
Disasters Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"Just because the earthquake or the flood or the hurricane doesn't happen right in your city doesn't mean that you won't be affected."
"Disasters don't always strike with a long preceding warning period."
"Tsunamis are global-sized events with global ramifications."
"It's just a matter of time before the next one strikes."
"Sometimes disasters teach us to reflect on God's goodness."
"Historically, disasters, plagues, and famines are often linked together. Based on the current trajectory, it seems that the outlook under the CCP's governance can hardly escape this fate."
"It's interesting how disasters and catastrophes tend to bring out people's compassion."
"Would you charge them if the building literally burned down? Would they?"
"Disasters don't dissolve pre-existing inequalities."
"Disasters add a new layer of fun and challenge."
"Even a mall collapsing or presidential elections."
"There will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places."
"2021 truly was an extraordinary year of disaster upon disaster."
"London: Surviving a devastating plague and fire."
"And honestly, that's what it's about, you know, when it comes to disasters, we can see the best and we can see the worst in people."
"As earth's climate changes we can expect to see extreme natural disasters like these occurring more and more frequently, and on even larger scales."
"It makes sense for the author to draw parallels between the Long Nights and the Doom, the two greatest magical natural disasters in the story."
"Texas had an eventful day: chemical fires, earthquakes."
"Disasters might drive some people away from God, but for others it has the opposite effect. It drives them into the Arms of Jesus."
"History shows that in the face of disasters, people, I mean ordinary people, come together."
"Natural disasters can indeed be incredibly devastating."
"Natural disasters are not the results of Free Will."
"People who are devoted to rationality lose or forget their humanity, they make a kind of god out of reason and that seems to me can lead to real disasters."
"If you prepare for natural disasters, you're typically prepared for the other."
"...the worst outbreak of plague since the black death and the Great Fire of London..."
"There are no disasters, there are only opportunities, and indeed opportunities for fresh disasters."
"I wonder how many disasters have been averted because somebody like this unsung hero was able to keep their calm while the rest of the world was losing theirs."
"The disasters described in this chapter are not random acts of violence but rather a part of God's plan for redemption in the last hour."
"All these bad disasters are future to us."
"I had a lot of fun going through this one and just finding those disasters to bring to you guys."
"The facts are clear that major weather disasters are getting worse and happening more frequently."
"Disturbingly, there have been over 350 recorded shipwrecks in Superior."
"The winds were blowing onshore and they had an unbelievable storm surge."
"Hurricanes, I really believe, bring out the best in people. Humans have a desire to stick together when the chips are down."
"Disasters don't dissolve pre-existing inequalities, they exacerbate social fault lines."
"These things which we call disasters are really actually blessings in disguise."
"Are disasters befalling America because men have forgotten God?"
"The Mothman is an omen mainly connected with all ill fortune. Correlations between alleged Mothman sightings and disasters seem to indicate this."
"Three different disasters each with their own remediation or decontamination and cleanup challenges."
"2023 has already seen a couple of the biggest box office disasters of all time."
"And so different disasters give very different, have different long-term outcomes, and we see all these things right now happening, of amazing breakthroughs."
"Earthquakes and supernatural phenomena intensified, signaling great calamities."
"Quality has improved since [2011]... Thailand suffered catastrophic flooding that massively impacted hard disk manufacture."
"God only brings big disasters to people who don't know the Bible."
"Disasters should turn people to God regardless of their source."
"The US goes through some damn stuff, and I tell you what, some of the disasters are ridiculous. I can't imagine going to a game of like football or baseball, whatever, and then an earthquake hitting. That's just like, the crazy thing."
"Famines, pestilences, plagues, diseases."
"Nothing happens by accident except disasters."
"Scientists say climate change in general is responsible for more intense weather, including extreme storms, droughts, floods and wildfires around the world."
"Even large cities cannot escape the disaster."
"Some of the worst disasters on the Great Lakes were not the result of ships battling nature."
"There's loads of catastrophes, really great."
"As an American, we'll have like one leak and that's a disaster. But we never really have like 10 going at the same time, and this is really what's happening here."
"Sometimes you may have a disaster like we had, the invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, a disaster, and then the invasion again in 2001, in October 2001, a disaster, but Allah will always prepare people to defend the religion."
"Only some disasters really turn out to have that kind of lasting memorable impact."
"We've seen really big disasters transform into people being able to come together and be more in union."
"Fires one of the most popular ones in the country if not the world is Centralia Pennsylvania."
"If people were like, 'I wish there was a sign that things are falling apart,' guess what? There's a swirling vortex of fire in the middle of the ocean right now."
"I've talked about a lot of anomalous events on this channel. I've talked about events as deadly and devastating as Joplin and I've talked about the 2011 outbreak but this is almost unreal."
"The Tri-State Tornado simply was and remains the worst tornado in American history."
"We're seeing records in the costs from natural disasters and industrial accidents, and the trajectory seems to be going in that same direction in the future."
"The Bible foretold that nation would rise against nation, and there would be disasters during the conclusion of the system of things."
"Disasters of the century from above, airline crashes and things of that nature."
"We are dealing with more disasters. Here we have NOAA's data, capturing the number of billion dollar-plus disasters that we experience."
"The true population decline will come from catastrophic disasters and new dark technologies."
"Climate change is supercharging some of these extremes that lead to billion-dollar disasters."
"They happen suddenly and they can wreck things like buildings, land, even people's lives."
"When these disasters strike, they can mess up a lot of things; houses can be destroyed and businesses can lose a bunch of money that might take them years to recover from."
"You have to watch the animals in natural disasters."
"People around the world realize how unusual it is to have a pandemic, food shortages, civil unrest, earthquakes, and other disasters all occur at the same time."
"Objects strong enough to withstand flood, fire, even earthquakes."
"We could see an escalating series of events: Quakes, volcanoes, massive sinkholes, gaseous explosions, flooding, rapid weather change, and other anomalies."
"Where was God? Answers to tough questions about God and natural disasters."
"Tsunamis can be formed and these are huge waves and when these waves crash onto land they can cause massive disasters and damage."
"Great earthquakes shall be in diverse places, and famines, and pestilences."
"You are the same consciousness, absolutely unaffected by the disasters which the mind reveals to you happening in the world outside."
"Many natural disasters are not really natural; it's natural at its face value but it's more or less induced by human behavior, it's essentially anthropogenic."
"I've worked on the economics of civil war and now, I've worked on disasters."