
Insomnia Quotes

There are 389 quotes

"Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia must be the first line recommended treatment."
"I used to go to bed early and everything, and I used just lay awake in my room, thinking about all the bad things that I did."
"If you can't sleep, you should stay in bed and try to fall back asleep is not correct; it's probably better to get up."
"I just got into bed, but this is worth staying awake for."
"It's late one night, and you can't sleep. You toss and turn but can't seem to doze off."
"Insomnia is really not a diagnosis we make based on a sleep study; it's a diagnosis that we make clinically."
"Sleeping is impossible when all I can think about is you."
"Insomnia is the inability to get the amount of sleep you need to wake up feeling rested and refreshed."
"I am so smitten I didn't sleep but when the rest of night learning lines and packing and and everything."
"Chronic insomnia and too many sedatives - a pattern we also see with Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson."
"I finally understand those people with insomnia. At night you just think about all these random, bizarre things."
"I suffer from insomnia and the movies you show remind me so much of my youth."
"You don't have to keep telling yourself the story that something is wrong with you and that's why you can't sleep."
"For the longest time falling asleep felt like an impossible task. Stress and Anxiety seemed to have taken over my life, but then I discovered Aura."
"I've been so anxious, losing sleep, thinking about you like crazy."
"I literally did not sleep a wink the entire night."
"Insomnia: difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, linked to health conditions, medications, or substance use."
"Since insomnia is all in your head, I kind of figured that after all these weird theories it might have just been caused by plain old-fashioned stress."
"Insomnia: marked by persistent difficulties in falling asleep, staying asleep, or achieving restorative sleep, impacting daytime functioning."
"It's 3:20 in the morning, been going since 7 A.M this morning."
"I haven't slept, I haven't slept in six days."
"I couldn't sleep. I needed to plan and plan I did."
"It's really got me not getting any sleep because of how bamboozling it is."
"I can't stop thinking about you so they can be up late at night just thinking, thinking, thinking."
"Maybe being sleepless isn't so bad if we get to see these beautiful scenes."
"We can't expect that we'll just close our eyes and fall asleep; for many of us, it doesn't work that way."
"I tried taking sleeping pills, opioids, cannabis, heavy doses of alcohol, and whatever else people said would give me a dreamless and peaceful sleep, but none of it worked."
"It was an odd night and I don't think either of us have slept well."
"It's never the drug traffickers or serial killers that actually keep you up at night."
"I was rolling over in my bag and just trying to get into a comfortable position to sleep in but had no luck falling asleep."
"Sleep did not come easy that night, with thoughts running wild for hours."
"As a vampire, you sort of have insomnia; going to sleep is difficult when you hear so much, when you smell so much."
"Regardless of what setting you're in, yes, four to 22 adults have symptoms that meet criteria for insomnia disorder. Wow, 22, that's about one in five adults in the general population."
"I hardly sleep. I feel like I always got to be on the go. Like I always got to keep doing something. My mind be rambling, trying to do everything at once."
"I see you holding on, something is coming very soon. It's gonna feel like a surprise. You've been having issues with sleep, so you may want to use CBD or the green leaf to sleep."
"I didn't sleep well those first few nights after my encounter with a figure in the forest. I didn't sleep well at all."
"They're not sleeping good, they're having a difficult time being at peace late at night because you're on their mind heavily."
"A man who doesn't sleep and hasn't been able to since he was a child."
"I don't think I'm going to get any sleep tonight."
"Congratulations on not sleeping, you made it to 4 a.m."
"Jade couldn't sleep at night because of an overdose of happiness."
"The clock was close to striking midnight and the whole house was asleep except for me."
"Sometimes Hitoshi can't sleep because every bad word said to him is being repeated in his head over and over."
"No, I don't think you'll sleep tonight."
"Sleep didn't come back, but my desire to continue searching waned."
"This is gonna keep me awake, I feel like a sick dog drinking coffee."
"I almost never got a proper night's sleep. For some reason, I just couldn't do it."
"They are stressed out, they can't sleep at night."
"what are you fed up about though I can't sleep inat that's what I'm fed up about"
"If you can't sleep, and need more stories more often, consider checking it out!"
"You're the [__] for not wanting to go to my sister's wedding because of my insomnia."
"Me trying to sleep. My left ear for some reason: Hello Peter."
