
Theological Interpretation Quotes

There are 146 quotes

"Christ is seen as the union of heaven and earth; this is normal symbolism you find in the Church Fathers."
"Jesus Christ was the Jubilee. He was born in the heavenlies in our lifetime in the year 2017 Rosh Hashanah."
"My job is the cross, his job is the resurrection."
"Creativity is part of what it is to be human, and it's very much part of the legacy of Western civilization."
"When God hardens Pharaoh's heart, he's giving Pharaoh the capacity to choose more broadly."
"It would fit the vision of what God is better than anything else."
"Isn't it interesting that when God sends a national judgment or a judgment on a nation he will always use those three things that the those three horsemen do at Revelation 6?"
"So Joseph, the vision of Egypt, having gone through this sort of dying and rising, and now the one who feeds the world. Well, we recognize that, that's Christ, the risen Christ who feeds the world with his body and blood."
"I think the meaning of these words Elohim, Elion, Yahweh invite us to return to the texts to look again and to realize that many of the stories we have assumed were God's stories are actually stories about something quite different."
"Reading Genesis 3 as the story of an intervention in the process of human evolution and as an upgrade to human intelligence reframes the whole scene."
"That's how he was made sin, only in that sense. He didn't become a sinner; he was made sin only in the sense that God treated him as if he had personally committed every sin ever committed by every person who would ever believe."
"He inserted himself into the relationship with God and man and then created a system where we would have to answer to him."
"Scripture gives us an answer, not only an answer that you can understand, but an answer that you can joyfully accept, an answer in which you can rejoice."
"God indeed took Abraham as his best friend, therefore we can conclude that God who created the skies and land and everything in between accepted the actions and inputs from Abraham."
"Could it be that there was a movement made up of Jews who saw Jesus as their Messiah, not their God?"
"How does Dante ascend through purgatory because if there's hope that means purgatory is not the end right you first get to a group full of people who have salvation kind of by a de facto matter."
"The world is not falling apart, it's falling into place."
"Jesus did die for everyone, but it's only applied if and when you accept it."
"God can do whatever he wants; he would be the one to come to Joseph and say, 'Hey, that's my son in your wife's womb.'"
"We are not under law because Christ fulfilled the law and brought us all under grace, can I have a good amen?"
"The cross is God taking the side of the victim, it's a symbol of that. Now if the powerful in our society, the white people, if they want to become Christians, they have to give up that power."
"This is Allah because this is the only god that's referred to in the Bible."
"In Genesis, the flood is brought about with sadness. It is not something God wanted, but because he cares for justice, it must be done."
"The Christian view is that the New Testament is hidden in the Old Testament, and the Old Testament is fulfilled in the New Testament."
"In closing, the works of Christ here are always meant in Mark to point to the person of Christ and the greater work of Christ."
"He's calling Jesus God in a secondary sense... it's perfectly appropriate to say you're my God to an intermediary God who's above you in the hierarchy."
"Divine intervention occurs at the convergence of God's plans meeting with man's spiritual preparation in the midst of the time and space of creation."
"I view [the crucifixion] as one massive flip of paganism where ancient pagans sacrificed their sons to show their love for their God, but God sacrificed His Son to show His love for humanity."
"The crucifixion was not a tragedy. It was an achievement."
"Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament; he didn't get rid of it. So all those promises that we have in the Old Testament, we have them in the New Testament even greater."
"Mary didn't matter because the blood doesn't come from the mother."
"Grace is not a get out of jail free card, it is a function and a measure that God pours into our lives."
"Jesus didn't have to have that stone rolled away to come back from the dead or to get out of that cave because later on post-resurrection he was walking through walls."
"Jesus Christ didn't die on the cross so that you would live in a fearful and tormented state. As children of God, we have to know that."
"Jesus is the God-man. He is the redeemer like Moses, but he's also the God of Moses combined."
"Plagues are a sign of God's fatherly discipline to his people."
"God can use the devil to accomplish his purposes. Remember, whenever you think of the devil, just remember he's God's devil."
"People usually understand, there's a difference between an anti-christic mentality or ideology and someone being the veritable Antichrist foretold."
"The Trinity can be found... through Scripture alone without a church getting together and declaring it at some council."
"God's character is just and loving, demonstrated through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross."
