
Earth Science Quotes

There are 355 quotes

"Greater Adria was completely buried around 140 million years ago not beneath the ocean but beneath southern Europe."
"The Earth's magnetic field...without it, we wouldn't be alive today."
"Volcanoes help sustain life on Earth, now we look for signs of life on other planets."
"And even more interestingly, the great pyramids are actually aligned with the polar radius of our planet."
"The basis of life, certainly life as we know it on Earth, is organic chemistry dissolved in water."
"The world's oceans, covering a vast 70% of planet Earth, hold such incredible mysteries in their dark depths."
"Plate tectonics is as basic to geology as evolution by natural selection is to biology."
"71% of Earth's surface is covered in water, it's not surprising that the depths often hide some perplexing secrets."
"Earth is the only planet we know of so far to have large bodies of liquid water on its surface covering more than 70 percent of the planet."
"Did you know the place you call home is a habitable place in space called the goldilocks zone? It's a place in space a certain distance from our star where liquid water could be found. Guess what? It's where you are."
"The Earth was literally alive with electrical vibrations."
"Scientists believe the piece of rock chipped off an asteroid or comet and was sucked into the earth's gravitational field around 13,000 years ago."
"Scientists say that a comet may have smashed into the surface of our planet thirteen thousand years ago."
"For most scientists, the key feature of Earth is the presence of liquid water on its surface."
"Imagine the Earth as a little spinning top, rotating and wobbling, almost like it’s trying to make up a dance move."
"Discovering how the Earth maintained its temperatures despite a cooler sun is crucial in understanding our planet's history."
"Continental crust is special, like a fine whiskey to the raw grain mash of the oceanic crust."
"The discovery of this impact crater is a reminder of the power of nature and the dangers that we Face from space as well as a reminder of the importance of studying the Earth's past in order to better understand its future."
"Life on Earth is thought to have emerged through hydrothermal vents."
"Life on earth could be older than the planet itself."
"Can you see that the Earth is indeed round? It's amazing."
"You need either vertical motion of a fault or an underwater landslide to get a tsunami."
"Leaving a trail of geological mysteries behind."
"The Challenger Deep is the lowest point on the planet."
"If our earth were not exactly the size that it is, there would be no life. And we're talking science. Science says yes, we now know that."
"Russian scientists were more honest about the shape of the Earth."
"Oldest known solid material on Earth found in a meteorite."
"If the earth were a big ball spinning around a bigger Sun, spinning around a bigger galaxy shooting off from the biggest bang... impossible that the constellations would remain so fixed."
"Could there be an interlink between events in Earth's geomagnetic field and the atmosphere?"
"It's like going from the Flat Earth to a spherical earth."
"The asteroid was colossal, almost 10 km in diameter which is 3 km more than the highest Summit on Earth, Mount Everest."
"I think the earth is definitely spherical definitely rotates... but I think there are... cavern systems within the earth naturally that arise."
"Life began almost immediately on Earth, suggesting life elsewhere is probable."
"You can do fundamental research that is absolutely impossible to do on the surface of the Earth."
"The moon is the Earth's only natural satellite."
"Even the giant land masses for which we all live called continents aren't safe from the ever-shifting sands of time."
"Without the moon, life on Earth would probably look quite different."
"The South Atlantic anomaly (SAA) is one of the most intriguing and perplexing mysteries."
"Geographical pole shifts refer to the physical movement of the Earth's poles altering the tilt of the Earth's axis."
"The implications of pole shifts, both at geographical and magnetic, are profound."
"The ocean covers 70% of the Earth's surface, making life possible and painting our planet blue when viewed from space."
"The biggest takeaway for me was that our Earth is super alive."
"Earth is a star trying to break out of its shell."
"As I peered down into the crater full of billowing gases and bubbling lava, I felt like I was looking into the center of our Earth."
"The discovery of icelandia opens up a completely new view of our geological understanding of the world."
"What's the most important thing about Earth? It's the core. It's the thing that keeps the planet alive."
"The whole earth is an ancient place... some places on this Earth are more ancient than others."
"One fixed spreading ridge, according to Daryl."
"Learning about the solar system is important for earth science because what happens in space affects things on earth."