"I'm not hypnotized, I couldn't be asleep, I have insomnia."
"The time is currently 2 26 in the morning tried going to bed at like midnight and I have not been able to fall asleep."
"Me at 3am in bed wondering why I exist."
"You got insomnia and my peanut butter."
"He had bad dreams, often wake up in the middle of the night and be afraid."
"With insomnia, nothing's real. Everything's a copy of a copy of a copy."
"You mean you get up in the middle of the night to eat? What do you think, is there a problem here?"
"Recommended treatment for insomnia is a combination of optimal sleep hygiene and sleep conditioning."
"No, I can't fall asleep. People love it, but I just can't."
"but last night I couldn't sleep very well because I was worrying"
"I must find my father, and then insomnia will pay."
"I'm actually so happy, I can't sleep though."
"I couldn't sleep last night. I was up all night looking at her herbal supplements and anything, you know."
"Sometimes I stay awake thinking about you. So this person sometimes can't sleep because of how they feel for you."
"I might as well just not go back to sleep."
"Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBTI) is a very powerful tool."
"I genuinely used to live my life thinking that I would never be able to sleep like a remotely normal person unless I was like on some kind of constant drug cocktail and that hasn't been the case for years."
"It's actually normal to wake up several times in the middle of the night. It's only a problem if you can't get back to sleep for a long period of time."
"One of the biggest things, though, and I'm sure you know, is often we try too hard to get a good night's sleep, and that can keep us up all night."
"I literally could not sleep that night."
"I suffer severe insomnia since I've left until now because every single time I close my eyes, I see these pictures, I see these scenes, I hear these voices, I hear those screams."
"I never sleep, 'cause death is the cousin of sleep."
"Insomnia is defined as problems falling or staying asleep, causing daytime impairment."
"No I couldn't sleep, I'm building my loves from the smell of rain and the bus driver's soft wave when I'm broke."
"it's 3:00 a.m. and it has been pouring rain for over 6 hours now"
"Needless to say, I didn't sleep well at all and it affected my school and job performance the next morning."
"Since melatonin is the hormone that cues the body that it's time to sleep, it makes sense that taking supplemental melatonin would swiftly whisk insomniacs off to dreamland."
"I'm still not gonna be able to sleep tonight because I still gotta figure out how the hell I'm gonna get rid of these ghosts."
"Insomnia is a prevalent sleep disorder that causes difficulty sleeping, staying asleep, or achieving restorative sleep despite having the opportunity and conditions for rest."
"Those were the longest nights ever when you got scared like that, you just couldn't fall asleep."
"I was planning on sleeping in tonight but my brain, I just have so many things I want to get done today and I'm feeling very productive."
"Even when I feel like I am tired and I go to bed I just lay there for like an hour cuz I can't fall asleep."
"It's all the excitement that's going to keep me from sleeping."
"Is this how people are living? Just calm, like mad relaxed, my head? There's always like... so this is probably why I struggle to sleep because my mind is always running 100 miles an hour and it was... I had no thoughts that day. That's scary."
"I didn't get one minute of sleep, that's a lie. I probably got, overall in the whole night, half an hour. Half an hour's worth of sleep, take the positive."
"The King couldn't sleep. He's the master of a hundred and twenty-seven provinces but he can't master ten minutes of sleep."
"It's called fatal familial insomnia."
"and I've just been like sitting up like chanting things it's like it's not pleasant I was up all night"
"I couldn't go back to sleep for a long time. I just laid there and watched you snore, couldn't stop shaking."
"I'm gonna drink this, I probably won't sleep for the next three days."
"A little insomnia is not without its value in making us appreciate sleep."
"Your mind just starts racing when you're laying in bed and you just can't really think straight."
"Cole still couldn't sleep and the silence of the woods was unsettling."
"I said all that to say when you're just up and you can't sleep I become a victim to my brain oh yeah it's not good no I I gotta find an intervention to like tell my brain to shut up yeah yeah I really do I gotta find a way."
"Even now I sometimes have some nights where I don't sleep that well and then the next night I'll sleep."
"This was the time of day when I most wish I were able to sleep."
"When I got covered the first time bro like I couldn't sleep for two days."
"3 a.m. once again, the time of night I began to dread."
"The worst part isn't tossing and turning and counting of the minutes and counting of the hours. It's the medical amateurs who give me advice on what I need to do to sleep better."
