
Digital Revolution Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"It is a new dawn, it's a new day, a brand new era begins: esports are here."
"This digital revolution... it's really starting to change competition."
"Stole from the rich and gave to the poor, and now we're seeing it again digitally."
"I want to be part of destroying this media that has destroyed so many people I want to be part of this new wave of Intelligence on this Freedom Forum called the internet."
"Crypto is a revolution, internet 3.0. I mean, the internet really did change everything."
"Bitcoin is the latest and greatest testament to the disruptive potential of the digital age."
"Blockchain represents nothing short of the second generation of the Internet."
"Every single system that we operate under right now utilizing the internet is going to be changed by blockchain."
"The internet has been another revolution, akin to the Reformation."
"Wikipedia has democratized information, a miraculous development."
"Lady Gaga revolutionized pop music by exploiting the digital revolution to turn it into a new fan-controlled experience."
"What Bitcoin is doing for money is it's what the internet did for business."
"It was the App Store. That is what created this massive set of things that is what changed our lives, right?"
"Now that phone or computer you have is a printing press itself, able to effortlessly arrange infinite movable type."
"YouTube has created a revolution, not an evolution, in the way kids and families consume video content."
"I've always been a big fan of the democratization of information."
"Accessibility across all factions of society impresses me the most about the information age."
"We're living during a great revolution. It's called the internet."
"This is the most significant technological innovation since the internet the first time around."
"Bitcoin represents, for the first time in the history of the human race, digital property, digital money, and digital energy."
"The reality is we're dealing with a breakthrough technology that we haven't seen the likes of since the internet itself."
"The Pirate Bay wanted to bring all of entertainment to the internet; something that lots of corporations were not ready for back in 2006."
"YouTube will go down as the end-all be-all flip of a switch that switched and killed everything that came before media."
"The digital revolution has changed how we view self and other."
"A digital revolution, arguably the most monumental piece of technology ever invented."
"After 2020, the demand for online businesses exploded twofold almost overnight, experts are calling it the digital Revolution."
"So one of the things that the digital revolution has made possible is you can get in contact. You can make yourself heard anyway, whether it's in comment sections, or Twitter, or Facebook, whatever it is. Every man is a pundit now."
"AI is the cornerstone of the digital revolution."
"Grindr's digital debut in 2009 was a dating game changer for those seeking same-sex love and lust online."
"It's a different world. It's a great world. It's great for content creators. It's great for the consumer. It's revolutionary."
"The digital revolution is in no sense at an end... we are really just at the very beginning."
"It was the Digital Revolution, which would completely change the way, on how we do things, and what we do and what we buy and what we use."
"It cannot be understated how big of an impact Napster, WinMX, and all the other file-sharing services had on my life and probably a lot of yours."
"The Internet's a beautiful thing; my Internet's the same as the CEO of Facebook's Internet and the little kid in India's internet."
"Waged a digital battle for the freedom of the Nordiverse."
"The American Press has very much turned inward... most people don't know that about a billion Indians have gotten online over the last five years."
"Perhaps no form of new media exemplifies the digital revolution more than music, from MP3 to Napster, the world of music has changed forever thanks to the internet and digital media."
"We are undergoing the biggest digital revolution of our lifetime."
"Genomics has ignited the digital biology revolution with the cost of sequencing outpacing Moore's Law."
"Staying true to its mission statement and under the leadership of CEO Betty Bennett, the company has consistently operated at the cutting edge of the digital revolution."
"The great thing about the internet is the balance of power shifts to the customer."
"What's coming is this new digital revolution in fabrication where we program the physical world."
"The societal benefits and the governance benefits of digital assets is something that we've never seen before and it's incredibly powerful."
"How do we empower the digital revolution to fulfill the early grassroots promises that were part of what we thought about when we invoked the internet to begin with?"
"The digital era that really began to fully blossom in the mid-1990's was as fundamental a change in society as the Industrial Revolution had been."
"The economy boomed because the digital revolution greatly increased productivity in the United States and shifted the kind of employment, shifted the opportunities."
"The internet is the end of the gatekeepers."
"The ability to turn bits into atoms and atoms into bits is really at the heart of them."
"Seeing actual people and video with audio playback on a computer screen blew my mind."
"The internet was a symbol of freedom when it was born."
"We are in the digital Gold Rush this will be bigger than any technological advancement in history."
"The digital age between 1990 and 2011 ushered in the era of digital surround sound in film."
"This is the camera that started it all, more than any other camera, this was the one that began the digital mirrorless boom."
"Healthcare will undergo changes beyond recognition, and digital technology will democratize healthcare."
"Bitcoin is profound in the same way that streaming music and YouTube is profound."
"It's still analog in many ways, but when it comes to Twitter and the online community, that's... between the Arab Spring and all of these things that couldn't have been done without Twitter."
"We're literally seeing a technological and monetary revolution as the world only trends more digital."
"These technologies can transform the material world in a way that's much like the way that digital electronic technologies have transformed the world of information."
"We went from the analog system to the digital system to the binary system and virtually overnight things zoomed up by a factor of a thousand."
"The introduction of digital cameras did to Kodak what the introduction of Netflix did to Blockbuster."