
Atlantis Quotes

There are 227 quotes

"Opinions have differed over the centuries as to whether Plato invented Atlantis as an allegory for the ideal society or if indeed such a lost continent really did exist."
"The New Age didn't forget Atlantis either, thanks to Edgar Cayce, the famous sleeping prophet."
"We are persuaded that Atlantis existed, that it was a great empire where science and the arts prevailed."
"Atlantis is a mystery humans have been trying to uncover for a long time, and it looks like our answers might lie in the icy cold depths of Antarctica."
"In his quest to unravel the mysteries of the past, Graham Hancock has dedicated much of his work to the legendary city of Atlantis."
"He interprets [Plato's] accounts of Atlantis as a factual report of a prehistoric advanced civilization."
"The ancient city of Akrotiri may just be the real-life Atlantis."
"Lost to the waves and lost to history, the city of Atlantis has forever been one of the great mysteries of the ancient world."
"Underwater pyramids located in the Bahamas... proof of Atlantis or aliens themselves."
"The eye of the Sahara corresponds exactly to the descriptions of the concentric circles between land and ocean that are said to have once been Atlantis."
"Plato wrote an account based on much earlier accounts and even much earlier accounts that there was a land mass that existed called Atlantis located beyond the pillars of Hercules."
"Atlantis, described as one of the earliest and most advanced civilizations of humans, has virtually disappeared from the earth's surface."
"Atlantis has made its name in media as one of the most mystical and mysterious points for debate."
"Forget everything you have been told. Throw out the preconceptions about an island of circles that sank beneath the waves, and open your mind to a brand new possibility, that Atlantis was much, much more than you could ever imagine."
"Atlantis was an empire, a utopia, a place of commerce and trade. It birthed the most advanced civilization on the planet."
"We have been hiding long enough. The time has come for Atlantis to rise again."
"Rare metal from Atlantis: marine archaeologists discovered 86 ingots of orichalcum on the coast of Sicily."
"I absolutely do think that the story of Atlantis fits into real history."
"Plato said Atlantis laid beyond the gates of Hercules."
"Finding Atlantis: What if the most extraordinary tale ever told is true?"
"Thoth, the Atlantean, helped build the Great Pyramids of Giza, which were erroneously credited to various pharaohs."
"The Emerald Tablets provided incredible insight into the legend of Atlantis, including its history and downfall."
"Probably not. I'm not convinced that they're artificial much less Atlantis, but do I leave the possibility open? Yes, it deserves a lot more investigation."
"Naked Science is on the trail of Plato's lost city of Atlantis."
"There's no other ancient source for the myth of Atlantis, is it the record speak of a vast power that sprang forth from beyond from the Atlantic Ocean."
"Stargate SG-1 is a spin-off from the original film."
"This site matches far more aspects about the description of Atlantis than any other proposed site from around the world."
"It is certainly premature and honestly a bit foolish for anyone to rule it out and declare that it could not have been the location of Atlantis."
"Atlantis was a vast island Empire located outside the Mediterranean far into the Atlantic Ocean."
"For him and others, Atlantis is not a fictional device but a truth which, if brought to light, would shatter everything we claim to know about pre-history and thus ourselves."
"The mystery of Atlantis is not merely about a missing island nation or even a great empire, but about human civilization and how it may well be much older than orthodox teaching asserts."
"Atlantis was also said to have an abundance of exotic fruit and vegetables which makes the case for it being in North Africa even more compelling."
"Plato described an advanced civilization, legend was preserved by Egyptian priests as the story goes Atlantis was a great empire of engineers and scientists."
"Atlantis, he says, is buried under two miles of ice."
"The story of Atlantis and its disappearance into the sea raises questions about ancient civilizations."
"Plato wrote about a landmass called Atlantis that disappeared approximately 12,000 years ago."
"Atlantis is wrapped in myths and its very existence is a legend whose truth is still up for debate."
"Atlantis might seem like the figment of some fantasy crazed writer or director's imagination, but actually it was first mentioned by Plato, the ancient Greek philosopher."
"Hancock trusts his theory and claims that this advanced civilization was the Atlantans."
"The Atlantans were not just an advanced society but could also generate energy and had sophisticated communication, transport, and even weapons of mass destruction."
