
Galaxy Quotes

There are 425 quotes

"The gravitational lensing happens when the massive object, such as a galaxy, warps the space around it into rings of light."
"Surrounded by gigantic clouds of interstellar dust and scorching hot gas, all these components make up the bizarre and fascinating picture called a galaxy."
"Technologically advanced civilizations are very rare, perhaps only two or three per galaxy."
"There are plenty of planets in the galaxy, many with similarities to our own."
"This is so cool to think about, this galaxy that we've seen light from, it was receding faster than four times the speed of light."
"The Milky Way and Andromeda as we know it will cease to exist, and Milkometer will be born."
"We are the benevolent overlord that the galaxy needed."
"It is remarkable to remember that exhilarating phenomena in our galaxy are occurring as we speak."
"Hello there, Shroud... we are the defenders of the galaxy."
"The universe contains 200 billion galaxies, each of which is unique, immense, and dynamic."
"Could it be that our galaxy has a personality and the personality of the galaxy has created a template in which all life emerges?"
"Star Wars Squadrons. Make a choice, fly with the New Republic, change our galaxy for the better."
"Recession velocities of galaxies suggest a particular age for the universe."
"It would be fairly obvious to anyone doing astronomy in the galaxy once they spotted it."
"Opening up the L-gate is like triggering a weapon of mass destruction on the far side of the galaxy."
"He's the smoothest dude in the galaxy." - Lando Calrissian
"Everything in the galaxy is terrified of us."
"Spiral arms are basically a galactic version of this: They’re just parts of the galaxy that have gotten scrunched up enough to pop out a bunch of new stars."
"Sterilizing an entire galaxy is possible through any number of methods, many of which don’t even require you to send anybody out to do it."
"As we move through that Galaxy, the propensity of those energies also increases."
"The nickname comes from a dark band of cosmic dust that partly conceals the galaxy's center from the observer on the Earth."
"The black hole in the middle was emitting so much light that it was overshadowing the entire galaxy around it completely."
"Clyde was able to destroy multiple star systems and wipe out an entire galaxy clean."
"The galaxy has a filling fraction close to one."
"Our galaxy is a giant which extends for hundreds of thousands of light years, yet its structure is more dynamic and evolving than we ever could have known."
"Galaxies nearly as massive as The Milky Way and full of mature red stars seem to be dispersed in Deep Field images obtained by the James Webb Space Telescope."
"James Webb Space Telescope peers into a lonely dwarf galaxy."
"We are being delivered a sampling of the entire galaxy right here at home."
"The Maelstrom is a most fearsome and terrible place within the Galaxy."
"She's the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy."
"Space is big, and this is just the nearest other galaxy."
"Do we live in a galaxy full of civilizations?"
"It's not gonna be our Sun... but every 50 to a hundred years or so in a galaxy..."
"We may owe the fact of the Earth's existence to a particular collision with a neighboring galaxy."
"The sun, you and me, the stars you can see are moving at a million miles a day in an outer spiral arm at 40,000 miles an hour of the galaxy we call the Milky Way."
"We could build millions of space megastructures in our galaxy."
"As Voltron's legend grew, peace settled across the galaxy."
"The Galaxy is free from the Jedi, and the citizens rejoice."
"The heartbeat of this galaxy is so rapid, it's like a hummingbird."
"Once more the Sith will rule the galaxy. We shall have peace."
"Galaxy is so good, it really is. Oh my goodness, wow."
"Don't trust anybody, don't trust anything. I've traveled too far and seen too much to ignore the evil in the Galaxy."
"Freedom is a pure idea. Random acts of insurrection are occurring constantly throughout the galaxy. Remember that the frontier of the Rebellion is everywhere."
"Serve as evidence for magnetic interactions within the Galaxy."
"Poe is a good person who actually cares and has done some real good in the galaxy in his time in the Republic."
"The fate of the entire galaxy hung in the balance."
"The Galaxy was on the brink of a war unlike any it had ever seen and Humanity would be at the Forefront fighting for its very survival."
"Humans are the most dangerous race in the Galaxy."
"Think about this. That's within our own galaxy."
"We can't let that happen, we're fighting for the soul of the Galaxy."
"Save the Jedi, save the Galaxy, save Padme, rewrite your destiny."
"The fate of humanity and the future of the Galaxy may hang in the balance."