"I couldn't sleep, I was up at night. I kept staring at her."
"Being the nocturnal animal she is, Susan is experiencing another somber and sleepless night."
"I'm playing extremely well, and I'm having a difficult time sleeping at night because I can't wait to get up."
"I can't sleep clown will eat me can't sleep clown will eat me can't sleep clown will eat me can't sleep."
"Maybe it's late at night, but you can't sleep. You're bored. Or you can't stop a bazillion thoughts from racing through your skull."
"Don't just say, 'Here's somebody with insomnia, have some sleeping pills, do some sleep hygiene stuff and then bye-bye.' Dig a little deeper and always be thinking about why is somebody experiencing this, what's driving it."
"Every time I have used these I've had like the best night's sleep I've ever had so I think if any of you are struggling uh to get to sleep give these a try um and let me know what you think."
"No wonder I can't get a good night's sleep."
"I was slowly losing hope tossing and turning in bed as the hours continued to spin away with agonizing ticks from the clock."
"I usually don't like taking melatonin or any sort of sleep aid but we're just going to go for it because I really did not sleep well last night."
"If you cannot sleep, get out of bed."
"The most important thing for the insomnia of MSA is sleep hygiene."
"One of the paradoxes of insomnia which drives every insomniac crazy is you have to not think about falling asleep in order to fall asleep."
"Funny what you think of when you can't sleep."
"I started waking up at 4 a.m. regardless of when I went to sleep. If you have insomnia, that's going to cure your [__] insomnia because when nighttime rolls around, you're exhausted."
"Insomnia can be cured. I mean, yes, because I had it for 20 years and you know, I try not to speak too much about, you know, how bad mine was and everything, but from what it kind of, yeah, I had it pretty bad."
"If I put my head on the pillow and I did not pass out all of the thoughts that I was keeping at bay with the video games would come rushing back about how I'm ruining my life after day after day after day."
"I really love the sleep cast, like if you have trouble sleeping, try one of them out."
"Modifying our thoughts and especially our negative sleep thoughts is one of the most effective things we can do to combat insomnia."
"So modifying our thoughts and especially our negative sleep thoughts is one of the most effective things we can do to combat insomnia."
"Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia is probably the most effective tool we have to help us sleep better."
"...lying awake at night not sleeping is not pleasant."
"I'm blinded by the lights, no, I can't sleep cause you know I think too much."
"Keep a notepad by your bed. Anytime you're trying to sleep and you start to think about something you need to do, just grab it and write down your thoughts."
"Don't look at the clock if you wake up. It causes more anxiety and makes it harder to get back to sleep."
"First of all, and you've probably heard this, you really don't want to drink anything or eat after dinner if you're having insomnia problems."
"It had been hard to sleep in the unfamiliar space with all her thoughts crowding her out."
"I just cannot sleep, there's something about daylight saving time where I cannot sleep."
"Cognitive behavioral therapy is better than pills for chronic insomnia."
"I didn't go back to sleep for the rest of the night."
"And the worst part of it is that I know I need sleep, yes, I know it's important to get sleep, but my brain just won't turn off."
"I slept zero hours, zero minutes."
"We don't say a word to each other and he drops me off. I stay up till sunrise and finally go to sleep plenty."
"Insomnia is a universal Human Experience."
"I've been that way since high school. It just... I think I just suffer from insomnia."
"He became a prisoner of his own mind Shackled by the horror of the Unseen his insomnia turned our warm cozy nights into cold lonely silences."
"I couldn't sleep so I moved all my things into a pile in the middle of the room, sat on the bed, and waited for Sunrise."
"I literally can't sleep in the dark. No, we really can't either."
"I couldn't go back to sleep, which is actually pretty beneficial."
"I hate to admit it, but last night I didn't get a moment of sleep. I was plagued by memories of yesterday. They wouldn't leave my brain."
"I couldn't sleep all night so I decided to wake up early and go to the office to get started on this project immediately."
"...and to try to go to sleep after that was like insane."
"I miss my father. He hasn't been dead long. When I can't sleep, I walk."
"Sleeping in pitch-dark rooms can help with insomnia."
"The lights are off, everything is quiet, you're ready to sleep, but your racing thoughts are keeping you awake."
