
Audience Experience Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"We're always looking at how we can give a better, more immersive experience for an audience."
"The only thing I care about is people walking out going, 'I had the best [__] time.'"
"Catharsis is at the core of what we as an audience want to feel when a woman, or anyone, has been brutalized and harmed."
"The notion that you make magic so that people come into the theater and they get an experience beyond what they might otherwise have."
"I don't want to be preached at and given some sort of message. I don't need to be improved when I go to the movies. I just want to experience something."
"For all the people out there who went and just had a good time, did some clapping, did a little bit of cheering or just sat there, hell yeah, I hope you had a blast."
"It's so head-twistingly shocking that theaters actually supplied audience members with vomit bags."
"Star Wars has mattered to people for 42 years. I think there's a reason it's endured and we really hope that everybody feels good leaving this film."
"One of the fun things for me... To see this movie with an audience is another level."
"No matter what side you pick, like the alien versus Predator franchise, we win."
"Are people going to have a good time watching this in the same way that we had a good time making this."
"Our film is about kindness, and that's the most trite thing to make a movie about, but we wanted to give audiences a new way into that."
"I just do stuff that I want to have fun doing, yes, and I want people to have fun when they come to see it."
"They don't want a constantly changing cast of actors because that makes things hard to follow as a viewer."
"I want everybody else to have the same experience I did... of being like holy [ __ ] they're doing it right."
"After more than 25 years of making us gasp cringe and question our perceptions Penn & Teller still revel in their ability to fool us and to move us."
"One of the great things that makes me want to cry almost is when I look out at my audience... they all laugh together."
"People fainting and fleeing, some trembled, others sought the privacy of restrooms, majority stared into space."
"Our vision was to create a very positive, a very sort of comforting environment for the audience."
"Most important is really what an audience takes away from the evening: the music, a gesture, your involvement, your struggle."
"I think it was cool to sit in an audience with a bunch of women who were just enjoying laughing at this."
"In order to fully enjoy a story, an audience can't be too hung up on the fact that the story doesn't necessarily make 100% sense or isn't 100% convincing in the effects department."
"It's not about winning or losing, it's about leaving the people with a product."
"The popularity of it kind of caught me off guard because, you know, we'd go there, we'd sit for hours and hours and hours and hours."
"Ultimately, isn't that what you want when you go to a movie? If you're watching something with a rockin' soundtrack and really amazing people fighting each other and duking it out, don't you want to just have fun in a movie?"
"Movies are about allowing the audience to experience something they can't in real life."
"In cinema, the filmmaker has total control over what the audience experiences."
"When you watch Star Trek Picard season three, it's like watching a different show. It feels different from the very beginning."
"Gilda successfully uses her objectification to produce a pleasureless experience for her subject, a frustrating one, in fact."
"This is just the type of movie we needed to bring us all back to the theaters."
"Endings are very important to me because it's about how the audience leaves the theaters."
"I feel like it's refreshing for an audience when they can once again just enjoy a movie for it being a movie. Hollywood wasn't always like this 20 years ago."
"The true victor in any battle between King Kong and Godzilla is, of course, the audience."
"It would be fantastic to sit there see that secret footage."
"I feel very confident that you're at least going to walk out with a smile on your face."
"If a player tackles a mystery with narrative patterns that they're already familiar with, it's very possible that they'll solve the case just by recalling a different story that did this twist already."
"This is the first time for the majority of the viewers, like 99.9 percent of people watching the show."
"As human beings we love love and isn't it so beautiful that through the dips and peaks of the romcom audiences will always go back to sit in a dark room with each other and watch two people fall in love."
"When you watch Dave Chappelle on stage with Shane and they're just talking, I think it's magical for an audience member because you're just seeing people being real, you know what I mean?"
"He's this functional vessel for us to go on a cinematic adventure."
"I like the fact that audiences are being rewarded with seeing something not revealed in the trailer."
"The energy was crazy, man. I can't even begin to put it into words for you guys."
"This is to me just obviously representing the strength of the movie-going theatrical experience."
"Movies at the end of the day are still movies. If your audience can't hear the dialogue, you're making the audience think of themselves in a movie theater."
"Seeing a live-action monitor was really cool."
"You just feel like you lost something, like you go, you do these shows honestly for people to have the best experience."
"I think it's a lot easier now to get in motion as a Creator and I feel like it's very easy to be satisfied as a viewer nowadays."
"I want my viewers to feel good when they leave my content."
"I think there's a very big difference between being on stage and going to see a comedy act."