"The lost city of Atlantis is one unexplained mystery that has stood the test of time."
"I think Atlantis might very well have been an actual civilization."
"The Bimini Road is often associated with the lost city of Atlantis... recent studies found out that it wasn't man-made but naturally formed."
"Antarctica is Atlantis. Just so you know, this is why we have footage, we have photos, we have a lot of material evidence that's coming together."
"Plato opens to maeus his first of the two dialogues on Atlantis with the myth of Phaeton."
"Seeing these fossils being found in this area it's just it's hard to deny the existence even if this is an Atlantis"
"Humans built it, and we're literally looking at a monument from Atlantis."
"Not only could it turn out to be the largest ancient civilization found on Earth but it also rests in a possible location based on historical research for the city of Atlantis."
"I am absolutely certain, having studied the ancient world, that Atlantis was a real place."
"The legend of Atlantis is one of the most alluring stories in human history."
"Plato provides us with an exact date for the destruction of Atlantis, placing it around 11,600 years ago, coinciding with the construction of Gobekli Tepe."
"I'm not actually making an argument for the existence of Atlantis, but I'm asking the question: when we look at Plato's relatively detailed account, can we dismiss the idea based upon a geological refutation?"
"Here's the bottom line: 9600 BC Atlantis not supported by ancient authors."
"We hypothesize that Atlantis sunk due to a worldwide cataclysm."
"The lost city of Atlantis... theorized that the Bermuda Triangle is home to this mythical city."
"The lost city of Atlantis... the tremendous levels of advancement made in warfare technology and ethics."
"I have it, Randolph!" he fairly shouted at me. "This proves my theory; we found Atlantis!"
"This idea of Atlantis... has been used for those reasons."
"The lost continent of Atlantis, the most enigmatic mystery of all times."
"For centuries, the story of this mythical civilization has captivated the imagination of people around the world."
"It is not by chance that we have been so intrigued by the legends of Atlantis."
"The atlanteans were the race that reached the pinnacle of physical development."
"With the energy flowing from the crystal, the people of Atlantis enjoyed traveling through air, water, and under the sea."
"Atlantis is a real place, full of hidden discoveries never to be seen again."
"If there was an Atlantis, I think it was probably like a Bronze Age civilization, but 10,000 years earlier."
"The discovery of Atlantis would change history."
"Plato's descriptions of Atlantis are incredibly detailed."
"Journalist Erin McCarthy says George believes the blocks in this video could be at least 12,000 years old, predating the Incan, Mayan, and Aztec civilizations."
"The myth of Atlantis dates back as far as 360 B.C., when it was first mentioned in Plato's dialogues."
"They built with white, red, and black stone."
"Plato tells us that Atlantis abounded in both cold and hot springs."
"Pliny informs us that in the year 186 BC the island of old came any or the sacred Isle was lifted up from the sea."
"The vast oscillations which carried Plato's continent beneath the sea may again bring it with all its buried treasures to the light."
"Who will say in the presence of all the facts here enumerated that the submergence of Atlantis in some great world-shaking Cataclysm is either impossible or improbable?"
"The Azores Islands are undoubtedly the peaks of the mountains of Atlantis."
"In the island of Atlantis, there was a great and wonderful Empire which had rule over the whole island and several others as well as over parts of the continent."
"We have to think of Atlantis in relationship to a complete pattern of the planet."
"Researchers are thinking that perhaps the real earthquake and subsequent tsunami is what may have inspired the legend of Atlantis."
"Perhaps a lack of understanding of the little force of this endeavor contributed to the downfall of the Atlanteans."
"When people come to Bahamas, they just think Atlantis is the only thing to view and see, and it's much more to the island than just Atlantis."
"Dogger land...this crazy...long forgotten Atlantis...underwater right now...that used to be part of like the UK."
"What's it got to do with the lost city of Atlantis?"
"The Allure of Atlantis has captivated scholars and dreamers alike for centuries."
"The bini road, which is also known as the bamini wall, is an interesting underwater rock formation that has intrigued people who think Atlantis existed."
"If further research and investigations confirm the link between the submerged structure and Plato's Atlantis, it could be a groundbreaking discovery."