"Adoption is the act of God by which he gives his born ones adult standing in the family."
"God is human in Jesus and what this shows us is that he was disappointed in their relationship."
"Hell isn't an infinite punishment for a finite crime."
"I'm simply desiring to interpret rightly the Word of God as I assume all of us are as Christians."
"This tells us that we've entered into a new phase of God's redemptive plan and story."
"These miracles speak of God's greatness, salvation provision, and moral laws for how we should live."
"So, he does have something, he's really an heir of the Old Testament unlike the Gnostics who repudiated it."
"The blessed God shall come down teaching." - Interpretation of names from Adam to Noah
"The world events that are taking place are not just chaotic random events no they're following a specific path that was set by God almighty."
"It is the grace of God which is determining now an end of days, but the end of days is not the Armageddon scenario."
"There is a story of recovery and rehabilitation in Genesis, not creation ex nihilo."
"Virtually all the ancient religions in the world had a Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world."
"Once you extract any specific scenario and remove it from the umbrella of God's creation, you create your own independent cause."
"Mystery Babylon is a Luciferian world system."
"The first part of the first advent is the birth." - Robert Breaker
"The instability of the world is screaming at us that all of this is trending towards what we read in the Book of Revelation."
"God's wrath is the expression of love's perfect justice."
"Jesus didn't need to die on the cross, in fact, he says it's actually your false self that needs to die, not someone else."
"The catechism is clearly not condemning the notion that the kingdom can come more fully on earth than it has yet."
"The term 'savior' in the New Testament consistently refers to salvation from sins, not necessarily to preemptive salvation from sin."
"Ezekiel Saw a perfect living example of extra dimensional unfolding."
"The spirit of the living creature was in the wheels."
"The Bible is not the word of God. Jesus is the word of God. We need to follow and interpret laws like he did by the spirit."
"All the apostles understood the Eucharist as the Lamb of God, the Passover Lamb."
"Prophecy, all throughout the Old Testament, we see four shadows of how Jesus would fulfill events in his life."
"Jesus did not operate with the keys of Adam because the keys of Adam are with Satan."
"God's Wrath has multiple forms... all seven years of the tribulation are the wrath of God."
"Jesus went down into the earth and took the keys of death."
"The Incarnation according to sapochko is the ultimate Mercy."
"We can agree that Jesus was crucified. We differ on the meaning of that death."
"Mary being the one who understood the truth of Jesus and being that successor to Jesus."
"The Lord is coming for us, He's not sending an angel, Jesus Christ Himself is coming to take us to the Father's house."
"None of these people have the ability to stop biblical prophecy. Everything that we see happening right now was ordained of the Most High God's will."
"For Augustine, creation took place in an instant."
"Supernatural doesn't mean weird or spooky. God does things that are beyond the natural."
"There is an overall point to the story of the flood in Genesis: following their creation, humanity was charged to multiply and spread out through the earth."
"The New Testament is just the Old Testament reiterated and embodied in the Christ."
"That's not the New Testament concept of faith. The New Testament concept of faith is that faith is trust, it is commitment."
"Joseph and Mary had normal sexual relations after Jesus' birth."
"The full penalty, the full price, the fire from heaven fell on Jesus completely. He suffered it all."
"God didn't send a son to die so that I could just barely live."
"The Bible is this love story with God and humanity... it's obvious."
"Disease and disasters are groans of a sin-weary world."
"The New Testament clearly identified Jesus as this one like Moses that the one that Isaiah was talking about is Jesus."
"Most legal pardons happen after a sentence is fulfilled. Someone serves the sentence, then receives the pardon. Forgiveness can be given after a person has made amends. Jesus made amends for us, so God forgives us."
"Unlike fornication and adultery, there is nothing morally wrong with the intermarriage within the first generation of The Offspring of Adam and Eve according to Saint Augustine."
"What Jesus did makes us pleasing to God. It's not about our own good works."
"God speaks and acts through the icon of the humanity of Jesus."
"Jesus did not come to save people in their sins but to save them from their sins."
"The resurrection is not just the conquer death, the main truth is that it's a declaration that you are acquitted."
"Jesus didn't come to abolish the law, he came to fulfill them."
"God allowed Islam as a judgment against an apostate Church."
