
Personal Dreams Quotes

There are 425 quotes

"What if you were promised the world by your partner, only to see your dreams dissolve before your very eyes?"
"I wanted to be a soccer player, I wanted to be an actor... I always wanted to be something more."
"In the kitchen, Yonsung was excited to pursue his culinary dream."
"You can't make somebody else live your dream. He has to live his dream."
"I have a sense of humor, and that's my biggest dream. I'd love to see somebody do a take of me."
"We have all dreamed of owning our own personal spaceship to fly around this world or to others, but what would it take to make that dream a reality?"
"I think this is everybody's dream, I think we've all stared longingly at pictures of home libraries that have stuff like this."
"You can't live the life of your dreams if other people are the ones picking your dreams for you."
"Everyone who knew Megan knew that her ultimate dream was to become a mother."
"Anything is possible, just find the dream inside of you."
"I think the main point of the life of them was to find somebody to be divided. That was the dream of their lives."
"You guys had a dream since childhood that you're gonna start to kind of move after."
"I have gained so much life satisfaction for making a living doing something that I love and it's seriously my dream and my vision to make this a reality for other people as well."
"Dreams come true if you have a dream you can make it happen."
"It is a dangerous thing to entrust your dream to someone else's disappointments... So be real careful who you lean on." - Speaker
"I'm manifesting that they happen and I'm going to look back at this video and be like, 'Oh my God, I made them come true.'"
"I squeal with excitement on a daily basis because the things that I'm not even near to getting yet."
"Guys, we don't know if we can actually buy back our dads. We might be trying to stop Adam, we had a dream, we gotta do it, it's lit, we gotta do it, dude."
"Probably one there to pick five people in the world I can meet."
"Let yourself be led by that dream, let yourself be motivated by what you want to achieve, even though other people around you may not believe in you or in whatever you want to achieve."
"His dream had evolved... to leave behind a life Without Regrets."
"You're going to live the life of your dreams."
"She had all of these plans, you know, she had all of these sweet plans."
"The people who are meant to be in your life won't make you feel guilty for wanting to follow your dreams."
"Your dream is going to come true, your wildest dreams come in true, wildest beyond what you never thought could happen."
"I was dreaming about Vincent Price chasing me with a big butcher knife every night."
"Wouldn't it be cool if we got to see the lanterns ourselves one day?"
"Who is waiting for you to show up and take your dreams seriously?"
"This was her dream too and this is your shot."
"I still didn't lose hope of becoming the mage of Justice."
"For me, it's a big dream. It's not a project, it's a dream that is coming true."
"You dared to dream in public, to imagine the beautiful futures that you so richly deserve."
"An America in which we are all our own dreams, not the dreams of my father but my own dreams."
"Your dream is your reality on its way to you."
"Life is literally about survival, and we're all people who try the best we can to follow our dreams."
"Your dreams are measured on your faith and sustained on faith and hope. Be very hopeful in knowing that this is going to happen for you."
"Don't share your dreams with haters... they're going to discourage you."
"What if we can make both our happy places a reality?"
"You are allowed to have a dream and hope for your life even if it doesn't make sense to anybody else. You're allowed to want something, you're allowed to pursue something because it makes your heart come alive."
"Protect your inspiration or your intuition and your dream."
"It seemed as if nothing could come between sake and his dream."
"They're living my dream this is what I wanted as a kid."
"That's your destination now: to travel the world."
"He probably always wanted to be a gangster when he was little."
"She had in her mind a kind of ideal life that she wanted to live as a wealthy woman who didn't have to do any work in a big house."
"Rachel refused to accept that the starting point of her dream was also now the end."
"Remember that we create our own karma... allow yourself to dream bigger."
"This video is for every single person who isn't accepted for who they are and isn't able to dream and do the things that they actually want to be doing."
"Age has no limit to reach your passions and your dreams in life."
"If God gives you a dream... it may be that God wants to see what is more important to you: the dream or him."
"Letting go of our dreams is not because God is mean, but because He's trying to keep us from hurting ourselves and those we love."
"A real man doesn't give up on his dream, no matter what overwhelming challenges he may have to face."
"I dreamt of having a TV this big since I was a kid."
"If it's my dream, I mean it's really my dream, then I'll pay that price."
"We don't have to give up on that dream of creating."
"Make a wish, make a grand plan you want to see for your life and then manifest it."
"Your dreams don't have to make sense to other people."
"Life's too short to be working on someone else's dream."
"He had his own dreams, his aspirations, and life. So why does he have to die here?"
"I have a dream too... by the content in your character."
"It's been my dream to have the sass to stand up to those who do wrong to others in a court of law."
"Life is about having a dream and projecting your reality."
"If I knew I couldn't fail, I would rescue a shit-ton of animals."
"Lou was always a big dreamer. He wanted to be successful one day, he wanted to be an entrepreneur."
"You can have a life beyond your wildest dreams."
