
Communal Living Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"If you just combined funds, you're all living together in the same place."
"People who live by the same code are rendered mutually predictable to one another; they act in keeping with each other's expectations and desires."
"We had a team house last year and that definitely improved our synergy a lot."
"We have to keep inquiring, keep asking, working out how we can live together in a better way."
"Our survival depends on these two people or person... It's all about survival and we are an interconnected species."
"If you're gonna come to the house with food, why not bring food for everyone?"
"Let's buy an island and make a festival, I'm totally down."
"A true utopia is a place where people can co-exist and all be happy."
"The Pueblo people created large villages akin to modern-day apartment buildings."
"I miss living in a gaming house, it has its charm."
"Reclaiming our sovereignty, living in unity."
"Let's all pull our money together, let's go somewhere up in Maine, buy an old campground and we just have a commune there, let's test it out and see how it works."
"The failure of that experiment of communal service... proves the emptiness of the theory of Plato."
"Rule number one always be quiet third class is like like one big Russian family hostel on wheels it's Reuben these are roommates Pete it's like an army barracks if they allowed women and children who Verdun everything very interesting place."
"Any communism worth fighting for is one that no longer separates how we live from our political actions."
"No one owns anything instead everyone has unrestricted access to everything."
"Practice loving God and His family on earth."
"If we can deconstruct and deprive man of the interest in the pursuit of capital or of money his greater altruistic nature will come forth and he will be less inquisitive and more communal."
"Justice, to me, is our collective ability to build, to thrive, to love, to exist without any opposition."
"Communal living: part of a cult or the new future?"
"The ultimate goal is communal living in an Amish-like community."
"Christiania: a self-governing society where each individual holds themselves responsible over the well-being of the entire community."
"If people through mutual agreement and consent want to form their own communes..."
"We need a village, a community to support us."
"The point of politics is for us to shape our society, for us to make sense of our society and all get along and live together."
"Apostolic communalism is the truest form of love where barriers between people fall because total equality exists."
"As long as we're here sharing space... it's far better for us to work cooperatively."
"The Minimalist lifestyle is an interesting experiment in moving together as a group and learning together."
"The age of love is a time where we're all one, living together."
"They held all things in common for the common good."
"There's kind of just a sense of community...because you're all living this lifestyle."
"We should be sharing, that we are here together."
"You are existing with other fellow human creatures."
"And one day we will all be sitting in a log cabin that we built in tall grass [__] and sucking and sharing ideas because that's what's important."
"Living free, everyone, living free together, out for an adventure together."
"We need to agree about the basic facts of society, otherwise, we can't have a society."
"If we start with 'we're all human, everybody contributes,' we all need to eat, you bring what you bring, and then everybody eats."
"We all wanna Sail Away, Drift Away, celebrate, ride the waves of work and play."
"Oh I'm so happy we did it you guys we managed to go ahead and accomplish all right yeah accomplish move again with our roommates and it wasn't quite as scary as I thought it was going to be."
"The best thing living in the longer house is always leftovers at the end of every moot ball."
"It's a classic layout of barracks for up to a thousand men, kitchens and stables, and a common dance house complete with a luxurious bath house."
"We can all live together as one if we step forward, help others step forward, be brave, and get this information out to everyone."
"Think about living off the grid and how living among like-minded people could save your life."
"Let's just live in harmony, let's live in happiness."
"Connect with the community because you know God is in community and we were built for community. It's in our DNA."
"That's what human beings are here for, trying to be good to each other."
"The real richness of living here is how communal it is, how easy it is to know your neighbors."
"We all lived communally... we needed a safe place for the children to be."
"Under communist development, those tractors come in and they allow people who still live on the land and live with each other communally to enjoy the fruits of that."
"You live with 10 people but if you live there in LA then you guys are all gonna be like doing cook all day and like being, isn't that what you want?"
"Accelerated growth from living together."
"If you're willing to live like that you 100 should go ahead and do that if you want to live in a community it's such an incredible way to connect with people and you kind of get to live with a family."
"We go out there, me and my brother are going out there and we're living in a house with 11 other people. It's a converted horse barn."
"Attempts to live communally to bring the eschaton to eminentize the eschaton yourself."
"She believed in communal living that was part of the idea of free love as well, was a major issue was not only the idea of freedom from the constraints of marriage but also the idea that people would be better off living in living entirely communally."
"So that's kind of what we're raising in again the pag way matches that much you know very much so the way of the nazarin and the ebionites and what Christ was preaching because they were very communal they shared their things amongst themselves."
"Can we all just live in peace, please?"
"To live from kindness, together, creating the world we believe in."
"There's something about the warmth of a sleeping bag in the cold black of night, the smell of wood smoke and food shared around a fire after a hard day on the trail."
"Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need."
"We can park our doors so they face each other and then we'll be able to just enjoy some time together."
"And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had."
"In a truly free society, no one individual could own all of the things we need to survive; it would be owned communally or in common with everyone else."
"The Commons was what's been natural for centuries."
"Hello, I'm Adam, I'm Lauren, and this is Shanti. We all live together on board our 59-foot narrowboat."
"It's a genuine reflection of the simple way that they live without private property, without money."
"Art has the ability, and that's why most of my artworks are very interested in this notion of living together."
"Living communally is to be able to share those kinds of resources because they help bring you together in a common place with a purpose."
"Wouldn't it be lovely if we could all live together and have lovely meals like this and solve mysteries for the rest of our lives?"
"We're gonna have a wonderful kitchen space but also then sort of a communal area."
"One of the things I love about the main floor is you have a seamless transition with all of your communal space."
"We're going to sleep together, swim together, visit ancient tribes, spot dolphins, and go through some of the most beautiful islands in the world."
"In my opinion, yes, they absolutely do grow faster when kept together."
"Sharing is caring, what's yours is mine."
"Their kindness, humanity and courtesy not only makes them liberal with what they have, but causes them to possess hardly anything except in common."
"We're all living happily together."
"A tribal Society is an egalitarian society where everybody does everything."
"Friendship, the desire living together, is an encounter which is not based on theory."
"They had all things common among them; there was no rich or poor, bond or free, they were all free."
"Unity, brotherly kindness, and equality is what made that happiness possible."