"The stardust has been confirmed as the oldest solid material ever discovered on our planet."
"The Earth's magnetic field is a huge thing because... everything is interconnected in this universe."
"If you have a loose carbon floating around on the Earth where you want biological life to thrive it will find an oxygen and it'll make CO2."
"Continents are constantly on the move, shaping and reshaping our planet."
"Without the magnetic field to protect our planet, satellite technology and aerospace industries would be impossible to maintain."
"The mathematics we use is based around spherical geometry."
"Real-time Earth and space data is pretty cool."
"The invisible shield that protects our planet from cosmic rays."
"The popcorn fallacy: start with a kernel of truth, add heat, ideological spin, raise the temperature until it undergoes a phase shift, pops."
"The Earth is pretty weird. It's a small lump of rock flying around a star at high speed."
"Millions of years after the Sun died, the Earth's internal temperature generation happening inside of it all by itself would equal the amount of energy it is radiating out into space."
"These explorations of our planet's history completely reshape how we see Earth's story."
"The Gaia hypothesis proposes that Earth's physical and biological processes form a self-regulating living system."
"The earth we live on is just a giant magnet that absorbs energy from our sun and converts that energy into temporary biological life forms."
"Earth's magnetic field: a flip-flopper through time."
"Magnetic field reversals: a mystery spanning millions of years."
"The secret of Earth's oceans: a second magnetic field revealed."
"The history of our planet reveals that it's profoundly dynamic."
"Something strange is going on with the Earth's magnetic field."
"Scientists are racing to discover more about the phenomenon of magnetic pole reversal."
"For 30 million years, the debris eroded from the Alps has been dumped in a 30,000 square mile bowl."
"A massive crack suddenly appeared in Kenya recently..."
"If you look at other uplifting areas like the Rocky Mountains, those rocks have been drastically deformed."
"Welcome to planet earth... it's a ball spinning in space about once per day illuminated on one side by the sun and not on the others."
"Soil resistivity measurements are the key to efficient grounding."
"The Earth isn't flat, all the data proves it."
"Antarctica is the shoreline of our world, it's the highest land on earth."
"The rock cycle... works on this really, really long time scale that's pretty mind-blowing."
"Most intelligent people are in consensus that the earth is actually a ball of rock and metal with its surface primarily covered with a relatively thin layer of water."
"The weight of the vast plains of ice pushed down inland areas and simultaneously made parts of the coastline bulge up from the sea."
"The mystery of what created and changed the Sahara Desert has revealed a turbulent past... this vast majestic land continues to shift, change, and evolve much like the Earth itself."
"Earth’s rotational axis is tilted 23.5 degrees off of the vertical with respect to the ecliptic, or the plane of the solar system."
"Plate tectonics is the process by which giant plates of the Earth's crust move slowly across the planet's surface."
"Mount Everest is crumpled-up sea floor."
"These models don't exist in a vacuum, nor do they arise out of thin air. They are our attempts to represent Earth's climate system with the purpose to help us learn more about it since again we can't run a global scale real-life experiment here more than once."
"... whatever happens inside the inner core is actually extremely important for basically the survival of life on the planet."
"... it's also quite possible that it's actually because of this structure that we even have the outer core that then produces the magnetic field."
"These were the main two movements but basically the configuration of continents finalized itself during the Cenozoic."
"The Ice Age is a great mystery of Earth science."
"Our planet is defined and shaped by the complicated forces which act upon it."
"Plate tectonics is very important for life on Earth."
"In Earth, there are fountains of Water, Fire, and Earth, all coming from the same source."
"It wouldn't take a surreal interplanetary meeting for Earth to go rogue. An unlikely but real possibility."
"Our planet isn't round, its shape even has a special name to it, geoid."
"So one way to view Pangaea breaking up is we're heading for the next supercontinent."
"But how old is the Earth? It's 4,600 million years old. The Earth is 4.6 billion."
"The big question, the overarching question that I try to answer with my research is this: How does the Earth work and how has it evolved?"
"The P wave shadow between 110 and 140 degrees tells us the outer core is liquid."
"The presence of P waves in an area where there should be a shadow tells us there is a solid inner core."