"I'd love it. That's the sort of thing I'd love to imagine."
"What person doesn't want to be a princess? I would love to be a princess."
"From whenever I was a kid, I knew I wanted to be a pilot, I knew I wanted to go to space."
"We moved to Atlanta to continue chasing our dreams."
"I just want to travel to space and that's it."
"Back in the 1980s, Dorian Corey said that she used to dream of being a star."
"Dreams do come true. I think this is what he's always wanted: to make movies, to tell stories."
"I want to be a farmer... I want to learn how to bake... knead the soil with my hands..."
"It feels like dreams are coming to life or your dreams are like manifesting, they're becoming your reality."
"Keep going for your dreams because the world really does need that very special gift that only you have."
"Anything that wakes you up with a smile in the morning is worth fighting for. Anything you dream about is worth fighting for."
"We're all just looking for our happily ever after."
"I'm from a small town, so like, I mean, small-town mentality. Like, you got big dreams coming from a small town 'cause not many people make it out of it."
"Growing up in a small town in Alabama, in your wildest dreams."
"The fantasy you've always had in your mind about the perfect relationship, that's what you're gonna end up in."
"I still dream of popping up on Instagram with a three-year-old."
"Focus on your future dreams, nurture and manifest them."
"Dare to aim high and chase your dreams with relentless faith."
"Your inner voice has more details about the dream in your heart."
"Now if this works I'm about to fulfill a childhood dream... and my god."
"Work for your dream or someone will hire you to help make their dream."
"Unbelievable faith and potential is with personal dreams."
"One of my great dreams, of course, is to one day be able to go visit Cuba."
"This one made me really smile because you might think this is crazy: I have this idea that when I retire from the internet, I'd love to raise bees."
"You may have been small, but you had big dreams."
"He's dreaming space and all that in his core DNA he knows what Injustice really looks like."
"We're super excited... big exciting day not just large family dreams coming ready but your dreams coming true."
"I'll retire you and then you can go and do something with basketball or something you really want to do."
"I never wanted a normal childhood all I ever wanted to be was the Avatar."
"I've been dreaming about this for like 2 years so this is crazy."
"Just keep going and don't ever give up and go after your dreams because that's how you truly get to experience yourself."
"This has literally been my dream since I was still a child and I can't believe that I'm finally living that dream."
"We weren't taking anyone's spot, oh man, it's the dream."
"Elvira is off to realize her dream of becoming a Las Vegas showgirl."
"It was everything I've ever wanted in my life."
"To be able to interact with these fans so closely... it's always been a dream."
"You better believe I'm looking up at the moon and I'm dreaming."
"What you're manifesting is about to come true."
"Before we die, it'd be great if cancer was cured, it would be great if we could solve world hunger, but more importantly than anything, of course, seriously if we could just see the download of your dreams just once..."
"For some, this is the place where dreams come true."
"Usopp's entire dream is to become a brave Warrior of the Sea."
"I will be the medicine that cures everything. I will be the doctor that can cure any illness. That is my dream."
"Living in a mansion now, guys. That is a dream, that is a literal dream."
"Support your dreams and supposed to support mine."
"I'm about emotional... I've been dreaming for that exact same moment."
"I am worthy of manifesting my biggest dreams"
"Sitting in silence allows your true dream in life to take shape and clarity."
"When it comes to manifestation, when it comes to your dreams coming true, it's all green lights. Take advantage, manifest everything you want into your world."
"In this world, all these people have are their dreams, their illusions. Sam has his dreams of being a mythical figure and his mother has dreams of being beautiful again."
"People can't stop you from believing in your own dreams."
"It's just so crazy to me that like the dreams I've had, I'm like 'Oh, when I grow up, when I'm gonna be an adult.' But then just when I'm... I'm legit a kid, we get 500,000, which is half a million, which is crazy."
"What if it's not everything I dreamed? Then you get to go find a new dream."
"God was good to me in fulfilling the first dream."
"For us, every three points means that we make step closer to be on the top to be the first in the in the league in the double in the table and that's why in that classic of course for the fans is the most interesting game in the season."
"When I was before when I was watching the El Clasico that kind of dream of mine was playing in this game and now I have opportunity to play in El Clasico in Madrid and is the huge dream as well but it's also the huge challenge."
"For four or five years, I got to do the one thing I've always wanted to do on a really, really big scale."
"The views into the gorge are absolutely breathtaking."
"Keep being you and do whatever you got to do to make your dreams come true."
"To be here casting Overwatch League 2021 season in my socks, what other dream could I potentially ever have in my life?"
"Never allow circumstances to change the dream God has put in your heart."
"Whatever you dream of doing, the company you'd love to start, the product you are dying to build, the career move you thought about making, there is no better time to begin working at it than right now." - Jeff Wilson
"One of the dreams of most of the people associated with the space flight is to actually fly themselves."
"At the end of the day, we're not gonna let the devil kill our dreams, steal our joy."