"The possibility that real events may have inspired Atlantis has piqued the curiosity of historians throughout the ages."
"The Atlantis may have succumbed to the sand of the desert but it sailed unscathed through the sands of time."
"For all of recorded history, Atlantis has reigned supreme as the holy grail of legendary lost civilizations."
"We're looking for signs that at one time, these ruins could have been the heart of a vast Atlantis empire."
"After capturing ancient cave etchings using sophisticated digital imaging technology, and then analyzing the data overnight, Greg and Ken believe they've found something that could alter the way we look at history and Atlantis forever."
"Plato describes the palace of Atlantis as an Acropolis sitting atop a Great Hill."
"Many believe that the palace was at the heart of the most famous of all lost worlds, the civilization of Atlantis."
"Plato wrote of a devastating cataclysm that destroyed the great civilization of Atlantis."
"This sophisticated system of water management matches up to the stories of Atlantis."
"This close relationship with Egypt is probably the single most important link that researchers have established between this newly discovered civilization and the stories of Atlantis."
"Legend has it the Hall of Records contains documents pertaining to unknown ancient civilizations and even the proof of Atlantis."
"The fall of Atlantis was a stark reminder of the delicate balance between power and responsibility, between technological progress and spiritual wisdom."
"Plato describes Atlantis as concentric circles of land, like a bullseye target. This looks exactly like the ricotta structure in the northern Sahara."
"Plato records that the outer circle is 14 and a half miles in diameter, coinciding exactly with the ricotta structure. It's to the tee, if you take an average diameter."
"Plato mentions many rivers flowing into Atlantis, and guess what? Satellite imagery shows clear evidence of river basins flowing into the ricotta structure."
"Plato describes a spring in the middle of Atlantis that Poseidon supplied. The ricotta structure has such a place in the very middle, matching Plato's description."
"This inscription is about Atlantis, it's possible."
"Making scientists believe Atlantean had to be abandoned quickly."
"The lost city of Atlantis: a subject of intrigue and speculation for centuries, with countless theories attempting to pinpoint its location."
"Because Acro was so highly advanced, some scholars theorize that it represents the city of Atlantis mentioned in Plato's writings."
"Atlantis! What else?" he exclaimed as if announcing a long awaited reveal.
"The Empires of Atlantis represents a radically new theory of the origins and the development of civilization."
"The story of Atlantis... is by no means the only one, nor even the oldest most ancient source."
"Atlantis was a great colonial empire that established colonies in various parts of the world."
"The cause of the downfall of Atlantis ultimately had to do with the prevalence of the human nature."
"Maybe the myth of Atlantis came from this very dimly remembered event in the Bronze Age."
"Everyone has heard of the mythical lost city of Atlantis."
"It's not that crazy to think that Atlantis is down there."
"Have researchers found an undersea road to the lost city of Atlantis?"
"It's the road to Atlantis," one scientist has heard saying in the background of footage.
"They may be the origin of the legend of Atlantis."
"Plato wrote about the lost continent of Atlantis in two of his dialogues, Timaeus and Critius, around 360 BC."
"Atlanteans were portrayed as deeply attuned to spiritual laws and cosmic truths."
"For centuries, humankind has studied, debated, and explored the possible locations of the legendary Atlantis civilization."
"The godlike nature of Atlantis' citizens and the society they had created faded over generations."
"A steady stream of scholars, scientists, historians, archaeologists... has studied, theorized, explored, and excavated over centuries, seeking the location of the famed civilization."
"Plato's account of the end of Atlantis... the last earth crust displacement is estimated to have occurred in 9600 BC."
"The shadow of Atlantis can still be seen in modern cartography."
"The legend of Atlantis lives on, but now with more compelling evidence of its actual existence."
"For now, it appears the search for Atlantis will continue."
"It's a long-lost city of Atlantis."
"The myth that Santorini is the ancient city of Atlantis... comes to life before your eyes."
"The ancient Egyptians managed to document the history of Atlantis."
"It was fascinating to me to discover that at Mount Hermon, where the watchers are said to have come down to earth, there is a 5,000-year-old monument that seems to be a perfect match for the description of Atlantis."
"If Atlantis actually didn't drown but detached from the earth and floated up into the sky, I think this is probably what it would have looked like."