"...these blobs of iron liquid floating around in the silicate magma... essentially float around as blobs within the silicate magma."
"...until the iron droplets of iron liquid became so large that they would begin to fall towards the center of the earth under gravity."
"...these rocks would essentially become the first building blocks of the continental crust."
"...the presence of the magnetic field is extremely important to life on the surface of the earth."
"The Earth is an extremely dynamic system."
"What it is is, the Earth is a big ball of rock and stone and all these things, and it's compressed into layers."
"The Earth is shaped by its oceans, playing a vital role in supporting life. Without these oceans, life as we know it would not exist."
"Do you know what part of the sea floor is closest to the center of the earth?"
"This is Celestia, this is the large igneous province."
"Hutton was way off in his estimate of the age of the earth, yeah maybe so but um you know it was a major leap forward."
"Geochronology is the study of Earth's age and the methods in which we determine these ages."
"Plates are big chunks of the earth's crust moving in different directions."
"During peacetime, there is a very slow and gradual lifting of the crust at the coast."
"Understanding how these fault systems work is pretty important."
"We're accommodating roughly 10 millimeters per year of shortening across the sub Andean belt."
"It's humbling to be confused at this discovery as it serves as a reminder of how much we don't know about the planet."
"Geomorphology is the study of earth's landforms on the surface."
"These tectonic plates as they're called are big chunks of the Earth's surface that literally float around, moving in different directions while we sit on top of them and enjoy the ride."
"Side effect: now there's oxygen everywhere and the sky is blue!"
"The extreme contrasts in light is caused by the rotation of the earth in relation to the position of the sun."
"We're also going to be looking for water to try to understand how our Earth's oceans came to be."
"The whole process of burial, erosion, formation of fossils, and the exposure of fossils is going on today the way it has for so many years."
"Let's zoom out, man, look at that, look at all those normal faults."
"A larger tilt means harsher seasons as you go up in latitude, more tropical lands, less polar land, and less water in the ice caps."
"Antarctica may be covered with ice right now, but as temperatures rise and it slowly melts away, it's possible it could eventually reveal all its once hidden secrets to us."
"This is how soil is formed, exactly how soil is formed naturally."
"Why don't islands float away? Islands don't float away because they are mountains attached to the sea floor."
"Quartz is a major component in the continental crust."
"If you're interested in earth science, there's a need for people to go into the field."
"Even all that we see here is just a tiny part of the Earth's crust."
"Every time you fill up your car, you support the notion that the Earth is quite ancient indeed."
"The Motagua Fault with its delicate showdown beneath the earth's surface serves as a reminder of the dynamic forces shaping our world."
"With those selective absorbers, the earth's temperature is kept at an average of about 59 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit, warm enough for liquid water."
"The seasons are regulated by the amount of sunlight that arrives at the earth's surface."
"A rift is simply an area where we're adding crust to the Earth."
"The study of Earth's landforms is called physical geography."
"They are definitely showing that new crust is being made at the spreading ridges and it's moving away laterally from the spreading ridges."
"The Earth's magnetic field is just like a giant bar magnet."
"The Earth's magnetic field is not stable; it will flip."
"We can use the Earth's magnetic field to work out where a rock was on the Earth's surface when it formed."
"These cratons... aren't going to record just one supercontinent; they'll typically record several supercontinent events."
"The Earth's interior is hot because of radioactive decay and the heat of accretion."
"If we lock the continents together using the continental slope and the shelf break, we can actually lock the continents together with extremely good accuracy."
"The Earth radiates like a black body; it's roughly 300 degrees Kelvin."
"I love storytelling and being able to understand geology is like knowing a secret language about our world."
"The temperature at the boundary of our planet's inner and outer core is 10,800 degrees Fahrenheit, as hot as the surface of the Sun."
"Nature has an agenda, and it goes with how the Earth Works."
"The tilt of the Earth's axis results in the development of seasons."
"Earth happens to be the right distance from the sun, and it has a favorable atmospheric composition to sustain liquid water."
"If geography is our mother, geology is our grandmother."
"Our planet is like a big magnet that has two poles."