"So, the Milky Way is what's known as a spiral galaxy. Its shape is somewhat like a flying saucer."
"We'll find a way," he said, his voice filled with determination. "We have to, for the sake of every living being in the Galaxy. We have to."
"A classic Space Opera setting of maybe a few million sparsely inhabited planets in a galaxy of hundreds of billions of stars would seem like an ideal place for piracy, so big and empty."
"For the sake of the Galaxy, for the memory of all those who had fallen, they would fight on no matter the cost."
"There's a whole galaxy of music to explore."
"These diverse elements forged by nucleosynthesis are eventually spread throughout the galaxy by stellar winds and supernova explosions, seeding interstellar clouds with the materials needed for the next generation of stars, planets, and eventually, life."
"I remember looking like galaxy Aaron Rodgers and my boy goes, 'That is the Aaron Rodgers.'"
"The fate of the Galaxy itself might depend on his next move."
"The fate of Earth and of the Galaxy would be decided in the next few moments."
"We can change the course of the Galaxy."
"The fate of the Galaxy rested in their hands."
"The oversoul seeded life throughout the galaxy, guided the evolution of species across the eons. It's not just a myth, it's the key to everything."
"The Galaxy's Collective commitment to peace."
"The strength of the Galaxy lay in its diversity and unity."
"The fate of the Galaxy now rested on their shoulders, a burden that would test the limits of their courage and resolve in the trials to come."
"In you I see the potential for a new era of peace and unity," The Wanderer said, his voice thick with emotion, "a chance for the Galaxy to heal, for the wounds of the past to be mended, and perhaps...perhaps a chance for me to find a place in this universe once more."
"Together we will Forge a new alliance, one that will shake the very foundations of the Galaxy."
"'The void, it seemed, was not the malevolent entity they had once believed it to be; rather, it was a defense mechanism created by the Ancients to protect the Galaxy from an even greater threat.'"
"The Milky Way galaxy is composed of 200 billion plus stars."
"He watched this galaxy of ours, a hundred billion stars in the form of a giant disk spinning around the center."
"Life is only possible in a spiral galaxy."
"Count Dooku is one of the most skilled Swordsmen in all all the Galaxy and he would take great care to ensure that I could take on anyone in a duel."
"The Milky Way wasn't a path of gods but the dissipated light of billions of stars."
"In some sense, the galaxy cluster acts as a large lens with many smaller lenses embedded inside."
"Uclid will image billions of galaxies with unprecedented accuracy out to a distance of 10 billion light years."
"Their only hope was to hope that their message was spreading throughout the Galaxy."
"In many ways this was the most important ship in the galaxy."
"The Great Rift was a wound that would never truly heal, a scar upon the face of the Galaxy."
"This war, it is not just about power or control, about the fate of the Galaxy. It is the fate of all beings."
"That's a Galaxy flamingos galaxy galaxy."
"The precursors in their vast wisdom and capability spread life across the Milky Way crafting its diverse Ecology of species."
"The promise of a future forged by the collective will of a galaxy determined to rise above its past and embrace the light even as it navigated the veil of Shadows."
"Anakin said that he was just a boy trying to make his way in the Galaxy."
"This galaxy is far, far, far away."
"He left freedom for himself, certainly, but for everyone else in the galaxy."
"The Intergalactic Banking Clan represented the largest conglomerate of banks and financial companies in the galaxy."
"A galaxy is as pleasurable as any vice."
"A galaxy where all beings can live in peace and freedom. A galaxy worth dying for."
"The fate of the galaxy hung in the balance and there could be no turning back."
"It's a one-way trip... but if we succeed, you'll be remembered as the saviors of the Galaxy."
"The fate of the Galaxy... rests on our shoulders."
"For the sake of the Galaxy itself... they would triumph or they would die trying."
"The fate of the Galaxy rests on our shoulders," Zephyr said, "we have to keep fighting no matter the cost."
"22 million out of 400 billion, less than 0.05% of the Galaxy in Elite Dangerous has been charted despite its nearly decade-long existence."
"The Galaxy enters an era of healing and growth unseen in generations."
"How far away? The race for the farthest galaxy anyone has ever found."
"A race against time to preserve the very fabric of the Galaxy."
"Together we embark on a journey not just for our survival but for the betterment of the Galaxy."
