wall Street."
"The cream of the crop are making billions in crypto right now."
"We are still maintaining that upward sloping support."
"Dogecoin is becoming the digital currency of the stars. That's right, ladies and gentlemen, the cryptocurrency's monstrous upsurge has attracted the attention of many A-list celebrities and business moguls."
"The golden era of credit card churning is likely going to be coming to an end."
"We are seeing the mass adoption of bitcoin despite mixed news stories and metrics, indicating a bullish trajectory."
"Wages are rising at the fastest pace in more than a decade."
"Luigi does way too much damage... he's [expletive] strong."
"Wages just really caught up to their pre-pandemic Trend."
"Gold and silver are in a secular uptrend now the odds are 65 to 70 but that move will be higher sometimes."
"Being that last market cycle was with speculation, the new market cycle is going to be with DeFi."
"The odds of the richest person in the world coming from the cryptocurrency world are the highest probability."
"Bitcoin holding above 51,000, Ethereum moving upwards of 1800 again."
"Crypto is still doing very well; there's so much optimism in this space right now."
"XRP could trigger the bull run of 2019 and overtake Bitcoin."
"More money has gone into stocks in the past five months than over the prior 12 years."
"There's another big trend happening, which is of course the case that Coinbase, the biggest exchange in the United States, is finally listing on the stock market."
"The amount of money that is flowing into crypto is unprecedented."
"The only way you make money over a long period of time is being very strategic and also betting on trends."
"We're just a brick in the wall of the modern pop culture of investing that has exploded before our eyes."
"The news is as it has been for the last couple of weeks that the cryptocurrency Market looks ripping roaring and ready to go to move up a lot higher."
"More and more people are just getting bored with crypto kind of moving to stocks."
"Inflation is here, it's not going away anytime soon."
"This is the greatest wealth transfer happening right now right before our eyes."
"Crypto is going to be a very small swath of the digital asset Revolution." - Perry Anne Boring on the broader digital asset landscape.
"Major financial corporations are beginning to show interest in jumping on the crypto bandwagon themselves."
"Inflation at 39-year highs, and people, oh my gosh, stop it."
"No bags are being left behind because fiat currencies are going down and cryptocurrencies are on the rise."
"Bank of America says consumer interest in crypto remains strong."
"Did you know Cardano toppled Bitcoin to become the most held crypto on Etoro?"
"We're seeing more and more people switching over to crypto."
"Crypto is where the money is going to be flowing."
"It continues to overperform, it continues to put these giant numbers up."
"We're rotating again to the downside here on AMC."
"From a technical and fundamental perspective, things have never looked better in this space."
"This transfer of wealth is already underway before XRP goes to 589 before XRP even goes to a dollar, this transfer wealth is happening right now."
"This year has been such a terrible year for the whole world, but you know, I'm sorry to say it, it's been pretty good for crypto."
"We've been saying for pretty much all this year though we think we're in a new phase of a bear Market."
"Cryptocurrency because that's the next big thing."
"Mortgage rates, car loan, people did a lot of refinancing because rates were so low."
"Crypto's never going to die, it's just not... We have for Pete's sakes, we've got El Salvador using it as legal tender, we've got BlackRock investing into Bitcoin mining."
"To the moon is apparently where GameStop, Nokia, BlackBerry, AMC, and Dogecoin are going."
"I think a lot more people than we think have bought bitcoin."
"When interest rates go down later this year, prices are going to go up. That's my thesis."
"Value stocks have beaten growth stocks historically, but over the last 20 years, growth stocks have outperformed."
"Crypto has an incredibly bright future, do you not think that even in the DeFi space?"
"Those coins are talking about Bitcoin and guess what? Then people find this new asset class."
"Bitcoin is surging... almost thirty thousand dollars now."
"For the record we had this Divergence forming back here at our Market cycle this was our first bottom this was our second bottom price clearly going down indicator clearly going up that's bullish Divergence."
"We're going into a time when the senior loan officer surveyed that the FED produces whether you're talking about commercial and industrial commercial real estate residential real estate auto loans credit card loans all that's Frozen right now."
"Cryptocurrency specifically Bitcoin extremely attractive to not only Wall Street but the normal everyday person."
"Retail participation in the last week has been up 50 percent."
"When the institutional money starts paying attention, you know there is something going on."
"When BlackRock starts buying, you gotta know things are up."
"How much do they have to fall? I think this is going to eventually happen, the shoe is going to have to drop."
"Numbers still look good right up until the point that they don't."
"This could be the cycle of memes along with Bitcoin."
"Bitcoin's dominance is only 39 percent of that, meaning the altcoins guys the all altcoins hold over 60 percent of the dominance so it is altcoin season right now."
"There's a lot of momentum in the stock markets nowadays."
"Bitcoin is too volatile to be money, that's the narrative. But in reality, BTC's peak volatility is on track to drop below fiat volatility in 13 years."
"Bitcoin rally to new highs... formations look very similar."
"Wages are rising at their fastest pace in many years."
"Crypto is where all the action is at right now."
"Money is changing, the banking system is changing."
"Goldman Sachs just said their client demand for bitcoin is rising dramatically."
"It's pretty simple to explain why the price has been doing not as well, is just because the market's not been doing as well."
"That's what I'm thinking, bro. I'm not gonna lie, I think we need to get in crypto or like an NFT or something like that."
"The most sophisticated money in the world is beginning to slowly move."