"I got you present this year Bridget oh what did you get her what did you get me insomnia insomnia that was from that was very nice of you guys."
"I lay awake most of the night half listening to sounds and half imagining them."
"I was tired but I didn't like go to sleep."
"I was just scared to open them because I didn't want to come to the realization that I was wide awake."
"I couldn't sleep if I wanted to," Amanda said, "and I do."
"If insomnia is what you're after, then this list was made for you."
"If the universe is a simulation, it might explain my insomnia, there just might not be any room left on the sleeping server."
"I couldn't sleep. I was very disappointed."
"While everybody sleeps, my body slowly seeps."
"No it's vegan, I can't sleep tonight I'm going to take three."
"I generally wouldn't be able to sleep my mind turn into a dragon"
"If you just find it really difficult to sleep to fall asleep definitely give some of these tips a try and hopefully they will be really helpful for me they work so well and I just love love love my evenings it's so cozy and peaceful."
"I couldn't sleep I tried I tried and I tried I cried I just tried and I tried and I couldn't."
"...I just couldn't get to sleep last night."
"If you're struggling with sleep and you're spending a lot of time in bed awake, that's a bad thing."
"Alcohol as a use to try to help you go to sleep."
"I could literally feel the demons coming inside the house at that time because I couldn't sleep."
"The end of her insomnia from a month of practicing mindfulness. Living proof of its effectiveness."
"I moved my sleeping bag into the living room and used two pillows, one to lie on and the other to put over my head to drown out the noise, which continued 24 hours a day."
"...at least give it some thought. If you were ever stirred awake in the dead of night and an ice cream truck's jingle drifts in from the window, go back to sleep. For the love of god, go back to sleep."
"Magnesium supplementation may be beneficial for specific issues like migraines and insomnia."
"I might be lucky if I get an hour of sleep at night."
"It is not unusual, Monsieur. She does not sleep well."
"Insomnia isn't a disease. Sleeping tablets won't make it go away."
"I never thought I'd say this, but I can't sleep."
"If you truly wanted it, you wouldn't be able to sleep until you had it."
"I was trying to sleep, I couldn't."
"Well, that was chilling. I hope she wasn’t planning to sleep tonight."
"He was having trouble sleeping because of the heaviness."
"Getting yourself off screens for 30 or more minutes before you go to sleep it's going to make a huge difference in your ability to fall asleep."
"The reality is and this is usually how we treat insomnia or one of the ways we actually deprive you of your sleep opportunity."
"Insomnia spelled backwards is anxiety."
"I cannot sleep. If I sleep, then I'll not be me. Can't let that happen."
"I usually do my online shopping in some sort of highly caffeine-fueled, you know, up all night sort of adding things to my cart insanity."
"I stopped doing it for a week and I just can't sleep anymore."
"Take Unisom, it's a safe non-habit forming way to fall fast asleep"
"I'm probably not going to fall asleep."
"I'm going to try to go to sleep again but if I can't fall asleep, I might have to tap out."
"I don't want to sleep plus I'm thinking chicken doooo soup would probably taste kind of poopy."
"What if every night you have trouble falling asleep? You’re exhausted, but everything you try such as warm milk, calming music, meditation and sleeping pills doesn’t really help."
"Forget a dreamcatcher; after meeting Mr. Gray, you will never be able to fall asleep again."
"Life is too short, this kid is not a great example of what you should do and I think this kid can't sleep."
"...it's really hard asleep Nick on the other hand he slept fine the whole time but not me so maybe this will help."
"I haven't been able to sleep without a light on afraid of what could be there in the dark."
"What else is there to do when you're Sleepless in Seattle? Strong coffee."
"I also wake up but around 2 or 3:00 a.m. most mornings feeling really scared but other than the above creepiness nothing has actually happened."
"on nights I had to stay home this same experience would happen every single night I wouldn't sleep if I stayed at my house"
"I mostly just brushed it off, until one night when I woke up at 4am for no reason."
"...no more three a.m. random wake-ups anymore, no more sleep paralysis, no more ghost."
"I've been having problems sleeping."
"I eventually got back into bed and tried to sleep, but the adrenaline and fear kept me up for hours."
"I barely slept at night and barely rested during the day."
"I've suffered from insomnia for years...this is by far the most effective."
"I barely slept the next two days, trying to process what I had seen in Dr. Klein's office."