"Pizza Planet number one in the galaxy."
"Hubble had already ventured to photograph this galaxy, but the images were not very clear. The images of James Webb released on August 30th, 2022, and recomposed by amateur astronomer Judy Schmidt...are more accurate."
"James Webb also produced impressive images of a galaxy that was already known but had never been observed so clearly and precisely: The Chariot Wheel Galaxy."
"Humans may be closer to the beginning than to the end of a process whereby ever more complex intelligence spreads through the galaxy."
"It is a strange idea to think that we are being orbited by these Blobs of dark matter that are not connected to any kind of galaxy."
"Pretty awesome. The guy that just sold me the car told me that his inspiration for buying it was my little Galaxy like real I made, which is super duper cool."
"Our entire galaxy is a pretty rare phenomenon."
"We can get our own [ __ ] see the galaxy all of it."
"Species rise and fall alike to the dawn and setting of a sun cresting the horizon, yet none last eternal but the true inheritors of the galaxy."
"We fight for freedom not conquest," valkov said strongly, "our sacrifice today ensures a free galaxy."
"Let the Galaxy see our commitment to peace and shared prosperity."
"The true war was only just beginning, and the fate of the Galaxy hung in the balance."
"They were the shining Beacon of Hope and courage in a galaxy beset by shadows."
"The Galaxy's survival depended on it."
"With Palpatine behind bars, a time of relative peace seems to dawn on the Galaxy."
"The Jedi would rebuild but form a new moral code where they would be able to find true success, in a new galaxy founded on peace and justice for everyone."
"They also knew that they had no choice but to carry on, to maintain their ceaseless watch over the Galaxy and all the Marvels it held."
"They gather followers, individuals from across the Galaxy who believe in their cause."
"The Galaxy, the Guardians realized, was not simply a collection of stars and planets, not just a vast and lifeless void."
"Our destiny lies with the people of the Galaxy, in helping them find their own way to the stars."
"The remaining Jedi in the galaxy would reform the Jedi Temple over time and things would return stronger than they were but never forgetting the ones who fought for their freedom."
"For the rest of time, the Galaxy would be at peace."
"There's always a spark of light waiting to shine somewhere in the galaxy."
"The center of our galaxy, where the supermassive black hole resides, presents a particularly challenging environment for these studies."
"The peace resumes throughout the Galaxy."
"The Drake Equation estimates that there could be millions of intelligent civilizations in our galaxy alone."
"Luke and Leia become model young adults and many believe them to be the future of the galaxy."
"Sparks of Hope remained for the Galaxy."
"Why would you want to save the Galaxy? Because I'm one of the idiots who lives in it."
"M83, a barred spiral galaxy, has had at least 200 supernovae in less than 3,000 years, detected through their strong oxygen emission."
"Why isn't Galaxy allowed to list on the NASDAQ?"
"When we collide with the Andromeda galaxy, there will be a one big whopping explosion, and that signal will go right out and will be detected by people living in the EON beyond ours. - Sir Roger Penrose"
"The Empire, the words drilled a century and a half had passed but there was still the Empire somewhere deeper in the galaxy and it was emerging again out into the periphery."
"The fate of your Galaxy hangs in the balance."
"The Galaxy was in turmoil, the once Mighty vxar Empire lay shattered, its remnants scattered across the stars."
"Long before the interstellar wars of the 24th century, a species of highly advanced humanoids roamed the galaxy using their DNA to seed life on many worlds."
"According to NASA's mathematical modeling estimates published in 2020, there may be billions of planets of this type in our galaxy, both curled harboring an ocean under an ice shell and warm like Gliese 1214b."
"The people of the Galaxy were not happy but there was order installed by fear."
"The battle for the galaxy is in your hands."
"If the great awakening is finally at hand, then the remnants of the Eldar, the vast host of the Imperium, the Ork hordes, and Tyranid hive mind, even the gods of Chaos themselves might finally learn that for all their fears and power, this galaxy was never truly theirs."
"The current Andromeda galaxy is not calm at all."
"A discovery of a distant Galaxy in the early universe that possesses a feature that is normally believed to exist only in much older galaxies."
"The Daleks are the most feared race in the galaxy."
"How do black holes kill galaxies?"
"Discovering and confirming a very important feature of various galaxies that allows them to maintain their shape and allows them to continuously create new stars."
