
Implication Quotes

There are 203 quotes

"Investigators also discovered that Janelle was directly implicated in the murders because she sent a text... she knew their plans all along."
"This trope is very widespread, and it's an interesting little nugget, because it's storytelling by way of implication."
"Your silence in the face of it speaks fucking volumes."
"There's a whole conversation there without saying anything at all."
"If I didn't do something, I'm gonna have an agenda too."
"81 million people are going to clean their guns. That's all I'm going to say."
"You don't actually need to directly say something in order to say something; this is what we call framing and implication."
"People are trying to figure out... that indirectly implicates this."
"What all this says about us and our time-- probably a lot."
"Correlation does not imply causation but it certainly is suggestive."
"If there had been express collusion, it wouldn't look any different from what actually happened."
"Defamation by implication is well-recognized law."
"It's a question of whether or not you want a future."
"I suspect that there was probably foul play involved."
"Your child is here because you weren't [ __ ]."
"Implied shape is a shape that's not really there but is implied." - Ted Forbes
"If Jesus is who He says He is, the very Son of God, God in human flesh dwelling among human beings, this has huge implications on almost everything else a person believes."
"If you specifically remove that implication, it's gone. They can't use that."
"Diamond likely has a lot more information about what is going on not just to Justin but potentially other people that is just not being brought forward."
"I do not like the fact we can look out the door because it implies something will eventually steer back."
"Trapp was getting into a lot of trouble right before Pat died."
"Knowing what I just told you, you definitely can tell we are up to something."
"In essence, Capel's statement here implies that Rise of the Beast is a reboot."
"I've been keeping an eye on you," Barry grinned, implying a deeper connection.
"Pay attention to the people who didn't speak up."
"Let's put it that way, you know what I mean?"
"What I can allude to is working in the human biomedical field."
"We rely implicitly on principles and thinking that implicate us in what those philosophers were writing about."
"They are telling you without telling you."
"So the cool part about this is that because this is our... this has to be an element of the sequence anyway, because there's no other way to have the gcd be this, you can use this to separate the values."
"Evidence implies the existence of an act of interpretation."
"He insisted that some things in life don't need to be said with actual words."
"The implications of losing the species is very real and the effect of that is catastrophic for me, for you, for anyone really."
"The ability to actually tell stories without telling stories."
"It's not about what you say sometimes, it's about what you don't say."
"And as you can hear, it got very, very bad."
"You don't pay $130,000 for somebody not to have sex with them."
"The pause said more than the no comment."
"Every time people go all Russia, Russia, Russia, every time people go Russia bad, Russian people who have nothing to do with the government feel implicated by that."
"They're living the life, but now they're all implicated in something."
"The implication he did know who Bruce Wayne was was fun."
"Lunia didn't answer and thought that his gaze was focused on Arisha from the beginning to the end of the fight."
"Is he dead is very damning versus asking oh my gosh is he dead that's a very very different question which I don't think holds as much weight as her stating or someone believing that she stated that she hit him."
"Even though Wendy had been firmly established as Stan's girlfriend on the television series at this point, the movie seems to imply that they are not together yet."
"If you don't like that conclusion, if you opt for a different account, then oddly that account also leads to a theistic implication."
"Implication here is that maybe I'm the father."
"I did not suggest that there is anything about a crime which you have not told."
"If you're linking me at 1 a.m., you know damn well what's going on."
"It's softly implied that there could be strange other dimensional entities sending these comets."
"You said someone else died last night. That means someone must have intervened."
"...Tobias no more than Zebulon seemed inclined to come out frankly and put into words what lay behind the Sullen features each acted as if Abner as a matter of course should know."
"Sometimes, the best street photographs are constructed from just a couple of elements in the frame, creating an implied narrative or new meaning."
"Someone's either being implicated for trying to do something malicious to manipulate a situation with like a third party."
"If by my outward actions the reasonable person would think I meant X, then that is the term of the contract."
"Fashion does suggest a lot about culture. It does at least imply that there is one."
"This movie treats him like a celebrity that we all know and we're supposed to fill in the blanks."
"I feel like Kendrick is saying this without really saying it."
"You gave it to her that night didn't you?"
"Avoiding answering a question is oftentimes an answer, albeit of another kind."
"He doesn't even have to talk, John. If he hangs up without saying a word, he knows that's bad."
"Well, if I kissed you right now, that'd give you your answer."
"There are ways of letting the audience figure it out without telling them."
"I hadn't heard that before. It implies a bias towards action."
"That's intent folks... That's intent."
"Silence, the things that happen in the silence or in the words unspoken, those are the best parts of the movie."
"Implying that he should be paying attention to the spicy outfit implies some sort of kissing. Yes, she kissed him on the neck."