"Christian marriage is three becoming two becoming one."
"So Jesus dying on the cross was God's Checkmate and then he conquered evil."
"The pronouns make it clear that it is Yahweh speaking."
"The best way of interpreting this contextually is they were demonic, meaning they're evil of the spiritual realm."
"The day of the Lord doesn't actually mean a literal 24-hour period, it's an indefinite amount of time."
"The crucifixion of Jesus Christ was not a tragedy, it was an achievement fulfilling hundreds of specific specifications."
"I think when we see God judging we're gonna not just see judgment from God... we will actually appreciate his judgments and see them for how good they are."
"It was important enough for Jesus to say, 'Go and sell your cloak if you don't have a sword and buy a sword.'"
"The male is God's strategy for ruling the earth."
"God uses real lives, events, and things in the ancient past as a way of telling the story of Jesus ahead of time."
"Christ was not approved he was not against this world what he was doing was bridging God the infinite eternal into this world that's the whole point of the Incarnation."
"Jesus died because of our sins and not for them, he was a subversive agitator, an activist, a victim of imperial greed."
"The ultimate great resetter is our Lord Jesus Christ."
"Church and state should remain separate. Jesus made that clear in Matthew chapter 22 verse 21 when he said render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's and unto God the things that are God's."
"The first thing that happens is God says to the serpent, 'Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed.'"
"They silenced him and they killed him. Human beings did it, not God. God didn't need it, human beings needed it."
"Compassion is not entertaining sin; it's extending the same compassion Jesus and the Holy Spirit showed us."
"Our Lady received her power, her intercessory power, at the foot of the cross."
"The word was made flesh and the word that was God when Jesus showed up they beheld a living re Revelation or revealing or unfolding of God."
"The wrath of God is not some kind of divine temper tantrum."
"The context so strongly favors this pierced one being the davidic Messiah who dies for the sins of the people a Priestly function removes their sin exactly he dies for their sin."
"Christ eats the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil and dies, transforming death back into glory."
"The verse about a day being as a thousand years could refer to the concept of ages of human history being modeled around the calendar week."
"Understanding these words unlocks an important theological claim being made by the authors through their ancient understanding of the cosmos. Let's Dive In."
"The term Nephilim originates from the Hebrew word nafal which means to fall or be cast down."
"Satan was the first rebel, willed to be his own God of creation."
"...it's there for a reason it does contribute something to the fuller you know theological picture but it takes work to try to think like they did..."
"Not only is Christ raised, amen. But that means not everything, it means anything, right? That's beyond everything, it means everything."
"There could be no crucifixion without Judas."
"Hell is something that religious prideful people create and unleash in God's good world."
"If Christ married his church, then so did the devil."
"Few luciferian male factors exist as the fall in hell diminished the force and righteousness of lucifer and his cause in the eyes of most of the fundamentals."
"You have to allow for some variation of interpretation of the Westminster Confession of Faith or you're going to be standing there all alone."
"Jesus was not poor, he was very rich."
"...as we hold these non-essentials to hold them with love yet at the same time to hold them with Clarity and allow God to continue to move us forward."
"It brought a Gabriel that makes sense."
"But God meant it for good." A soft pillow: the doctrine of providence.
"Begotten means unique. That's what it means. It doesn't actually mean in the Greek there a procreation. It just means that maybe he is unique. Jesus is uniquely God's Son because he obeys, because he perfectly represents the godliness of the Father."
"What is John saying to his audience about this new son of God who also has wine in his mysteries?"
"...it's really in a way the opposite of the tree of good and evil if you understand the tree of good and evil as the tree of life and death separated."
"It's more important for me to understand what the narrator is doing with the text theologically."
"This is what Paul writes to the church at Ephesus; this is what they would have understood; this is what the words mean; this is what the grammar says."
"A Satan is one who fulfills the function of an adversary, not the prince of devils, not some guy, not a spiritual entity."
"Bad presuppositions lead to bad exegesis every time."
"The exodus event in the Hebrew narrative is now universalized in Messiah."
"Son of God meant someone who did the will of God, someone who was chosen and beloved and special to God."
"Aristotle's almost like the voice of the Holy Spirit before Jesus, setting the table."
"Jesus did not come to extend [the Old Covenant], He came to fulfill it, not abolish it."