"The largest galaxy out there or at least the largest radio Galaxy."
"The largest such Galaxy is the famous ic1101."
"The mass here is at least 10 times more massive than the one in our galaxy."
"This is the closest active radio galaxy to us."
"You are a guardian of the galaxy."
"In a few billion years the Milky Way will merge with Andromeda."
"The center of our galaxy is in the direction of the constellation Sagittarius."
"I love the look of the galaxy in there, it actually looks like you've got a piece of the galaxy inside of this this little orb."
"The energy is almost enough to completely unbind the entire galaxy so a lot of energy that's given out when a black hole is actually feasting."
"Obi-Wan did say that there was still hope for the Galaxy."
"It is the deepest fear of the denizens of the galaxy when the worst of their kind is formed, a true Crusade of chaos undivided."
"And there, the main effect that people worried about was the production of heavy chemical elements during the life of a galaxy."
"The story of a blazar starts in a familiar way: at the center of a galaxy, there's a giant black hole."
"I think a lot of the sting would be taken off it if it's a new part of the galaxy and it's new characters and this has got nothing to do with the Skywalker."
"This is one of the best changes, seeing the whole galaxy."
"The spectrum of a galaxy only becomes red when it's no longer dominated by those very young very blue very hot stars."
"A galaxy has to be in order to have reached that stage of maturity it has to be a few hundred million years old at least."
"It felt like the first half of this was almost like a portrait of a galaxy."
"It's not a trip to Disneyland without going to the edge of the galaxy."
"All we really know, in the context of the equation, is that most stars probably have planets, and that the galaxy has about half a trillion stars."
"A civilization that’s spread throughout the galaxy is probably detectable forever, or at least on fairly arbitrary timescales."
"The Milky Way is an island universe of lots of stars."
"The entire galaxy, like the rings of Saturn, must be rotating around a central axis in one great arcing wave."
"The Milky Way galaxy is about a hundred thousand light years across and composed of 200 billion plus stars."
"The star brightens to 100 billion times the Sun. That's nearly as bright as all of the other stars in the galaxy combined!"
"Our galaxy alone is so immense that even signals, let alone spaceships, need as long to cross the galaxy as modern humanity has been around."
"You just come along with me and have a good time. The Galaxy is a fun place."
"In the shadows of the past, the future of the galaxy takes shape."
"The Triangulum Galaxy contains some of the most prominent star-forming regions in the entire local group."
"The center of the Galaxy is Terror."
"It is the Imperium that rules this Galaxy, and never forget it."
"Ready to hitchhike across the galaxy."
"The discovery of the redshift in the light from distant galaxies... was best explained by saying that the light from the galaxies is stretched because they are receding from us at tremendous speeds."
"We just don't know very much about the galaxy."
"Out there in the galaxy, there are wonders."
"Our galaxy, the Milky Way, has about 100 billion stars."
"The closest neighbor to our Milky Way is the Andromeda galaxy."
"No matter where you go or how far you hide, there is not a corner in this galaxy beyond my grasp."
"This galaxy known as m104 is extremely massive."
"A galaxy is a vast collection of gravitationally bound stars, dust, and interstellar gas."
"The galaxy has been left in shambles, left only to recover after the devastation."
"A galaxy like this is composed of about half a trillion stars."
"We're going to be creating some galaxy art today, and it's actually going to be a lot easier than you think."
"Protect the Galaxy, I like the colors on that."
"We've basically modeled a Milky Way."
"Hope to the galaxy, may the force be with you always."
"I protect the Galaxy from the threat of invasion."
"Our galaxy... is 100,000 light years across."
"The heart of the Milky Way, the mysterious core of our galaxy."
"This is the dawn of a new era for the galaxy."
"We live on the edge of a massive spiral galaxy and there are billions of them."
"Our galaxy is full of dying stars and lots of stars that are long-lived like the Sun, far more stars that like the Sun or less and will live for much longer than the Sun."
"The Fermi paradox... where is everybody? The amount of time it would take for an advanced society to colonize every star system in the galaxy is very short compared to the age of the galaxy."
"The Galaxy entered a new era of prosperity and unity, a testament to the enduring spirit of its inhabitants."
"The Milky Way is a large collection of stars... mutually gravitationally attracting each other, bound together, rotating around each other."