"The film's score and cinematography perfectly complement each other to provide the audience a truly epic movie-going experience."
"From here on out, the vibe was Good Vibes only. Everything was positive. That's something that we really wanted to program entirely in the show... A good experience for everybody."
"It's all about how you send the people home, and if the ending of the match is atrociously bad, it's going to sour the rest of the experience."
"It's all about the viewer having a really great experience, which then translates to the sponsors having a good experience with it as well."
"...for me as a writer director it's very important to start from page one and then work my way through to page 124, this Cas 180 something you know, um, and and experience it the way the audience is going to experience it the way I wanted them to experience it."
"You can create freely but still be strategic... I want the audience to have the best experience consuming it."
"I encourage you to leave them because when somebody comes in to look at your painting, they're not going to stand 6 inches away from your painting."
"It was a historic moment. Whether you're a Sting fan or not, it was a historic moment, and it was a big deal. It really was something that you gave the audience to make them feel like they had witnessed something special."
"Kara Walker's work allows audiences to experience the very physical language of bodies and gestures."
"That is so [ __ ] incredible because you're feeling as a viewer, you're realizing, you're discovering what was going on and also how that's kind of brilliant."
"That's the type of guy he is. He's really dedicated to giving the audience the experience that he himself would love."
"The game fights back, so for us, it was about challenging ourselves to give the audience a new ride."
"The audience is completely immersed in a natural, non-sensationalized world."
"Live performances provide so much more value to the experience."
"It's easy to please me as an audience member, to have those little moments of reveals."
"It's one of the most satisfying things you can have as an audience, as a viewer."
"If people go pay to go see a show, I want the people to have a good time. It's a performance."
"I treat sound men great... It's really more about I want you to have a good time at a Snow the Product show."
"I wanted to create music that had length and breadth and adventure, and they would carry the audience through this experience."
"As a piece of spectacle, the theatrical spectacle, I hope we feel that we are glad to be in the audience watching something like this."
"Music is not about the music, it's about how you make people feel."
"It's remained the most successful installation series that Martin Audio have ever produced for two reasons: one is its exceptional sound quality, and the other is its ability to make sure that everybody in front of it is getting that same sound quality."
"The vanish is the magical effect that the audience experiences; the technique that we use is not the effect."
"Truly extravagant numbers that must have produced an overwhelming effect for audiences at the time."
"It's really wonderful to be back in the theatre."
"When every dancer really feels it, it really creates something absolutely surreal for the audience."
"Understanding yourself, understanding the space that the audience needs in order to have a joint experience with you, that's why I think the spaces in the music are really important."
"Theatrical windows are important for films because it draws people into a space to see the film truly the way the filmmaker intended."
"It's the emotional rollercoaster that this crowd has been on."
"When you go to a cinema or you go to a theater or a concert, you're not looking down; this is not natural."
"We wanted to make it a safer environment, something that made them feel safer."
"Magic is not about the magician. It's about the experience."
"We don't want the audience to focus on the technique; we want them to sit back and see a story being told."
"What better time to see it than with the audience, in our normal audience, and then you really... let yourself be entertained."
"Multi-channel sound reproduction allows everyone in the audience to hear a more balanced presentation; it's not just the people who arrive in time for the good seats."
"We're just being treated to a real event tonight."
"And these folks here at the Cotton Bowl, they're getting their money's worth today in this one."
"A play should make you laugh or should make you cry."
"I'm gonna give it everything I got every time I'm on the track because I want each and every single one of you guys to have a good time out here."
"I love watching movies. I'm such an audience member."
"We asked people to watch six different movies, so they watched a comedy at home, a comedy at the theater, a drama at home, a drama at the theater, an action movie at home, and an action movie at the theater."
"I really, really hope you guys enjoyed this."
"It was very clear that the number one thing on his mind was 'I hope everybody has a good time and is enjoying themselves'."
"Let's protect the integrity of storylines and allow it to play out for people."
"I love moments when you as an audience member can feel the awe of the character in the movie."
"We want every band that goes on to have every opportunity to be at their best because the audience wins, and it makes us up our game."
"Horror is maybe the only genre that wants you to feel what the person on screen is currently feeling."
"You want the audience to have a good experience, you want them to leave the video being like, 'I'm glad I clicked'."
"I think that really is representative of the feelings and the experience of a lot of people sitting in this audience."
"I'm a big believer of less is more. So that you the audience have the more when you see the movie."
"It's vital how a movie ends because that's how the audience will feel when they leave the theater."