"The city of Atlantis... it was supposedly a spectacular kingdom."
"The theory that the Canary Islands were the location of the lost city of Atlantis is based on several factors."
"Atlantis... is said to have been some ancient advanced civilization that collapsed and sank to the bottom of the ocean during some sort of cataclysm."
"Instead of heading to Europe this summer, why not spend some time in the lost city of Atlantis?"
"Science has actually been turning the tables in the last fifteen years, in that topics like Atlantis or these lost civilizations are really starting to come back into the scientific focus."
"Plato is very explicit about where it is, it seems like it's spread out past the Pillars of Heracles."
"Atlantis was real and so was the prophecy."
"Legend is the arcane stone, when placed correctly, will guide the viewer to the opening of the Atlantis archives."
"The people of Atlantis worked in base 12."
"I need you to save Dr. Swan's life before the code to Atlantis is initiated, and your really big world has a bad day."
"Mysterious Island, an area run by pirates, took guests into the depths of the ocean to discover Atlantis."
"Have you ever wondered about the imaginary place of Atlantis? Was the lost city really swallowed by the Bermuda Triangle?"
"Atlantis, yes, we're known for our beautiful parks and secondarily for being underwater."
"Trying to find the long-lost mythical city of Atlantis is a lifelong obsession for some people."
"We were talking about whether Plato's account of Atlantis was fact or fiction."
"Remembering our true origins and the true history of our civilization is where the story of Atlantis comes in."
"We need to remember some parts of Atlantis in order to be able to fully heal."
"Atlantis was an Empire, it was said to be made up of ten kingdoms."
"Atlantis is one thing, but the conversation that a lot of people should focus in on if nothing else is there's something that happened here."
"My father was only protecting us and the world above when he hid the heart of Atlantis."
"The most exciting attempt at an explanation is that these are the ruins of the legendary kingdom of Atlantis."
"Keeping Atlantis's place in popular culture firmly intact."
"The lost city of Atlantis was first mentioned by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato."
"Atlantis was a monumental city that was organized in a series of concentric circles."
"Atlantis discovered for years, researchers have been going about the search for the mythical city of Atlantis all wrong."
"The ancient Greek philosopher Plato is credited with bringing the idea of Atlantis into the imaginations of the people."
"The ruins seem to match perfectly with the ancient description Plato gave of Atlantis over 2,000 years ago."
"I believe that the myth of Atlantis was based on a true story, the story of Akrotiri, the story of the island of Santorini."
"The question of whether Sardinia might have been home to Atlantis has interested historians, archaeologists, and enthusiasts for years."
"The mysterious and advanced Society described in his works as Atlantis."
"Living from generation to generation, being about to pass into the halls of Amenti, set down for the guidance of those that are to come after, these records of the mighty wisdom of Great Atlantis."
"This blurry bit of Google Earth is being alleged by some people to be the lost mythical city of Atlantis."
"No one knows for sure if Atlantis ever existed, but many researchers continue to try to find its ruins."
"The chances that Atlantis probably existed are there, although rather slim."
"As you stare at the strange monolith, you wonder what its purpose could have been. Was this once the foundation of Atlantis?"
"Atlantis is a lost city, now it's been found."
"Atlantis is one of the coolest myths in all of world mythology."
"The existence of extraterrestrial crafts or the mythical city of Atlantis remains elusive, leaving us with a disquieting question."
"Never in my life have I felt more like the princess from Atlantis."
"The road to Atlantis has been found at the bottom of the ocean."
"For many years, it was believed that the origin of the 2700-year-old Carambolo treasure was connected to the myth of Atlantis."
"The civilization suddenly vanishes from history around 2500 years ago for unknown reasons, prompting speculation that Tartessos may have been the origin of the Atlantis story."
"Acro tii is one of the most likely candidates for the location of the lost island of Atlantis."
"The lost city of Atlantis could be hiding in plain sight in an extremely unlikely place."
"Atlantis was an island in the desert."
"The city of such technological advancement that it would be comparable or surpass even today."
"Atlantis though, what do you guys think of it? It's awesome."
"Atlantis: The Lost Empire is absolutely one of my favorite Disney films, underrated."
"Memories of Atlantis, spiritual acceleration, progress, and technology."