"Take your dream seriously...record everything because...the dream is speaking to eat in your life."
"I've been dreaming about a real shop for many many years."
"Being able to help those less fortunate, that's one of my dreams."
"Just to fulfill their own dreams... to follow whatever dream it is that you have as best you can."
"Your dreams will come true. Your nails and ASMR can't wait to see your baby. xoxo"
"Do not underestimate yourself and your dreams."
"I mean, I can have a whole baking tip wall, this is the kind of stuff I dream about."
"I want to open a cafe one day... but I need to remember that day will come and there's no rush right now."
"I had a dream and that dream was to play professional football."
"One of my dreams is to pet a capybara, they are adorable."
"Oh man it's like my oh man it's like my make a wish yes literally is like my my my make a wish."
"What makes them move, what are their dreams, what are they special passion because they're all high achievers."
"This is my dream, this is why I always wanted."
"Focus on what you really want; you can create your dreams."
"This is incredible, it's like my dream setup."
"Someone named Lucifer calling me up and saying come see me I need you is pretty much my dream come true."
"Allow yourself to manifest your goals and dreams."
"I've been dreaming about this since the first second I saw you."
"You don't need anyone's permission to dream big."
"Strength isn't just in what you can do, but in what you dare to dream."
"Don't let distractions sway you, stay focused on your dreams."
"You got to let your personal dreams move at a higher level."
"This pack is like, really and truly a dream come true for me."
"I'm gonna fulfill a childhood dream, I'm gonna learn how to drive a steam locomotive."
"Many people dream of having their own home all their life."
"Life should be good. I have a farmhand and a cook, but I dream of being buried alive."
"You are healed, my friend. It's time for all those wishes that you've been putting out there, all the dreaming you've been doing."
"This is wish granted, Gemini. This adornment, like I said, it's a reward, it's a gift."
"Give or take all my life I've dreamed about something really special happening to me."
"Your dream fundamentally is to understand intelligence."
"Fulfill your own dreams, your own wishes, your own goals."
"Your dream might be the answer to a question you've been seeking."
"I dream of having a daughter named Crystal, a dream from God."
"Diego Carlos dreamed of playing for Barcelona, and that dream had now become a reality."
"Your dreams in life will have greater meaning when they are tied to the betterment of your community."
"You don't take your friend's dreams and turn them into your own dream."
"Take Sanji with you. The Grand Line is his dream. All Blue is his dream."
"As a kid who really loved Arnold movies, seeing a movie where a kid got sucked into an Arnold movie... that's just living the dream."
"Unfortunately, the dream can only come true for one of them."
"Carol Sue Clayber, a 16-year-old with dreams as wide as the Kentucky skies, was brutally murdered."
"Nobody ever dreams 'I want to grow up and make music but never go anywhere.'"
"Sometimes I do still touch under another wings and we're gonna have eggs one day."
"Do what they love to do, not just need to do. It's his dream, what he dreams is my dreams."
"Don't give up... don't let your discouragement be the death knell on your dream."
"Stick to one rabbit. If you have the dream, stick to the dream."
"Everything I dreamed of is actually coming true."
"It'd be a dream job... wildlife management someday."
"This is the board that me and my best mate Jacko have been dreaming of for years."
"I have to believe that this can actually be my life."
"Your dream is soon to become a reality. Trust your heart and continue to follow its guidance."
"That's the dream right, that's living the dream exactly."
"It's not about chasing the American dream, it's about chasing your family being the dream."
"I'm getting paid to do something that I could only dream of doing."
"You'll never achieve the dream in your heart unless you take the big jump."
"All I ever wanted was a farm... it is so infinitely more than I ever even asked or imagined."
"Stay curious and know that your hopes and dreams are being fulfilled."
"I'm a believer in fulfilling dreams and setting goals."
"Your dreams coming to fruition... manifest on the physical plane."
"Mary Jane continues pursuing her dreams of becoming an actress and eventually lands the leading role in a play titled 'The Importance of Being Earnest'."
"I always secretly hoped I could spend my life with you."
"Finally getting approached by an opportunity that you've so wanted all of your life, it's kind of unreal."
"You're here to make your own dreams come true."
"Nothing's too extreme if you have a dream, especially if you've been receiving signs and synchronicities."
"Saturn will come into your first house Pisces... help you make your dreams become real."
"Everyone is beautiful, and you shouldn't ever put yourself down for wanting to pursue your dreams."
"It's okay to have your dream, whatever big or small you are."
"Your wishes are being fulfilled, Leo. Some of you guys have had dreams of getting married, having a family, or achieving financial success."
"Trust in the new beginning, approach your dream with a fresh view."
"It's heartbreaking because it might be your big dream in life to [ __ ] chicks. It's not going to fulfill you."
"That was always my hope, I always wanted to be a doctor."
"To win over the heart of the girl and achieve something close to what you saw in your dream."
"You literally do God a disservice when you say you believe in him but don't go after your dreams."