"The deeper you go in the ground, the hotter it gets; it's a natural fact, we're a volcanic planet."
"And thus the continents were formed."
"How does the Earth work, and how can we live sustainably on planet Earth?"
"It's chock full of details but also plugs into a regional story involving clockwise rotation and other things."
"The Yellowstone hotspot... burning a hole in the Pacific ocean floor and making this incredible oceanic plateau."
"The Earth is currently in an interglacial period."
"The atmosphere has acted as a heating blanket for the Earth since its formation."
"The causes of climate change are diverse: modification of the Earth's orbit, changes in solar output, and geological factors."
"Uniformitarianism is the doctrine that geological processes that occur today happened in the same manner and at the same rate in the past."
"Below a hundred kilometers depth worldwide is a different earth interior layer called the asthenosphere; it's mostly solid as well but it's warm and ductile, it can flow, it's like warm taffy."
"Geology is the science that pursues an understanding of planet Earth."
"We use the unique vantage point of space to study the Earth from the oceans to the atmospheres."
"The Earth has an iron core, the outer part of it is liquid."
"We're the only planet with plate tectonics."
"The moon helps stabilize the Earth's actual tilt; it's what gives us seasons."
"The gold has come from the center of the earth, it's been erupted through volcanoes... millions of years ago."
"By 2.7 billion years... we have fully functioning proper plate tectonics happening."
"These greenstone belts exist; they're showing us we have stable seafloor and they're also clearly demonstrating to us that by the Archaean we have fully functioning plate tectonics."
"We exist on the very thin outer layer of the Earth's crust and beneath us is a very complex interior which we have very limited knowledge and access to."
"Greenhouse gases warm the earth in two ways: they absorb energy, slowing the rate at which it escapes to space, and act like a blanket insulating the earth."
"The terrain of the world hasn't always looked the same as it does today."
"The planet, it has layers, much like ogres and acrylic paintings, there are layers."
"The Earth's illumination can be seen from outer space and it is known as airglow."
"Australia moves six centimeters to the north every year."
"Water covers 70% of the earth, it consists of 80% of all living creatures, and we're made of almost 70% water."
"The crust of the earth is broken up into tectonic plates that move around and change the shape of the surface of the Earth, that's called plate tectonic theory."
"Understands earth's history, the origin of the earth, paleontology, rock record those types of things."
"Geography is much more the relationship of the earth and people."
"Continents have moved into their current position through the process of continental drift."
"The Earth's surface is covered by tectonic plates which move around relative to one another."
"We're taking a curved surface of an earth and putting it on a flat piece of paper."
"We have one tectonic plate that includes the continent of Australia, all this ocean crust of the Indian Ocean, and India."
"So at 100 million years, the west facing carbonate platform of North America was pulled beneath the arc system out to the West."
"The Earth is surrounded by magnetism produced by its own magnetic field."
"Earth's outermost shell is broken into a dozen or more plates which ride atop Earth's mantle."
"Wherever we look for life on Earth, and wherever we find life, there's water."
"The Earth's crust is the top most thinnest layer."
"Ecuador's Mount Chimborazo is the furthest point on Earth from the center of the Earth."
"The geologist's task is to map the changes and figure out the processes that shaped this remote corner of the globe."
"All is right with the world as recently as 50 million years ago."
"It's about time we start quantifying our own planet."
"There was a real attempt to try to understand the Earth and how it worked and the science of how it worked and its magnetic forces and all that."
"We ourselves are sweeping through this cloud and every year several tons of material fall onto the Earth."
"All the minerals that we have available for us to study at GIA are valuable because they teach us about the earth, how our planet formed, and how it continues to evolve."
"A ductile shear zone is a long narrow zone within which dominantly ductile deformation has caused a localization of significant magnitude of strain compared to the surrounding regions."
"Permafrost is soil that's been continually frozen for at least two years and it covers around 11% of the Earth's surface."
"The body of the earth is generally well-behaved and serves us well."
"I'm an earth investigator; I'm an excavator."
"We need to look for the magnetic poles moving and the magnetic field weakening."
"The Earth warms up during the day and at night it just literally gives up that heat to space."
"Pangaea, it covered approximately one-third of the surface of the earth."