"It's very likely we're just getting started."
"With cryptocurrency, people are looking for alternative ways to store their money."
"This is a wild bull trend, absolutely, absolutely, awesome."
"The average age of crypto holders is about 33, firmly a millennial."
"I mean it's happening and there's really no denying that inflation is picking up now."
"This shift is going to push people into Bitcoin."
"Everyone I know who's into money and who's under the age of 35 is into crypto in some sort of way."
"Bitcoin up over three percent at the time of making this video basically leading the way again in the charts."
"Good stocks rally into earnings, bad stocks do the opposite."
"The growing interest of institutions in the top cryptocurrency."
"So many traditional investors and especially when you get into institutions and funds they're trying to find any way they can to get into the space."
"Interest rates can go higher and higher people will still keep buying."
"Bitcoin's rally is actually just getting started."
"This time is different because it's being fueled by institutional interest, not crazy leverage."
"Dixie broke through this trend line here and then came down here immediately blasted off of that as support, and that can be considered a bullish retest of support."
"Money is coming with knowledge, money is in tech now."
"2021 has actually been more or less a sideways year for bitcoin."
"Bitcoin always pulls Bitcoin always pulls through through and continues and continues forward"
"Bitcoin is not a fad, crypto is not going away."
"Crypto is not going away, we are still here."
"Crypto is actually really starting to hit the mainstream."
"I want to start off by taking a look at Bitcoin and then we're going to go on towards looking at altcoins and the entire market as a whole."
"Bitcoin super cycle... who knows where it goes."
"The recession is finally over we don't bounce back to the previous Trend."
"Bitcoin may actually be one of the biggest driving factors of people adopting cryptocurrencies."
"Crypto is doing something it's never done before."
"Banks are getting into crypto all of a sudden."
"You never know what's going to happen in the short run. Long-term trends are more easy to identify."
"Bitcoin pumped 52 in the first 50 days of 2023."
"Stable coins will have a breakout year in 2024... once you have that, the total addressable Market becomes the total size of the electronic money market."
"But there's so many people that are selling at the same time because it's like, it's pretty much a global... it's like, it's turning into like, a global currency, you know?"
"The endgame of all of this is going towards digital assets in crypto and it's laid out right for you."
"Cryptocurrencies are going to become a very big component."
"If bitcoin hits over 500 000 that would be, that would signal like a super cycle or if we don't have an 80 drawdown in the bear that would similarly signal that bitcoin is is in a super cycle."
"Gamestop is the original meme stock, does this mean meme stocks deserve a spot in your long-term growth portfolio?"
"Bitcoin always makes new all-time highs every cycle."
"Bitcoin and Ethereum continue to guide the markets."
"Typically those last hurrah or melt-up rallies tend to be parabolic. That's why I call it melt-up. It's not just an ordinary rally, it will be something parabolic."
"The only thing that you can really explain with any believability is driving the price action in today's markets is Central Reserve liquidity."
"Meta broke higher as well, man everything, no matter what this market wants to do, the stocks don't care, they're going higher."
"Cryptocurrencies captured... maybe the younger generation's attention as potentially a reserve currency."
"AMC and GME move on a trend that has become this worldwide phenomenon."
"Bitcoin and by the way I mean like look at like Ada Bitcoin is is now back down to 1100 1100 stats and it's kind of like the same thing as like the whole eth Bitcoin stuff right."
"Gen Z is investing younger than any past generation, with crypto acting as the gateway drug."
"Money is being taken out of the system right now."
"At the end of the day I'm gonna say it again you got 50 million Americans more than 50 million Americans are now invested in crypto Paul it ain't going away you're going to have to deal with it."
"The dollar milkshake theory has been one of if not the most useful explanatory frameworks that has explained what's been going on so far in 2022."
"Bitcoin has surpassed gold as a store of value in the last decade."
"Where the money resides is really where the early adopters and the early majority of pragmatists are."
"Cryptocurrencies are here they're here to stay."
"That's the trend people are capturing. Within those five to 10 years, you earn something."
"The longer the market remains weak, flat, or negative, the more angry people will become."
"There's correlation structure among these things that there's a value effect in markets there's a momentum effect in markets."
"Over the next 2 years, everyone's going to be telling you how rich they are, how they found money in housing and stocks."
"Trading cryptos got much, much harder over the last 10 years or so."
"Trust me, it's not a weird random occurrence that the stock market has been going up as the dollar has been declining these last few days. There is a coordination there that's how the markets move right now."
"Fair value gaps are all over our charts these days, and they're getting a lot more attention."
"Passive income has become such a trendy topic lately and for good reason because it is a really important builder of wealth."
"Seemingly trillions are the new billions."
"As we navigate through 2024, the investment landscape is evolving."
"Gen Z is ditching credit cards for cash stuffing and a 90s throwback."
"The stock market has been in a really solid rip, and there's so much optimism baked into it."
"This is tracking your monthly dividend income, and you can see right here with this portfolio, it is in a beautiful upward trend."
"It's time for Bitcoin to go up, and it wouldn't be odd if this happened because it happens every freaking four years."
"It even has a smart feature where it's kind of predicting how you're trending."
"In 2016, the rally continued; in 2019, the rally faded."
"We're talking now about a peak inflation and peak dollar and perhaps peak interest rates."
"Valuations are much more appealing now than they were even three or four months ago."
"What's really important to me is seeing the trends of my spending, the areas where I can possibly improve."