"If this guy went out and committed a scam right now and you were on and they [__] dragged you and the FBI said, 'Matt Cox,' oh, he better hope they talk to him before they talk to me, because if they talk to me, you're done."
"What are you gonna tell him? 'Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, I did tell him how to do some credit card fraud. It wasn't a big deal.' You're done. You're done. You're now the leader organizer."
"Y'all might go to get coffee...but that's not the only thing y'all gonna do."
"Everybody knew if you had a lick, you had some type of dirt you wanted done, a crime to commit, this dummy right here is the guy you come find."
"Silence in the face of that is pretty much acquiescence."
"You know when you have to say amongst a group of people and point out that you're polite, the implication is that everyone isn't."
"If I was in her house, she knew about it."
"No response is a response, in case you missed it."
"'This whole affair bore every sign of her light touch, yet she was nowhere in sight.'"
"...Roman's words hung in the air, punctuating the tense atmosphere in the room with a prophetic tone."
"I mean hell the guy literally implies he killed a woman to make the stooky bildo which is such a strong way to hint towards villainy."
"Not talking about certain things can sometimes say more than words."
"Subtext is essentially reading between the lines."
"It's clear that these people were involved in it."
"The subtle differences that I did notice have really big implications because what's really going on here is that Kef is at this critical turning point in their technology."
"Everything has the spiritual implication."
"You don't have to see the dog die to know what happened."
"Bigotry isn’t something you can just imply and infer your way out of, especially when it’s something so deeply ingrained that it’s hard to even see."
"The office scene was entirely necessary. It shows Pomy that there really is no easy way out of the situation."
"The word 'requires' in a sentence implies an objective to be achieved or a consequence to avoid."
"Okay, so basically what she is trying to say here is that she was with him, but she can't talk about that."
"Consequently, if you accept this, then something else is going to come from it."
"She had something to do with it. I'm smart."
"It's quite straightforward mathematics, so it's kind of a gentle equation today, but one whose implications are incredibly deep, incredibly profound."
"The implication that even if you don't have all the answers, everything will be all right as long as you have love."
"Yesterday in the front seat of that car, I offered Lizzy some money. She said yes."
"What doesn't happen in a market is often more important than what does actually happen."
"When you are 'not communicating,' you're communicating something."
"The scariest things are always what's implied, and Dr Sleep is filled with very dire implications for tons of characters."
"Maybe we've all been asking the wrong question. Maybe the shooter hit exactly what he was aiming at: your bodyguard."
"You know, you say bring your bathing suit, winkface emoji. I mean, that's definitely saying something, right?"
"In charge of everything, clearly he can't have been hands-on in all those jobs so there would have been deputies, but the implication is clear: he is in charge of all of these things and he has no rival."
"I want to imply that that's actually curving back in space."
"The unsaid is so powerful in this series."
"I can, it can be a sex thing but not always."
"If loaf sealed the deal or not I don't know because he didn't tell me but all I do know is my man's came through at like 4 00 am with a big ass smile on his face so I'm pretty I'm pretty sure y'all know what that means."
"That girl, she's straight up admitted to all the crimes there, like all of them are dead because I love P."
"Perhaps this all makes us foreshadowing."
"The collected evidence positively implicated Sylvia White in the death of her husband."
"...leave it unsaid, leave a question mark at the end of the day, yep, exactly."
"To be perfectly clear, I was implying that Edis had been trained to be a savage little warrior so that she might one day murder the head of the Noto's family in his bedroom."
"You know you can't keep him, right?" - Jody
"...when you say you're going to send Vinnie and Rocco to your house, no offense to those names, but you know what it means."
"I thought that was for you-know-who's birthday," she said.
"What the film doesn't show in a literal sense, it implies."
"It's the politest way she could have said 'now'."
"Your girl definitely [ __ ] a star athlete."
"The implication there is that that information is going to get out to the rest of the world and they're all going to... but maybe have that same, okay sure."
"They don't have to speak up on it because you already know."
"It's not what they say, it's what they don't say."
"We all knew about it and what that meant."
"What did Donald Trump do? The indictment again shows against him."
"one that was frightening in its simplicity suffocating in its implications"
"It's a nice subtle connection between the pair and perhaps another version of the script it was elaborated on further but here it's just kind of left lingering"
"The implication from the original was just that the building fell and they both sort of got separated."
"It was my money, Ralph. The implication being that you actually know what to do with it, I suppose."
"He states that they never crossed the line, perhaps alluding to how no mention of any sexual activities have taken place between Tyler and the girl but it doesn't change the fact that the intention was still there."
"The implication presumably, well we've been here now, we won't need to come."
"Do you know that no comment is a comment in itself?"
"That's the beauty, it's what he's not doing."
"If we find microbial life anywhere in our solar system, that implies a very fertile universe."
