
International Affairs Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"A grim picture, becoming grimmer by the hour, explains the edgy mood in Europe and parts of the United States."
"This coup attempt is a tragedy for Nigeriens; its success would have devastating consequences far beyond our borders."
"Ultimately, I would rather live in a generous, open, global country, interested and engaged in the affairs of every continent, including Europe."
"The American people cannot turn away from this tragedy in Ukraine."
"They've been doing this for almost 10 years now in Ukraine, and they haven't yet done it in any large scale in the rest of the west."
"So good for the president of the United States more of that more of the president speaking on international affairs in the face of countries that are pursuing evil ends."
"Federal Migration Service has confirmed publicly that they have issued Mr. Snowden temporary asylum for one year and allowed him to leave the airport."
"Their plans to assert shall greatly and publicly fail," says the Lord. "Not only in the United States but in Israel and England."
"Russian influence reached 126 million... imagine what they're doing elsewhere too." - The New York Times
"We're going to be talking about Vladimir Putin initiating martial law in Ukraine."
"I tried to help a friend who's got four girls now in Afghanistan and they're suffering under Taliban."
"My heart breaks for the citizens of Afghanistan."
"Australia-China ties are at their lowest point in history."
"Even CNN runs a segment talking about what China has been doing."
"I think it was Borman who had made a deal at the highest levels of international banking and commerce." - Dick Allgaier
"George Soros arrest warrant issued in Russia, and then also China called George Soros like an international terrorist. So at least someone's doing something. Maybe I hope they get this guy. I agree with those takes."
"Criticizing Israel is important but let's contextualize it."
"Can you assassinate Assange? Trump denied that but expressed sympathy, saying, 'Assange is being treated very badly.'"
"The story remains dominant... remains central to the development of international affairs."
"He is the CEO of Ru garbage, he's an international businessman."
"If this were happening in another country, the United Nations would call it a cultural genocide."
"Brazil just straight up said it: 'we don't give a f about Sony, this is about customers.'"
"We're leaving Americans to die while carting Afghan citizens out of the country."
"Biden's decision to withdraw from Afghanistan was courageous."
"Putin's Throne, which refuses to budge, is beginning to rock."
"Intelligence agencies should be directing their attention abroad for the sake of American Security."
"China continues its abuses including genocide and crimes against humanity."
"We're looking very closely at the situation in the Middle East."
"I hope Hong Kong works out in a very humane way."
"It seems like we are getting somewhere with China finally."
"Exposing this ill-gotten wealth that has been looted from China and moved overseas will really get you some mileage."
"If Julian is extradited to the U.S, it will have far-reaching human rights implications and set a chilling precedent."
"Estonia has announced the expulsion of a Russian Diplomat." - Estonian foreign Ministry
"The administration can't say that it wants Ukraine to win and it's worried about what might happen if Ukraine wins."
"Barbados making this decision started a domino effect."
"You're a game changer, though. I think you change people's minds about the Ukraine-Russia conflict."
"He was always politically savvy, talking about current affairs, advocating Muslim power, and rejecting foreign interference."
"Senior officials in the Pentagon that the Ukraine air defenses have been substantially degraded."
"We're deeply concerned by the Belarus presidential election."
"There is no dispute that the Russians were up to this." - Security Analyst
"Nothing says International crisis like a pair of black stilettos."
"Believe me, the need is desperate for both France and Britain."
"The US is currently involved in two hot wars."
"The zimco affair is no longer an internal matter."
"Now I'm lecturing now on International Affairs in the Far East."
"A statement difficult to believe was your without proof. Perhaps this will convince you from the commissioner of Scotland Yard, Sirotay, Berlin, Rome, and Budapest, all attesting to the excellence of my behavior."
"Can we begin at the beginning? What's happening in Ukraine is probably the single most important international story underway today."
"...people simply don't want to hear progressivism anymore, they just want to hear let's go back to the way things are, forget about dealing with international matters, let's return to normalcy."
"I am deeply disappointed in Wakanda's failure to tackle international challenges."
"Shattering Empires is super cool because it's refreshing to see the international affairs components of that era."
"He did such a terrific job for the United States of America in terms of getting us to understand what our security issues were here in this country and how those security issues played out internationally."
"We are one of the only HBCUs to actually have an international affairs center."
"A lot has changed in geopolitics as a result of the conflict worldwide."
"We have seen unthinkable atrocities committed by the United States, Hamas, Israel, Afghanistan, and the Taliban."
"The real problem is the structural imbalance in the way the two countries work with each other economically."
"Mandatory insecurity might be convenient for investigators here or there, no argument. And let's not forget, also China. But the cost of doing so would be fatal."
"I focus a lot on International Affairs, and I definitely would call myself a Democratic Socialist."
"Diplomatic immunity is a pretty sacred, profound principle in international affairs."
"We must uphold fairness and justice in international affairs."
"Defining the relationship in purely economic terms limits what we're seeing in terms of the complexity."
"We need to do more, Senator McCain. I am worried about it. We also see that from other nations with these kind of technological skills like China and some of the other nations that are penetrating our business interests, our national security interests."
"The interplay of India with the US and China is among the key factors that will determine the strategic balance in Asia and beyond."