
Lifestyle Goals Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"The money is there to live the perfect lifestyle that you've always wanted; you're just allocating your funds wrong."
"You have to be honest with yourself and know what it is that you want. If you want to live a different lifestyle, then you have to make sure your actions align with the lifestyle that you want to live."
"If you can do it over a long enough time period, you will set yourself up to live the life that you've always dreamed about."
"I do like personalizing things dark mode is definitely always a must."
"My goal is to make healthy families the norm."
"This is what we've been looking for, that sounds like the type of life that we know we should be living."
"There's an indication that you're not able to fulfill the kind of lifestyle that you want with the means that you have at the moment."
"That's my main thing, health. But it's like all I want to do is [ __ ], chill out, just go to an island."
"Life is short you want to live the best life possible but you have to be the best man possible to live that lifestyle."
"Living like no one else so that later I can live and give like no one else."
"Credit cards can be a great tool to not only build your credit up but to have access to your dream car or the house you've wanted to live in."
"The ultimate goal is communal living in an Amish-like community."
"Time freedom, location freedom, and financial freedom to me is the ultimate lifestyle."
"Performing the same actions that you would in your ideal lifestyle."
"Financial independence retire early... the dream is that we all know."
"Successful people want the best that life has to offer in their personal lives, careers, businesses, health, and lifestyles."
"Paid off their house, paid off their house. And you know what, if you drive like no one else later, you can drive anything you want, whatever you want."
"I basically need to be rich before I'm able to do it."
"I just want to relax, I just wanna travel, raise my kids, have a good time, laugh, or do no drama."
"Financial Independence is something that we love, we talk a lot about it, we want our people to be able to do what you want when you want on your terms the way that you want to do that."
"You lived like no one else, now you can live and give like no one else."
"I work so hard so my cat will have a better life."
"We want to learn how to live a vibrant, energetic life."
"Her house is such goals. Everything is organized and clean. How does she do it? How does she keep her whole house so perfectly clean all the time?"
"Financial literacy is the ability to make smart financial decisions that help you achieve the lifestyle you want."
"Breaking away from the grind to focus on your own well-being is held up as the bastion of success, and the women who leave the corporate world for things like traveling abroad or living off-grid are #goals."
"Sex two to three times a week is a good goal."
"Maybe you want to start a business fishing all day and you might be thinking like how the hell is that possible but maybe it is."
"I want my mama to be able to live in LA one day."
"I want to do rich people stuff with money 'cause I got a good chance of being rich people."
"The purpose of health is not to get a gold star and have perfect digestion but so health is not holding me back from my purpose."
"You want to be healthy, you want to be balanced, you want a sustainable life."
"They're a social justice-minded generation that wants to live a healthy life."
"We're looking to live like nobody else today, so that later we can live like nobody else."
"If it's your dream to have a hobby farm, homestead, piece of land, raise your babies, homeschool, be one of those freaks... I want you to know that it's possible."
"Whenever I saw someone who was able to work less, live their dream life, and have little to no financial stress, it made me happy; it inspired me to achieve the same."
"It can give you the freedom to do the things you love with the people you love."
"It's not about having this goal of like 'I want to be X pounds on the scale'... it's about implementing behaviors that fit with your lifestyle that make you feel happy and healthy and that you enjoy."
"A lifestyle that I want involves a partner that can travel the world, that can have intellectual conversations, that values family."
"I want to live on a lake and have a boat and jet skis."
"Live how most folks would never dream of living, so that way you can live how you always dreamed of living in the future."
"When making decisions about what career to follow, you should work backwards from a concrete image of your ideal lifestyle."
"The goal of real estate is not to get rich but to live an amazing life of freedom and do what you're meant to do."
"We all got goals, we all got dreams, we all want to take care of our family, but we all want to live the life that we see everybody else living."
"I just need to make sure that I continue a healthy lifestyle and a healthy habit."
"Why do people want to become rich? Access, financial freedom, more time, vacations, not worrying about living on the street."
"You can't have lifestyle first, you have to work first and then you get to have the lifestyle."
"Be extremely specific about the type of lifestyle you want to live once you get into that home."