"You can't fool me Cindy well that says it all doesn't it."
"A large part of your thinking process is to unfold an implication of your thought which leads to another one."
"I thought I implied it pretty obviously," Naruto said playfully.
"Understanding the implication, they work together to survive the chaos."
"Could I use De Morgan's again? You're gonna see that whereas the modus ponens is really important, in the rules of implication, the De Morgan's is utterly critical in this case."
"One with a 17, a minor one with the commander's name on it they found in his footlocker. So, you know, obviously he was going to be gone."
"It's also implied that this fruit does work on people."
"Y'all kind of brought it up yourselves."
"That implies a pronounced dis genic effect."
"Jessica had implied she wouldn't run from him. She wouldn't pretend she didn't know him. But he wasn't sure what that would mean."
"You can't just outright overtly say something."
"So then, what is the implication? What is the result of this? Well, there's not the complete result, but it is the result Paul by the Holy Spirit wants us to focus on just now."
"The implication of that is this message of absolute wonder and joy. It's not nihilism."
"A command could also be a threat."
"Just because it's silent on something doesn't mean that it's inaccurate."
"Not every show requires a romantic plot line requires all these sex scenes like you can just imply people had sex."
"He's a respectable figure now because he's gone 'I wish her well.' I'm like, 'Oh, you're sending her positivity. You're [__] yourself that she's going to implicate you. You're covering her impression. You're covering her ass completely.'"
"I'm not saying no children were hurt."
"I'm not saying anything. I'm just saying, whatever is more convenient for you."
"That dirt showed up knocking for youse."
"The implication with these is that the heat inside these units and what's displayed on the exterior is quite different."
"It's a way of insinuating something that's not being directly said, it's a way of maybe putting somebody down or implying something without having to take responsibility for it."
"I am not saying that Randy has done something specifically."
"It's not about what you say, it's about what you don't say that matters."
"Explicit is not as good as implicit, right, on the Zen of Python?"
"It's like kind of the message, right?"
"So if somebody's calling Zach Adams from your cellphone it would have been you as a fish okay."
"But instead of finding answers that provided any sense of comfort or closure, what I discovered had some pretty terrifying implications."
"I'm implying simply that at present Colonel markinson is not alive."
"That's something that speaks beyond what's on the contract."
"'You never know,' and you just let that last sentence hang in the air."
"There's something to be said about a drawing that insinuates some of the details rather than describing them completely."
"It kind of implies that there are countermeasures, there is something in place."
"Knowledge also implies responsibility."
"How could he have known unless he was there?"
"Communication depends on you being able to convey much more than you say."
"We don't necessarily need to directly say things. We can nod at them."
"I think that's beautiful because it implicates Hadrian."
"Implication questions probe further into the prospect's thoughts and feelings."
"His music affords a classical elegance where those elements of the music could be easily implied by the notes that he wrote."
"The power of any imaginal act is in its implication."
"For all X, if FX then GX, that's a lot stronger than saying if P then Q, which is simply that either the one is true or the other is false."
"Some people say a lot without even saying anything."
"If A implies B, then not B implies not A."
"It shows that a character like Discord can have some implied depth."
"I love how this is coming in from the corner, we don't see the whole circle, we just see the implication that it keeps going off of the frame."
"Diagonal implies action, drama, movement."
"There's a lot of symbolism that is implied in these images."
"What we have here is a utilitarian shape with the implication that you can take it on adventures."
"It's terrifying because there's no one here, and yet the sound of those bells imply that there's someone somewhere."
"Sometimes you can deliver that significant information by showing only a fraction of it and letting the audience then fill in the rest."
"There's just a lot of implication here which I really love."
"The idea of adding more killers than just Buffalo Bill and the Tooth Fairy is to imply that Hannibal isn't just a killer, he's an apex predator among predators."
"If P is true then Q is true; if Q is true it doesn't mean P is true."
"I submit that many times an absence of evidence is just as damning."
"I love how that implies competition is endemic to the Pokemon Universe."
"It seems to imply that there is some real poetry in the universe."
"Music is the implying of something that you're not getting quite yet."
"It's not just what's there, it's what's not there, what's implied."
"The show confirms or at the very least heavily implies that Vault-Tech is responsible for the war."
"A settlement does not imply guilt."
"If X being above its mean tends to imply that Y is above its mean, then we would say that they're positively correlated."
"It's amazing storytelling because of what that implies."
"Phenomena itself is always implied of something."
"The listener infers, the speaker implies."
"It's not just cool, but it's also like, there's just so much implied by that name."
"It's what's left unsaid and what the subtext is of what the characters are saying."
"For all X, if P of X, then P of X squared."
"She's implying that... that it was murder."
"An implication of propositions P and Q is denoted P implies Q."